1718855989-Grade IV Computer UT 1 Ws.

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UT-1 WORKSHEET (2024-2025)

Chapter-1: Computer Memory

Chapter-6: Introduction to scratch

I Fill in the blanks:

1. _________ is the working memory of the computer.
2. A computer stores data and information in its _________
3. __________ is the latest version of scratch programming.
4. 1 MB = _______ KB
5. _______ flag is used to run the code in scratch.
6. ___________ is the colour of pen block.
7. Computer can understands only__________.
8. To add sound to your program in scratch you need to click _____
II Answer in one word or sentence:
1. Write the full form
a) DVD b) CD
2. Which unit is used to measure the memory of the computer.
3. 1 GB= __________ MB , 1 TB= _________ GB
III Short answer questions:
1. Name the elements of scratch window.
2. Write short notes on scratch programming.
3. Why computer is known as a digital device?
4. Write short note on Hard disk and pendrive
5. What is secondary memory?
6. Write a scratch program to draw a square.
7. Write a scratch program to make the sprite to say something.

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