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<Grizzly Hills Outfitters> adheres to the Discord Community Guidelines (Listed here, as well as the Discord Terms of Service. All users in our Discord are
required to adhere to these articles. In addition, we enforce that all users of our Discord acknowledge
acceptance of our Server Rules in Discord.]

* No spam or self-promotion (server invites, advertisements, etc) without permission from a staff
member. No personal fundraising or selling of personal items in guild chat or discord. This includes
DMing fellow members

* Treat everyone with respect. Absolutely no malicious harassment or bullying, toxic behavior, screaming
over comms, trolling, or griefing. Witch hunting, sexism, racism, or hate speech will also not be
tolerated. Constructive criticism can be helpful but try to keep it minimum or contact an officer first
about approaching someone if they need help with in-game performance some people take criticism
poorly and dont want to hear it from multiple sources.

* No false impersonations of other members. Using unauthorized tags will result in immediate
permanent ban.

* Be mindful when you are in voice channels to keep your mic either muted, or PTT enabled. "Hotmics"
will get you muted. Excessive Sound board usage mid raid can lead to a Server Mute.

* No NSFW or obscene content. This includes text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, hard violence,
or other graphically disturbing content. Please keep conversational stuff over Comms Rated-R and Avoid
going XXX, keep those conversations private, Some people play the game with their children or open
comms please respect that.

* Drugs and Alchohol, We don't mind talking about this topic as long as there is no transactional
conversations (Buy/Sell) going on. Have fun with your friends but If drugs/alchohol significantly effect
your performance in Raid we may bench you accordingly, you are wasting 24 other peoples time. We
have had people fall asleep drunk in raid and get belligerent and were promptly removed from raid for it.

Personal Info/ Location / Professions / Sexual Orientation

If someone in our guild tells you personal information about them please respect that information given,
also please dont spread that information around.

If a Guildie trusts you enough to tell you where they live dont tell other people. We dont want people
showing up at their doorsteps.

If a person is Military, Police Officer, Teacher, Lawyer, etc. please dont harass them or make snide
comments about their profession.

We also do not Tolerate Harassment about Sexual Orientation/Identity.

* Admins/Officers may take action on posts that are deemed necessary that might not be included in
these rules. This is our house, please respect it.

* If you see something against the rules or something that makes you feel unsafe, let Officers know. We
want this server to be a welcoming space!

*The Guild does its best to recruit and sustain a healthy cooperative culture within our walls. We will not
tell you how to act in game, however, should issues arise with your character that becomes problematic
for the guild in game or in discord such as the Atiesh Server Discord; no matter the cause, officers will
review accordingly and take appropriate action as necessary up to removal.

- <Grizzly Hills Outfitters>- reserve's all right's to take action on content that disobeys any of these rule's
and will execute actions on a level of severity based upon the rule broken or the content posted. Staff
member's reserve the right to take immediate action with or without the counsel of other staff member
when addressing issues that are in direct violation of any given rule and may lead to a Ban and/or
reporting to discord community support.

Raid Rules

Your Main Character in this Raid is the one you raid with. Main character switches mid content will not
be premitted unless an Officer asks you to switch for content purposes.

Please bring your Toons minimum equipped for the raid content we attempt. We ask everyone to
enchant and socket their gear and to use consumes like Food, Flask and potions (prepotting is not
expected, but highly encourged for all encounters).

We offer Assistance for Members with enchants and gems. The Bank request Channel is the perfect
place for this.

We love to chat and have a good time. We will ask for Focus and Clear Comms as needed on Trash and at
all times on Boss Fights. Make sure you can hear or read call-outs.

Music can be played by a designated DJ for the evening. If you don't like said music, you can mute the
bot and listen to your own.

Inform us if you have to go AFK because of Real life in Raid. Be respectful and follow general guild
guidelines. We will not stop anyone from doing puns unless its time to focus up.

25 man raid loot

We use RClootCouncil combined with Thats my BiS. TMB is a system designed for priorizing your gear
from largest upgrade (slot 1) to smallest upgrade (last slot).
These spots will be reviewed against all eligable players for a piece of gear. Highest priorty wins the piece
of gear.

The loot council reserves to right to override this process for any reason (reasons can include: main tank
needs, raid team needs, attendence, attitude, usage of consumes / player skill, or number of loot items

10 man loot

We do Main-spec over Off-spec with a round robin. MS>OS with RR Which means if you and Bob roll and
on a pair of Cloth pants and Bob wins it for his Main-spec, the next item where you roll off against Bob
will go to you. This guarantees that everyone can walk out with a piece of loot. In time sensitive
Dungeons we tend to hold loot for multiple Bosses before rolling it out (if loot is not set to group loot
setting for speed).

10 man loot

We do Main-spec over Off-spec with a round robin. MS>OS with RR Which means if you and Bob roll and
on a pair of Cloth pants and Bob wins it for his Main-spec, the next item where you roll off against Bob
will go to you. This guarantees that everyone can walk out with a piece of loot.

Typically 10m loot is set to group loot (be honest and dont ninja, you wont be invited back) unless the
raid leader deems otherwise

For 25m guild members, please try and practice a mains > alts policy. The goal is to gear our 25m team
and be as effective as possible

Main 25m raids are Tues/Thurs 6-9pm server

10m raids are (for phase 2+) Wed (TBD time), Friday 6pm server, Sat 10am server

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