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L/L Research is a subsidiary of Rock Creek is a non-profit

Rock Creek Research & corporation dedicated to

Development Laboratories, Inc.

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L/L Research discovering and sharing
information which may aid in
the spiritual evolution of
Louisville, KY 40255-0195 humankind.
ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS TRANSCRIPT: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the
weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in
the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination
and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind,
for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any.
CAVEAT: This transcript is being published by L/L Research in a not yet final form. It has, however, been edited and any
obvious errors have been corrected. When it is in a final form, this caveat will be removed.
© 2006 L/L Research

Sunday Meditation
January 14, 1996

Group question: (No group question.) There are many words among your peoples to
describe this basic inalterable reality from which all
(Carla channeling)
things spring. Among those words we choose love.
We are those of Q’uo. We greet each of you in the The love of the one infinite Creator is a vibration, a
love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is logos, if you will, and that pure love has generated
a great privilege to be called to your group and we that which you call light in order to create a
thank each for seeking the truth and for being manifested world. You are made of light which has
willing to allow us to share some thoughts with you been regularized and built upon. Within your
at this time. essence, unchanged and unchangeable, resides this
We are not those who speak with perfect authority. vibration, this logos. This is your true self. That true
We are souls such as yourself. We make mistakes self peeks up into the passing days like the tip of a
and still are learning and truly know very little. But great iceberg, barely clearing the water, yet being a
that which we have thought and learned we gladly mighty mass below the surface. Indeed, all that your
offer to you with the understanding that you use people’s tend to think of as their identity, all were
your discrimination. Accept those thoughts which created and will cease to be.
ring true to you and leave the rest behind. When we say open to the present moment, we speak
As you have given us permission to speak in any way of that present moment which is eternal. Within
we choose, we turn towards the heart of that which time the attempt to grasp the present moment is
we came to share with your people. We come to constantly doomed to failure for your mind—that is,
encourage each who seeks the truth to open the your earthly intelligence—and the illusion itself were
doors of your attention, to behold the present created so that things would occur in an order. In
moment. It is our opinion that the physical body the eternal present moment, all things exist
which you now enjoy and the world which you now simultaneously. That which is, is, and in this fullness
live in is a passing thing. In time it was created and of being resides the peace that is so eagerly sought by
in time it shall disappear, changed into that which those who weary of the passing scene.
was not. Yet there is that which was before the How can one find this present moment? We suggest
worlds were made and which shall be long after your often the practice of regular contemplation or
sun has gone nova. meditation, for within silence there is that key which
unlocks the doors of attention. And into that
sanctum sanctorum of the open heart, silent and

