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ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test

Answer Sheet


This report yields the comprehensive manual and ERACS software analysis which is carried
out for the three phase fault analysis of the provided network under different conditions.
Initial study is established on the base line fault current at the 11 kV busbar, Bus I and 275
kV busbar, Bus C without the additional generator. Later the simulation is carried out with
the additional generator 20 MVA connected at Bus F.
In order to calculate the overall system impedance, the following equations rely on translating
different reactance of network components, like overhead lines and transformers, to a
common per-unit basis. The study includes the impedance contributions from parallel
network paths, which results in a thorough knowledge of the courses used by the fault
Finally, the report critically compares actual fault currents to predetermined safe values in
order to assess the network's fault-handling capacity. It highlights the significance of this
study for network safety and dependability, as well as its function in directing the electrical
system's safe operation and future development.
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

The incorporation of Distributed Generation (DG) units into current electrical networks
marks a paradigm shift in power systems engineering toward more robust, efficient, and
sustainable energy systems. There has never been a more important requirement to
comprehend and forecast how electrical networks will behave under a variety of operational
circumstances, including fault situations, as the demand for electricity and the drive toward
renewable energy sources increase. The fault analysis of an 11 kV distribution network is
examined in this study, with particular attention paid to the effects of installing a 20 MVA
generator at Bus F—a crucial step in increasing the network's capacity while maintaining
dependability and safety.

By carefully combining ERACS software simulations with manual calculations, this study
provides a thorough examination of fault currents in the network under two different
scenarios: with and without the additional generator connected. The network's resilience to
fault circumstances can be greatly enhanced by comparing the computed fault currents with
the safe fault levels that are specified based on the design ratings of the equipment. This
assessment emphasizes the value of accuracy in network planning and design as well as the
contribution of sophisticated simulation tools to a deeper comprehension of intricate network

The results of this analysis are intended to act as a foundation for next network planning and
development initiatives. This research aims to shed light on the future of integrating new
generation units into existing networks by carefully evaluating the network's fault response
and contrasting elaborate simulation results with manual analytical approaches. In order to
keep the lights on as we explore new areas of energy generation and delivery, the ultimate
goal is to develop a power system that strikes a balance between expansion and innovation
and the necessity of safety and stability.
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Home Assignment (Part A)

1. With the generator disconnected (switched out), perform three-phase fault
analysis on the Network as follows:
• 11 kV busbar, Bus I – Manual analysis and ERACS analysis.
Compare the results from these two different analysis methods and explain
any differences.
Manual Calculations:
The components between Bus I and the source (the grid) are the only ones we need to take
into account while performing the three-phase fault analysis at the 11 kV busbar (Bus I)
manually, because the fault computation is unaffected by other system components.
For our analysis, we take into account the following elements given the network

1. T5 (Star-Grounded Star Transformer): On a 25 MVA basis, reactance = j6%.

2. L2 (Overhead Line) - Reactance is reported as j5%; although there is no MVA
rating supplied, we infer that it is based on the 100 MVA system base.
3. L3 (Overhead Line) – given in ohms, we will use the 33 kV line voltage to convert
to per-unit.

Convert reactances to a 100 MVA Common Base:

For T5:
X T 5= j6 % × 25100= j 0.24 pu

For L2:
Since 33 kV is the only voltage level provided for L2, we presume that it is adequate for L2
as well.
j5 % ×100 MVA
X L2= = j 0.0455 pu
(33 kV 2/100 MVA )

For L3:

Since it is a 33 kV Overhead Line with an Ohm-based reactance

Z base L 3= =10.89 Ohms
XL 3 pu= j 4.356 Ohm × = j0.4 pu

Total Impedance from the Grid to Bus I:

Simply adding the per-unit reactances of T5 and L3, since they are in series:
X total= XT 5 pu+ XL3 pu= j0.24 + j 0.4= j 0.64 pu
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Per-Unit Fault Current at Bus I

(since Vbase_pu=1):
1 pu 1
Ifaul t pu= = =1.5625 pu
X Total j0.64

Base Current for the 11 kV System (I_base)

I base ¿ where Sbase=¿100 MVA and V base=11 kV
√3 ×V base
100 ×10
I base= = 5263 A
√3 ×11× 103
Actual Fault Current (I_fault)
I fault =∣ I fault pu ∣× I base

Ifault=∣1.562 ∣×5263 = 8224.69 A

Converting into KA
8224.69 ​
I fault (kA)= = 8.224 KA
Hence, approximately 8.225 kA is the fault current at the 11 kV busbar (Bus I).
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Configuration of Network for ERACS' Simulation:

The complete Network

Dialogue boxes for T1

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Dialogue boxes for T2

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Dialogue boxes for T3

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Dialogue boxes for T4

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Dialogue boxes for T5

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Dialogue boxes for L1

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Dialogue boxes for L2

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Dialogue boxes for L3

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Dialogue boxes for G1

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Dialogue boxes for G2

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Dialogue boxes for G3

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Load Flow Analysis:

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Load Flow solution of the full Network

Fault Analysis

Fault Survey Solution for the Full Network

ERACS’ Simulations:
Fault analysis without Generator on 11 kv bus bar I
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Comparison and Analysis:

6.171 kA was the outcome of the ERACS simulation, while 8.225 kA was the manual fault
current calculation for the 11 kV busbar (Bus I). This variation can be ascribed to multiple
factors: possible differences in impedance values and network configurations; accuracy of
system conversions per unit; intricacy of parallel path computations; and the extensive
equipment modeling offered by ERACS. Furthermore, unlike the software simulation,
handwritten calculations are prone to human error and may entail simplifications.
Consequently, ERACS simulations enable a more precise and thorough analysis for fault
states in power systems, however manual computations still provide insightful information.
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Part B: Fault analysis without Generator on 275 kV Bus C

Manual Calculation
Components involved between the grid and Bus C are only T1 and L1, both of which are
already on a 100 MVA base. Their reactance per unit are:
XT1=j0.09 pu (Ground Star-Delta Transformer)
XL1=j0.512 pu ( Overhead Line)

Total Impedance:

The total impedance is the sum of the individual impedances as T1 and L1 are in series

X total =XT 1+ XL 1= j 0.09+ j0.512= j 0.602 pu

1 pu 1
Ifaul t pu= = =1.661 pu
X Total j0.602

Base Current for 275kV System:

For the 275 kV system, the base current can be computed as follows:

I base ¿ where Sbase=¿100 MVA and V base=275 kV
√3 ×V base
100× 10
I base= = 209.7 A
√3 × 275× 103
At Bus C, the actual fault current is:

I fault =∣ I fault pu ∣× I base

Ifault=∣1.661 ∣× 209.7 = 348.4 A

Converting into kA
348.4 ​
I fault (kA)= = 0.348 kA
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

ERACS’ Simulation:

Comparison and Analysis:

0.611 kA was the outcome of the ERACS simulation, while 0.348 kA was the manual fault
current calculation for the 275 kV busbar (Bus C). This variation can be ascribed to multiple
factors: possible differences in impedance values and network configurations; accuracy of
system conversions per unit; intricacy of parallel path computations; and the extensive
equipment modeling offered by ERACS. Furthermore, unlike the software simulation,
handwritten calculations are prone to human error and may entail simplifications.
Consequently, ERACS simulations enable a more precise and thorough analysis for fault
states in power systems, however manual computations still provide insightful information.

Task 2: Fault analysis with Generator on 11 kv bus bar I

In order to estimate the new fault analysis at the 11 kV busbar (Bus I) with the 20 MVA
generator attached at Bus F, we will add the generator's impedance in our calculations and
evaluate how it impacts the overall impedance of the network as seen from Bus I.
Per-Unit Impedance of generator:
The reactance of the generator G3 is j50% of its 20 MVA rating. This reactance must first be
converted to the common base of 100 MVA.

100 MVA
XG 3= j50 % × = j 2.5 pu
20 MVA
The impedance of the transformer T5 between Bus F and Bus I is considered because the
generator is connected to Bus F.

100 MVA
X T 5= j6 % × = j 0.24 pu
25 MVA

The transformer and generator are connected in series from Bus I's perspective:
XG 3−T 5=XG 3+ XT 5= j 2.5+ j0.24= j2.74 pu

Total Impedance per Unit Observed from Bus I:

ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Since the impedances of L2 and L3 are in series with the grid and Bus I

XL 2= j5 %= j0.05 pu
X L3 = j 0.4
Xtotal= XL2+ XL 3+ XG 3−T 5= j 0.05+ j0.4 + j 2.74= j 3.19 pu
At Bus I, the new per-unit fault current is:
1 pu
Inew_fault_pu= =j3.191

The magnitude of the fault current in per-unit is:

∣ Inew ¿ ∣=3.191 ≈ 0.3135 pu

Using the 11 kV system's base current:

I new actual =∣ I new ¿ ∣× I base

Ine wactual =0.3135 ×5250 A=1645.875 A
Inew actual (kA)≈1.646 kA

Therefore, the new fault current at the 11 kV busbar, Bus I, is approximately 1.646 kA with
the 20 MVA generator connected at Bus F.
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

Task 3: The safe Fault level for plaining of 11kv systems is 90 percent of the design rating of
older equipment which is rated at 150 MVA
Manual Analysis:
The maximum permitted fault current is set by the safe fault level for 11 kV systems
planning, which is 90% of the design rating of older equipment. This ensures the integrity
and safety of the electrical equipment.

The safe fault level for 150 MVA equipment is computed as follows:
Safe Fault Level (SFL)=0.9 × Design Rating

Safe Fault Level ( SFL )=0.9 ×150 MVA

Fault Current (kA)≈ 7.089 kA
Hence, the calculated fault current of 1.646 kA is well within the safe limits of the system's
equipment when we compare it to the safe fault level of 7.089 kA. This shows that the 11 kV
busbar (Bus I) can safely handle the problem with the addition of the 20 MVA generator
without going above the equipment's design limitations.

Based on both manual and ERACS simulation evaluations, the study successfully concludes
that it is possible to integrate a 20 MVA generator into the current 11 kV network without
going over the specified safety margins. The network's resilience and potential for growth are
confirmed by fault current levels, which stay substantially below the safe fault level of 135
MVA with or without the generator. When combined with the analytical rigor employed, this
conformance to safety requirements validates the network's suitability for future growth and
the integration of dispersed generation assets.
ELE11113-Distributed Generation Systems Lab Test
Answer Sheet

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