Effect of magnetic field treatment on seed germination period and germination success rate. Evangelina Crew research report 2024

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Effect of magnetic field treatment on seed germination

period and germination success rate.

Evangelina Crew
SCIE11023 Scientific Research Fundamentals unit
30th May 2024


The potential of magnetic fields to influence seed germination has gathered

significant attention in recent years, offering a promising avenue for enhancing
agricultural productivity in a sustainable manner. This study investigates the effects
of magnetic field exposure on the germination rate and germination success of
Calendula officinalis L. seeds. The choice of Calendula officinalis L. for this
experiment is based on its previous positive response to magnetic field exposure
and its suitability for time-constrained studies due to its short germination period.
Abdel-Rahman et al. (2021) noted that Calendula officinalis L., commonly known as
pot marigold, is a widely studied species with applications in horticulture and
medicine, making it an ideal candidate for exploring innovative germination
enhancement techniques.
Vashisth and Nagarajan (2017) highlighted that magnetic fields positively affect
various plant species, enhancing seed germination, seedling growth, and overall
plant vigour. Similarly, Martínez et al. (2019) observed that magnetic treatment can
accelerate germination and increase the percentage of germinated seeds by
influencing cellular and molecular processes within the seed. Furthermore, Vashisth
and Nagarajan (2017) found that seeds exposed to magnetic fields exhibited
improved water uptake and enzyme activity, leading to faster germination and
enhanced seedling vigour.
The mechanisms by which magnetic fields influence seed germination involve
complex biochemical and physiological processes. Shine et al. (2017) suggested
that magnetic fields can alter ion movement and molecular interactions within the
seed, enhancing water absorption and metabolic activity. Martínez et al. (2019)
supported this by stating that these changes can lead to increased cell division and

Evangelina Crew 12116901 Research Report SCIE11023 (HT1,2024)

growth, resulting in faster and more uniform germination. Additionally, Flórez et al.
(2012) found that magnetic fields may affect the permeability of cell membranes,
facilitating the transport of nutrients and growth regulators into the cells.
The potential benefits of magnetic field treatment extend beyond improved
germination. Mulusew and Hong (2024) emphasized that by reducing the need for
chemical fertilizers, this method can lower agricultural greenhouse gas emissions,
contributing to climate change mitigation. Abdel-Rahman et al. (2021) further noted
that enhanced seedling vigour and increased crop yield can improve food security by
providing higher and more reliable harvests. Furthermore, Martínez et al. (2019)
indicated that plants grown from magnetically treated seeds have shown increased
resistance to diseases and pests, which can reduce the need for chemical
Despite numerous studies highlighting the benefits of magnetic field treatment, there
remain gaps in the literature of the optimal conditions for its application, how different
plant species respond to magnetic treatment and identifying the factors that
contribute to these variations. The research conducted by Santoyo et al. (2016) and
Liu et al. (2017) provides valuable insights into the effects of magnetic treatment on
plant species, however, underscores such gaps in the literature. Both studies
highlight the variability in responses among different plant species due to their
unique biochemical and physiological traits. Flórez et al. (2012) and Carbonell et al.
(2022) both highlighted that the duration and intensity of magnetic exposure required
to maximize germination benefits need further exploration. This research aims to
address some of these gaps by investigating the effects of a 48-hour exposure
period on the germination of Calendula officinalis L. seeds.
The hypothesis is that if Calendula officinalis L. seeds were treated for 48-hours to a
700-gauss magnetic field, this will result in a higher germination success rate and
faster germination period compared to untreated seeds.
These findings could provide valuable insights into optimizing magnetic field
treatments for various crops, enhancing productivity, and reducing environmental
impacts. Thus, contributing to more sustainable agricultural practices.

