How to Call The Sociotypes

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How to call sotsiotip

Gulenko VV ., Kiev, 1995.

Published: "Socionics, mentology and personality psychology" , 1995,

№ 3.

The issue of adequate and convenient name for the personality types
confronts all socionics, who are able to access to the media, as well
as speakers at scientific seminars and conferences related branches
of science. From the good name depends largely on the overall impres-
sion, as well as the reaction of professional psychologists and repre-
sentatives of other humanities on sotsionicheskuyu typology.
As far as we can tell, socionics country are now in their work mainly
two systems sociotypes names - Jung-Myers and system aliases.
The first system is a logical character and indicates the set of differen-
tial personality traits measured on the four known socionics scales -
rationality / irrationality, logic / ethics, sensing / intuition, extra / intro-
version. For example, the logical-sensory introvert. Install the abbrevi-
ation of these complex in pronunciation of names, such as LSI, which
makes the system quite suitable for use in scientific articles.
The second system - are aliases types based on the names and the
names of prominent people from different countries and times, as well
as the names of literary characters. This system is a pronounced emo-
tional and expressive character. For this reason, it is easy to remem-
ber. Using aliases, appear justified for informal communication among
fans of socionics, but can not be recommended for the published work
due to damage to the scientific status of the discipline Occupied by
this system.
The use of such nicknames, firstly, is unethical. That in addition to
laughter or misunderstandings can cause consumption in the same
context the name of one of the most famous in the world of the Rus-
sian writer, humanist and alias "Stirlitz": it is no secret that the literary
and movie character has long become a figure of vulgar jokes and
Second, the assignment of outstanding people to a particular sotsiotip
largely controversial and constantly revised. For example, in the work
of J. Perel based on an analysis of all the distinctive features conclu-
sively proven that Napoleon Bonaparte belonged to sotsiotip SLE, not
SEE, as previously thought. In our view, these factors make extensive
use of pseudonyms undesirable. Serious researchers who care about
the future of socionics, can not be reconciled with the fact that igno-
rant people who adopted pseudonyms as a game, put it thus in line
with astrology, palmistry, magic and other irrational disciplines.
It seems necessary to recall that in psychology there are at least two
common name system - on group roles and the most characteristic ac-
tivities allocated types. Briefly familiarize the reader with both sys-
tems on examples.
The system of group roles are actively used in practical psychology,
which is based on carrying out socio-psychological training (SPT). As
one of the varieties of this system is shown a list of stereotypical roles
of interpersonal behavior in a group of psycho K.Rudestama:
• Puritan 5. Uniting
• Romantic 6. Testing
• Innocent 7. Aggressor
• Child 8. Philosopher
System titles 16 types of interaction (types of mating) Jung-Myers sug-
gested D.Kersi (D.Keirsey). It is mainly based on the propensity socio-
types to a particular type of activity or profession, reflecting the par-
ticular psychological makeup of the individual. We present these
INTP - Architect
ENTP - Inventor
INTJ - Scientist
ENTJ - Fieldmarshal
INFP - Questor
ENFP - Journalist
INFJ - Author
ENFJ - Pedagogue
ESFJ - Seller
ISFJ - Conservator
ESFP - Entertainer
ISFP - Artist
ESTJ - Administrator
ISTJ - Trustee
ESTP - Promotor
ISTP - Artisan
Can I use the names D.Kersi in our practice? In our opinion, only with
certain reservations. Let us point out a few things that make it difficult
unconditional application of this system in our country.
In Quercy not respect the principle of uniformity. Most of his titles so-
ciotypes concrete, in particular, JOURNALIST, SELLER, SCIENTIST.
But there are quite abstract names such as AUTHOR, QUESTOR, PRO-
MOTOR. That these names are difficult to translate into Russian the
word without loss of meaning.
Furthermore, this system is a significant imprint the medium in which
it was created. For example, the name for FIELDMARSHAL sociotypes
LIE difficult to motivate in our country where this type of personality
can not manifest themselves with the underlined in the title part. Re-
call that in the past we have conducted studies of national characters
(Psychology crops, 1989), which explains the relatively high social im-
portance such as LIE in the United States.
Such is the situation with the system names. As we can see, the time
is ripe to build for the needs of practical socionics convenient notation
names sociotypes that would meet the criteria of science and motiva-
Motivation is required in order to have people for the first time intro-
ducing! with sotsioiikoy, there would be no questions like: "Why do I
Yesenin? After all, I absolutely do not like him!" The reasons for this
kind of questions - in an involuntary substitution of abstract type spe-
cific, often familiar face from photographs.
One of possible variants of the system, we want to offer our readers. In
our names we tried to take into account the tradition of international
experience SPT, on the one hand, and to highlight the most important
features of the type of mentality, another. Names are constructed by
the dominant feature of the type of personality that will manifest itself
in any area, no matter where he worked. For each proposed name is a
brief explanation to illustrate his motivation.
1. ILE - "Inventor" (INVENTOR)

