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Pediatric Mandible Fractures
Lewis C. Jones, Robert L. Flint

occur in isolation, up to 20% will present with bilateral condylar

fractures.3–5 Mandible fractures also occur with concomitant injuries
The topic of pediatric mandible fractures covers a wide range of patients in regions other than the face in 11%–65% of trauma patients.6,7 Forces
with multiple clinical variables. Patients can range from a neonate with that are significant to fracture a pediatric mandible have a high likeli-
a mandible fracture stemming from birth trauma to an 18-year-old hood of concomitant injury. Injuries associated with mandible fractures
with full permanent dentition and multiple fractures. Because of this include other facial fractures (13%), facial soft tissue injury (34%),
range of differences, the “pediatric” population in regards to mandible C-spine (0.9%–4.4%), neurocranial (8.5%–34%), extremity (9.1%–
fractures can be further divided into the following: 16.4%), chest (1.8%), and abdominal injuries (1.6%).2,6,7 Concomitant
Neonate/infants – 0 to 1 year of age (developing/unerupted dentition) injuries vary based on the mechanism of injury. While ER visits involving
Toddlers – 1 to 3 years of age (erupting primary dentition) facial fractures are relatively uncommon (0.03%),2 all surgeons are
Children – 4 to 12 years of age (primary and mixed dentition) mandatory reporters of suspected child abuse—any suspicion of the
Adolescents – 12 to 18 years of age mechanism/injury should provoke notification through the proper
Fractures of the mandible can be characterized as favorable or unfavor- channels for investigation and any necessary intervention.
able, or according to site; however, the crucial information in pediatric
mandible fractures is the stage of the dentition. Whether the patient
has primary, mixed or permanent dentition can drastically affect the
overall treatment plan. The pediatric mandible is the storage warehouse The mandible develops by intramembranous ossification and is derived
for the developing teeth. Developing tooth buds that exist in the growing from the first branchial cleft with contributions from the proximal
patient will add complexity to a case, as the routine methods to control portion of Meckel’s cartilage. By the sixth week of embryologic devel-
occlusion (intermaxillary fixation) and apply fixation can prove to be opment, the bilateral mandibular processes have fused to form a fibrous
difficult, or even impossible. Unfortunately, pediatric mandible fractures symphysis. The mandible is then the second site (after the clavicle) to
are a common problem. undergo ossification.8,9 Ossification continues throughout the first year
The incidence of pediatric mandible fractures, as demonstrated of life.
in Imahara’s review of the National Trauma Data Bank from 2001 The growth of the mandible is a complex, multifactorial process.
to 2005, is not insignificant. Imahara found that of 12,739 pediatric Its growth is influenced by the growth of the alveolar process, the devel-
patients diagnosed with facial fractures, the most common fracture oping dentition, the associated muscular processes, and the mandibular
was that of the mandible (32.7%).1 A recent review of the Healthcare condyle. Disruptions in growth (either due to congenital factors or due
Cost and Utilization Project’s National Emergency Department Sample to trauma) can lead to abnormal development, with significant cosmetic
demonstrated mandible fractures (defined as fractures in patients 18 and functional consequences, including asymmetries and malocclusions
years of age and younger) to have a 4 : 1 male to female ratio and (Fig. 2.5.1).
an overall mean age of 14 years. The major etiologies of mandible The importance of the relationship of the developing dentition to
fractures in this study included falls (17%), motor vehicle collisions alveolar growth cannot be overstressed. In patients with congenitally
(13%), and assault (8%). The mechanism of trauma varies according missing dentition (such as ectodermal dysplasia), the alveolar process
to age, with the leading cause in both females and males in patients is undeveloped. The growth of the alveolar process mirrors the eruption
under 12 years of age being falls, while male and older adolescent (≥12 sequence. After tooth eruption, the mechanical forces of mastication
years) patient populations had assault as their leading cause of mandible and parafunctional habits exert forces on the alveolar bone that will
fracture.2 also influence development and maintenance of bone. While this complex
The site of fracture also varies according to age. Owusu and col- process has not been fully elucidated, it is imperative that the surgeon
leagues reviewed more than 1200 mandible fractures in pediatric patients, understands the interactive role the developing dentition plays in alveolar
revealing that the most commonly fractured anatomic sites of the man- bone development and does everything possible to minimize disruption
dible varied depending on age.2 This is likely a result of two factors: during the treatment of mandible fractures.
first, the developing dentition, which would provoke changes in the The position of the mental foramen changes relative to the man-
mandible’s weak points as teeth develop and erupt, and second, the dibular body throughout mandibular growth. At age 3 it lies between
change in the mechanisms based on the common activities specific to the deciduous canine and first molar and is near the inferior border.
each age group. Young patients (≤12 years of age) most commonly By age 6, the mental foramen is posterior and superior in its relative
fractured the condyle (27.9%) while older patients’ most common site position, eventually residing inferior to the first or second premolar
of fracture was the angle (17.6%).2 Several additional studies have dem- and is no longer near the inferior border, but is often equidistant between
onstrated that while many pediatric mandibular condylar fractures will the inferior and superior aspect of the mandibular body.10

