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The Hidden Agenda and PoLR

Notes: Hidden agenda (HA for short) is also known as activating

function. The activating IE has opposite orientation from creative
function on two dichotomies. For example, if the creative func-
tion is extroverted sensing, then mobilizing IE will be introverted
intuition. This function balances the creative function and pro-
vides it with a kind of a "launching pad". A person usually has
trouble recognizing and verbalizing HA information and subcon-
sciously seeks it out from others in their environment. Activating
function is considered to be 2-dimensional, encompassing param-
eters of experience and norms.

The "pathetic hidden agenda" by Expat

The focus on one's hidden agenda is also manifested in a "pat-

ting yourself on the back" way, when you are reassuring others
that you are actually good in doing something, but it's painfully
obvious to others that you are above all reassuring yourself and
not doing a good job at it - and by doing that, you end up behav-
ing in a pathetic way.
Fe : behavior aimed at showing how popular and liked by the
crowd you are, but that is actually making you look like an ass.
Ti : unshakeable and stubborn defense of ideas and beliefs
against all opposition, with unwillingness to even discuss the
possibility of their not being correct
Fi unshakeable and stubborn unwillingness to compromise on
personal behavior and principles against all opposition in a social
Te : behavior aimed at showing how competent you are in han-
dling practical and financial affairs, or in how much knowledge in
a particular subject you have, but painfully focusing on non-es-
sentials to the point made
Ni : unshakeable belief that you know exactly what is going to
happen in your life in a given situation, or precipitated action
since you know that "now is the time to act", but ending up
shooting your own foot in both cases
Se : behavior aimed at showing how successful, rich, or physi-
cally strong and brave and confrontational you are, when others
can see you're none of them
Si : showing off how wiser you are than others in taking care of
your health by good food and avoiding personal risks, but making
you look like a paranoid pussy-wimp. Also, an essentially unphys-
ical person trying to show off how they master daily details in ad-
ministration, maintainance, housekeeping, etc
Ne : behavior aiming at showing how original and creative you
can be, but making too much out of obvious and trivial ideas.
So if you see someone behaving in a pathetic way, just remember
-- on other occasions, it's you doing it.

Short descriptions of Hidden Agendas by Ganin

ENTp, ESTp - to be loved

INTj, INFj - to be healthy
ESFj, ESTj - to be perfect
ISFp, INFp - to understand
ENFj, ENTj - to be wealthy
ISTj, ISFj - to believe
ESFp, ENFp - to know
INTp, ISTp - to love

Discussions of Hidden Agenda/Activating Function:

Hidden Agenda/Activating Function - general discussion and ex-

The "pathetic" hidden agenda
Subtypes and Hidden Agenda
Mistypings due to confusing hidden agenda for leading function
Hidden Agenda and Attraction to Things/Objects/People
Strength of Hidden Agenda Function
PoLR vs Role vs Hidden Agenda
Hidden agenda musing of SLIs and SLEs
Fi Hidden Agenda
Fi Hidden Agenda of ISTps
Hidden Agenda of ISTps and ENFps
Ti Hidden Agenda
Ti Hidden Agenda of INFps
Ti Hidden Agenda of ISFps
Fe Hidden Agenda
Fe Hidden Agenda of ESTps
Te Hidden Agenda of ENFps
Ni Hidden Agenda
Si Hidden Agenda
Si Hidden Agenda in INTjs
Se Hidden Agenda in ENTjs
Se Hidden Agenda in ENFjs

Vulnerable Function (aka Point of Least Resistance)

Point of least resistance (PoLR) function is also called vulnerable

or painful function. It contains the information aspect that di-
rectly opposes the workings of one's creative function. It is also
of opposite E/I-version than activating function i.e. if a person's
activating function is Fi then Fe will be their PoLR. Correspond-
ingly, information relayed on this element has the reverse effect
of activating function - it deactivates, demobilizes, slows or
shuts one down. Vulnerable function is considered to be 1-dimen-
sional, encompassing only the parameter of experience.

Note: Even though there are two sociotypes that share the same
PoLR, it will be expressed somewhat differently for each type i.e.
Ne-PoLR of LSI will not manifest quite the same as Ne-PoLR of
ESI, and thus it is more appropriate to discuss the PoLR of each
type separately rather than treating them in the same manner.
That is, if you are discussing Ne-PoLR of ESI, then it should be
noted as such and it shouldn't be assumed that Ne-PoLR of LSI is
exactly the same.

Minimalist supervision descriptions by Expat

The supervisor notices the weakness of supervisee in the PoLR


ESFj on ISTp: "can't behave properly and never wants to do any-

ENTp on ISTj: "logical but no imagination, no lateral thinking,
would be lost without an instruction manual"
INTj on ENFp: "lots of crazy, inconsistent ideas, always on the
move but in all directions"
ISFp on ENFj: "too restless and is all to no good purpose, at the
same time is hopeless with real work"

ENFj on INTp: "has no idea what impression s/he's making on oth-

ers, hopeless"
ESTp on INTj: "intelligent perhaps but no backbone and unfit for
the real world"
ISTj on ESFp: "makes absolutely no sense, totally chaotic, a
loose cannon"
INFp on ESFj: "says and does a lot without ever getting any-

ENTj on INFp: "lots of lofty goals but clueless as to how to get

there, lives in dream world"
ESFp on INFj: "too nice, no backbone, unfit for the real world"
ISFj on ESTp: "how can anyone trust them?"
INTp on ESTj: "rushes into doing things without knowing where
to go"

ESTj on ISFp: "lazy and can't do anything right"

ENFp on ISFj: "set on their ways, without imagination, or always
expecting the worst"
INFj on ENTp: "how can anyone trust them?"
ISTp on ENTj: "too restless and is all to no good purpose, at the
same time is hopeless with real work"

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