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Expert Review ajog.


Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for

pain relief during labor: an expert review
Sivan Zuarez-Easton, MD; Offer Erez, MD; Noah Zafran, MD; Julia Carmeli, MD; Gali Garmi, MD; Raed Salim, MD

Labor pain is among the most severe types of physical pain that women may experience Pain is a central feature of parturition in
during their lifetime. Thus, pain relief is an essential part of medical care during child- humans, and its relief is an essential part
birth. Epidural analgesia is considered to be the most efficient method of pain relief of medical care during labor and de-
during labor. Nevertheless, patient preferences, contraindications, limited availability, livery.1 The perception of pain during
and technical failure may require the use of alternative pain reliving methods during labor labor is highly individual: although some
including systemic pharmacologic agents, and nonpharmacologic methods. women can cope with labor pain on their
Nonpharmacologic methods for pain alleviation during vaginal birth have become popular own, others require some form of inter-
over the years, either as a complement to pharmacologic agents or at times as the principal vention that could be nonpharmacologic,
therapy. Methods such as relaxation techniques (ie, yoga, hypnosis, and music), manual systemic pharmacologic, and/or epidural.
techniques (ie, massage, reflexology, and shiatsu), acupuncture, birthing ball, and trans- Currently, epidural analgesia is regarded
cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation are considered safe, although the evidence sup- as the leading and most effective treat-
porting their effectiveness for pain relief is not as robust as it is for pharmacologic agents. ment for labor and delivery pain.2 How-
Systemic pharmacologic agents are mostly administered by inhalation (nitrous oxide) or ever, this method has an 8.5% failure
through the parenteral route. These agents include opioids such as meperidine, nalbu- rate,3 and its downsides include costs,
phine, tramadol, butorphanol, morphine, and remifentanil, and non-opioid agents such as prolonged labor, reduction in women’s
parenteral acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Systemic pharma- sense of control and their participation in
cologic agents suggest a diverse armamentarium of medication for pain management the labor process, and can involve adverse
during labor. Their efficacy in treating pain associated with labor varies, and some continue effects such as intrapartum fever, dural
to be used even though they have not been proven effective for pain relief. In addition, the puncture, and postpartum headache.2,3
maternal and perinatal side effects differ markedly among these agents. There is a relative The use of nonpharmacologic and
abundance of data regarding the effectiveness of analgesic drugs compared with epidural, pharmacologic agents to provide relief
but the data regarding comparisons among the different types of alternative analgesic from labor pain, has a rich history. Until
agents are scarce, and there is no consistency regarding the drug of choice for women who the early 1900s, most children were
do not receive epidural pain management. This review aims to present the available data delivered at home, and pain during labor
regarding the effectiveness of the different methods of relieving pain during labor other was managed mainly with non-
than epidural. The data presented are mainly based on recent level I evidence regarding pharmacologic methods.4 Starting from
pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic methods for pain relief during labor. the mid-1800s, there are records indi-
cating the use of pharmacologic agents to
Key words: acupuncture, aromatherapy, birthing ball, chemical nociceptive mediators, attenuate labor pain. Initially, chloroform
complementary and alternative medicine, GB 21 acupressure, hypnosis, Iyengar yoga, as a volatile gas, was used to treat labor
labor pain, level I evidence, massage, mindfulness, music, myometrial ischemia, nitrous pain, and was even adopted by Queen
oxide, non-opioid agents, opioids, pain relief, patient-controlled analgesia, perineal Victoria in England, leading to it being
structures distention, referral pain, Qi, reflexology, shiatsu, sterile water injection, referred to as “chloroform à la reine.”
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, warm packs, yoga Currently, a wide variety of non-
pharmacologic interventions and phar-
macologic agents are used to alleviate
maternal pain in labor. This review will
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Emek Medical Center, Afula, Israel (Drs Zuarez- present recent level I evidence regarding
Easton, Zafran, Garmi, and Salim); Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wayne State pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic
University, Detroit, MI (Dr Erez); Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Soroka University options for pain relief during the process
Medical Center, Beer Sheva, Israel (Dr Erez); The Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, of labor.
Technion, Haifa, Israel (Drs Zafran, Garmi, and Salim); Department of Anesthesiology, Emek Medical
Center, Afula, Israel (Dr Carmeli); and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Holy Family
Hospital, Nazareth, Israel (Dr Salim). Physiology of labor pain
Received Feb. 24, 2023; revised March 6, 2023; accepted March 7, 2023. Labor pain is considered to be a physi-
The authors report no conflict of interest. ological response to a natural biological
Corresponding author: Raed Salim, MD. process.5 Average scores of pain during
0002-9378/$36.00  ª 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. labor are reported to be higher than
those associated with bone fracture,