Evangelina Crew 12116901 Research Report SCIE11023 (HT1,2024)


Experimental Procedure:

The methodology followed is adapted from Carbonell et al. (2022) with modifications
to suit the specific requirements and limitations of this experiment.
Forty Calendula officinalis L. seeds of uniform size and appearance were selected.
Twenty seeds were subjected to magnetic field treatment while the remaining twenty
served as controls. For the magnetic field treatment, two 700 Gauss ferrite ring
magnets, each 10 cm in diameter, were stacked vertically with their centre rings
aligned. The selected seeds were placed in the centre of the stacked magnets for 48
hours. This duration was chosen based on preliminary studies indicating optimal
germination enhancement (Carbonell et al. 2022).
Coir-peat substrate was hydrated according to the supplier’s instructions using room-
temperature tap water. The substrate was then distributed into ten 0.25L seedling
pots, each filled with 0.24L of the prepared substrate.
After the treatment period, both treated and control seeds were divided into four
replicate samples of five seeds each. Treated seeds were labelled as T1, T2, T3, and
T4, and control seeds as C1, C2, C3, and C4. Each seed was placed on the
substrate surface 1 cm from the pot edge and spaced at least 1 cm apart.
Pots were then positioned in a sunlit indoor area to minimize environmental
variations, maintaining at least 30 cm distance between treated and control groups to
prevent residual magnetic field effects.
Seedlings were watered with 125 mL of room-temperature tap water every second
day. Daily observations were made to monitor signs of germination, defined by the
emergence of cotyledons, with germination considered to be complete when
cotyledons are free from seedcoat. Observations were recorded on the
corresponding day slots in treatment and control observation charts (see appendix),
noting the appearance and germination stage of each seed.

Evangelina Crew 12116901 Research Report SCIE11023 (HT1,2024)

To standardize germination observations, a coding system was implemented as

Observation Code
No signs of germination (x)
Seed coating breaching soil surface (a)
Cotyledon in seed coating emerged 1-3 mm from soil (b)
Cotyledon in seed coating emerged 3-10 mm from soil (c)
Cotyledon in seed coating emerged 10-20 mm from
Germination complete, cotyledon free from seed

This coding system facilitated consistent recording and subsequent statistical analysis of
germination stages.

Statistical Analysis:
Data analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel. The primary metrics were mean
germination period (days) and germination success rate (percentage of seeds germinated).
These were calculated for both treated and control groups. Additionally, standard deviation
was computed to assess data variability and reliability.
Tables and Figures were generated to visually represent data to highlight comparisons.
Furthermore, qualitative data coded from daily observations were analysed to identify trends
in germination stages between treated and control groups. This comprehensive statistical
analysis provided insights into the effectiveness of magnetic field treatment on seed
This methodology attempts to provide a rigorous and replicable approach to evaluating the
impact of magnetic field exposure on seed germination.

Evangelina Crew 12116901 Research Report SCIE11023 (HT1,2024)

The mean germination period (MGP) measures the average time it takes for seeds to
germinate. The data shows (Table 1) that the treated groups generally have a shorter
mean germination period compared to the control groups. On average, the treated groups
required less time to complete germination. With approximately 6.29 days to complete
germination, whereas the control groups required 7.98 days.
Additionally, the germination success rate (GSR) was uniformly higher in the treated
groups, achieving 100% across all replicates. In contrast, the control groups exhibited
more variability, with two replicates (Control 1 and Control 4) showing a lower GSR of
80%. This variability is further reflected in the standard deviations, which were lower for
the treated groups (e.g., Treatment 1 and Treatment 4 had a standard deviation of 0.82
days) compared to the control groups (Table 1). This suggests that the treated seeds not
only germinated more quickly but also did so more consistently than the untreated seeds.

Table 1, Showing Comparison of Treatment and Control Groups, Mean Germination Period (Days),
Germination Success Rate (%) with Standard Deviation

Group MGP (Days) GSR (%)
Treatment 1 6.0 100 0.82
Treatment 2 6.67 100 1.25
Treatment 3 6.5 100 1.12
Treatment 4 6.0 100 0.82
Treatment 6.2925 100 n/a
Control 1 7.67 80 1.25
Control 2 8.0 100 1.41
Control 3 8.25 100 1.48
Control 4 8.0 80 0.82

Control Mean 7.98 90 n/a

The stage counts for each germination stage across different groups provides insights into
the distribution of germination stages over the observation period (Figure 1). Both treated

Evangelina Crew 12116901 Research Report SCIE11023 (HT1,2024)

and control groups had a few instances of seeds just breaching the soil surface (a).
Intermediate stages (b, c, d) had fewer instances overall, indicating that seeds quickly
moved from no signs of germination to complete germination. Most seeds in both treated
and control groups reached complete germination by the end of the observation period with
exception for Control 1 and control 4.
The treated groups generally reached advanced germination stages (e) faster than the
control groups. Furthermore, control groups showed more variability in reaching complete
germination stage. For instance, by Day 4, a significant proportion of treated seeds had
progressed to stages (b) and (c), while most control seeds remained at the initial stages (x)
and (a). This trend continued throughout the observation period, culminating in a higher
number of seeds reaching complete germination (e) in the treated groups earlier than in the
control groups. Figure 1 shows the time-series progression of germination stages for each
group over the observation period. The y-axis represents the germination stage, with higher
values indicating more advanced stages.

