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‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

one of the following is NOT in apoptosis *

plasma membrane disruption

rupture of lysosomal enzyme

nucleus degradation


Overgrowth of a heterotopic rest of cells at a localised region is: *


Malignant tumor



all of above

one of the following is an example of caseous necrosis *

. leprosy

. tuberculosis

. sarcoidosis

Crohne disease 2/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

A 35-year-old lady develops cervical carcinoma. Which ONE of the following *

organisms is likely to have a causative role?

Herpes simplex virus

Human papillomavirus

Epstein-Barr virus

Varicella zoster virus

The enzyme which builds a mRNA strand complimentary to the DNA *

transcription unit is called:

DNA polymerase

RNA polymerase


DNA ligase

Which of the following potentially represents the most dangerous situation? *

Rh+ve mother with 2nd Rh-ve child

Rh-ve mother with 2nd Rh+ve child

Rh+ve mother with 1st Rh-ve child

Rh-ve mother with 1st Rh+ve child 3/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

In Acute blood loss anemia *

polychromatic erythrocytes and reticulocytes

normocytic and normochromic anemia

transient leukocytosis

all of the above

- None of the above

IN Megaloblastic Anemias *

hypochromic and microcytic red cell indices

low serum ferritin and serum iron levels

- increased total iron-binding capacity

low serum and red cell folate and vitamin B12 levels

Which of the following is an oncogenic RNA virus? *

Hepatitis B virus

Human papilloma virus

( Epstein Barr virus

Hepatitis C virus 4/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

which of the followings is not from the virus with skin manifestation *

Rubella virus

b. Varicella-zoster virus

c. Herpes simplex

d. HTLV-1

all of the following features are seen in ageing cells except? *

Shortened telomeres

Activation of TP53

Increased autophagy

Increased length of telomeres

the disorder that occurs because of the fixation of complement which is *

enhanced by the slight decrease in blood pH that accompanies sleep is

Immunohemolytic Anemias

Thalassaemia major

- Thalassaemia minor

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 5/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of stem cells? *

They are undifferentiated cells.

They are capable of self-renewal.

They are specialised cells.

They divide to give rise to specialised cell types

Hamartoma is: *

Proliferation of cells in foreign site

Proliferation of native cells in tissue

Malignant condition

Acquired condition

Chronic viral hepatitis C *

A- DNA virus

B- Found in all body fluids, with the exception of stool.

C- long incubation period (4-26weeks)

D- It is a single-stranded RNA virus 6/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

AGGTATCGCAT is sequence from the coding strand of a gene. What will be the *
corresponding sequence of the transcribed mRNA?





Hepatic Adenoma *

It is composed of sheets of cells that may resemble normal hepatocytes

It is composed of vascular channels and intervening stroma

They appear as discrete red-blue

less than 2 cm in diameter, often directly beneath the capsule.

All of the above

identify the anti-inflammatory cytokine among the following *




IL--4 7/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

The tumor that yellow-tan, well demarcated nodules, up to 30 cm in diameter *

and is often located beneath the capsule is

Hepatocellular Carcinomas

-Hepatic Adenoma

-Cavernous hemangiomas


Point mutations of RAS family genes is *

Insensitivity to Growth Inhibition

. Evasion of apoptosis

Growth-Promoting Metabolic Alterations

Self-Sufficiency in Growth Signals

Increased production of which of the following cytokines is common to *

chronic inflammation, atrophy and cancer?


TGF -beta

TNF alpha

IL-12 8/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

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Hepatic failure and hepatocellular carcinoma are the immediate causes of *

death in

Hepatic steatosis

Alcoholic hepatitis

- Alcoholic Cirrhosis

Acute viral hepatitis A

Acute viral hepatitis B

Which of the following is known as the “guardian of the genome”? *

p53 ATM

Mdm2 Rb

p14 1/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Immediate Hypersensitivity reaction, all are true except one *

Antigen-antibody complexes produce tissue damage

Systemic reactions result from parenteral administration of drugs

Anaphylaxis has a rapid onset, often within minutes.

It is genetically determined

What is the mechanism behind plasma membrane swelling in reversible cell *


Influx of water due to direct damage to Na-K-ATPase pump

B) Plasma menrane damage leading to increased leakiness to sodium ion.

