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Reference No.: BatStateU-FO-RES-02 Effectivity Date: May 18, 2022 Revision No.

: 03


I. Research Project Title: Point of Use Modified Candle Type Ceramic Filter for Water Purification towards
Sustainable Development
II. BatStateU Research Agenda:

III. Sustainable Development Goal: (Check all applicable SDG)

☐ SDG1: No Poverty ☐ SDG10: Reduced Inequalities
☐ SDG2: Zero Hunger ☐ SDG11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
☒ SDG3: Good Health & Well-being ☐ SDG12: Responsible Consumption & Production
☐ SDG4: Quality Education ☐ SDG13: Climate Action
☐ SDG5: Gender Equality ☐ SDG14: Life Below Water
☒ SDG6: Clean Water & Sanitation ☐ SDG15: Life on Land
☐ SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy ☐ SDG16: Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions
☐ SDG8: Decent Work & Economic Growth ☐ SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals
☐ SDG9: Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure

IV. Project Leader: Dr. Sicily B. Tiu

Email Address:
Contact Number: 09564781164

Project Staff: Dr. Elisa D. Gutierrez

Email Address: elisa.gutierrez@g.batstate-u.
Contact Number: 09499130654

Project Staff: Engr. Rhonalyn V. Maulion

Email Address: rhonalyn.mauliong@g.batstate-u
Contact Number: 09972213612

Project Staff: Jermaine S. Magboo

Email Address: jermaine.magboo@g.batstate-u
Contact Number: 09260646072

Project Staff: Jerome L. Ramos

Email Address: jerome.ramos@g.batstate-u
Contact Number: 09214796838

V. Proponent Agency: Batangas State University

Department: Chemical and Food Engineering Department
College: College of Engineering, College of Industrial Technology
Campus: Alangilan

VI. Cooperating Agency: (if any)

VII. Executive Brief:

Water quality is one of the most urgent global concern threatening human health, agricultural production, and economic
progress. The world's water resources are becoming increasingly polluted as a result of the worsening contamination
caused by the discharge of enormous amounts of untreated wastewater into rivers, lakes, aquifers, and coastal waters.
Furthermore, other contaminants such as industrial and household chemicals, pharmaceutical products and pesticides.
Even changing climate patterns and natural disaster aftermath represent a new water quality problem with long-term
consequences for human health and ecosystems.

Arsenic contamination is one example of a natural calamity aftermath. Arsenic is a metalloid present in numerous
minerals, mainly in conjunction with sulfur and metals, but it can also be found as a pure elemental crystal. It is
distributed in the environment, including the air, water, and land. In its inorganic form, it is extremely poisonous. Long-
term exposure to this chemical may cause skin cancer and poisoning if ingested. Accordingly, the Taal Volcano's
eruption on January 12, 2020, detected the presence of arsenic in groundwater and further affected the residential water
supply in nearby areas.
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This prompted the researchers to conduct this study which deals with the development of point of use modified candle
type ceramic water filter for water purification. CWF with variable proportions of clay, alumina, iron and constant
amount of grog will be developed. The best formulation will be determined by testing the water flux and percent
removal using simulated As contaminated water. Using the best formulation, properties of CWF such as surface
morphology, elemental composition, porosity, permeability, surface area, pore size, fracture toughness, and mechanical
strength will be determined. Using the developed modified CWF, actual Arsenic contaminated water will be treated. It
will be tested statistically to see if there is a significant difference in the water properties before and after treatment.
The performance of modified CWF will be evaluated by plotting the flowrate against time, water purification which
also includes arsenic removal.

VIII. Rationale: (include available statistics related to the problem)

Part of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda is the universal access to clean water and
sanitation (UN SDG 6). With the continuous industrialization and progress, billions of people-mostly in the rural
areas still lack these basic services. It was reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) that 71% of the world’s
population use improved drinking water from sources that were free from microbiological and chemical
contamination (World Health Organization, 2019). However, there are some inequalities among the different
countries and areas in the world in terms of access to potable and clean drinking water. In developing countries like
the Philippines, the percentage is down to 53% specifically in the rural areas.

Although the Philippine government is aiming to make water accessible to everyone by 2028,still, one in ten Filipinos,
according to the World Health Organization, still lack access to better water sources. This is caused by a variety of
factors, such as expensive infrastructure and insufficient water distribution. Additionally, national strategy coordination
is a difficult task. Each province had its own unique set of water supply issues; therefore development, operations,
regulation, and accountability were all badly managed in the absence of a lead agency.

The most often used water sources among Filipinos, according to a poll on annual indicators of poverty, are bottled
water and water refilling stations. Many people spend a considerable percentage of their monthly salary to have access
to better water, even though it is affordable to some families. This implies that it is the responsibility of each family to
have access to clean drinking water. Some of whom have to make challenging choices regarding other essentials they
must give up in order to have clean drinking water.

On the other hand, fifty percent of the total population relies on groundwater for daily drinking water but in some
parts of the world, this percentage can reach up to 100%. But groundwater contamination occurs when man-made
products, salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and cause it to become unsafe and unfit for human use. The
principal natural chemicals found in groundwater are dissolved salts, iron and manganese, fluoride, arsenic, and other
(Fitts, 2012).

