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Home ► My courses ► Winter 2017 ► 17W_33376 ► General ► Grading and Final Exam Notes

Grading and Final Exam Notes

Grading & Final Exam

Please note, this is a six week course and includes the same number o
assignments as the full quarter class. It is very important that you ma
time well and stay on top of the assignment due dates.
There are five assignments and a final exam for this class.
Each of the assignments is made up of questions that can be answered using the Internet. If y
problems or questions about the assignments or final exam, please contact me.
Alex Swanner 408/864­8486

... important
How & where to turn in your assignment answers.
After the last question, look for the button Add Submission
Click on this button and you will see the assignment repeated and then an empty white bo
Write your answers in this box.
Brief answers in your own words are best. Please do not copy and paste information.
You can save changes.
Later, using the Edit My Submission button you may go back and complete the assignment
After you have finished entering all answers,
Submit Assignment.
It is necessary for students to Submit Assignment before I can grade and give feedback.

cheating: Copying answers from another student is unacceptable and will result in an F fo
Assignments #1 ­ #5 = 50 points each
The final exam = 50 points
Total possible points = 300
A = 100 ­ 93% minimum of 279 points
B = 92 ­ 85% minimum of 255 points
C = 84 ­ 76% minimum of 228 points
D = 75 ­ 69% minimum of 207 points
Assignment #3 has two parts: written (40 points) and a quiz (10 points).
Last modified: Thursday, March 19, 2015, 2:52 PM

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