The most significant feature of sociotypes ILE - creativity in any field

of activity. Everywhere it offers new ideas and approaches, radically
overturning the established system of beliefs. This quality is imple-
mented in it due to the prospects of intuition I and structural logic L.
Due extraversion ILE successfully defends his discoveries and inven-
tions, and distributes them in breadth. Because of its irrationality IN-
VENTOR deprived of strictly scientific consistency and evidence, but it
shows the original inventive approach, based on a desire to break out
of the familiar, traditional.
2. SEI - "Mediator" (MEDIATOR)
Sotsiotip SEI - the best mediator in all cases. After all, it successfully
for this purpose combine irrationality, giving it flexibility and diplo-
macy, sensory sensations S, which gives it a well-versed on the situa-
tion, and the ethics of emotions E, allowing him to be charming and en-
gaging in dialogue, to avoid and prevent conflicts. To all this introver-
sion closes it within the established informal ties and gives his actions
caution and prudence.
3. ESE - "Enthusiast" (ENTHUSIAST)

The main feature inherent sotsiotip ESE, whatever he was doing - this
enthusiasm. His passion is based on emotions extraverted E and ratio-
nality establishes direction emotionally captured his activities. There-
fore ENTHUSIAST able to maintain fidelity to the business for a long
time. Sensory sensations S makes it practical and persistent in achiev-
ing the goal.
4. LII - "analyst" (ANALYST)

If by objective analysis to understand the look with maximum "height",

which guarantees the lowest absorption in the analyzed object, this
quality has the greatest sotsiotip LII. Structural introverted logic L re-
moves it from the analyzed reality, thus guaranteeing the absence of
subjective interest in the outcome. Intuition opportunities I allow him
to open perspectives, originally incorporated in the object. A rational
system makes it strong, consistent and stable.
5. EE - "Mentor" (MENTOR)

EIE has a set of distinctive features that give its activities pronounced
mentoring and messianism. E extrovert emotions combined with ratio-
nality in common with enthusiasts, but the intuition of time T off of its
real needs and situation puts the position of ideological conviction and
authority indisputability professed their values. INSTRUCTOR - a faith-
ful servant of the global idea that spreads her, using his gift of elo-
quence and acting.
6. LSI - "Controller" (CONTROLLER)

LSI like no other sotsiotip monitors the proper functioning of well-func-

tioning system. This quality is present in it as a result of a specific
logic L, supported by rationality. By virtue of his introversion LSI liter-
ally "closed" on the controlled system, and thanks to a strong-willed
sensorike F fights against those who violate the rules set out in it.
7. IEI - "Lyric" (LYRIC)

IEI developed fantasy, based on the intuition of time T, in combination

with E and irrational emotions beginning makes this sotsiotip subtly
perceive the world. A introversion draws its images inside, saturating
them even more - that is the source of inexhaustible lyricism of his
8. SLE - "Marshal" (MARSHAL)

SLE has the best generalship data, because thanks to a strong-willed

sensorike F perfectly defines the direction of the main attack, and
thanks to the organizational logic L is able to correctly place at its dis-
posal the forces and means, as well as to issue clear instructions and
guidelines. Irrational extroversion makes it very active in extreme situ-
ations, such as in a collision with an opponent.
9. LIE - "Entrepreneur" (ENTERPRISER)

In his behavior sotsiotip LIE primarily guided by the business logic P,

connected with an intuitive sense of time T, which allows him to boldly
take risks by investing in new business and technology. Rational extro-
version makes it stubborn and persistent in achieving the goal. All
these features are essential qualities rusher.
10. ESI - "Keeper" (CONSERVATOR)

Ethics critical attitude toward evil R in combination with a strong sen-

sory defend its territory F ESI make the best defender and the keeper
of his house, it established traditions, people close to him. Rational in-
troversion gives it a sequence of loyalty to his inner convictions.
11. SEE - "Politician" (POLITICIAN)

In order to stay in power, not with weapons, and political means, you
have to be dynamic and flexible, to correctly assess the balance of
power between them and find a compromise. These qualities to the
greatest extent has the SEE, which is oriented in the situation with the
help of a strong-willed sensory F, and also skillfully manipulates rela-
tions R. irrationality gives his behavior flexibility and extroversion - ak-
givnost and scale.
12. OR - "The Critic" (CRITIC)
The critical nature of thinking or determined by the development of his
imagination, based on the intuition of time T. This feature allows it to
simulate the natural course of the situation and to notice all the con-
tradictions and deviations from it, intuitively seeing successful market
conditions, or by the business logic is able to learn a favor. Introver-
sion reinforces its position of an outside observer, critical and irra-
tional swings internal state is often dyed his remarks in a pessimistic
13. FEL - "Administrator" (ADMINISTRATOR)