S1246 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

sciatic, or dental pains (Figure 1).6 Pain

may occur because of: (1) myometrial
ischemia during uterine contractions;
Comparison of pain scores between women during labor and other
(2) cervical, vaginal, and perineal
stretching; and (3) distention of other
perineal structures, particularly
throughout the second stage of labor.7,8
Pain is most intense during uterine
contractions. Myometrial ischemia and
related myometrial cellular breakdown,
owing to constriction of the arteries
supplying the myometrium during re-
petitive contractions, can initiate the
release of mediators that may stimulate
chemoreceptors. Such mediators include
bradykinin, acetylcholine, serotonin,
histamine, and potassium ions.8 In
addition, prostaglandins, leukotrienes,
substance P, and lactic acid may also
serve as chemical nociceptive mediators
to play a role in labor pain.9
The type of pain changes as labor
progresses. During the first stage of la-
bor, visceral pain usually predominates.
Nociceptive stimuli from the cervix,
uterus, adnexa, and pelvic ligaments are
transmitted mainly by sympathetic fibers
to the posterior nerve root ganglia at T10
- L1. This pain is a classic referred pain
because it is transmitted from one part of
the body (cervix, uterus, adnexa, and
pelvic ligaments) and projects sensations
to other parts, such as, the lower
abdomen and back (Figure 2).7 As with
other forms of visceral pain, this referred
pain is slowly transmitted, poorly The pain rating index (PRI) represents the sum of the rank values for all words chosen from 20 sets of
confined, and is frequently radiated to pain descriptions using the McGill Pain Questionnaire obtained from women during labor and from
the abdomen, lower back, and rectum.9 patients in general hospital clinics and an emergency department. From Melzack R. The myth of
During the late first stage and early painless childbirth [The John J. Bonica Lecture]. Pain. 1984;19(4):321e337.4 Copy right 1984. This
second stage of labor, distention and figure has been reproduced with permission of the International Association for the study of Pain
traction on the pelvic organs become the (IASP).
Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.
predominant source of pain. This pain
stimulus is transmitted predominantly
by the pudendal nerves through the
sacral plexus to the posterior nerve root stretching of and pressure on the adnexa, conceptual elements that influence a
ganglia at spinal levels S2 to S4.8 This rectum, urinary bladder, urethra, woman’s interpretation of noxious sen-
pain is very intense and sharp and is lumbosacral plexus roots, and skeletal sory stimuli in the central nervous sys-
localized mainly to the perineum, muscle spasm.8,9 tem throughout labor.11 An important
the anus, the lower part of the sacrum, Pain during labor and its relief are factor that affects pain sensation in
the thighs, and the lower portion of the emotional experiences. Therefore, women and selection of analgesia, is
legs.9,10 The second stage of labor, while intervention directed at emotional fac- their sense of control over their body and
the fetus descends, induces pain owing to tors may lead to a dramatic decrease in the labor process.12 Understanding the
distention of the perineal structures.7,8 perceived pain.10 Indeed, Chapman et al multidimensional characteristics of
Throughout labor, additional pain suggested that there is an extensive pain, along with the individuality of pain
stimuli may be transmitted owing to the variation of distinctive emotional, experience, is essential, because these
traction of parietal peritoneum, motivational, cultural, social, and factors affect preferences and responses

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1247

Expert Review

labor. Nevertheless, high levels of patient

satisfaction and the infrequent incidence
Transmission of labor pain. Labor pain has a visceral component and a of adverse events associated with the use
somatic component of complementary and alternative med-
icine during labor, have led professional
societies, including The American Col-
lege of Obstetrics and Gynecology,17 The
European Board and College of Obstet-
rics and Gynecology,18 and the World
Health Organization,19 to acknowledge
its utility as an adjunct to pharmacologic
agents, to alleviate pain during labor
upon maternal request. The most
frequent complementary and alternative
medicine modalities used during labor
are reviewed below:

1. Relaxation techniques (breathing ex-

ercises, yoga, music, hypnosis, and
mindfulness): Relaxation techniques
comprise a wide range of in-
terventions that aim to relax the body
and reduce blood pressure and
breathing rate, resulting in a sense of
increased wellbeing. Several relaxa-
tion methods have been studied,
including breathing exercises, yoga,
music, hypnosis, and mindfulness.20
Noxious impulses from the uterus and cervix follow afferent sensory-nerve A systematic review of randomized,
fibers that accompany sympathetic nerves, traveling through the paracervical region and the pelvic quasi-randomized, and cluster trials
and hypogastric plexus to enter the lumbar sympathetic chain and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (15 trials including 1731 women)
through the white rami communicantes of the T10, T11, T12, and L1 spinal nerves. Noxious im- examined the effect of mind-body
pulses from the vagina and perineum travel via the pudendal nerve to enter the spinal cord at S2 to relaxation techniques for pain relief
S4. Reprinted with permission from Eltzschig HK, Lieberman ES, Camann WR. Regional anesthesia during labor. The results showed that
and analgesia for labor and delivery. N Eng J Med 2003;348(4):319e332.136 Copyright 2003 relaxation, yoga, and music may assist
Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. in pain reduction, but the level of
Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023. evidence is low. Insufficient data exist
to determine the role of mindfulness
and audio analgesia, according to this
to pain management interventions in women’s narratives, a positive effect of review.20 Of note, most included tri-
women12 and serve as the basis for complementary and alternative medi- als did not explore the rate of adverse
nonpharmacologic or pharmacologic cines on the subjective experiences of outcomes associated with these in-
pain relief.8 pregnancy and childbirth. This is terventions. A recent randomized
emphasized by the fact that worldwide, controlled trial (RCT) that compared
Nonpharmacologic methods for pain nearly 73% of women use at least 1 yoga and meditation during preg-
relief nonpharmacologic method for pain re- nancy and labor with routine care
Nonpharmacologic methods for pain lief during labor.14e16 The reported found these methods effective in
relief are popular with women in labor, leading methods are breathing tech- reducing pain and fear, and
either as a complement to pharmaco- niques (48%), position changes (40%), increasing a sense of self-confidence
logic agents or, at times, as the principal hands-on techniques (eg, massage) and coping-skills devopment.21
analgesic treatment. Studies have shown (22%), and mental strategies (eg, relax- Moreover, among primigravids who
a positive impact of nonpharmacologic ation) (21%).14e16 did not receive analgesia during labor,
complementary and alternative medi- Currently, there is little high-quality the practice of Iyengar yoga (focusing
cine approaches on the subjective evidence supporting the efficacy of on strength, balance, breathing, and
experience of pregnancy and child- complementary and alternative medi- alignment of body postures) during
birth.13 It is evident from observing cine as an analgesic method during the third trimester was associated

S1248 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

Comparison of Self-hypnosis vs control

Outcome 1 use of pharmacologic pain relief/anesthesia. From Madden et al23 with permission.
Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.

with a reduction in labor pain and inconsistencies in hypnosis timing and phase of labor found that all forms of
anxiety.22 techniques (Figure 3).23 cognitive behavioral modalities used in
An integrative review including 22 the study, resulted in pain reduction.25
The efficacy of preparing for labor studies of pain intensity during labor
using hypnosis, with or without intra- found that 14 of the included studies 2. Manual techniques (massage, reflex-
partum use, was examined in a system- reported a statistically significant pain ology, shiatsu, warm and cold packs):
atic review of RCTs and quasi-RCTs. The reduction in women who listened to These techniques consist of a wide
results showed that women in the hyp- music during labor. Other studies have range of soft tissue manipulations,
nosis group were less likely to use phar- shown promising trends indicating that such as body massage, reflexology,
macologic analgesia than women in the music may help alleviate pain during and shiatsu, as well as applying warm
control group (average risk ratio [RR], labor.24 or cold packs to the back, abdomen,
0.73; 95% confidence interval [CI], An RCT that examined the effects of or perineum. According to a sys-
0.57e0.94; 8 trials; 2916 women). cognitive behavioral methods via tematic review of RCTs,26 thermal
Nevertheless, the quality of evidence was selected virtual reality videos and clas- manual methods (ie, warm packs and
considered very low owing to sical music on pain during the active massage) may reduce pain and

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1249

Expert Review

The effect of massage (A) and worm packs (B) on pain sensation during labor (from Smith et al26 with permission)

Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.

