Asat English 8 Paket b

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas : VIII
Hari / Tanggal : -
Waktu : 90 Menit

1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian yang tersedia dengan menggunakan bolpoin
sesuai petunjuk di Lembar Jawaban .
2. Periksa dan bacalah petunjuk sebelum anda menjawab!
3. Laporkan pada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak atau tidak
4. Tidak dijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika, atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
5. Periksa pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ruang.


For number 1-5 choose the correct word for the text !
Hello my name is Jacob. I (1)..... born in Jakarta. Two days. (2)....... I moved to Bojonegoro. I (3)
..... there by train. The train was quite expensive. It was Rp.500.000, 00. After arrived in Bojonegoro, I
(4)...... very exhausted. I move to Bojonegoro because of my father’s work. We (5) ....... any relatives here.
We need to adjust new society environtment here. The weather in Jakarta was always very hot. I hope
Bojonegoro does not have the same hot temperature.
1. A. were B. Is C. was D. Are
2. A. later B. ago C. soon D. Will
3. A. go B. went C. goes D. Come
4 A. was B. were C. goes D. Come
5. A. don’t have B. Didn’t have C. Are not D. Was not
The text is for number 6-10
Hello, my name is Windah. I have a story. One day, I went to Jakarta. I met my siblings there. I
tasted many kinds of food in Jakarta. I went to Mc Donalds near Senayan in the second day. Suddenly,
there were a bunch of guys had a meet and greet in that Mc Donalds. Until I found, that there was
famous ONIC ML player teams with Kairi, Butzz, Kiboy, CW, Albert and Sanz. I felt so amazed. I was

6. Who told the story ? It was……

A. Windah B. Kairi C. Kiboy D. CW
7. How did the writer feel after meeting ONIC players? She felt ………..
A. Happy B. Sad C. Broken D. Gloomy

8. How could the writer feel so amazed?

A. She desperately wanted to eat Mc Donalds
B. She ate at the Mc Donalds in Senayan and incidentally meat ONIC team.
C. She came to Jakarta
D. She visited her siblings

9. “I felt so amazed” The bold word mean……………

A. Feel so numb B. Attraction on its fullest C. Happy D. Feel sad

10.Did she met ONIC on her first day in Jakarta?

A. Yes, she did B. No, she did not C. Yes, she did D. No, she does

To answer number 11 until 15 please choose the correct comparison sentence/word!

(untuk menjawab nomor 11-15 pilihlah kata/kalimat perbandingan yang paling benar!)
11. Feri’s house is …. than Rudi’s house.
A. Far B. Further C. Farthest D. Furest
12. Tini : Ray got 95 score in Math. Adi got 97 score in Math?
Denna and Lea : So,…………..
A. Adi is smarter than Ray in English C. Ray is smarter than Adi in Math
B. Ray is smarter than Rudi in English D. Adi is smarter than Ray in Math

13. Nirina’s weight is 56 Kg. Reni’s weight is 45 Kg. Firda’s weight is 75 Kg. So……..
A. Nirina is the biggest among them C. Firda is the biggest among them
B. Firda is the thinnest among them D. Reni is the smallest among them

14. Mei has 75 Kg of sugar. Roy has 65 Kg of sugar. Mei has ……….. sugar than Roy.
A. Much B. More C. Less D. Least

15. My dad likes coffee with less sugar. So my mom always put………… sugar on his coffee.
A. a little B. Much C. More D. Most

The text is for number 16-20

This is Rena. I will tell you about my family. I have a big house. My house is bigger than my
grandparent’s house. I have two siblings. My older brother is taller than me. My little sister is youger than
me. In my house, we always know our weight’s body. I’m 65 Kg, my little sister’s weight is 45Kg. Meanwhile
my older brother’s weight is 65 Kg. My brother is 175 cm, I’m 160 cm and my little sister is 145 cm. I’m 16
years old now, my brother is 25 years old and my suster is 13 years old. We all are have proportional body.
We will maintain healthy diet.
16. These statements are correct based on the text above, except........
A. Rena is younger than her brother C. Rena is younger than her sister
B. Rena’s little sister is bigger than her brother D. Rena’s brother is the tallest among them

17. These correct conclusion is.....

A. Rena is the youngest amomg them C. Rena is te tallest between them
B. Rena’s little sister is the youngest among them D. Rena’s brotheris the youngest among them

18. We all are have proportional body. The bold word has similar meaning with.......
A. Well build B. Bad vibes C. Great mom D. Nice head

19. Based on the text about, the children that Rena’s family have are.....
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

20. From the text above, we can conclude that mostly the sentence are using.......
A. Past continous tense C. Comparative degree sentences
B. Present tense D. Past sentence
The text is for number 21-25
Once upon a time, there was a who lived alone in the forest. Her name was mbok Rondo. She really
wanted a child. She cried and prayed every day. She hoped that someday she would have a child.

One day, Buto Ijo passed her hut. He heard her voice “oh, god I want to have someone that
accompany my alone live in the forest”. Then, he suddenly said “ I will grant your wish!”. “here, a seed of
golden cucumber, grow it! It will grant your wish. But, if something come in that cucumber is very precious,
you have to give it to me 17 years from now! Hahahahaha!!”