Time-Series Plot (Germinated Seeds/Days),

Number of Germinated Seed

Comparison of Treatment and Control Samples


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Treatment_1 Treatment_2 Treatment_3
Treatment_4 Control_1 Control_2
Control_3 Control_4

Figure 1, Time-Series Progression of Germination Stages Over Observation Period (days)

Qualitative daily observations also indicated that treated seeds not only germinated
faster but appeared more vigorous compared to their control counterparts. Treated
seeds developed larger and more robust cotyledons, suggesting enhanced seedling


Evangelina Crew 12116901 Research Report SCIE11023 (HT1,2024)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of magnetic field treatment on the
germination period and success rate of Calendula officinalis L. seeds. The results obtained
from the experiment provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and implications of
using magnetic fields to enhance seed germination.
The data collected from the experiment demonstrate a clear difference in germination
performance between the treated and control groups. The treated seeds exhibited a shorter
MGP of approximately 6.29 days compared to 7.98 days for the control group. This finding
aligns with the hypothesis that magnetic field exposure would accelerate germination.
Additionally, the treated seeds achieved a 100% GSR across all replicates, while the control
seeds showed variability, with GSR ranging from 80% to 100%. The consistency of these
results was reflected in the lower standard deviation values for the treated seeds, indicating
more uniform germination. These results are consistent with previous studies, such as those
by Martínez et al. (2019) and Vashisth and Nagarajan (2017), which reported enhanced
germination and seedling vigour following magnetic field treatment. Vashisth and Nagarajan
(2017) found that static magnetic field exposure significantly improved the germination rate
and seedling vigour in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) by enhancing water uptake and enzyme
activity. This aligns with the current experiment's findings, where treated Calendula officinalis
seeds exhibited faster and more consistent germination.
Martínez et al. (2019) observed that magnetic field treatments could accelerate germination
and increase the percentage of germinated seeds by influencing cellular and molecular
processes within the seed. They highlighted that magnetic fields could alter ion movement
and molecular interactions, enhancing water absorption and metabolic activity, which in turn
promotes cell division and growth (Martínez et al. 2019). The current study supports these
findings, as the treated seeds not only germinated faster but also appeared more vigorous,
suggesting enhanced cellular processes.
The environmental benefits of magnetic field treatments have also been noted in prior
research. Mulusew and Hong (2024) emphasized that such treatments could reduce the
reliance on chemical fertilizers, thereby lowering greenhouse gas emissions and contributing
to sustainable agricultural practices (Mulusew & Hong 2024). The current experiment
corroborates this by suggesting that magnetic field treatments can enhance germination and
plant vigour without chemical inputs, offering a more environmentally friendly alternative for
improving crop yields.
Gaps remain in the literature regarding the optimal conditions for magnetic field applications
and any variation of effects on different plant species. Liu et al. (2017) focus on the diversity
and colonization of endophytic bacteria and how plant defence signalling pathways affect
these bacterial communities. They highlight that while some beneficial effects of magnetic
treatment are known, further research is needed to explore how different exposure durations

Evangelina Crew 12116901 Research Report SCIE11023 (HT1,2024)

and intensities impact various plant species. Flórez et al. (2012) and Carbonell et al. (2022)
pointed out that the duration and intensity of magnetic exposure required to maximize
benefits need further exploration). The current study contributes to this by demonstrating the
efficacy of a 48-hour exposure period to a 700-gauss magnetic field, but further research
with varying durations and intensities could refine these findings as well as the use on a
broad variety of plant species.
Despite the promising results, this study has several limitations. The lack of a controlled
laboratory environment may have introduced variability due to uncontrolled factors such as
humidity and temperature. Future research should aim to address these limitations by
conducting experiments in more controlled environments and exploring the effects of
different magnetic field strengths and exposure durations.
This study demonstrates that magnetic field treatment significantly enhances the germination
period and success rate of Calendula officinalis L. seeds. These findings support the
hypothesis and align with existing literature on the benefits of magnetic field exposure for
seed germination. The potential applications of this method in sustainable agriculture are
promising, offering a means to improve crop yields while reducing the environmental impact
of farming practices. Further research is necessary to optimize the conditions for magnetic
field treatment and to explore its applicability to other crop species.