Arsenic (As) contamination in groundwater has caused devastating health crises all over the world especially in third
world countries (Dhar et al.,1997). The acceptable limit of As in drinking water is established at 0.010 mg/L (10
ppb) (PNSDW, 2017). Drinking water contaminated with arsenic, even at high concentrations shows no apparent
change in taste, color and appearance and may go undetected without chemical tests and analysis ((Petrusevski et al.,
2007). This poses a major health concern as the failure to conduct routine screening and extensive monitoring can
lead to longer consumption of the population. Chronic exposure to As for months or years may cause acute or chronic
toxicity ranging from the development of dark spots on the skin (arsenicosis) from early as six months, and over time
to cancer of the skin and other organs secondary to prolonged exposure (IARC Working Group,2012)

Cases of As poisoning were already reported in the Philippines. In 2014, the first identified case was a patient
admitted for chronic As exposure in Lubao, Pampanga that resulted to the conduct of immediate water quality
assessments, giving significant information about As groundwater contamination which reached as much as 300 ppb
(Kleinnendorst et al., 2015). Data validation from five barangays in the same city showed 215 cases of suspected
arsenicosis documented from 2010-2014 and further interviews revealed 69 respiratory, 47 neurological, and 98
dermatologic incidences of symptoms in 123 interviewed residents from the same and neighboring municipalities.
Similar case studies of dermatologic symptoms and squamous cell carcinoma due to toxicity were also reported in
the Southern Luzon and Southern Mindanao regions of the country. An exploratory study (Apostol et al., 2022) was
also conducted on the arsenic content of groundwater sources surrounding Taal Volcano. A significantly elevated
As level in 23 out of 26 individual wells which is seven times higher than the 10ppb safe limit. As volcanism is
postulated to be one of causes of As mobilization, these elevated levels can be due to the Taal Volcano eruption that
occurred in 2020.

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A DOST CALABARZON project entitled “Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology for Disaster-
Stricken Areas in Batangas Province” has conducted water sampling in four municipalities surrounding Taal last
October 18-22, 2021 and found that 8 out of 47 sampling sites exceeded the allowable As level ranging from 10.9-
27.8 ppb. Most of the microbiological analyses of the said sampling sites showed that the heterotrophic plate count,
total coliform, fecal coliform and E.coli exceeded the allowable level based from the Philippine National Standards
for Drinking Water of 2017 and so with the total dissolved solids.

To remedy the aforementioned contamination of groundwater, an affordable and efficient point of use (POU) system
or technology can be considered in these areas. POU is easy to operate, economically viable, environmentally
sustainable and socio-culturally acceptable. Chlorination, combined coagulant-chlorine disinfection, solar
disinfection, biosand filter and ceramic water filtration (CWF) are the common POU systems being utilized.
Comparing the different POU technologies, CWF is considered to be the most practical and sustainable, cost effective
and low maintenance (needs only periodic cleaning).

Ceramic water filters do not significantly change the taste and temperature of water as chlorination and thermal
disinfection do. They are also very effective in removing the turbidity of the water. With proper care, ceramic water
filters have an effective service life of 5 years to effectively remove pathogens from raw water without the need for
an external energy source or consumable supplies. To improve the removal of chemical pollutants like arsenic, a
practical approach is to modify the ceramic surface with desired coatings to enhance the affinity with target
pollutants. For instance, ceramic disk filters modified with ferric iron were developed to improve arsenic removal,
and the filter performance was strongly affected by the ferric iron loading (Robbins et al., 2014). Recently, lanthanum
(La), an abundant rare earth element with relatively low cost, was applied in our study as a novel and effective coating
for ceramic materials to target the removal of negatively-charged arsenate (As(V)) and non-charged arsenite (As(III))
(Yang et al., 2019a). The La-coated ceramic material showed substantially enhanced capture of both As(V) and
As(III) with the sorption capacities of 24.8 and 10.9 mg/g, respectively. On the contrary, negligible adsorption of
As(V) or As (III) was observed for bare ceramic material without La coating.

In view of the foregoing, the proponents of the study propose to modify the ceramic surface by incorporating alumina
and iron into the grog-clay mixture. This will be done to increase the active sites thus enhancing the arsenic removal
using Point of use technology utilizing the modified ceramic water filtration system. The re-engineering and
innovation process is applied in the grog - clay matrix to ensure high through-put and cost-effective filtration water
purification system by incorporating indigenous materials.

Furthermore, in accordance with the Batangas State University Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and OUP
Memorandum Order No. 367-a, Operational Measures on Ethical Sourcing, Waste Disposal, and Minimization of
Plastic and Disposable Item Use, the ceramic water filter which is the major output of the study will can be an answer
to the mentioned directives, The CWF can may be attached to the drinking faucets making potable water accessible
to students and employees. this study will be carried out without the utilization of any plastics.

IX. Objectives of the Project:

This study aims to develop a point of use modified candle type ceramic water filter for water purification.
Specifically, this investigation intends to:

1. Determine the properties of the modified ceramic water filter using 55% grog and 45% clay having
variable grog formulation- RHA: clay:alumina:iron (70:30:0:0), ( 50: 30:20:0), 50:30: 0:20) ,
(30:20:20:20) based on the following:
1.1 porosity
1.2 permeability
1.3 water flux
1.4 percent removal of coliform in drinking water
1.5 percent removal of As using simulated contaminated water

2. Evaluate the effect of varying CWF formulation on the aforementioned properties

3. Using the best grog formulation, what is the effect of varying alumina and/or iron proportion in
the aforementioned properties?