C) Depletion of ATP resulting in oxygen deficiency interfering in Na-KATPase pump


D) All of the above

Which ONE of the following may stimulate apoptosis via the intrinsic pathway? *

Binding of to the death receptor

Mitochondrial damage

breakdown of cytoskeleton

endonuclease activation 9/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

The haemolytic crises in G6PD deficiency condition are frequently precipitated *


ingestion of fova [broad] beans

certain drugs ( phenacitin and aspirin)


All of the above

None of the above

Which of the following statements about carcinogenesis is false *

Asbestos exposure increases the incidence of lung cancer

Papilloma viruses produce tumors in animals but not in humans

Exposure to aniline dyes predisposes to cancer of the urinary bladder

) Hepatitis B virus has been implicated in hepatocellular

No change of genetic material occurs in which of the following cytogenetic *




Translocation 10/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)


all of above

cell-matrix adhesion are mediated by *


. integrins


. calmodulin

all of above

Which of the following is an example of physiologic apoptosis *

Cell death due to radiation damage

Reduced cell proliferation by apoptosis to maintain homeostasis

Cell death due to infectious process

Cell death triggered by accumulation of misfolded proteins

Sure sign of malignancy is *



Nuclear pleomorphism


none of above 11/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)
none of above

. Which of the following is NOT a malignant tumour *

Follicular lymphoma


Colonic adenocarcinoma


which of the following features differentiated invasive carcinoma from *

carcinoma in situ

. anaplasia

number of mitosis

. basement membrane invasion


none of above

Deposition of immune complexes occur *

directly after antigen injection

after 1week circulation

after 10 days

. after 1month 12/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Asymmetric replication i.e after each cell division, one cell will be *
differentiated while other cell remain undifferentiated,is characteristic

- Quiescent cells

Permanent cells

- Stem cells

Labile cells

None of the above

An example of a tumor suppressor gene is *





Ecchymosis is *

3 to 5 mm hemorrhages

1 to 2 mm hemorrhages

1 to 2 cm subcutaneous hematomas

bruise 13/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

haemoglobinuria and spleenomegaly are seen in *

Hereditary spherocytosis

Sickle cell disease

- Acute blood loss anemia



Systemic Anaphylaxis is *

type I hypersensitivity

type II hypersensitivity

type III hypersensitivity

. type IV hyper sensitivity

An extra finger in humans is rare but is due to a dominant gene. When one *
parent is normal and the other parent has an extra finger but is heterozygous
for the trait, what is the probability that the first child will be normal?



50%. 14/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)


Edema in nephrotic syndrome occurs due to *

Na+ and water restriction

Increased venous pressure

Decreased serum albumin

Decreased fibrinogen

The alternate form of a gene is *

Alternate type

Recessive character

Dominant character


anemias caused by an inadequate dietary supply of substances that are *

needed for hematopoiesis, are

aplastic anemia

- myelophthisic anemia

- Iron deficiency anaemia

-Megaloblastic Anemias

C&D 15/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Keratin pearls and intercellular bridges are histological characteristics of which *

type of malignanttumour


Small cell carcinoma

High grade serous carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma

on the basis of red cell morphology, the normocytic, microcytic, or macrocytic *

related to

-Cell size

-color of the cells

Shape of the cells

All of the above

-None of the above

Which of the following statements is false regarding necrosis? *

Necrosis is always pathological

Caseous necrosis is most common in the brain

Caseous necrosis is characteristic of a tubercular granuloma 16/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Morphologically, necrotic cells show increased eosinophilia in a hematoxylin and

eosin staining

- Liquefactive necrosis occurs in the brain.

The pancytopenia is the feature of *

Pernicious anaemia

- aplastic anemia


- Iron deficiency anaemia

Which of the following can be associated with an embolism? *

Bone marrow



All of the above

An albino girl gets married to a normal boy, what are the chances of their *
having an affected child and what are the chances of their children being

None affected, all carriers

All normal

50% carriers

50% affected, 50% carriers 17/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

The hemolytic anemia that is caused by a point mutation in the gene coding for *
the B-globin chain of haemoglobin is

