Etapas en el comercio internacional

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International Trade

Reimportation in the same state


Fretel Panduro, Daniel Fernando

Salazar Huayllacayan, Albert Luis
Vilcahuaman Rojas, Jeanpiere Alesandro


Yaya Castañeda, Doris Rosario

Lima - Este


● Concept…………………………………………………………………. 1

● Updates:..................................................................................................2

● Practical case:................………………………………………………...3
-Benefit for commerce...………………………………………………..
-Limitations for trading………………………………………………...
-Application to the current Peruvian market…………………………….


● Turnitín:....................................................................................................5

Reimportation in the same state is defined as the return to the country of origin of
goods that, after having been exported, return without having been altered. This
process is generally exempt from customs duties, since the goods have not
increased in value or been transformed. However, it is necessary to meet certain
requirements and present documentation that demonstrates that the goods are
returned in the same state in which they were exported.

We can also say that reimportation in the same State can definitively enter the
customs territory without the cost of paying customs duties, or any other tax or
surcharge that applies to the importation of the product, as long as it is not subject to
any additional movement. . outside the country of origin.

Reimportation is practically the entry of goods or merchandise that were exported

but these are reintroduced into the national customs territory for sale, as previously
mentioned without any payment of the corresponding tariffs or duties.
It is also strictly regulated by the customs authorities of said country.

For companies involved in international trade, re-importation in the same state is

useful and often necessary. Legal requirements, proper documentation, and effective
process management can reduce costs and ensure business continuity. However, it
is crucial to be aware of each nation's specific regulations and potential obstacles
that may arise in the process.

In conclusion, this regime regulates the departure of nationals from the national
customs territory at a certain time, that is, for a purpose in the outskirts, in a
temporary time, where they must be reimported without having any modification or
something having been moved or added. Companies that engage in international
trade benefit from the customs regime for re-importation in the same state because it
allows them to handle returns and unsold merchandise without additional expenses.
However, to ensure a smooth and effective reimportation process, it is essential to
comply with legal and documentary requirements and understand each nation's
specific regulations.

In many countries, regulations on re-importation into the same state have evolved to
facilitate international trade and reduce barriers for companies operating globally.
These updates may include:

Simplification of Procedures: Reduction of bureaucratic procedures and digitalization

of customs processes to speed up reimportation.

Extended Deadlines: Increase in the period allowed for reimported goods to return
without losing the tariff exemption.

Greater Clarity in Documentary Requirements: Improved guidelines and

requirements for the necessary documentation, ensuring that companies clearly
understand what is needed for a successful reimport.

Policies to Support Electronic Commerce: Adaptation of regulations to facilitate the

reimport of of goods acquired through electronic commerce platforms, where returns
are common.

Reimportation in the same state is a vital process in international trade that involves
bringing goods that were previously exported back to the country of origin,
maintaining their original condition. This procedure not only facilitates efficient
management of assets and resources but also plays a crucial role in the operational
sustainability of many industries.

Complying with strict customs and regulatory requirements is necessary during the
re-importation process. Exhaustive documentation is necessary that verifies the
initial export and verifies the authenticity and condition of the goods upon return. This
ensures that the goods have not undergone significant changes or significant
improvements during their time abroad, maintaining the transparency and integrity of
business operations.
Today, the same-state reimportation strategy has become even more effective due to
increased environmental awareness and more rigorous international regulations.

The automotive industry, for example, can reuse and reintegrate specific
components without compromising quality, and the technology sector, on the other
hand, can perform repairs and upgrades under warranty to maintain competitiveness
and customer satisfaction.

Re-importation in the same state refers to the process of importing goods that were
previously exported without undergoing transformation or modification abroad. This
practice is typically governed by specific regulations in each country and may involve
tariff benefits or additional requirements as per current customs regulations.

The specific updates regarding policies on re-importation in the same state vary
depending on the country and industry involved. It is advisable to consult with local
customs authorities or international trade specialists to collect the clearest and most
up-to-date information on how to proceed correctly in each case.
Practical Case

Defective Products: A household appliance exporting company sends a batch to a

customer abroad. Upon receiving them, the customer detects that some items are
defective and decides to return them. The company reimports these products for
inspection and repair, without additional tariffs being applied upon their return.

Exhibitions and Fairs: A company participates in an international fair and brings

samples of its products to exhibit them. After the fair, unsold products are reimported
to the country of origin without having been altered, allowing the company to recover
its inventory without additional tariff costs.

Shipping Errors: A heavy machinery manufacturer mistakenly sends an incorrect part

to a customer in another country. The part is returned and reimported unused or
modified, allowing the manufacturer to resend the correct part without incurring
additional costs.

Testing and Demonstrations: A technology company exports devices to a subsidiary

in another country for internal testing and demonstrations. After completing the tests,
the devices are reimported to the country of origin without alterations, and without
paying tariffs again.


To perform a reimport in the same state, the following steps must generally be

Original Export Declaration: Keep the original export declaration and any
documentation showing that the goods were legally exported.

Evidence of the Condition of the Goods: Provide evidence that the goods have not
been altered, repaired or modified during their stay abroad.

Reimport Declaration: Submit a reimport declaration to the corresponding customs

authority, including all necessary documents.
Customs Inspection: Allow inspection of goods by customs authorities, if required, to
verify their status.

Tariff Exemption: Request tariff exemption, presenting evidence that the goods meet
the requirements for reimportation in the same state.

Necessary Documentation

Original Commercial Invoice: The invoice used during the original export.

Certificate of Origin: Demonstrating the origin of the goods.

Customs Export Declaration: Documentation presented at the time of export.

Evidence of the Condition of the Goods: Photographs, inspection reports, or

statements from the parties involved that ensure that the goods have not been
In practical terms, reimportation affects the country's trade balance by reducing
exports and improving the trade balance. In addition, it may have implications for the
national industry and employment, as it may have an impact on the production and
demand of goods and services.
However, in general, reimportation can provide added value in terms of price, quality
and variety of products available in the domestic market, as well as in terms of jobs
and economic impact.

In terms of benefits for trade, reimportation can:

1.Increase the productive capacity of local companies by improving access to foreign

products and technologies. * Increase the competitiveness of Peruvian companies
by allowing access to cheaper or higher products of very good quality than in
national markets.

2.Increase purchasing options for consumers, improving their ability to choose and
quality of products available in the national market.
3. Increase investment in infrastructure and technology, which can have a positive
impact on the country's economy.


Some conclusions about reimportation in the same state are:

1. Reimportation can be a strategy for optimizing the payment of customs taxes and
reducing import costs.
2. Reimportation may be subject to restrictions and limitations established by the
country's customs authorities, such as import quantity limits, waiting periods before
being able to import again, documentary requirements, among others.
3. Reimportation may be an option for companies or consumers looking for products
available in the foreign market but not in the domestic market, or for those looking for
cheaper products in other countries.
4. Reimportation can have an impact on the country's trade balance, given that a
merchandise that had already been previously exported is being introduced.
5. Reimportation can have consequences on the country's economy and trade,
depending on the products and quantities involved.


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