4. Determine the modified CWF properties having the best formulation

4.1 porosity
4.2 water flux
4.3 permeability
4.4 flow rate
4.5 surface morphology
4.6 elemental composition
4.7 pore size
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4.8 surface area
4.9 thermogravimetric analysis
4.10 fracture toughness
4.11 mechanical strength

5. Test if there is a significant difference on the properties of water before and after filtration
using the developed modified CWF on point of use.
5.1 Color
5.2 pH,
5.3 TDS
5.4 Phosphate
5.5 Nitrates
5.6 Coliform
5.7 Chlorides
5.8 Copper
5.9 Iron
5.10 Arsenic

6. Determine the performance of the developed filter in terms of flow rate at varying filtration time.

X. Expected Output of the Project: (based on expanded 6Ps of research)

1. Publication : Possible journal(s) where manuscript may be submitted for publication; Chemical
Engineering (ISSN:1385-8497), Journal to Industrial Engineering Chemistry (ISSN:1226-086X), Journal
of Membrane Science (ISSN:0276-7388)
2. Patent: A patent can likewise be applied for the developed ceramic water filter
3. Product: A ceramic water filter can be developed from this study
4. People Service: At least one training for the utilization and adoption of the technology, two (2) personnel
capacitated to conduct and manage research, and at least one (1) MS or PhD student trained
5. Place & Partnership: This study can be done in partnership with DOST-ITDI, PG-EnRO and Batangas
Medical Center
6. Policy: NA
7. Social Impact: The result of this study can create a social impact on the lives of people specifically
those living in areas near the Taal Volcano whose groundwater is reported to be contaminated by arsenic.
8. Economic Impact: The result of this study is expected to improve the lives of people in the affected areas
because they need not buy expensive filtration units to make their water potable for drinkingpurposes and
common household use. This can also mean savings to BatStateU students and employees who can utilize
the filtered water using CWF instead of buying bottled water.

XI. Review of Related Literature: (minimum of ten literature/studies reviewed)

Conceptual Literature:


Arsenic is a metalloid that belongs to the Group VA in the periodic table of elements. It has an atomic number 33,
atomic mass 74.9216 g mol−1 and an electronic configuration of 4s2 3d10 4p3 ; therefore, elemental As has 5 valence
electrons. It can be present in four different oxidation states: arsenide (As3–), elemental As (As0 ), arsenite (AsIII)
and arsenate (AsV). Arsenate having a radius of 2.48 Angstrom and AsIII are the most abundant species in the soil
environment. Arsenite is a dominant species under anoxic soil conditions and more mobile and toxic than AsV , while
AsV is commonly found in the oxidised soil environment (Smith, 1998). It is the number one substance in the
most Comprehensive, Environmental, Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Priority List of
Hazardous Substances published by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2007a).

Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that an individual typically encounters every day in food, water, soil, and air.
In its pure form, it is a silver-gray, semi-metallic substance that tarnishes in air. However, arsenic is found in nature
in various inorganic and organic compounds. Inorganic and organic arsenic compounds are white in color, and have
no smell or special taste. Inorganic arsenic occurs naturally in certain types of soils and rock formations. Inorganic
arsenic compounds are mainly used as a preservative in pressure-treated wood to make it resistant to rotting and decay.
Organic arsenic compounds are usually not as toxic as inorganic arsenic compounds, but some are used to make insect
killers, weed killers, and fungicides.

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The word “arsenic” elicits a fearful response in most people. This is because arsenic has a long history of being a
poison, both intentional and unintentional, to humans. However, most laymen do not know or understand that we are
constantly exposed to arsenic because it is naturally present in the environment, is used in commercial products, and
has medical applications. Although most typical environmental exposures to arsenic do not pose a health risk, several
areas of the world contain arsenic from natural or anthropogenic sources at levels that create a toxicological concern.
Many of these areas have been identified, and efforts are being made to either remediate these areas or limit access to
them. The late 19th century is regarded as the period of As contamination. This was the time when human beings were
affected by As in medicine, food, air, water and at work.

While understanding how environmental exposures may affect human health, especially at low levels, is currently an
active area of research, humans have known on some level about the toxicity of arsenic for centuries. Anyone can be
exposed to arsenic since low levels of arsenic are present in soil, water, food, and air. People are primarily exposed
to arsenic through eating food (fish and shellfish), drinking water, or breathing air containing arsenic. If wells are
drilled in areas where naturally occurring arsenic is present in the soil or rock, drinking water can become
contaminated with arsenic. Other sources of exposure are breathing in sawdust or burning smoke from arsenic-treated
wood, living near hazardous waste sites, and living in areas with naturally elevated levels of arsenic in rock.

Arsenic Removal from Groundwater

Different techniques for the removal of As from groundwater have been developed and tested. These include co-
precipitation (e.g, with iron or aluminum salts) ion exchange, adsorption by activated carbon and membrane processes.
Most of these methods require a pre-oxidation step to transform As (III) into As(V). Arsenic removal by the
application of dissolved Fe (II) and metal Fe(0) has received special attention due to high removal efficiency of these
treatments. It has been shown that As(III) is partially oxidized to As(V) during the physical-chemical oxidation of
dissolved Fe(II) resulting in higher As removal efficiency than that obtained by direct addition of dissolved Fe (II)
(Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 2011).

Several small-scale As removal technologies have been applied in some developing countries. Although these
technologies have a high As removal efficiency, they also have certain drawbacks, including high cost and
maintenance difficulties associated with the use of sand beds for filtration. .In contrast, the ceramic filtration process
which uses porous ceramics (fired clay) to filter microbes or other contaminants from drinking water has many
potential advantages. Ceramic filters can be manufactured with locally available materials. They are low – cost,
socially acceptable and can function with minimal maintenance. With this, biological Fe(II) oxidation, co-
precipitation with As and subsequent filtration through simple ceramic filter instead of sand bed could be a viable set
of strategies for the removal of As from groundwater (Rasul et. al, 2000.

Ceramic Water Filter (CWF)

The use of ceramic material for the filtration of drinking water is one of the oldest drinking water treatments. Ceramic
water filters are advantageous to be used because they are cheap, simple and easy to use and clean. CWF removes
pathogens, turbidity and suspended solids and somewhat effective for the removal of viruses and iron. It improves
taste, smell and color of water and can be constructed with locally available material. CWF Keeps water cold and
safe, durable, easy to move and transport (except clay pot)

Ceramic Candle Filter

Nowadays, the ceramic candle filters and the colloidal silver filter) are the most widely used. The devices consist of
two compartments, which allow simultaneous treatment and save storage of the drinking water. Candle filters are used
in various countries and produced by a range of manufacturers around the globe. Ceramic candle filters are simple
devices made out of clay and used to filter drinking water in order to remove turbidity, suspended materials and
pathogens. Removal takes place by physical process such as mechanical trapping and adsorption on the ceramic
candles, which have micro-scale pores. Water is poured into the upper of two containers and flows through a candle
situated in the bottom. Once the water has passed through the candle, it is collected in the lower container. This system
both treats the water and provides safe storage until it is used. The filters are easy to assemble and no energy is
required. Maintenance includes frequent scrubbing with a brush and proper care during transport and its use. They
can be constructed with locally available material, which can contribute to the development of local commerce.