324 SECTION 2 Pediatric Facial Injury

Condylar head

Condylar neck



Infant mandible



Fig. 2.5.2 Artist rendition of anatomic regions of the mandible.

foramen proximally and divides at the first molar region into an incisive
Adult mandible branch that continues anteriorly within the mandible and a mental
Fig. 2.5.1 Artist rendition of pediatric versus adult mandible. branch that exits at the mental foramen. The orientation of the neu-
rovascular bundle is that the vein (or veins) reside superior to the nerve,
and the artery is located lingual to the nerve.13
The muscles of mastication play a role in the development of both The mandible is a bone suspended in space by its musculature. The
the coronoid process and mandibular angle (which grow by periosteal paired muscles that help with mastication are the medial and lateral
apposition). However, disruption of these regions with fractures rarely pterygoids, masseter, temporalis, with some contribution from the
impacts the overall growth of the mandible. digastric muscles. The medial aspect of the mandibular body is the site
The mandibular growth derived from the condylar process is complex of attachment for the mylohyoid and the anterior lingual aspect provides
and fracture of this region can impede growth and result in asymmetry the site of attachment for the digastric, the genioglossus, and geniohyoid
and malocclusion.10 While other growth mechanisms exist within the muscles. The mandible is also the site of attachment for the paired
mandible, the condyle is a major contributing source of both vertical muscles of the mentalis (anteriorly) and buccinator (superiorly at the
and horizontal growth of the mandible. The growth of the condylar posterior body), as well as the platysma (along the inferior border).
process is linked to the presence of secondary cartilage in this location.11 This complex musculoskeletal unit provides the ability for basic life
The direction of this growth of the condyle is influenced by the man- functions such as speech and mastication. An injury to the mandible
dibular posture, condyle/fossa relationship, and a multitude of mechanical can lead to compromise, and its proper repair is necessary in reestab-
factors.12 Fractures of the condyle can have a significant impact on lishing both form and function.
normal mandibular growth/development and will be discussed later in
this chapter.
Understanding the dentition and its stages is crucial in the treatment
ANATOMY OF THE MANDIBLE of pediatric mandible fractures. In general, pediatric mandible fractures
The bony mandible is comprised of the following anatomic subunits: can be divided into three simple groups: primary dentition, mixed
the condyle, condylar neck, ramus, angle, body, and symphysis. Use of dentition, and permanent dentition stages. The dentition phase, as well
these terms in describing the injury is paramount in helping a practi- as the condition of the dentition, will significantly affect the treatment
tioner understand the problem at hand – as fractures of the mandible plan for mandible fractures.
are treated differently based on the age of the patient and the anatomic The tooth buds for the primary teeth are present in utero with the
subunit involved (Fig. 2.5.2). dental lamina from which they develop present as early as 12 weeks in
The third division of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) provides utero.14 The first teeth to erupt are most often the lower central incisors
sensory innervation to the mandible after exiting the foramen ovale. at 6–10 months of age. The primary dentition is comprised of 20 teeth
This nerve also provides innervation to the muscles of mastication that most often erupt prior to age 3 (Fig. 2.5.3). Primary teeth have
(masseter, temporalis, and medial/lateral pterygoid muscles). The major crowns that are more bulbous than their permanent counterparts, and
arterial supply to the mandible is the inferior alveolar artery (a branch have roots with increased divergence, which allows space for the devel-
of the internal maxillary artery). The associated inferior alveolar vein opment of permanent tooth buds inferiorly. The roots of primary teeth
completes the neurovascular bundle that enters at the mandibular will resorb as the permanent teeth develop and begin to erupt, ending
CHAPTER 2.5 Pediatric Mandible Fractures 325