S1250 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

increase emotional comfort, though

the level of evidence was low. Mas-
sage was found to reduce pain
Transmission of pain signal from the uterus and birth canal to the brain
measured using self-reported pain
(dotted red line) is blocked by the TENS stimulation (Blue line)
scales, throughout the first stage of
labor compared with usual care
(standardized mean difference
[SMD], 0.81; 95% CI, 1.06
to 0.56; 6 trials; 362 women). In the
second (SMD, 0.98; 95% CI, 2.23
to 0.26; 124 women), and third stages
of labor (SMD, 1.03; 95%
CI, 2.17 to 0.11; 122 women) the
effect was not significant (Figure 4,
A). Warm packs had a prominent
effect on pain reduction during the
second stage of labor (SMD, 1.49;
95% CI, 2.85 to 0.13; 2 trials; 128
women). Labor duration was short-
ened by over an hour among women
who received warm packs vs usual
care (MD, 66.15 min; 95%
CI, 91.83 to 40.47; 2 trials; 128
women; very low-quality evidence),
(Figure 4, B).26
3. Acupuncture: Acupuncture, an
element of traditional Chinese medi-
cine, involves the insertion of fine
needles into different areas of the body TENS, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.
to address imbalances of energy (in Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.
form of qi). Acupressure uses the same
paradigm as acupuncture but involves
the therapist using his or her hands RCTs (1586 women) evaluating the group (mean difference, 1.70
and fingers to stimulate body points, effectiveness of acupressure as an points; 95% CI, 2.20 to 1.20).30
rather than needles.27 A recent large adjunct to standard care during labor 5. Transcutaneous electrical nerve
meta-analysis including 28 trials reported significant pain reduction stimulation (TENS): TENS com-
(3960 women), 13 reporting results on compared with sham acupressure plus prises the application of electrical
acupuncture and 15 on acupressure as standard care and standard care alone. currents to the surface of skin, lead-
a treatment for labor pain was pub- No adverse events were reported.28 ing to pain reduction by multiple
lished. Acupuncture may increase mechanisms, including blocking of
satisfaction with pain reduction (RR, A recent RCT comparing the effect of pain signal transmission and release
2.38; 95% CI, 1.78e3.19; 1 trial; GB21 acupressure (located in the middle of endorphins (Figure 5).31 The
150 women; moderate-certainty evi- of the shoulder muscle) vs sham pressure application of TENS during labor
dence), and possibly lessens the ne- and a control group that received usual leads to reduction of dorsal horns
cessity for pharmacologic analgesia care found that the reduction in pain was nerve sensitization and glial
(RR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.63e0.89; 2 trials; higher in the GB21 group compared with activation by elevation of gamma-
261 women, moderate-certainty the sham and control groups (P¼.001).29 aminobutyric acid and glycine con-
evidence) compared with sham centration and reduction in maternal
acupuncture. Another study showed 4. Birthing ball: A birthing ball is a large pain sensation during labor.32,33 A
that acupressure slightly reduced pain exercise ball that women in labor sit meta-analysis of RCTs (3348 women)
intensity compared with the com- on to perform movements such as evaluated TENS effectiveness in
bined control (standard care or rocking and pelvic rotation to help reducing labor pain compared with
light touch) (SMD, 0.42; 95% reduce pain. A meta-analysis of 7 other therapies and found that TENS
CI, 0.65 to 0.18; 2 trials; RCTs reported that labor pain was reduced pain intensity significantly
322 women; moderate-certainty evi- significantly decreased in the birthing (pooled RR, 1.52; 95% CI,
dence).27 Another meta-analysis of 13 ball group compared with the control 1.35e1.70). Of note, several trials

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1251

Expert Review

injection resulted in significantly

TABLE 1 better pain relief than intradermal
Nonpharmacologic methods for pain relief injection at 10 minutes after the
Methods Statistical effect intervention only.41 Another RCT
Iyengar yoga average RR, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.57e0.94 that aims to evaluate the efficacy of
sterile water injection is ongoing.42
7. Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy uses
First stage of labor Standardized mean difference 0.81 essential oils that release volatile,
(1.06 to 0.56)
fragrant organic compounds and are
Second stage of labor Standardized mean difference 0.98 obtained by distillation of plant mate-
(2.23 to 0.26) rial. Oils can be used for body
Third stage of labor Standardized mean difference 1.03 massaged or inhaled via vapor infusion
(2.17 to 0.11) or a burner. The mechanism of action
Warm packs during the second stage of Standardized mean difference 1.49 is unknown. A meta-analysis including
labor (2.85 to 0.13) 27 studies (2566 women) found that
Acupuncture aromatherapy was associated with sig-
Satisfaction with pain reduction RR, 2.38; 95% CI, 1.78e3.19
nificant pain reduction during vaginal
birth (unstandardized mean difference,
Necessity for pharmacologic analgesia RR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.63e0.89 1.75; 95% CI, 1.13e2.37). The greatest
Birthing ball decrease in labor pain mean difference, 1.70 points; 95% CI, effect was at 8 to 10 cm of cervix dila-
2.20 to 1.20 tion. Publication bias was not reported
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation pooled RR, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.35e1.70 (P¼.113).43
reducing labor pain
Aromatherapy pain reduction during labor unstandardized mean difference, 1.75; Table 1 summarizes the efficacy of
95% CI, 1.13e2.37 different nonpharmacologic methods
Data presented for the effect on pain during labor compared with routine care. for pain relief during labor, compared
CI, confidence interval; RR, risk ratio. with usual care.
Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.
Pharmacologic pain relief during labor
Pharmacologic options for pain relief
during labor can be divided according to
included in this meta-analysis had a gate control.38 Several regimens are route of administration, systemic and
high risk of bias, and the average described in clinical practice.39 A regional (epidural). In this section we
score of the trials using the Cochrane systematic review of 7 double-blind will focus on systemic pharmacologic
Risk of Bias Tool indicated low RCTs (766 women) regarding the agents only.
quality evidence.34 A recent RCT that use of intracutaneous or subcutane-
compared TENS with routine ous sterile water injection for intra- 8. Inhaled nitrous oxide (N2O): N2O
obstetrical care during the first stage partum pain relief was published. has been used worldwide for labor
of labor showed significantly lower Control groups received placebo analgesia for several decades.44 Its
pain scores and shorter duration of (saline) injection. All trials reported a analgesic effect is achieved by stimu-
the active phase of labor among greater reduction in pain in women lation of neuronal release of endog-
women who received TENS.35 Báez- who received sterile water injection, enous opioid peptides (dynorphins)
Suárez et al36 compared different although the authors concluded that and activation of postsynaptic
TENS programs during the active little robust evidence was found to opioid receptors (Figure 6).45 The
phase of labor and showed that high support the use of sterile water for commonly used blend is a combina-
frequencies and high pulse widths low-back or any other labor pains.40 tion of 50% N2O with 50% oxygen
were superior at decreasing pain in- A recent meta-analysis including 9 taken by a self-administered facial
tensity. Research on the impact of trials (2102 participants) compared mask. The parturient attaches the
TENS on pain intensity during labor Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) scores mask to her nose and mouth. With
is in progress, as an additional RCT between a sterile water injection inhalation, a demand valve opens to
examining the effect of TENS on la- group and a control group. Sterile allow gas delivery, which closes with
bor is currently being conducted.37 water injection resulted in signifi- exhalation (Figure 7). Correct timing
6. Sterile water injection: The method cantly lower VAS scores 30e45, 60, of inhalation is essential because
involves intradermal and subdermal and 90 minutes after intervention. At analgesic effect takes 30 to 60 sec-
injection of sterile water. The mech- 10 minutes after intervention, VAS onds. N2O is rapidly cleared from the
anism of action lies on the theory of scores were similar. Subdermal blood of the mother and the