Sickle cell disease


-Immunohemolytic Anemias

-Hereditary spherocytosis

-Traumatic hemolytic anemia

main cause of autoimmune disease is *

circulating antibodies

loss of self –tolerance

. infection


In β –thalassaemia(all true except one) *

There are two possible degrees, thalassaemia major and thalassaemia minor

caused by deletions that remove one or more of the α-globin gene loci. 18/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

hepatoslpenomegalyand marrow hyperplasia

the red cell appear hypochromic and microcytic

In hemolytic anemias *

transient leukocytosis

polychromatic erythrocytes and reticulocytes

normocytic and normochromic anemia

all of the above

None of the above

MYC gene is: *

Protein kinase inhibitor

Growth factor inhibitor


Transcription activator

An asymptomatic carrier state, Fulminant hepatitis, Non-progressive or *

Progressive ending in cirrhosis can be seen in

Hepatitis B Virus

Acute viral hepatitis A

- Chronic viral hepatitis A

All of the above 19/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

None of the above

An individual’s collection of genes is called *




None of the above

lipofuscin deposition is one example of intracellular accumulation *

Deposition of lipids

Deposition of proteins

Deposition of glycogen

. Deposition of pigments

Which of the following is not a labile cell *

Bone marrow

Epidermal cells

Small intestine mucosa


all of above 20/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

The secondary hemochromatosis *

- adult onset caused by mutations in the HFE gene.

- this genetic disease

show Diabetes mellitus

seen in Multiple transfusions

- None of the above

The most common causes of B12 deficiency are *

Congenital lack of intrinsic factor

Pernicious anaemia

Chronic blood loss



A 23-year-old woman nursing her newborn develops a tender red area around *
the nipple of her left breast. The painful site of the patient's affected breast is
primarily due to which of the folliowing mediators

Bradykinin, Histamine and PGE2

b-IL-1 and TNF - alpha 21/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

-C3a and C5a

PGF2 and PG D2

identify the false statement regarding reversible cell injury. *

Generalized cell swelling

Fatty change

Increased basophilia of cells

Accumulation of myelin figures

A 50 year old man presented with mild abdominal pain with mildly raised ALT *
and AST. Fatty liver was suspected, which of the following changes is not seen
ultrastructurally in this condition?

Generalized swelling of cell and plasma membrane.

Nuclear changes such as pyknosis,karyorrhexis and karyolysis are seen.

Accumulation of “myelin figures” in the cytosol composed of phospholipids derived

from damaged cellular membranes.

Dilation of the ER, with detachment of polysomes.

White infarcts occur in *

venous occlusion



All the above. 22/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Option 5

one of the followings is not in Molecular Hallmarks of Cancer *

Sustained angiogenesis

Ability to evade the host immune response

sensitivity to infectious disease

Ability to invade and metastasize

β –thalassaemia caused by *

deletions that remove one or more of the α-globin gene loci

a mutation of the B-globin genes leading to either reduced or absent synthesis of the
B-globin gene

a point mutation in the gene coding for the B-globin chain

All of the above

All are autosomal dominant disorders except *


) Marfan’s syndrome

Familial adenomatous polyposis

Von-Hippel Lindau syndrome 23/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

chemotactic is *

Migration across the endothelium and vessel wall

Migration in the tissues

margination to endothelium

adhesion to endothelium

polycythemia *

an increase in the number of red cells

reduction in the oxygen-transporting capacity of blood.

a decrease in the red cell mass to subnormal levels.



During which phase of the cell cycle the cellular content of DNA is doubled *

Mitotic phase

G1 phase

G2 phase

S phas 24/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Detection of anti-HAV IgM antibody is the best diagnostic marker for the: *

Acute viral hepatitis A

viral hepatitis B

-Hepatitis C Virus

-Hepatitis D Virus

Acute viral hepatitis A *

DNA virus

benign, self-limited disease with an average incubation period of 4 weeks

Detection of anti-HAV IgM antibody is the best diagnostic marker for the disease.

- B&C

All of the above

nemia *
an increase in the number of red cells

reduction in the oxygen-transporting capacity of blood

a decrease in the red cell mass to subnormal levels.