Fig. 2.5.5 Early permanent dentition (age 13) with developing third
Fig. 2.5.3 Primary dentition in a 4-year-old patient with Risdon cables
in place.
is involved in and the weak points of the mandible vary with age. In
various studies evaluating the distribution of mandible fractures in
pediatric patients, the condylar (condylar neck or condylar head) region
is consistently the most frequently fractured structure (7%–45%), the
parasymphysis is the second most frequently injured (20%–32%), the
percentage of angle fractures ranges from 4.4% to 45%, with an increased
incidence during the teenage years, coinciding with third molar devel-
opment. Siegel et al. demonstrated that children in mixed dentition
aged 7–12 have increased risk of mandibular body fractures (20%)
compared to younger children aged birth to 6 (4.4%) or those aged
13–18 years (9.7%). Patients often presented with multiple fractures

Fig. 2.5.4 Mixed dentition: panoramic image of mixed dentition (age EVALUATION
11) – note the eruption of permanent first molars and incisors. The
developing canines and premolars (and second and third molars) have Evaluation of the mandible during the secondary trauma survey (fol-
yet to erupt. lowing ATLS protocol) should replicate the exam in an adult patient
– however, it will often require patience and ingenuity. A thorough
evaluation of the mandible will include examination of the temporo-
with the exfoliation of the primary teeth. Primary teeth should have mandibular joints, bony continuity at the posterior/inferior border,
some spacing between all of the teeth, although spacing between the dentition, occlusion, and the associated soft tissue.
primary teeth will close with the eruption of the first permanent molar, The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) should be assessed for appro-
which ushers in the beginning of the mixed dentition phase.15 priate range of motion, tenderness overlying the joint, pop/click/crepitus,
The mixed dentition phase begins around age 6 and extends until and deviation on opening. From the TMJ region, the practitioner should
approximately age 12 when the final primary tooth exfoliates (Fig. 2.5.4). palpate for bony steps or irregular surface along the posterior border
The mixed dentition presents significant challenges in establishing the of the ramus and inferior border of the body and symphysis region,
maxillomandibular relationship due to unerupted or partially erupted also noting any discrete regions of tenderness. The dentition should be
permanent teeth, loose deciduous teeth that have not exfoliated, and inspected for loose or missing teeth as well as “steps” in the occlusal
discrepancy in crown size of the newly erupted permanent dentition plane. The occlusion with the maxillary dentition (if intact) should be
adjacent to smaller, retained primary teeth. These challenges can impede evaluated for a stable/repeatable occlusion, as alterations in occlusion
the placement of secure maxillomandibular fixation (MMF) for both can be indicative of fracture or TMJ hemarthrosis/edema. The overlying
closed and open procedures to correct alignment of a mandible fracture. attached and unattached gingival tissues require inspection for lacera-
Similarly to the primary dentition phase, existing unerupted tooth buds tions and bleeding, which often harbor fragments of traumatized denti-
within the mandible can present challenges when open reduction/rigid tion (or entire teeth).
fixation is required. Imaging of the mandible for suspected fractures/injury is best
Following the exfoliation of the final primary tooth, the dentition performed with a combination of images.18 Imaging of the mandible
is considered to be in the permanent dentition phase (Fig. 2.5.5). It can be accomplished with a single panoramic image (Fig. 2.5.6). This
is at this point that the methods of treatment for a mandible frac- single image allows visualization of the mandible and dentition in its
ture begin to mirror the treatments rendered in the adult population. entirety on a single image with minimal radiation exposure. Unfor-
The fracture patterns of the mandible also resemble that of the adult tunately, young patients may not be tall enough or remain motion-
population. less long enough for this image to be obtained, and many emergency
rooms and trauma centers are not equipped to provide this image as
FRACTURE PATTERNS IN it is most often employed in a dental setting. AP and lateral mandible
films can be helpful in augmenting the panoramic image (Fig. 2.5.7).
PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS They may be used alone to demonstrate fractures, but can be difficult to
Fracture patterns in pediatric populations vary based on the stage of interpret if the practitioner is not accustomed to viewing these images
the dentition of the patient as both the activities a child/youth/adolescent and non-displaced fractures or greenstick fractures (more common
326 SECTION 2 Pediatric Facial Injury