S1252 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

Nitrous oxide inhalation during Mechanism of action of nitrous oxide inhalation for labor analgesia

Use of nitrous oxide for labor analgesia. The

source of the nitrous oxide is a potable inhalation
system (A), connected by a tube (B) to the
inhalation mask (C). The system is operated by
the patient according to her need for pain control
to allow autonomy and self-control during the
labor process.
Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic op-
tions for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.

newborn, which makes it safe to use

throughout labor.46 It does not in-
fluence labor progress, mode of de-
livery, or neonatal outcome.44,47,48
When given in a 1:1 mix with oxy-
gen, N2O has a good safety pro-
Emmanouli DE (2020). Mechanisms of action of nitrous oxide. In K Gupta, D Emmanouil, A Sethi
file.47,49 Adverse effects associated
(Eds.), Nitrous Oxide in Pediatric Dentistry: A Clinical Handbook (pp. 78-105). Springer Nature.
with N2O use, such as nausea, dizzi-
Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.
ness, and drowsiness, have been re-
ported.48,49 Furthermore N2O is a
greenhouse gas and is considered an
environmental pollutant.50 multiparous, term, singleton gestations. 9. Opioids: Opioids are commonly used
The results showed that pain intensity for pain relief during labor, as they
The efficacy of N2O-mediated anal- after 20 to 30 minutes of analgesic are widely available, easy to use and
gesia is unclear, owing to a lack of high- administration, as assessed by VAS score, are of low cost. Their main advantage
quality studies. A systematic review was comparable between the groups is that they produce analgesia with
regarding the administration of N2O for (primary outcome). The mean VAS milder effect on sensation and pro-
labor pain concluded that N2O inhala- scores that were between 7 and 8 in both prioception. Opioids are classified
tion improved satisfaction in women groups at baseline, and at 20e30 mi- into 3 groups: (1) natural- obtained
despite having a negligible analgesic ef- nutes after analgesia administration, from the poppy plant and include
fect. The same study reported that N2O suggests that neither technique provided morphine, codeine, and papaverine
had a comparable or marginally greater adequate analgesia. Secondary out- (Figure 8, A); (2) semisynthetic that
analgesic effect than systemic opioid comes, which included rate of additional are minor modification of the
boluses, and was less effective in relieving analgesic use, labor length, mode of de- morphine molecule including heroin
pain compared with an epidural or livery, breastfeeding, satisfaction, and (diamorphine), dihydromorphone,
remifentanil patientecontrolled anal- maternal and neonatal adverse effects, and thebaine derivatives (eg, etor-
gesia.44 A recently published RCT,51 were similar between the groups. The phine, buprenorphine) (Figure 8, B);
compared the efficacy of intravenous authors concluded that pain intensity and (3) synthetic including mor-
(IV) meperidine and inhaled N2O for and adverse effects were comparable phinan series (eg, levorphanol,
intrapartum pain relief among between the 2 analgesic methods.51 butorphanol), diphenylpropylamine

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1253

Expert Review

Structure of opioids medications used for labor analgesia

Opioids are divided into natural (A); semisynthetic (B); and synthetic (C).
Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.

