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Indicaciones de la tarea

Lee los anuncios, en ellos tu docente comparte información importante sobre el

desarrollo de la tarea.

Hello everybody!

Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below. Remember that if
you need to review a topic, you can always check the course material as many times as you
need. Keep in mind that you have to present this task during week 13.

1. Learning Outcome

Through this activity, students compare technological devices to find the best birthday present
for a friend using the grammar and vocabulary learned in this unit.

1. Description
Step 1: Collaborative work (get into pairs or groups of 3).
Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.
Step 3: Prepare a 3-4 minute dialogue with your partner(s).
Situation: You are in an electronics store trying to buy the best birthday present for your
friend. The birthday boy/girl is a technological person. He/she wants to celebrate his/her
birthday next Saturday. For that reason, you ask for help from his brother/sister who
knows him/her better and knows his/her preferences about devices. Ask and answer
questions to compare three options and choose the best technological present for
Student A: You are in an electronics store trying to find a technological device to give
your friend as a birthday present, but you need help choosing between three devices.
For that reason, you call Student B/C (his/her brother or sister) to give you
suggestions and together compare and choose the best option.
Student B/C: You are technological people. Help your friend by answering some
questions about technological devices. Help him/her to compare three options until
you choose the best of the three and giving some suggestions
Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 3 (Weeks 10,11 and 12)
Verbs for devices
Adjectives to describe things
Imperative form (affirmative & negative)
Superlative and comparative form of adjectives.
Step 4:
Practice the dialogue with your partner(s) paying attention to the pronunciation and
Remember to transmit your personal emotions as if you were in a real situation.
Step 5: Once you are ready, record yourselves in multimedia in virtual learning platform or
upload your video in Youtube /Drive and share the link in a Word format in virtual learning
Step 6: Use the following structure:
Cover: Your names and last names must be there. Include your photos. There are 2
options to do it: (Choose one)
Option 1: Insert the cover in your video, if you record it in virtual learning platform .
Option 2: Insert the cover in a Word format with the YouTube link/Drive link

1. Presentation
Number of participants: 2-3
Format: Video or Word format with Youtube link.
Video Length: 3 -4 minutes
Channel: Online- Delivery in the virtual platform
Cover: your names and last names must be there, include your photos.
Deadline: Sunday of Week 13

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