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@allinpython For Future

.append(element): Adds an element to

the end of the list.

.insert(index, element): Inserts an

element at the specified index. Save This Post
@allinpython For Future

.extend(iterable): Adds all elements

from an iterable to the end of the

.remove(element): Removes the first

occurrence of the specified element
from the list Save This Post
@allinpython For Future

.pop(index): Removes and returns the

element at the specified index. If no
index is provided, it removes and
returns the last element.

.clear(): Removes all elements from

the list. Save This Post
@allinpython For Future

.index(element): Returns the index of

the first occurrence of the specified
element in the list.

.sort(): Sorts the list in ascending

order. Save This Post
@allinpython For Future

.reverse(): Reverses the order of the

elements in the list.

.copy(): Returns a shallow copy of

the list. Save This Post
@allinpython For Future

.count(element): Returns the number

of times the specified element
appears in the list.

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