series (eg, methadone), benzomor- detailed in Table 2. The opioid re- nausea, vomiting, pruritus, sedation,
phan series (eg, pentazocine), and ceptors are distributed throughout and respiratory depression.54e56 In
phenylpiperidine series (eg, meperi- the central nervous system including addition, opioids cross the placenta and
dine, fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil, brain structures (ie, thalamus, nu- may lead to reduced fetal heart rate
remifentanil) (Figure 8, C). The cleus raphe, locus coeruleus and variability, reduced baseline fetal heart
semisynthetic and the synthetic limbic system), and at the dorsal rate, neonatal respiratory depression,
groups exert morphine-like effects horn of the spinal cord where their lower Apgar scores, neurobehavioral al-
through their ability to bind to action is pre- and postsynaptic terations, and decreased early breast-
different opioid receptors.52 The ef- (Figure 9). Given systemically, opi- feeding.55,56 The neonatal effects are
fect of opioids in the neuroaxis is oids act through all sites simulta- dose- and time-dependent, as respira-
mediated through the opioid re- neously with the supraspinal systems tory depression is described more often
ceptors. There are 3 main receptors, being the most sensitive.53 when pethidine (meperidine) is given
mu (m), kappa (k) and delta (d).52 repeatedly before delivery. Similarly, a
Their main physiological effects and Opioid use during labor is associated large dose of pethidine depresses the
the receptor opioid agonist are with maternal side effects including Apgar score in 1 and 5 minutes.

S1254 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

Neurobehavioral studies found that

newborns of mothers who received TABLE 2
pethidine are sleepier, less likely to suck, Subtypes of opioid receptors52
and slow to base breastfeeding.57 Receptor type Physiological response Receptor agonist
Naloxone, a specific opioid antagonist Mu (m) Analgesia Morphine
that blocks the actions of opioids on Miosis Fentanyl
cells, is usually used postpartum to treat Bradycardia Sufentanil
neonates with cardiorespiratory or Sedation Meperidine
Respiratory depression
neurologic depression, who are exposed Decreased gastrointestinal transit
to opioids before birth. Nevertheless, a
Kappa (k) Analgesia Buprenorphine
systematic review of RCTs reported that
Sedation Pentazocine
the evidence is insufficient to determine Respiratory depression
whether naloxone confers any significant Diuresis
benefit to neonates with intrauterine Psychotomimesis
exposure to opioid. Furthermore, the Delta (d) Analgesia Prodynorphin
authors stated that because of safety Endomorphins
concerns, it may be appropriate to limit Enkephalins
its use to RCTs only.58 Furthermore, Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.
parenteral opioids seem to have little
effect on maternal pain scores during
labor. There is uncertainty as to which epidural analgesia and is associated labor. Rate of maternal adverse effects
opioids have greater analgesic effects and with more adverse effects.61e63 Data (particularly nausea and vomiting) are
how they should be administered, regarding comparisons with other types higher with tramadol use.64,65
whether as boluses or by patient- of analgesics are scarce. Fentanyl is a fast-onset and short-
controlled analgesia.54,56 Nalbuphine and butorphanol are acting synthetic opioid, especially with
mixed agonisteantagonists and are,
10. Systemic opioid boluses: The dosage thus, associated with less neonatal res-
and effect duration of the major piratory depression.2 FIGURE 9
opioids that are currently in clinical Morphine is less commonly used for Mechanism of action of systemic
use are presented in Table 3. pain relief during labor because the dose opioids
needed to achieve a sedative effect carries
Meperidine is the most frequently a higher risk for maternal and neonatal
used systemic opioid. Meperidine is side effects.56 Fentanyl and remifentanil
administered intravenously (IV) or are used for pain relief during labor but
intramuscularly (IM) with typical dos- owing to their short duration of action
ages of 25 to 50 mg IV and 50 to 100 mg they are more suitable for patient-
IM. Onset of action is 5 to 10 minutes controlled analgesia use.49
when administrated IV and up to 45 Tramadol a synthetic analog of co-
minutes when injected IM. Given deine, inhibits norepinephrine and se-
parenterally, its effect last for 2 to 4 rotonin reuptake and binds to m-opioid
hours.2,59 Meperidine is metabolized to receptors, resulting in inhibitory effect
an active, long-acting metabolite called on pain transmission in the spinal cord.
normeperidine. Normeperidine has a Several studies showed that tramadol
prolonged half-life in adults and a half- provides effective analgesia without
life of up to 72 hours in neonates.2,59 maternal and neonatal respiratory
The neonatal adverse effect of meperi- depression that are related to opioid
dine is time- and dose-dependent. Ne- use.52,64.65 Tramadol seems to be a less Schäfer, M. (2011). Mechanisms of action of
onates who are born less than an hour or efficient pain reliever compared with opioids. In A. Evers, M. Maze, & E. Kharasch
>4 hours after meperidine administra- intramuscular meperidine; nevertheless, (Eds.), Anesthetic Pharmacology: Basic Princi-
tion have a low chance of developing more women reported sleepiness with ples and Clinical Practice (pp. 493-508).
respiratory depression, whereas neo- meperidine use. Request for additional Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
nates who are born 2 to 3 hours analgesia, cesarean delivery rate, and the doi:10.1017/CBO9780511781933.032 with
following meperidine injection are Apgar scores are comparable between permission.
frequently affected with it.60 IV meperi- the 2 agents.52 When compared with Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic op-
dine is less effective in relieving pain and intravenous acetaminophen, both pro- tions for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.
discomfort during labor compared with vide comparable analgesia during active