Ceramic candle filters basically consist of an upper and a lower container, one or more ceramic candles in between, a
tap and a lid. Usually, the containers have a diameter of about 30 by 25 cm depth for a treatment capacity of about 8
L and a flow rate of 1-2 L per hour per candle. The ceramic candles are screwed into the base of the upper container.
To the lower container is attached a tap that allows withdrawal of safe water without risking recontamination. A lid
is placed on top of the upper container to prevent contamination.

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Water is poured into the upper container and flows through the candle and collects in the lower container. Suspended
materials and pathogens are removed from water through mechanical trapping and adsorption in micro-scale pores of
ceramic candles. Colloidal silver is sometimes used in candles for more effective pathogen removal.

Modified Ceramic Candle Filter

There are many different techniques that can be applied to remove As from groundwater like co-precipitation
(e.g. with iron or aluminum salts), ion exchange and adsorption ( Shafiquzzaman et al., 2015). In the modified
ceramic filter the purpose of incorporating alumina and iron to the grog formulation is to increase the active sites
for adsorption. Electrostatic forces of attraction between clay (-ve ), alumina ( -ve) and iron (+ve) will also play a
major role in making the ions stable in the configuration and for the removal of As. It was found out that the
indigenous San Juan (SJ) clay intended to be used in this project is a terracotta or a red “earthenware” clay which
contains kaolinite (Tiu, 2014), a clay mineral with the chemical composition Al2Si2O5(OH)4 and is considered 1:1
layer silicate (B. C. Carter et al., 2007). Terra cottas are considered to be under the broad range of earthenwares
which are porous when not glazed (B. C. Carter et al., 2007) and mechanically resistant too (P. Boch et al., 2007).

Fig. 1 Structure of Kaolinite Clay (W. D. Callister, Jr. et al., 2008)

Clays have high adsorptive and ion exchange properties and natural clays have intrinsic negative surface charge.
(S. R. Krishnamurtiet al., 2010). The negative charge on clay particles originates from isomorphous replacements
and are considered permanent which means that the charges do not change when pH changes ( Agronomy Fact
Sheet Series, 2022)

Operation and maintenance

Water should be poured slowly into the container, not above the candle as regular water pressure may damage fragile
candles. Candles need to be replaced if any cracks are found: cracks will reduce the effectiveness since water can pass
through that crack without being filtered through the ceramic pores. Candles need regular cleaning, particularly when
the flow rate slows down. The candle is cleaned by (slightly) scrubbing the candle surface with a soft scrubber brush
or cloth to remove any accumulated dirt. Only clean water (no soap, chlorine or other chemicals!!!) should be used
for cleaning. The candle should not be touched with dirty hands, and not placed on a dirty surface during cleaning.
Storage containers, tap and lid should be cleaned on a regular basis using soap and water.


Ceramic candle filters are effective in removing bacteria, protozoa, helminths and turbidity from water. It also removes
some viruses and iron and the taste, smell and colour of water are improved. The effectiveness of the filter also
depends on the production quality, the initial water quality, and the handling practices of users. Highly turbid or iron
containing water may plug candle pores easily so that container and candle need to be cleaned more frequently. In
this case, the water should be pre-settled before pouring it into the filter. It is recommended to use raw water with less
iron (<0.3mg/L) and turbidity (<5NTU).

Production and market

Candle filters can be manufactured at a local level and contribute to the development of local commerce. Local
production process provides financial support to household and voluntary laborers. However, the production of
ceramic filters is a lengthy process and a quality control process is required to ensure candle filter‘s effectiveness.
Quality can be affected by variations in clay composition across geographic regions. Variability in weather conditions
also makes long-term production planning difficult, and lack of storage can complicate storage of filters. The fragility
of ceramic filters can make their transport difficult. A supply chain and market availability for replacement of candles
and taps is required. Filters typically come with illustrated instructions in the market.

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Ceramic candle filters are easy to set up and operate, cheap and effective in removing bacteria, protozoa, helminths
and turbidity from water. It also removes some viruses and iron and the taste, smell and colour of water are improved.
But due to the limited flow rate (i.e. 1-2liter/hour) and storage capacity, filters are only suitable for small families,
organizations or school classrooms. It is suitable where drinking water is little turbid (<5NTU) and contaminated and
with little iron (<0.3mg/L). In the case of too high turbidity, water can be pre settled. Chlorinated water should not be
used in candle filters! Except for clay, filter containers of other materials are easy to transport and handle

Related Studies:

For the remote areas, exploratory study concerning the effective approach in removing arsenic using ceramic water
filter modified by nano CeO2 was conducted .( Yang, et. al, 2020). In this study, an innovative effort to remove As(V)
from water using ceramic water filters functionalized with CeO2 nanocomposites (CF-CeO2) was investigated.
Considering removal efficiency and flow rate, the suitable coating amount of CeO2 was determined for the production
of CF-CeO2. Based on the factorial analysis, influent arsenic concentration and pH were found to be significant factors
in As (V) removal. Furthermore, CF-CeO2 exhibited a good removal capability over a wide pH range and was
insensitive to the change of background electrolyte concentration. In the treatment of natural water, the existence of
medium and medium and low turbidity levels facilitated As (V) removal, while the high turbidity level exhibited the
opposite effect. Based on macroscopic experiments and microscopic characterizations, it was revealed that the As (V)
removal mechanism by the CF-CeO2 mainly included ion-exchange and electrostatic attraction. The findings in this
study provided convincing evidence for the use of CF-CeO2 as a high-efficiency, low-cost, and safe approach for
water purification in the remote areas of developing countries.