Fig. 2.5.6 Fracture from between teeth 22 and 23 extending to sym-

physis detected on panoramic radiograph (age 18).

Fig. 2.5.7 AP plain film of infant with left body fracture due to forceps

in pediatric populations) can be missed. For all of the above reasons,

further characterization of mandible fractures is most often provided B
by a non-contrast computerized tomogram (CT) of the mandible (Fig.
2.5.8). Appropriate imaging ensures extension of the area imaged from Fig. 2.5.8 Coronal CT of 2-year-old male with left parasymphysis fracture
the glenoid fossa to the inferior border of the mandible. Finally, sur- (ATV accident) – coronal (A) and axial (B) views.
geons who have cone beam technology available to them can utilize this
method of imaging to decrease radiation dose, while still affording axial,
coronal and sagittal slices for three-dimensional evaluation of the injury,
but like a panoramic image they require a patient to remain motion- patient’s ability to heal more rapidly, as well as avoidance of potential
less in an upright position for the period of time it takes to obtain the complications associated with open management of a growing/developing
image. bony structure. The discussion of management is divided into anatomic
regions and includes fractures of the condylar/subcondylar region, angle,
and the body/symphyseal region.
The treatments described below are directed toward the growing patient, Fractures of the Condyle/Subcondylar Region
and for the purposes of this chapter, treatments for patients where Condylar fractures in pediatric patients are almost always managed
growth cessation has already occurred are not discussed – as these closed; these patients have proven regenerative/healing potential and
patients should be treated consistent with “adult” modalities. The major the risk of growth disturbance usually precludes open treatment.19 The
“take-home” point from any chapter on pediatric fractures should be indications for open treatment of condylar fractures, introduced by
the role for conservative therapy, which often occupies a much larger Zide,20 also apply to pediatric patients as there are few scenarios outside
spectrum than in the adult population. This is due to the pediatric of these in which the benefits of an open procedure would outweigh
CHAPTER 2.5 Pediatric Mandible Fractures 327

Erich arch bars with elastics in the growing patient with permanent
dentition (Figs. 2.5.11 and 2.5.12).
In all cases, it is important to maintain long-term follow-up to
observe the developing mandible after a fracture of the condyle. Frac-
tures in young patients can take years to manifest the developing