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1255

Expert Review

Dosage and kinetics of opioids in the management of pain during labor2,59,86
Elimination half-life
Drug Dosage and route of delivery Onset Duration (maternal)
Meperidine 25e50 mg IV IV e 5 min 2e4 h 2e3 h
50e1000 mg IM IM e 30e45 min
Fentanyl 50e100 mg (every h); Alternatively, as PCA, IV 2e4 min 30e60 min 3h
load 50 mg then 10e25 mg Q 10e12 min
Remifentanil 0.15e0.5 mg/kg Q 2 min as PCA 20e90 s 3e4 min 9e10 min
Morphine 2e5 mg IV; IV- 10 min 1e3 h 2h
5e10 mg IM IM- 30 min
Nalbuphine 10e20 mg IV/SQ/IM I.V 2e3 min 2e4 h 2e5 h
SQ/IM 15 min
Butorphanol 1e2 mg IV/IM IV 5e10 min 4e6 h 2e5 h
IM 30e60 min
IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PCA, patient-controlled analgesia; Q, every; SQ, subcutaneous.
Zuarez-Easton. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for pain relief during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.

intravenous administration (Table 2).2 effective at providing pain relief; 3086 women) reported that pain relief
This drug can also be administrated however, satisfaction was compara- during labor was similar between the 2
nasally and carries less risk of maternal ble between the groups. Apgar groups. Use of remifentanil patiente
adverse effects, including sedation, scores, cord artery pH, neuro- controlled analgesia significantly reduced
nausea, vomiting, and pruritus, than behavioral scores, and naloxone re- the incidence of maternal fever; however, it
meperidine. One of its major advan- quirements were also comparable.67 was associated with a higher rate of respi-
tages is that unlike meperidine or ratory depression. Apgar scores <7 at 5
morphine fentanyl, it hardly crosses the Meperidine and remifentanil represent minutes were similar.71 The ultrashort
placenta, although, there are reports the “old” and “new” opioids, respectively, half-life of remifentanil makes it attractive
on neonatal respiratory depression that have been compared with fentanyl for intrapartum use particularly through-
following its administration. Fentanyl patientecontrolled analgesia. An RCT out the second stage of labor because
and remifentanil are used for pain relief compared meperidine, remifentanil, and there is little concern regarding accumu-
during labor but because of their short fentanyl patientecontrolled analgesia for lation and undesired neonatal adverse
duration of action they are more suit- labor analgesia and found that remi- effects. The rate of conversion from
able for patient-controlled analgesia fentanil provided better analgesia, but remifentanil patientecontrolled analgesia
use.49 only for the first hour, and was to epidural analgesia is lower than it is for
associated with more sedation and itch- other opioids and ranges between 5%
11. Patient-controlled analgesia using ing.68 Remifentanil patientecontrolled and 14%.72,73
opioids: Opioids given via patient- analgesia may offer better pain relief and The clinical use of remifentanil
controlled analgesia offer the op- fewer fetal adverse effects compared patientecontrolled analgesia is limited
portunity to deliver continuous with other intravenous opioid analgesics because of safety concerns, despite its
pain relief, similar to epidural owing to its unique pharmacologic ef- efficacy in reducing labor pain.74 The
analgesia. The patient-preferred fects.69 Volikas et al compared remi- potential adverse effects include pruri-
dose is administered by pressing a fentanil patientecontrolled analgesia tus, nausea and vomiting, maternal
button, leading to a feeling of pain with meperidine patientecontrolled hypoxia,75 respiratory arrest, and cardiac
control.66 One of the first investi- analgesia in a double-blind RCT. Partu- arrest.76 Melber et al77 reported that,
gated options for patient-controlled rients in the remifentanil group had among 5740 patients who received
analgesia during labor was fentanyl significantly lower pain scores than pa- remifentanil patientecontrolled anal-
patientecontrolled analgesia. A tients in the meperidine group. The trial gesia for labor pain, there was a moder-
small RCT that included 20 pri- was terminated early owing to concern for ate rate of maternal hypoxia (oxygen
miparous women who were ran- poor Apgar scores in the meperidine saturation <94% in 27.3% [1415/5189
domized to receive fentanyl group.70 documented cases]), without require-
patientecontrolled analgesia or A recent meta-analysis of RCTs com- ment for ventilation or cardiopulmo-
epidural bupivacaine found that paring remifentanil patientecontrolled nary resuscitation. The rate of neonatal
epidural analgesia was more analgesia and epidural analgesia (10 trials, cardiopulmonary resuscitation