A simple, low-cost filtration system composed of a ceramic filter, an iron net and iron bacterial sludge was developed
to remove arsenic (As) from groundwater (Shafiquzzaman,, 2011) . The ceramic filter, made of an 80% clay soil
and 20% rice bran mixture on a weight basis, was combined with the iron net and iron bacterial sludge in a reactor,
and the assembly (As removal filter) was tested for its ability to remove As from synthetic groundwater. Synthetic
groundwater with a varying composition of As(III),ferrous iron (Fe(II)) and phosphate and phosphorus (P) was filtered
on a daily basis. The results showed that both Fe(II) in groundwater and those released from the iron net were oxidized
biologically and/or physico-chemically and that As and P were effectively removed by adsorption and/or co-
precipitation processes. The concentrations of Fe(II) and P in groundwater were decisive factors in the removal of As.
Groundwater Fe concentrations of >2 mg/L and P concentrations of < 3mg/L with an Fe/P molar ratio of > 3.0 were
required to achieve an effluent As concentration of less than 50 ug/L from raw water containing 500 ug/L of As(III).
This simple, inexpensive filter could be used to treat As in contaminated regions.

A Ceramic Water Filter formed by Starch Consolidation was also done to allow better filling inside the mold cavity
during casting (Menchavez,, 2018). This technique was employed in order to maximize the fraction of continuous
pores within the filter body. The influence of the addition of different amount of starch was investigated to produce
viscous ceramic slurry (non-coated consolidated filter with 30% starch, non-coated consolidated filter with 35%
starch, coated consolidated filter with 35wt% starch, non-coated consolidated filter with 40% starch, coated
consolidated filter 40% starch). Specifically, these treatments were evaluated in terms of its filtration performance
through comparison of its pH, turbidity, average flow rate and microbial analysis. The consolidated ceramic filters
provided apparent porosities ranging from 52% to 54% depending on the starch content in the ceramic slurry. Among
the different starch concentrations, it was found out that the filter formed with 30% starch is the only treatment which
passed the microbial analysis. Hence, it is effective in filtering microbes and passed the standards for potable water
suitable for drinking consumption. Further, it exhibits a standard flow rate of 2-3 liters per hour. As the amount of
starch increases to about 40%, the ceramic slurry becomes more viscous. The estimated cost for each fabricated
ceramic filter is non costly and comparatively better than its commercial counterpart in terms of size, portability and
filtration performance.

Principles, challenges and opportunities in the use of ceramic water filters for point-of-use water treatment in
developing countries (Haiyan Yang, et. al 2020) was also investigated. This review concisely summarizes the critical
factors that influence the performance of CWFs, including (1) CWF manufacturing process (raw material selection,
firing process, silver impregnation), and (2) source water quality. Then, an in-depth discussion is presented with
emphasis on key research efforts to address two major challenges of conventional CWFs, including (1) simultaneous
increase of filter flow rate and bacterial removal efficiency, and (2) removal of various concerning pollutants, such as
viruses and metal(loid)s. To promote the application of CWFs, future research directions can focus on: (1)
investigation of pore size distribution and pore structure to achieve higher flow rates and effective pathogen removal
by elucidating pathogen transport in porous ceramic and adjusting manufacture parameters; and (2) exploration of
new surface modification approaches with enhanced interaction between a variety of contaminants and ceramic

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A paper dealing with the characterization and study of physico-chemical stability of ceramic filters from clays and
rice husk obtained from the far north region of Cameroon (Logone Valley) and their application in potable water
treatment was likewise written (Nguiamba , 2019). Clays from Mouka were characterized by FTIR analysis. The
results showed that the filter formulated with a mixture containing 80% clay and 20% rice husk of 100 μm in size each
gave the lowest filter shrinkage rate; these formulated filters were chosen for the remaining work. Leaching tests
showed that with filters at a sintering temperature of 830 C ̊ the leaching was not observed under neutral (pH 6.8) and
acidic (pH 5) conditions as compared to 950 C ̊ and 1000 ̊C where the leaching was observed. In basic (pH 9) condition,
all the filters obtained released ions. Leaching tests revealed that the conductivity of the leachate for the filters sintered
at 830 C ̊ was lower than those sintered at 950 ̊C and 1000 C. Meanwhile, conductivity decreases with increasing
sintering temperature (temperature up to 830 C) due to the fact that ceramization starts as from 850 C ̊ that leads to an
amorphous state that favours chemical stability, the leaching ions were Fe2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Al3+. The ceramic
filters sintered at 950 C
̊ were applied to the filtration of water and the performance in terms of turbidity reduction was
95% and the flow rate after 50 minutes was 100 × 10−3 L/h.