Angle Fractures
Fractures of the mandibular angle increase with the development of the
third molar – thus inducing a weak point at the angle of the mandible.23–26
As such, only 4% of mandible fractures in children <12 years of age
were angle fractures, versus almost 18% of patients over age 12 who
presented with mandibular angle fractures.2 These fractures can be
treated with MMF as described above with the use of Risdon cables
or Erich arch bars and wire MMF for a period of 2–3 weeks followed
by elastics for an additional 2–4 weeks depending on the patient’s age
and severity of the fracture. Open reduction and internal fixation of
angle fractures can be addressed with the use of 3D or “ladder” plates, a
single superior lateral border plate, a plate on the external oblique ridge
(“Champy technique”), or with an inferior border plate27 (Fig. 2.5.13).
Several circumstances will impact the decision-making process regard-
Fig. 2.5.9 Bilateral subcondylar fracture in a 9-year-old male. ing the technique to be employed, such as the nature of the fracture,
the presence or absence of a third molar, and the need for extraction
of the third molar (if present) at the time of fixation.
the risks. These indications, as outlined in the 1983 paper, include the
following scenarios: Fractures of the Mandibular Body/Symphysis
1. Displacement of the condyle into the middle cranial fossa or external Fractures of the body and symphysis region (dentate portion) of the
auditory canal mandible should be assessed for mobility. If no mobility is noted and
2. Lateral extracapsular dislocation. imaging is consistent with a greenstick fracture (which is common in
3. Contaminated open joint wound. pediatric populations), then soft diet and follow-up are recommended.
4. Inability to obtain adequate occlusion. Minimal mobility or displacement may be amenable to Risdon cables/
It should be noted that in pediatric patients, there may exist a much more arch bar placement with a short (2–3 week) period of MMF followed
loose definition of what defines adequate occlusion. In the primary and by elastics for an additional 2–4 weeks depending upon the severity of
mixed dentition phase, the developing dentition can often compensate the fracture. The severity of the fracture is based upon bony displace-
for discrepancies introduced by a condylar fracture. In situations where ment and subsequent occlusal stability. Alternatively, a lingual splint
occlusion is difficult to determine, a set of dental models can often can be used to stabilize the fracture with the aid of circumdental wires
prove useful as it can allow the practitioner to evaluate the occlusion (Fig. 2.5.14). However, this usually necessitates multiple trips to the
with some manipulation of the models and thus help determine the operating room for impressions, followed by pouring of dental stone
necessity for opening a condylar fracture. When in doubt, it is prudent models and fabrication of a lingual splint, which is then wired into
to err on the side of conservative treatment. In general, conservative place. This laborious process is generally avoided as a technique. Frac-
therapy is preferred for treating pediatric condylar fractures – even tures of the body which are oblique in nature may be amenable to
in bilateral cases (Fig. 2.5.9). Several practitioners have demonstrated circumdental wiring, which is another effective technique that is rarely
good results in published reports.21,22 Conservative therapy for condylar employed (Fig. 2.5.15).
and subcondylar fractures includes a soft diet and antiinflammatory Grossly displaced fractures often require open reduction and internal
medications. The soft diet should be adhered to for 4–6 weeks and the fixation. Resorbable plates are not FDA-approved for use in mandible
antiinflammatory medications should be prescribed for the first 5–7 fractures, but have been utilized with some success.28 If used, they may
days in patients where contraindications do not exist. Both unilateral require placement of two plates and therefore placement of the second,
and bilateral fracture patients require close observation for persistent more superior plate can cause damage to developing tooth buds in
decreased range of motion that may indicate a patient on the path primary and mixed dentition patients. A single mandibular miniplate
to ankylosis. Early referral to a physical therapist to increase range at the inferior border with the use of a superior “tension band” of a
of motion is advised. Patients are also observed for development of Risdon cable or Erich arch bar is often sufficient and minimizes injury
growth disturbances with resultant asymmetry (Figs. 2.5.10A–D). The to tooth buds and/or the inferior alveolar nerve (Figs. 2.5.16 and 2.5.17).
traumatized condyle may cease to grow while the unaffected condyle The plate can be removed after adequate healing has taken place. This
continues to grow normally resulting in obvious asymmetry with a can usually be accomplished in conjunction with removal of the arch
compensatory occlusal cant. Appropriate follow-up and early refer- bars/wires at 6–8 weeks after injury.
ral to an orthodontist for evaluation and intervention is paramount Conservative, nonoperative management of the pediatric mandible
(Fig. 2.5.10E). fracture is often the preferred method of treatment. Open treatment
Like condylar fractures, subcondylar fractures should also be managed of the symphysis, body, or ramus is typically indicated when there is
conservatively. These fractures are contained within the pterygomas- significant skeletal displacement resulting in malocclusion, limited range
seteric sling and as such will most often heal without complication. of motion, inhibition of proper function, and/or the possibility of airway
The healing of a subcondylar fracture is facilitated by light function compromise. Rarely, if ever, is open treatment performed for a pediatric
with Risdon cables and elastics in primary and mixed dentition, and Text continued on p. 332
328 SECTION 2 Pediatric Facial Injury