© 2006 L/L Research 1

Sunday Meditation, January 14, 1996

listening, there resides the Creator whose name is others” and “service to self,” for if one looks into
Love. another’s eyes and sees the Creator, if one can gaze
in the mirror and see the Creator, then to serve the
We encourage each to form the habit of silence on a
self is to serve the Creator and to serve others is to
regular basis, for that voice which speaks in silence is
serve the Creator. We are those who have chosen the
that which gives life and peace. We do not say that it
service-to-others path. This is what we know and
gives wisdom. Rather, we suggest that it works little
what we share.
by little to open the heart and the awareness to the
presence of love. There are other ways to find love. If We encourage each to spend some time
you gaze into another’s eyes, truly looking into those contemplating the implications of service to others
remarkable depths, you may see the Creator. Even if and service to self, for in one path there is the giving
you look within the mirror at your own eyes and up of the energy of the self to others. In the other
look into them, you shall see that which you do not path there is the attracting and magnetic pulling of
know or recognize as personal, for you carry within others’ energies so that they may serve you. The
you a consciousness which is love. It is a matter of ability to chose is the hallmark of the Creator. This
uncovering and recognizing that which has always Creator loves each spark that It has flung from Itself.
been there, that presence which is closer than your You are loved in a way far deeper than you can
breathing, more intimate than your hands and your imagine, and whatever path you chose, the Creator
feet. It is that which abides. And if you may find abides with you. There is no time limit upon this
that center for just a moment in each day, the process of evolution, so we encourage you to rest and
passing scene changes in its appearance, for the heart gain confidence and from the practicing of that
has changed, and so the eyes change. centering presence, you may find at any moment the
door opening to the present moment. And we are
We are here within your inner planes at this time
with you as you go.
because there is a time of harvest approaching.
Indeed, this harvest has begun. There is a time when We would at this time transfer this contact to the
entities may choose how to continue in fellowship one known as Jim. We thank this instrument and
with each other. Your creation is expanding and leave it in love and in light. We are those of Q’uo.
changing as your entire solar system moves into a (Jim channeling)
new area of space and time. Your scientists have
begun to study many new subatomic particles which I am Q’uo, and greet each again in love and in light
are native to this new area of space. Within the through this instrument. At this time it is our
instreamings of light into this particular portion of privilege to ask if there may be further queries to
the infinite creation, the physical illusion which you which we may speak. Is there a query at this time?
enjoy as your life, your incarnation, will change. The Carla: I’m going in the hospital in about a week and
physical vehicle will become lighter. The experience a half and I wondered if you could comment on
of dwelling in a physical reality will be quite a bit anything I might do to prepare for that experience
easier, for within these new vibrations there lies the that would enhance it.
opportunity for sharing of thoughts and experiences
which is now, within your illusion, not possible. I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister.
We can only recommend that you see yourself and
Not all entities, however, will move into this new those about you as the Creator that is experiencing
vibration because some there are who do not find Itself and enter into this work upon your wrist area
themselves at all weary of the present world scene. with the quiet confidence that the plan of the One is
Those who are pleased with this present world scene being worked out well and that you shall again be
shall continue to work on the lessons of love that available for service to those who request your
your illusion provides so generously. Those who assistance.
wish to accelerate the process of their spiritual
evolution will find that they wish to make a Is there a further query, my sister?
fundamental choice. This choice is the choice of Carla: No, thank you, Q’uo.
how to manifest that love. The two paths of
manifesting love we have often called “service to I am Q’uo, and again we thank you, my sister. Is
there another query?

© 2006 L/L Research 2

Sunday Meditation, January 14, 1996

Questioner: I have a question, Q’uo. I have noticed Questioner: No, thank you.
that my meditations have changed. I seem to be I am Q’uo, and we thank you. Is there another query
having reluctance to continue meditating the way I at this time?
have been. I wonder if you could speak to the ebb
and flow of finding the moment of silence. If you (Pause)
can generalize about how it works, I’d appreciate it. I am Q’uo, and as it appears that we have exhausted
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. those queries which you have for us, we shall again
Each seeker of truth will find that the path it travels take this opportunity to thank those present for
is one which has those places which are wide and inviting our presence in your circle of seeking this
through which passage is easy and those places which day. We are always overjoyed at the opportunity to
are more narrow, making passage difficult. When blend our vibrations with yours and to walk but a
you find your practice of seeking in the way of few steps upon your journey with you. You are not
meditation beginning to flag, you may be aware that alone, my friends, even when you may feel great
the faith and will, which are the rod and staff of each isolation, for there are those such as ourselves and
seeker, may need reinforcing, for there is much to many, many others who walk with you and rejoice at
distract an entity from completing the practices that your every step of seeking the light, the love, and the
it has set for itself, and these distractions are also a truth of the one Creator.
part of your journey. As you are able to see afield At this time we shall take our leave of this group and
and redirect the changing energies of your own this instrument, leaving each, as always, in the love
commitment, your own faith, and your will to and in the light of the one Creator. We are known
persevere in the face of distractions and difficulties, to you as those of Q’uo. Adonai, my friends.
you will be learning the kind of perseverance that Adonai. 
will give you that peace which passes understanding
at some point in your seeking, for if the journey
were always easy then the pearl of great price would
be much devalued and easily acquired by all.
The continuing beyond confusion, beyond
distraction, beyond the difficulties, is much likened
to the tempering of the metal in a tool that gives it
strength, burnishing it that it might shine brightly
and continue in its service with a renewed strength
because of the difficulty, confusion and so forth.
Thus, as you see the difficulty in motivating yourself
to complete your meditations, this in itself is likened
to a meditation where the focus falters and moves
from the one point so that it must again be returned
with patience and love to that one point. As you
continue to accept the difficult portions of your
journey and of your practices you will find that there
is an underlying strength that you build. To
persevere and persevere and persevere is perhaps the
most common and at times difficult portion of any
seeker’s journey, yet to be aware that such is
occurring within your own experience is an
illustration of your own dedication upon another
level. Thus, we can only recommend that you
continue as you are with faith, with forgiveness, with
Is there a further query, my brother?

© 2006 L/L Research 3

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