B&C 25/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

on the basis of red cell morphology, the normochromic or hypochromic related *


Cell size

color of the cells

- Shape of the cells

All of the above

None of the above

The autosomal dominant condition caused by abnormality of the cytoskeletal- *

associated membrane proteins, spectrin is

Sickle cell disease


Immunohemolytic Anemias

- Hereditary spherocytosis

Traumatic hemolytic anemia

In the mononuclear phagocyte system which is true? *

Chemotactic stimuli for monocytes include C5a and certain growth factors

Monocytes transform into smaller macrophages when they reach extravascular tissue 26/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Half life of blood monocytesis about 1 month

Aggregation of macrophages in kidney is known as Kupffer cells

Option 5

Immunohemolytic Anemias *

haemolytic crises are frequently precipitated by infections

-Antibodies on red cell membranes cause these uncommon forms of hemolytic


-The red blood cells are abnormally sensitive to lysis by complement

the fixation of complement is enhanced by the slight decrease in blood pH that

accompanies sleep

Hepatocellular Carcinomas is soft in consistency *

- HCC displays scant connective tissue stroma

- globules of bile may be found within the cytoplasm of cells

Mallory bodies may be found within the cytoplasm of the neoplastic cells.

- Central necrosis in the broad trabeculae

Male to male transmission is not seen in *

Autosomal dominant diseases

( Autosomal recessive disease

X-linked dominant disease

Genomic imprinting 27/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Scarlet fever is caused by *


S. pyogenes

Actinomyces israelii

N. meningitides

Which of the following is essential for tumor metastasis? *




Inhibition of tyrosine kinase activity

Iron deficiency anaemia is type ofA- *

-Chronic blood lose anaemia

-Megaloblastic Anemias

- myelophthisic anemia

aplastic anemia 28/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

The marrow is hypocellular and is replaced by fat is caused by *

- Radiation

viral hepatitis.

- Antineoplastic chemotherapy

All of the above

None of the above

Chromosomes measurements are generally taken during *




Non-of these

Option 5

Which of the following is NOT a general feature of benign tumours? *

Local recurrence

Infiltrating margin


Slow growing 29/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

The final, irreversible form of alcoholic liver disease is *

- Alcoholic hepatitis

- Alcoholic Cirrhosis

- Hepatic steatosis

All of the above

The effect of folate deficiency are *


Lesions of the nervous system

Megaloblastic anaemia with associated neutropenia



The correct sequence of cell cycle is *


( G0-G1-G2-S-M


G0-G1-S-M-G2 30/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

What are the repeating units of nucleic acids? *

phosphate molecules



sugar molecules

Smoking is a risk factor for all carcinomas, except *





A human female with Turner's syndrome *

has 45 chromosomes with XO

has one additional X chromosome

exhibits male characters

is able to produce children with normal husband 31/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Regarding cell necrosis, which ONE of the following terms refers to nuclear *





wound healing is one of the following *




. atrophy

all cells responsible on repair except *



epithelial cells

eosinophil 32/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

Burkitt lymphoma due to translocated into an antigen receptor gene locus, *

gene responsible is


. HER2/Neu

. TGF-α



In a thrombus, the dark lines of zahn are due to *

Coagulated fibrin

Aggregated proteins

Aggregated platelets

Aggregated RBCs

Which ONE of the following processes is unlikely to result in infarction? *


Venous obstruction


Dissection 33/36
‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

If a genetic disease is transferred from a phenotypically normal but carrier *

female to only some of the male progeny, the disease is_

autosomal dominant

autosomal recessive


down syndrome

α-thalassaemia caused by *

deletions that remove one or more of the α-globin gene loci

caused by a mutation of the B-globin genes leading to reduced synthesis of the B-

globin gene

caused by a mutation of the B-globin genes leading to absent synthesis of the B-

globin gene



removing of immature T cells expressing TCRs specific for self –antigen by *

apoptosis is called

receptor editing

Anergy . Suppression by regulatory Tcell

negative selection or clonal deletion

‫ ص‬11:59 2022/‫‏‬6/‫‏‬27 General Pathology Final Exam (2021-2022)

True statement about inheritance of an X linked recessive trait is:( *

50% of boys of carrier mother are affected

50% of girls of diseased father are carrier

(Father transmits disease to the son

Mother transmits the disease to the daughter

Which among the following is not a neoplastic virus *


Hepatitis B virus

Human papilloma virus

All of these

Examples of type II hypersensitivity disorders include: all true except one *

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia,

myasthenia gravis,

- Drug metabolite adsorbed on a cell surface or matrix.

Allergic rhinitis 34/36

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