Fig. 2.5.10 (A) Patient in mixed dentition phase (age 7) with history of left condylar fracture at age 2. Some
mild to moderate asymmetry can be seen at the inferior border of the mandible. (B) Same patient at age 13
with worsening asymmetry due to condylar fracture at age 2. (C) Intraoral view exhibiting occlusal cant and
mandibular asymmetry with left posterior crossbite present. Severe dental midline discrepancy also exists.
(D) Anteroposterior facial view of patient at age 13 with noted asymmetry. Note the significant chin point
deviation toward the affected left side and the dental midline discrepancy is also present. (E) Patient with
orthodontic appliance in place. This appliance is fabricated and worn in order to help inhibit right maxillary
tooth eruption and promote continued eruption of that on the left. This will help prevent development of a
compensatory maxillary occlusal cant.
CHAPTER 2.5 Pediatric Mandible Fractures 329



Fig. 2.5.11 (A) Risdon cables are placed by first placing a circumdental wire around a stable molar. The wire
is then twisted to the length appropriate to reach the contralateral molar and a loop can be placed around
this molar as well. (B) Circumdental wires are then placed around each tooth in the arch, securing it to the
initial cable. (C) This is done in the maxilla and mandible both in order to obtain maxillomandibular fixation.
(D) The final product should appear similar to this – with rosettes placed to avoid additional trauma to adjacent
soft tissues. (E) Elastics can then be placed bilaterally for elastic MMF to allow for light function through the
convalescent period.
330 SECTION 2 Pediatric Facial Injury

Fig. 2.5.12 Erich arch bars are applied similarly to Risdon cables. Note
that Erich arch bars are more able to maintain stability with wire MMF
compared with Risdon cables.

Fig. 2.5.14 Lingual splint fabricated from acrylic for stabilization of left
mandibular body fracture. Note the holes placed for stabilization with
circumdental wires.


Fig. 2.5.13 (A) 3D/Ladder plate at angle with removal of third molar (#17). Note the empty four holes over
the region of fracture. The screws at the angle are monocortical. Note that arch bars remain in place and
single mandibular reconstruction plate was used for the symphysis fracture. (B) Superior lateral border plate
can be used for fixation of an angle fracture. This is a 14-year-old female with angle fracture. Tooth #32 was
removed due to displacement and six-hole monocortical plate was placed with three screws on each side
of the fracture. (C) One disadvantage of a 3D or a superior border plate is the necessity for a transbuccal
trocar for placement of proximal screws. Several types of transbuccal retractors exist for use with the trocar.
Pictured below is the blade cheek retractor (KLS Martin). (D) Champy plate at left angle fracture with third
molar remaining in place. Rigid fixation achieved at contralateral fracture with reconstruction plate at inferior
border. This plate can most often be placed with a transoral approach.
CHAPTER 2.5 Pediatric Mandible Fractures 331


Fig. 2.5.15 Placement of circum-mandibular wire is accomplished with the aid of an awl which is passed first
on the lingual aspect (A), the wire is secured through the hole on the awl and then brought inferiorly (taking
care not to exit the skin) and reintroduced at the buccal aspect. The fracture is then reduced by twisting
the wire into place (B). (C) Panoramic image after placement of the circum-mandibular wire pictured in (B).

Fig. 2.5.16 (A,B) Single four-hole plate at the inferior border of the posterior left mandibular body. This will
ideally be below the developing tooth buds. As evidenced on the panoramic image, the plate appears to be
placed at the inferior aspect of the developing #20 follicle.
332 SECTION 2 Pediatric Facial Injury

Fig. 2.5.17 (A,B) Fracture of the parasymphysis region with developing tooth buds in place. A single inferior
border four-hole plate was placed for stabilization.