Strongly developed business logic R, whereby the FEL is always based

on facts and rejects speculation, combined with touch practicality S
sotsiotip make this the best administrator - in the Western sense of
the word, of course under the guidance of his rational always provided
stability and continuity in the work. A extraversion promotes open his
management style. Thus, in the FEL embodied a reasonable combina-
tion of democracy with insistence.
14. EII - "Humanist" (HUMANIST)

EII very committed to good relations between people of R. For this rea-
son, he does everything to ensure that they are getting better. Thanks
to the intuitive abilities I, he more than anyone else knows how to
comfort a person or his appeal to the conscience - make ponder the
deed evil. This humanistic style of social behavior is fixed rationality.
Introverted feelings do EII reflective type, a lot of thinking about the
problems of good and humanity.
15. IEA - "Psychologist" (PSYCHOLOGIST)

The main character is a psychologist insight, ability to understand peo-

ple and the ability to establish empathic link with them. Endowed with
these qualities IEA: because his strengths - is intuition alternative abil-
ities I and ethics of positive relations R. Irrational extroversion gives
his nature traits enthusiasm and altruism.
16. SSI - "Master" (MASTER)

Sotsiotip SSI is particularly practicality and ingenuity in the home and

at work. This demonstrates the creative business logic R, which
serves as a tool implementing its programs touch S - harmony with the
environment, beauty and convenience. Flexibility and resourcefulness
wizard assists in his irrationality. Secrets of Excellence thanks to in-
troversion securely guarded from outsiders.
These names sociotypes have another advantage: they are convenient
to use to describe intertype relations.
We illustrate how this can be done on the example of the eight dual

Inventor need intermediaries, as he himself ideas unlikely to imple-

ment: they are unusual and too removed from the realities of today.
The mediator is able to find a sponsor, rattling good publicity, to by-
pass official obstacles. But also the mediator needs of inventors as a
source of inventions, discoveries, new directions in science and tech-
Enthusiast - ANALYST

Enthusiast lit affair, spends energy, rebels against stagnation and in-
justice, and enjoys new systems and doctrines, promotes them. But
without Analytics, which is able to separate the important from the
unimportant, strictly substantiate ideas and beliefs firmly withstand
the main line, enthusiasts will exchange their energy on trifles, to spoil
relations with people - will be cut off by them as a quarrelsome and too
emotional. Analysts had no energy and pressure Enthusiast "wither",
will take a turn into a loser.

Having a thirst for learning and inspiring mentor people without think-
ing realistically Controller turns into a barren theorist, moralist, whose
teachings are perceived as inappropriate and too intrusive. The Con-
troller also needs restless talent to organize it, send to your desired
path and strictly ask for deviations. Without demanding Controller
emotional fluctuations Mentor internally loosen it and the gift of artis-
tic transformation turns into an empty fad.

Strong-willed and resolute Marshal, organizing people to overcome the

obstacles that feels good next to a man who knows how to "make" it,
lift your mood, inspire confidence in victory. And it must be done in
such a way as it does Lyric - thin, artistically, at the right moment.
Himself Lyric needs firm hand of Marshal, which, on the one hand, pro-
tects it, and on the other - is pushing for appropriate action.

Entrepreneur constantly talking on the risk and picks all the new
things, but he lacks the time or the patience to all mined and started
to save and put to use. This is complemented with the Guardian, who
successfully defended their territory and tries to put to use all that
therein is. The thrust of the Guardian in the house of the businessman
in disarray.
Politics - CRITIC

Maneuvering and demonstrative Policy that are so prized in the art of

political struggle, beginning to move a natural boundary, if there is no
criticism, which is constantly exposed to all spontaneous action policy
to critical analysis. Critic is designed to keep policy against hasty,
rash decisions. But also the critic needs leadership policy, in whose
shadow you can safely hide.

Any director who lives interests of business and makes people perform
objectively necessary duties, unwittingly comes into conflict with the
subjective affections workers. This can not but lead to a certain con-
frontation. Dangerous increase nervousness removes humanist, who is
endowed with the gift of calm people, to reconcile the dispute. Human-
ist appeals to the conscience of the Administrator, forcing him to take
the interests of the people. But he needs firmness and fairness admin-
istrators who are creating the conditions for his stable work.
Psychology - MASTER

Psychologist reveals unusual - capable and talented people who keep

themselves unsolved mystery. If a person is not deep, psychologist
loses interest in him. His communicative rewarded when he meets the
Master, who can constantly surprise him, demonstrating their skills in
addressing the challenges of everyday life. Master himself satisfied
with what his abilities are valued and appreciated his sensitive soul
melts under the rays of sincerity altruism psychology.
Considering the examples of practical application of the new system
of names, we wanted to demonstrate to the reader that there is no ma-
jor deficiencies entrenched system aliases - unmotivated, negative
emotional coloring and excessive specificity.
Concluding the presentation, we would like to once again draw atten-
tion sotsionicheskikh clubs and associations, all theorists and practi-
tioners of socionics that the purpose of this article was not the desire
to cancel or alter the existing aliases to give into the hands of re-
searchers handy tool to work with people who would not have caused
so much criticism .

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