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Proposed Syllabus for :

Placement Oriented
Full Stack Developer
By Talent Battle Pvt. Ltd
Contents :
1. Module: HTML
2. Module: CSS
3. Module: BOOTSTRAP
4. Module: JavaScript + Data Structures
5. Module: ReactJS
6. Module: AngularJS
7. Module: NodeJS
8. Module: MongoDB6
9. Module: Code Review + Deployment Using Firebase
10. Jira, GitHub, Rest API, MVC Architecture, Spring Boot
11. Projects
Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus -

Duration: 300+ hours

Module: HTML
· Introduction to HTML
· Browsers and HTML
· Editor’s Offline and Online
· Tags, Attribute and Elements
· Doctype Element
· Comments
· Headings, Paragraphs, and Formatting Text
· Lists and Links
· Images and Tables

Module: CSS
· Introduction CSS
· Applying CSS to HTML
· Selectors, Properties and Values
· CSS Colors and Backgrounds
· CSS Box Model
· CSS Margins, Padding, and Borders
· CSS Text and Font Properties

Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus
Duration: 300+ hours

· Bootstrap containers
· Tables, Images, Colors
· Alerts, Buttons
· Spinners, Cards
· Pagination, Drop Down
· Carousel
· To-do App – Develop To-do App Frontend using
· GitHub Overview

Module: JavaScript + Data Structures

· Introduction to JavaScript
· Applying JavaScript (internal and external)
· Understanding JS Syntax
· Introduction to Document and Window Object
· Variables and Operators
· Data Types and Num Type Conversion
· Math and String Manipulation

Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus
Duration: 300+ hours

Module: JavaScript + Data Structures (Contd.)

· Objects and Arrays
· Date and Time
· Conditional Statements
· Switch Case
· Looping in JS
· Functions
· Arrays
· Linked List
· Stacks
· Queues
· Maps
· Hashing
· Understanding and working with DOM
· Developer tools in Browsers
· JQuery
· Prototypes
· Closures
· Local Storage
· Ajax
· Promises
· ES5 vs Es6 vs Es7
· Event loop in JavaScript
Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus
Duration: 300+ hours

Module: ReactJS
· React Intro
· Install node
· Create an app using create-react-app
· Understanding basics of react app
· Understanding JSX
· Understanding virtual DOMS, Single page apps
· React Lifecycle
· States
· Class components vs functions components
· Event handling
· Props
· Building a basic Forms using React
· Routes
· Conditional Rendering
· Pure Components
· High Order components
· Controlled vs Uncontrolled components
· Redux
· Babel, webpack
· Add Redux in a Project and build using webpack
· Creating a Mock API Server

Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus
Duration: 300+ hours

Module: ReactJS (Contd.)

· Axios
· Server-Side Rendering
· SASS Overview
Module: AngularJS
· Introduction
· Expression and Data Biding
· Working with Directives
· Controllers
· Filters
· Forms
· Modules
· Services
· Ajax in AngularJS
· Routing
Module: NodeJS
· Node js Overview
· Node js - Basics and Setup
· Node js Console
· Node js Command Utilities
· Node js Modules
· Node js Concepts
Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus
Duration: 300+ hours

Module: NodeJS (Contd.)

· Node js Events
· Node js with Express js
· Node js Database Access
· Socket Programming
Module: MongoDB
· SQL and NoSql Concepts
· Create and Manage MongoDB
· Migration of Data into MongoDB
· MongoDB with PHP
· MongoDB with NodeJS
· Services Offered by MongoDB
Module: Code Review + Deployment using Firebase
· Tools for code review
· Standard coding conventions
· Firebase
· Deploy using Netlify
· Deploy using AWS Ec2
· Get code reviewed by Software developers and
deploy projects

Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus
Duration: 300+ hours

Additional module:
· Spring boot
· Oops concepts
· Agile methodology
· Git
· Jira

Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus
Duration: 300+ hours

Sr. No. Project Details

Design a website for a college.

There should be at least 15 web pages present on the website.

Design a website for the Tourism Sites of a given City.

There should be at least 15 web-pages present in the web-site.

3 Change the layout of a form using CSS Grid

Improve the speed of the website:

Scan an existing website and identify opportunities for optimization.

5 Matrimonial Website using Bootstrap

6 Blog Website using Bootstrap
7 RTO Website using Bootstrap Alerts
8 To-Do App Frontend using Bootstrap
9 Calculator using JavaScript
10 Build a clock using JavaScript
11 Weather Application using JavaScript
12 To Do App using ReactJS
13 Snapshot Gallery Project using React Hooks, Context API and React Router
14 Emoji Search Application using React
15 Notepad Application using Angular
16 Weather Application to show forecast using Angular
17 Simple Currency Converter Application using Angular
18 URL Shortner using NodeJS
19 Authentication System using NodeJS
20 Blogging Platform using NodeJS and MongoDB
21 Simple CRUD Application using MongoDB
22 Social Media Application Clone using NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
23 Capstone Project: Fully Functional E-Commerce Website

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