condyle fracture unless the condyle is displaced into the middle cranial Growth Disturbance
fossa. Thankfully, like bony ankylosis, growth disturbance following trauma
to the mandible is an uncommon complication (Figs. 2.5.10A–D). One
Treatment of the Associated Dentition retrospective study evaluating adverse outcomes in pediatric popula-
Tooth buds that are displaced and in the line of fracture preventing tions noted that 2 of 57 patients (3.5%) with isolated mandible fractures
reduction should be replaced within the alveolus, where possible. If exhibited post-injury mandibular hypoplasia.31 Pediatric mandible
preventing fracture reduction, the tooth bud should be removed – with fractures, especially those in the condylar/subcondylar region, should
clear communication to the patient’s dentist/pedodontist for space be followed as they continue to grow to evaluate for disturbance in
maintenance, where appropriate. Avulsed primary teeth should never growth. This is most often noted as chin point deviation and dental
be replaced. Primary teeth loose enough to present an aspiration risk midline discrepancies. A panoramic radiograph (orthopantomogram)
should be removed. Permanent teeth that have been avulsed or luxated will confirm clinical suspicion for hypoplasia of the mandible following
should be reimplanted, reduced, and splinted/stabilized appropriately trauma. Treatment will be dependent upon age and severity of the
and referred to a dentist/endodontist for vitality testing to determine asymmetry – most often, surgical correction will include orthodontics
the necessity of root canal therapy. in conjunction with orthognathic surgery. According to a single center,
retrospective study at the Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, Canada)
MAJOR COMPLICATIONS AND MANAGEMENT of 88 patients with mandible fractures, the children most likely to require
orthognathic surgery after mandible fracture were those between ages
Ankylosis 4 and 7 (22%) and 8 and 11 (17%). As expected, these growth distur-
This is a complication that is often described but seldom seen in the bances most often resulted from condylar trauma.29
pediatric patient. Trauma to the TMJ region that results in fracture of Internal fixation hardware in the pediatric mandible fracture, although
the condyle or high subcondylar region can lead to bone formation in controversial as to its impact on skeletal growth, can easily be removed
and around the condylar head/glenoid fossa. Inadequate reduction of at the time of MMF hardware removal. Since bony healing is so rapid
mandible fractures can lead to fixation with resultant mandibular wid- in the pediatric population, a short course of 6–8 weeks is often all that
ening and a condyle that functions lateral to the glenoid fossa. These is necessary for internal fixation. Removal at that time will reduce bony
scenarios can result in bony ankylosis, which is a difficult problem to overgrowth of the hardware, which may make plate removal more dif-
successfully treat. Treatment of ankylosis may involve resection of the ficult at a later date, and will also alleviate the concern for growth
bony ankylosis followed by reconstruction with a costochondral graft restriction.
or distraction osteogenesis. Growth of the costochondral graft is quite
variable and requires a delay in initiation of physical therapy for 10–14 Malunion/Malocclusion
days following reconstruction (while distraction patients can begin Typically, pediatric patients that develop or have persistent malocclusion
immediately). Preventing reankylosis is best accomplished by adequate following a fracture with or without operative intervention are observed
bony resection combined with postoperative physical therapy, which without further operative intervention until growth is completed. Refer-
is crucial in preventing reankylosis (Fig. 2.5.18). This therefore requires ral to an orthodontist with a combined approach for correction is often
the surgery to be performed in an age-appropriate patient who can the best solution. Some minor malocclusions can be amenable to orth-
participate in postoperative physical therapy.29 The techniques in pedi- odontic correction alone, while other more severe presentations will
atric bony ankylosis release and reconstruction have been well described require a combined effort to correct the underlying problem (Figs.
by Kaban et al.30 2.5.19 and 2.5.20).
CHAPTER 2.5 Pediatric Mandible Fractures 333

Fig. 2.5.18 (A) Panoramic image of 16-year-old male with bilateral ankylosis from untreated condylar fractures
from a fall at a young age. (B–C) Three-dimensional renderings of CT scan demonstrating ankylosis. (D)
Coronal slice of CT of same patient. (E) Coronal image with costochondral grafts in place. (Photos courtesy
of Drs. Waite and Louis, Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham.)
334 SECTION 2 Pediatric Facial Injury

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