A thorough review (Venis, 2021) of silver disinfection efficacy and disinfection mechanisms in relation to CWFs
is currently done.. This paper reviews filter mechanisms and efficacy for bacteria removal for cases with and without
silver edition. Method of silver application (dipping, painting, or co-firing) is assessed. Silver release and retention is
discussed. The findings from this paper illustrate that eluted silver contributes to filter bacterial disinfection. However,
more research is needed on the impact of silver on preventing a “slime layer” on the filter surface and receptacle.
Silver application method, water quality and particle characteristics were demonstrated to impact release. For instance,
co-firing results in the most consistent elution over time but at lower concentrations than other methods. Finally,
research into alternative metals to silver for enhanced disinfection presents emerging opportunities within the CWF

A research conducted in Saudi Arabia (Shafiquzzaman 1, et. al 2019) aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a low-
cost ceramic filtration process for reuse applications of urban stormwater. Stormwater was collected from a storage
pond located in Buraydah for laboratory experiments. The filtration tests were performed in a continuous mode with
constant pressure using a low-cost ceramic filter made of clay soil and rice bran. The removal rates of the contaminants
(heavy metals) as well as the turbidity, suspended solids, and nutrients of the stormwater were assessed. High removal
efficiencies for turbidity (97.4%), suspended solids (97.0%), BOD5 (78.4%), and COD (76.1%) were achieved while
low removals were achieved for the nutrients: 19.7% for total nitrogen, 25.3% for nitrate, and 8.6% for phosphate.
Removal efficiencies ranged between 36.2% and 99.9% for the heavy metals, i.e., iron, manganese, lead, zinc, nickel,
copper, cadmium, selenium, and barium. Contaminant removal rates observed for the ceramic filter were also
compared with the alum coagulation process operated in a continuous mode at an optimum alum dose of 50 mg/L.
Similar removal behaviors for removal of turbidity, suspended solids, organics, nutrients, and heavy metals suggested
that both ceramic filtration and alum coagulation can be effectively used for stormwater treatment. Effluent qualities
of both the ceramic filter and alum coagulation met the standards, for recycling/reuse of wastewater, set by the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and World Health Organization for unrestricted irrigation and toilet flushing. The study
results revealed that ceramic filtration is a low-cost, energy efficient, and easy to maintain technology which can be
complementary to best management practices for stormwater.

A study entitled “Ceramic Water Filters for the Removal of Bacterial, Chemical, and Viral Contaminants (Nigay, et.
al 2019) was also done. In this study, the combination of capture mechanisms in ceramic water filters (doped with
hydroxyapatite and alumina) was considered for the removal of contaminants from drinking water. It was found that
hydroxyapatite and alumina were conserved during the firing process of the ceramic water filters up to 950°C. The
nanopores resulting from the conservation of the additives increased the specific surface area of the ceramic water
filters from 3.7 to 21.0 m2 · g−1. On the other hand, the microscopic pores associated with the processing of the
ceramic water filters (i.e., pressing and drying) and the combustion of the sawdust reduced the filtration time from 24
to 4 h. The efficiency of the resulting filters in removing bacterial, chemical, and viral contaminants from water was
investigated using E. coli, fluoride, and MS2 as model contaminants. The contaminants were found to be captured
from water by trapping in the pores, substitution in the hydroxyapatite, and adsorption on the surface of alumina.
Hence, the ceramic water filters incorporating hydroxyapatite and alumina combined the different capture
mechanisms. They had an efficiency of 99.998%, 99.970%, and 99.450% in the removal of bacterial, chemical, and
viral contaminants, corresponding to log reduction values (LRVs) of 4.69, 3.47, and 2.26, respectively.

A local study entitled “Arsenic in Groundwater Sources from Selected Communities Surrounding Taal Volcano,
Philippines: An Exploratory Study” was recently conducted ( Apostol, et. al, 2022). This investigation provides the
first comparative documentation of the concentration in groundwater in a volcano-sedimentary region in the
Philippines. Matched, repeated As measurements and physio-chemical analyses were performed in 26 individual wells
from 11 municipalities and cities in Batangas province from July 2020 to November 2021. Using the electrothermal
atomic absorption spectrometric method, analysis of the wells revealed that in 2020, 23 out of 26 (88.46%) has As
levels above the WHO limit of >10 ppb while 20 out of 26 wells (76.92%) had persistently high As levels a year later.

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Using a Wicoxon signed-rank test, levels of As were found to be statistically elevated compared to the national safe
limit of 10 pbb in the 26 matched sampling sites in both 2020 (p-value <0.0001) and 2021 (p-value =0.013).
Additionally, a tw0-paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test revealed that As levels were statistically higher in 2020 than in
2021 (p-value = 0.003), suggesting that As levels may be higher in years when there is more volcanic activity;
however, this remains to be further elucidated with suitable longitudinal data, as this study is still in its preliminary
stages. The data was also analyzed using a bivariable regression, which showed no evidence of a significant
relationship between As levels and distance from the danger zone (Taal volcano crater); however, results showed an
inverse but statistically insignificant relationship between As levels and elevation. Due to the toxic profile and
persistence of As groundwater in Batangas Province, continuous groundwater As monitoring, timely public health
risk communication, and the provision of alternative water sources to affected populations are recommended.

XII. Methodology:

Research Design
This study will use experimental research in the development of ceramic water filters (CWF) for removal of arsenic
in household water.

An Input-Process-Output (IPO) model will be utilized in this study. The INPUTS are ash from rice hulls, clay
collected from San Juan Batangas and other chemical reagents that are needed in the development of CWF. The
water that will be treated with CWF is simulated with arsenic content while household water directly from the
faucet will be used in testing the performance of the filter in actual water. In the PROCESS the ceramic water filter
will be developed and analyzed for its performance in arsenic removal and other properties of water as per the
requirement of Class A water for drinking water. Optimization of the formulation and statistical analysis of data will
be done in this phase. Finally, the expected OUTPUT of the study is the developed CWF and its properties,
properties of water before and after filtration and statistical results.

Figure 1 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Experimental procedure

The flow of experiment in this study started with the collection and preparation of raw materials such as rice hull,
clays, alumina, iron and other materials which are needed in the development of CWF. The development of CWF
was based on its performance in arsenic removal and water flux.