Evangelina Crew 12116901 Research Report SCIE11023 (HT1,2024)


Abdel-Rahman, RM, Zayed, AE, Ewais, EA & Kamel, EA 2021, 'Magnetic field effects on
growth and essential oil composition of Calendula officinalis L.', Journal of Horticultural
Research, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 87-96. doi: 10.2478/johr-2021-0017.

Carbonell, VM, Flórez, M, Martínez, E & Montoya, E 2022, 'The effect of stationary magnetic
fields on medicinal plants', Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, vol. 13, doi:

Flórez, M, Carbonell, MV & Martínez, E 2012, 'Effect of magnetic field treatment on

germination of medicinal plants', Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, vol. 6, no. 7, pp.
1280-1286. doi: 10.5897/JMPR11.1534.

Liu, H, Carvalhais, LC, Crawford, M, Singh, E, Dennis, PG, Pieterse, CMJ & Schenk, PM
2017, ‘Inner plant values: diversity, colonization and benefits from endophytic bacteria’,
Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 8, pp. 1-17. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02554.

Martínez, E, Carbonell, MV, Amaya, JM & Flórez, M 2019, 'Magnetic biostimulation of

plants', Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 73-82. doi:

Mulusew, A & Hong, M 2024, 'A dynamic linkage between greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
and agricultural productivity: evidence from Ethiopia', Humanities & Social Sciences
Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 52-17. doi: 10.1057/s41599-023-02437-9.

Santoyo, G, Moreno-Hagelsieb, G, Orozco-Mosqueda, M & Glick, BR 2016, ‘Plant growth-

promoting bacterial endophytes’, Microbiological Research, vol. 183, pp. 92-99. DOI:

Shine, MB, Guruprasad, KN & Anand, A 2017, 'Impact of magnetic field pretreatment on
germination, growth, and yield of soybean', Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 274-284.
doi: 10.1002/bem.20636.

Vashisth, A & Nagarajan, S 2017, 'Exposure of seeds to static magnetic field enhances
germination and early growth characteristics in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)',
Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 118-124. doi: 10.1002/bem.20537.

Evangelina Crew 12116901 Research Report SCIE11023 (HT1,2024)

Table 2, Raw Observation Data, Showing Daily Visual Observation of Germination Stages

Day T1 T2 T3 T4 C1 C2 C3 C4
1 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

2 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

3 3(a) 3(a) 2(a) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

4 1(b), 3(c) 1(a), 1(a), 4(a) 2(a) 3(a) 2(a) (x)

2(b) 1(b)

5 1(a), 2(a), 2(b), 1(a), 2(b), 1(a) 1(a). 1(a), 3(b) 3(a)
1(c), 3(e) 1(b), 2(c), 1(e) 1(c), 3(e) 3(b)

6 1(c), 4(e) 1(b), 2(c), 3(e) 1(c), 4(e) 1(a), 1(a), 1(a), 1(a),
2(c), 2(e) 1(b), 1(b), 1(b), 3(b)
1(c), 1(e) 1(c), 1(e) 1(c), 2(e)

7 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 2(c), 2(e) 1(a), 1(b), 1(b),

1(b), 2(c), 2(e) 1(c), 2(e)
1(c), 2(e)

8 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 2(c), 2(e) 1(b), 2(c), 3(e) 1(c), 3(e)
1(c), 3(e)

9 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 4(e), 4(e), 1(c) 4(e), 1(b) 4(e),

10 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 4(e), 5(e), 4(e), 1(c) 4(e),

11 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 4(e), 5(e), 5(e), 4(e),

12 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 5(e) 4(e), 5(e), 5(e), 4(e),

Evangelina Crew 12116901 Research Report SCIE11023 (HT1,2024)

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