S1256 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

performed in relation to remifentanil use beliefs and expectations, including giv- considered safe. Their effectiveness may
was 0.3% (13/4559 documented cases), ing birth to a healthy baby in a safe vary on an individual basis, however, and
and the rate of supplemental oxygen use environment. A competent clinical staff the evidence supporting their efficacy,
was 7.6% (248/3261 documented who gives the parturient the option to particularly in the advance staged of labor,
cases).77 Despite these observations, the ask questions, and to be given answers is is weaker than that for other methods.
recommendation that 1:1 nursing care strongly recommended to improve Furthermore, there is not much evidence
should be provided to increase the overall childbirth experience. Putting the to support the use of one method over the
chance of detecting respiratory depres- patient in the center and involving her in other, and the choice is usually individual
sion2,74 limits extensive implementation decision making may improve maternal and subject to availability.
of remifentanil patientecontrolled experience and her satisfaction from la- The effectiveness of systemic phar-
analgesia as a routine choice for labor bor analgesia.19 macologic agents delivered by a non-
analgesia.78 epidural route in preventing pain during
Conclusion labor is restricted. RCTs comparing the
12. Acetaminophen: The fact that Increasing number of women are now effectiveness of systemic opioid boluses
opioid use is associated with opting for pain relief methods that allow with non-opioid agents such as N2O and
maternal and neonatal adverse ef- them maximal control and participation acetaminophen showed similar efficacy
fects led to the search for other op- in the labor process. In such patients, and fewer adverse effects. In view of that,
tions for intrapartum analgesia. along with those who are not eligible to when systemic boluses are the desig-
Intravenous acetaminophen is an receive epidural analgesia, the use of nated option, women and providers have
effective, low-cost option for post- nonpharmacologic or systemic pharma- the choice to limit opioid use. Women
operative pain relief,78 and its IV use cologic analgesia to alleviate labor pain who are interested in efficient conten-
has been proven to be safe with no is a reasonable alternative. Non- tious pain relief, and epidural analgesia is
need for special monitoring.79,80 IV pharmacologic options are attractive and not an option, can be offered
acetaminophen 1000 mg for labor
analgesia has been studied in several
trials.79e83 It provides modest pain GLOSSARY
reduction compared with placebo81
and similar effectiveness compared  GB21 (Gallbladder 21) is one of the points of gall bladder meridian, which is
with IV opioids,79,80,82,83 with fewer located on the shoulder half way between the rotator cuff (the acromion) and the
maternal adverse effects.71,72,74 seventh cervical vertebrae. In traditional Chinese medicine, pressing this point is
13. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory thought to relieve labor pain.
Drugs (NSAIDs): NSAIDs inhibit  Qi is believed to be a vital energy, circulating in the body through pathways named
prostaglandin production which meridians. In traditional Chinese medicine, symptoms of various illnesses are
reduces the inflammatory response believed to be caused by disrupted, blocked, and unbalanced qi movement
and subsequent pain. Classically, through meridians and treatment involves correcting those imbalances.
their effect is anti-inflammatory,  Gate control theory of pain is a model proposed by Melzack and Wall, suggesting
analgesic, and antipyrexial. In that inhibitory interneurons located in the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal dorsal
comparison with opioids, they were horn act as “gate control” units for nociceptive signals entering from the periphery
found to be less satisfying with pain to the central nervous system areas. The ‘gate’ is where pain signals can pass
relief during labor.84 NSAIDs are through to the brain (gate is open) to perceive the pain, or will be blocked (gate is
not in general use for labor analgesia closed) and the sensation of pain will not be perceived.
mainly owing to their potential ef-  Referred pain is when pain perceived in one part of the body, other than the site of
fect on the ductus arteriosus the involved origin or stimulus.
closure.84  Iynger Yoga is a type of yoga as exercise, with a focus on the structural alignment
of the body. It differs from other types of yoga in (1) the precision in alignment of
Healthcare role body postures, rather than self-explored postures, (2) the sequence of postures
Labor pain is often described as one of and the longer stay in each posture to enable muscle to relax and lengthen and (3)
the most painful experiences in a wom- the use of props (such as belts, cushions and benches) to achieve the desired
an’s life. Pain perception is subjective and postures.
influenced by many factors.2,6 When the  Reflexology, is a form of alternative medicine in which gentle pressure is applied
pain is associated with intention and on points on the feet, ears, and hands to produce an effect elsewhere in the body.
progress, the woman experiences more Pain may be reduced by gentle manipulation or pressing certain parts of the foot.
positive emotions and requires less  Shiatsu, is a form of bodywork that originated in Japan. Literally it means “finger
analgesia.85 Positive childbirth experi- pressure”. The shiatsu therapist uses finger pressure along energy paths to relieve
ence is one that accomplishes the wom- pain and tension in the body.
an’s previous personal and sociocultural

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1257

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