Preparation of grog

Rice hulls will be obtained from rice farmers and will be used as a source of ash. The ash will be produced by burning
the rice hull in a combustion drum for 1 hour and later in an electrically operated furnace with a working temperature
ranging 800oC for 3 Analytical Research Center (ARC), Pablo Borbon Campus. The clay will be outsourced
in San Juan Batangas, sun dried for at least one day and milled to reduce its size. Both the sourced clay and RHA
were screened through a 50-mesh sieve (590 micron aperture) sieve using an electrically operated sieve shaker and
retained in a 100-mesh sieve. Grog sample will be produced using four formulations: (1) 70% RHA mix with 30%
clay, (2) 50%RHA, 30% clay and 20% alumina, (3) 50%RHA, 30% clay and 20% iron and (4) 30% RHA, 30% clay,
20% alumina and 20% iron. Water is added as 15% volume based on dry composition and produces a paste like
mixture. The mixture will let it stand for 1.5 hrs to achieve a sticky mass and molded thereafter. The molded grog
material will be sun dried for 3 days and fired in an electric furnace at temperature of 1000oC for 4 hours. The grog
will be standardized to porosity of 40-60% which will measure using water adsorption method (Tiu, 2014) using
equation (1)

Tracking No. Page 9 of 31

𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑠i𝑡𝑦 =
w𝑒𝑡 w𝑒i&ℎ𝑡 ' 𝑑𝑟𝑦 w𝑒i&ℎ𝑡
𝑥 100% equation (1)
𝑑𝑟𝑦 w𝑒i&ℎ𝑡

The standardized grog will be crushed, milled and sieved to a 50-mesh size and will be used in the development of
ceramic support.

Fabrication of Candle Type Ceramic Filter Molder

Figure 2. Candle Type Ceramic Water Filter Molder

The candle type ceramic water filter molder will be fabricated based on the dimensions provided in Figure 2. The
fabrication of the molder will be outsourced from a third party fabricator. The set-up is composed of 6 candle type
CWF holders made up from metallic cylindrical pipes and 6 metal rods attached in the metal plates. The material of
construction for the set-up is galvanized iron.

Development of Ceramic Water Filter

The CWF will be developed based on the study of Tiu, 2014 with some modifications. The mixture of clay, grog and
water will be prepared using 45% clay and 55% grog with 15% water based on total dry weight. The grog formulation
will vary on the RHA, alumina and iron amount as seen on Table 1.

Table 1. CWF Formulations for Phase 1 Experiment

Materials Formulation 1 Formulation 2 Formulation 3 Formulation 4

(%w/w) (%w/w) (%w/w) (%w/w)

Grog 55 55 55 55
RHA 70 50 50 30
Clay 30 30 30 30
Alumina - 20 - 20
Iron - - 20 20

Clay 45 55 45 45

Water 15 15 15 15

Tracking No. Page 10 of 31

The water content may be adjusted based on the result of porosity measurement. The mixture (green body) will be
placed manually in a molder and pressed to the desired shape. Initially, the sample will be molded in a 2 x 2 in square
matrix sample of plain ceramic clay support and tested for total porosity check using equation 2 before proceeding to
the final candle shape. The ceramic support with and without silver nitrate impregnation will both check for total
porosity to determine the effect of silver on its property.

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑠i𝑡𝑦 = (𝑚𝑑 ' 𝑚𝑠) 100 equation 2

𝜌 w𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑉𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡

ms = mass saturated ceramic support
md = mass dry ceramic support
𝜌 = density of water (g/L)
V = volume of filter

The molded ceramic water filter green body will sun dry for three days in the molder before taking out in the molder
and another 24 hours after taking out. The dried molded green body will heat in the furnace at a rate of 100oC/30
minutes until a temperature of 1000oC is reached. After cooling the fired CWF, each will be impregnated in 300 ml
of 0.005M AgNO3 solution for 24 hours. Afterwards, the CWF will sun dry then subjected to gradual firing of 1000oC.
A second impregnation will be done after cooling and flushed with saltwater to form silver chloride and eliminate the
nitrates. The treated CWF will sun dry for another three days. The developed CWF will check for its final porosity
after saturation with water at 24 hours using equation 2.

The permeability of CWF will be calculated using Darcy’s law. The flowrate (Q) in volume of water discharged per
unit time will be calculated. The length over which the water flows (L), the cross sectional area of the filter where the
water flows, the viscosity of the water (𝜇), density of water (𝜌), gravitational constant (g) and height of water above
the base of CWF (h) is being measured. The formula to be used in determination of permeability is shown in equation
!𝜇𝐿 equation 3
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑏i𝑙i𝑡𝑦 (𝑘) =

Determination of CWF performance

The preliminary investigation of the performance of the developed CWF at varying formulations will be based on the
removal of arsenic which is the main concern nowadays in water and its water flux. The determination of CWF
performance in terms of water flux and percent arsenic removal will be done in 2 phases. The first phase is the
preliminary screening which determines if the presence of alumina and iron in the formulation affect the performance
of CWF as shown in Table 1. while the second phase is the determination of the best grog formulation by varying the
concentration of alumina and/or iron based on the best formulation chosen in phase 1. The design of the experiment
in the second phase will be based on the result obtained in the preliminary phase with the same response variable. In
case only pure RHA and clay or with iron or alumina (Formulation 1 or 3) was chosen, then the design of the
experiment (DOE) will use 2 independent variables such as (1) percent RHA or alumina or iron and (2) varying arsenic
concentration. In case formulation 4 will be chosen, then 3 independent variables will be used in the design of
experiment (1) percent alumina, (2) percent iron and (3) arsenic concentration. To clearly understand the set-up, DOE
for phase 2 is presented in Table 2. If ether in Formulation 1 to 3 will be used, the set up requires 4 runs in triplicates
with a total of 12 runs. If formulation 4 is chosen, then the set up requires 8 runs with a total of 24 runs.