Then, mbok Rondo planted the seed. In a month, she found that there was a big cucumber. She cut it
and there was a very beautiful baby. She named her “timun mas”.
21. Where was the story take place?
A. In the sea B. In the mountain C. In the forest D. In a building

22. What is the type of the text? It is ……………………..

A. Narrative B. Recount C. Descriptive D. Comparison

23. How many characters in the story? There are …… characters.

A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One

24. “ But, if something come in that cucumber is very precious, you have to give it to me 17 years..” The
bold word has the similar meaning with………
A. Indulge B. Expensive C. Meaningful D. easy
25. “Once upon a time, there was a who lived alone in the forest. Her name was mbok Rondo. She really
wanted a child. She cried and prayed every day. She hoped that someday she would have a child.”
This part of the text is called an ……………………
A. Preposition B. Orientation C. Conflict D. Re-orientation

26. Fena :...... my necklage.

Novi : Wow , it is beautiful. You looks so beautiful.
The correct sentence to fill the dialogue is.......
A. What do you think about C. You have to wear it
B. I think it is beautiful D. Can you wear it?

27. Firda :...... my jacket.

Novi : Wow , it is cool. You looks so cool.
The correct sentence to fill the dialogue is.......
A. What do you think about C. You have to waer it
B. I think it is cool D. Can you wear it?

28. Ferdian : What do you think about my go to surabaya by train?

Novanto : That sounds good.
The underlined dialogue is stated about......
A. Opinion B. Dissagreement C. Prohibitation D. Creation

29. Fina : What do you think about my new stylish home design.
Nina : I think it’s need tobe revised. The line is a bit thinner. The director can see that.
The underlined dialogue is stated about......
A. Agreement B. Dissagreement C. Opinion D. Creation

30. Isnan : What is your opinion about my presentation today?

Noor : Your presentation is awesome.
The bold dialogue is stated about......
A. Asking opinion B. Dissagreement C. Prohibitation D. Creation

The table is for number 31-35
Weight and height data of 8B
SMP Negeri 1 Kalingga

No. Name Weight Height

1. Alandre Wisnu 54 Kg 157 Cm

2. Soraya Laras 45 Kg 156 Cm

3. Ferdi Hanung 65 Kg 158 Cm

4. Nina alfaira 76 Kg 164 Cm

5. Alejandro wein 60 Kg 167 Cm

6. Siti Mayasari 43 Kg 152 Cm

7. Estania Lindu 65 Kg 170 Cm

For number 31 Choose one correct answer (untuk nomor 31 pilih satu jawaban yang paling tepat)

31. The table is about ………………….

o A. Data of some 8B’s students of SMP Negeri 1 Kalingga

o B. Data of all students of 8B in SMP Negeri 1 Kalina
o C. Data of all students of SMP Negeri 1 Kalina
o D. Data of a students of SMP 1 Kalina
For question number 32 choose more than one correct answer (untuk nomor 32 pilih lebih sari satu

32. Based on the table above, …………….

 A. Wisnu is taller than Soraya

 B. Soraya is taller than wisnu
 C. Wisnu is bigger than Soraya
 D. Soraya is bigger than wisnu

For question number 33 and 34 please match the information on the data! (untuk nomor 33 dan 34
jodohkan informasi berdasarkan data!

33 The biggest student A Nina Alfaira

34 The smallest student B Siti Mayasari

C Estania Lindu

D Alejandro Wein

For question number 35 please write short answer based on the dialogue! (untuk nomor 35 tulis
jawaban singkat berdasarkan pertanyaan!)

35. Write 2 tips to enhance height!


The text below is for number 36-40

For number 36 Choose one correct answer (untuk nomor 36 pilih satu jawaban yang benar!)

36. What is the type of the story?

o A. Legend
o B. Fable
o C. Sage
o D. History

For question number 37 choose more than one correct answer (untuk nomor 37 pilih jawaban benar
lebih dari 1!)

37. The main characters are ……………….

 A. The golden fish

 B. Toba
 C. The god
 D. Samosir
For question number 38 and 39 please match the structures of the narrative text! (untuk soal nomor
38 dan 39 jodohkablah struktur kalimat narrative!)

38 “Once upon a time, lived a man named Toba” A Resolution

“One day, Toba was very angry because of Samosir at

39 B Re-orientation
the farm”

C Complication

D Orientation

For question number 40 please write the short answer below! (untuk soal nomor 40 tulislah jawaban

40. Write the characters of Toba below!!


The text below is for number 41-45

My name is Renata. Let me tell you my story. It was 16 years ago, I was left in the school vacation. Tt
he story began when my kindergarten teacher said that we would go on vacation the next day, but they left
me behind. Yes, you’re correct they left me.

That day was Saturday when the teacher said the bus would left at 06.15 tomorrow morning. I was so
happy that day, I told my mom that the bus would left at 06.15 so we have to arrive at school before 06.15.
The day finally came. I went to kondergarten school before 06.15. But nobody was there. They already
gone with the bus. The teacher fooled me. I was so sad. I was so angry and sad at the time. Untill now, I
never go to WBL an don’t want to go three because my past experince.

For number 41 Choose one correct answer (untuk nomor 41 pilih satu jawaban yang benar!)

41. What is the type of the story?

o A. Legend
o B. Fable
o C. Recount
o D. History

For question number 42 choose more than one correct answer (untuk nomor 42 pilih jawaban benar
lebih dari 1!

42. The conclusion that we can get from the story are……………….

 A. The writer has deep trauma about vacation

 B. The writer is so childish
 C. The writer is praised by her teacher
 D. The writer never come to the WBL

For question number 43 and 44 please match the indirect information based ontext! (untuk soal
nomor 43 dan 44 jodohkanlah dengan informasi tersirat berdasarkan teks!)

That day was Saturday when the teacher said the bus
43. A Sad and angry
would left at 06.15 tomorrow morning

Untill now, I never go to WBL an don’t want to go

44. B Happy
three because my past experince.

C Traumatized

D Easy-going

For question number 45 please write the short answer below! (untuk soal nomor 40 tulislah jawaban

45. If today is 2024. What year that story happens to the writer?


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