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The Republic of Himlone


The Sapphire Cask

Phany Holte, male elf, who sells curious maps

Brewick Road

The Pilgrim's River A tribe of foul troglodytes

The Opalwood Forest

The Wanne Hills, wherein stands a mysterious iron spire A tribe of fierce frost giants

Spostone, Miford

Wyeheath, the Spider's Web Sunabu, Dragon King of the Stormcrags

The Staff of Cruel Glass

Duke Alalph, male elf

Phenno, the Silent Lady All magic will be corrupted

The wisest sages Peniel, Keeper of the Light

Nerwende, the Sidhe Queen

Earieris, the Lady of Tears

Atienwel, Keeper of Shadows

Spies of the Sidhe Queen

Kochbalth the Warlord The king is a doppelganger

Reclusive sages and scholars

Jane Harcey, female halfling The town of Miley is run by thieves

Easily overlooked

Ecil the Zealous, female human

Reckless adventurers

Joyce the Elder, female elf There were once stars in the night sky

George Adan, male elf

Based on a PDF by Matt Colville,

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