Table 2. DOE for Phase 2 Experiment

Chosen Formulation in Factors High level (+) Low level (-) Number of
Phase 1 runs

RHA 70% 50%

Formulation 1 12 runs
arsenic concentration 40ppb 20ppb

Alumina 20% 10%

Formulation 2 12 runs
arsenic concentration 40ppb 20ppb

Iron 20% 10%

Formulation 3 12 runs
arsenic concentration 40ppb 20ppb

Alumina 20% 10%

Formulation 4 Iron 20% 10% 24 runs
Arsenic concentration 40ppb 20ppb

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Only 1 formulation will be chosen based on the result of phase 1 of the experiment. The developed CWF using the
formulation above will be tested for its porosity and permeability using equation 2 and 3 respectively.

In the treatment of water using CWF, the water will be collected directly from the faucet and deposited in a 200L
drum with faucet attached. The water in a 200L drum will be simulated with sodium arsenate as 20ppb arsenic. The
actual arsenic concentration of water in simulated water will be confirmed before analysis using an arsenator. The
developed CWF will be attached to the faucet of the drum and open the valve to enable the flow of water. The filtered
water will be collected in a separate container up to 10L. The tested water will be analyzed in terms of water flux and
arsenic concentration using equation 4 and 5 respectively. The water flux for a 10L water will be measured from the
discharge point. The volume of the water filtered, the area of the CWF and the time to finish the filtration will be
measured to determine the water flux using equation 4 while the arsenic removal using equation 5.
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 8𝑙𝑢𝑥 = 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑡i𝑜𝑛 4
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜8 8i𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑡i𝑚𝑒

i𝑛i𝑡i𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡i𝑜𝑛 – 2i𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡i𝑜𝑛 equation 5

% 𝐴𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑙 = 𝑥 100%
i𝑛i𝑡i𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡i𝑜𝑛

The performance of the CWF in terms of water flux and arsenic removal in simulated water will be analyzed using
Minitab software. The effect of each factor for water flux and arsenic removal will be evaluated and the best
formulation which maximizes both water flux and arsenic removal will be determined. The best formulation that will
be chosen will be used in the development of the CWF and used in the next phase of experimentation.

Characterization of the developed CWF

The properties of the modified CWF having the best formulation will be characterized based on total porosity, water
flux, permeability, flow rate, surface morphology, elemental composition, pore size, surface area, thermogravimetric
analysis, fracture toughness and mechanical strength. The porosity, permeability and water flux of the modified CWF
will be determined using equation 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The flowrate of the modified CWF is the volume filtered
per unit time based on 10L filtered water. The surface morphology, elemental composition and thermal property will
be analyzed using scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDS) and thermogravimetric
analyzer in NASAT Labs while the pore size and surface area will be using Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) in
Nanotech Laboratory in UP Los Banos. The fracture toughness and mechanical strength will be tested in ITDI-
Department of Science and Technology. All the analysis will be done in duplicates.

Treatment of Actual Water using Modified CWF

The developed modified CWF will be used as a point of use household water filtration system. The water before and
after filtration will be analyzed in terms of pH, BOD, TDS, TSS, phosphates, nitrates, coliform, chlorides, copper,
iron and arsenic content. The after-filtration testing will be done after 10L filtration of water. The properties of water
before and after filtration such as pH, TDS and TSS will be performed in Chemical Engineering Analytical
Laboratory, Batangas State University, Main Campus II. The ASTM standard for non-filterable matter in water is to
be used for TDS and TSS. The properties such as color, BOD, phosphates, nitrates, coliform, chlorides, copper, iron
and arsenic content will be tested in NASAT Laboratories in Sta Rosa Laguna. All the analysis will be done in
triplicates to ensure validity of results. The effect of modified CWF in water properties before and after filtration will
be analyzed using paired-t-test. In comparing the properties of water after filtration with water standard, paired t-test
is being used.

Performance of Modified CWF

The flow rate in liters per hour of the water that will pass through modified CWF will be measured against time at
an interval of 2 hrs up to 24 hours of filtration. The arsenic content of water for each time interval will be measured
and plotted. The baseline data to be observed in determining the lifespan and reusability of the filters are the typical
water faucet pressures of 15 psi and the clogging of the filters. Fouling and integrity of the filter will give the
information on filter reusability and cost benefit analysis is to be considered. As per the specificity of the filter, other
contaminant reductions will be noted using heavy metal analysis.

Disposal plan of used filters

Spent filters during the conduct of the experiments will be disposed in partnership with cooperating agencies like
DOST-ITDI. This is another research opportunity wherein spent filters be analyzed for the adsorbed As to which there
is a possibility that it is converted to a non-hazardous form.

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Technology Transfer (T2) of the Fabricated CWF Filters

The first part of the CWF T2 plan is basically formation of team that will conceptualize and execute the R&D plan to
solve a particular problem that can benefit the local, national and even the international community. Then proposing
the plan to the funding and other cooperating agencies like DOST, DOH, and PNRI. Identify the potential adopters
of the developed technology especially the marginalized communities that surround Taal. An MOU must be signed
by the researchers, early adopters and the research sponsors to identify each and everyone’s key responsibility areas
in the project. The last part is the assessment of the outcomes and impacts to the well being of the majority.

XIII. Duties and Responsibilities of each member:

Sicily B. Tiu: Project Conceptualization, Methodology, Raw data acquisition, Investigation, Project administration

Elisa D. Gutierrez: Methodology, Follow-up the procurement of needed materials

Rhonalyn V. Maulion: Lead in all the experimental procedures, Methodology, Data processing and analysis

Jerome Ramos: Raw material acquisition, fabrication of casing, CWF molder fabrication

Jermaine Magboo: Design and Drawings of Ceramic water filter, Assist in experimental procedures, submission of
quarterly monitoring report.

XIV. Major Activities/ Work Plan (Gantt Chart): see attached form A

XV. Line-Item Budget: See attached Form

1. Maintenance and Operating Expenses

2. Capital Outlay and Equipment

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