Hypothesis Testing

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Angelina Beatriz B.

Claveria May 4, 2020

Math in the Modern World Sir Jonathan Capa
Answer completely.
1. In an effort to improve the facilities and attract more qualified faculty members, a private
school decided to raise its tuition fee. One school official speculates that the tuition fee
increase affects the types of students applying for admission. Specifically, he claims that
the mean score of applicants in the entrance examination this year is significantly
different from the mean score in the previous year, which is 52. A random sample of 30
test papers were chosen. The mean was computed to be 47 and the standard deviation
was 13. Test the claim at 0.05 level of significance.
Ho: μ = 52 𝑥̅ = 47 S = 13 n = 30
Ha: μ ≠ 52
𝑥̅ − 𝜇0
𝑠 ∕ √𝑛

z = -5 / 13/5.477
z = -5 / 2.373
z = -2.107
Reject the Null
Hypothesis 0.025 0.025

-1.96 0 1.96
=Therefore, there will be change in applicants in the entrance examination caused by the
increase in tuition fee.
2. A study was conducted to find out whether the achievement test scores of participants
would differ if the training would be done in only 5 weeks instead of the usual 6 weeks.
From 40 randomly selected participants in the chemistry class, the posttest mean score
after the 5-week course is 38 with standard deviation of 6.5. The posttest mean score of
42 randomly selected participants who attended the 6-week course is 42 and the
standard deviation is 9.3. Is the mean score of those who attended the 6-week training
higher than those who attended the 5-week training? Test at 0.05 level of significance.
Ho: There is no significant difference between the score of the two groups of participants
(𝑥̅ 1 = 𝑥̅ 2)
Ha: The mean score of the second group of participants is higher than the first group.
(𝑥̅ 1 < 𝑥̅ 2)
𝑥̅ 1 = 38 n1 = 40 s1 = 6.5 𝑥̅ 2 = 42 n2 = 42 s2 = 9.3
𝑥̅1 − 𝑥̅2
(𝑛1 − 1)𝑠12 + (𝑛2 − 1)𝑠22 𝑛 +𝑛
𝑛1 + 𝑛2 − 2 ] [ 1𝑛 𝑛 2 ]
1 2

38 − 42
(40 − 1)𝑠12 + (42 − 1)𝑠22 40 + 42
√[ ] [ 40 ∗ 42 ]
40 + 42 − 2

= 𝑡
√[5193.34] [ 82 ]
80 1680
= 𝑡
= 𝑡
-2.243 = t
df = n1 = n2 -2
df = 40 + 42 – 2 = 80
Tabular Value = 1.990
The null hypothesis will be accepted because |t| < |t tabular|.
Therefore, the 6 weeks training is the same as the 5 weeks training.
3. A diagnostic test in Mathematics was given to incoming Grade 10 high school students
in a public school. Those who scored below the mean score are required to attend the
summer remedial class prior to the opening of the school year. At the end of the
remedial session, the students were again given the same diagnostic test. In a random
of 35 students, the average difference of pretest and posttest scores is 3.64 and the
standard deviation is 7.5. Using 0.01 as the level of significance, determine whether the
posttest mean is significantly higher than the pretest score.
Ho: Posttest = Pretest
Ha: Posttest > Pretest

𝑡= 𝑠
t = 2.8713 |t tabular | = 2.58

Since the |t| is 2.8713 > than the |t tabular | = 2.58, we will reject null hypothesis.

Therefore, the posttest mean is significantly higher than the pretest score.
4. In a certain region, 31 out of 100 randomly chosen respondents approved of the way the
president rules the country. In another region, 25 out of 110 respondents approved of
the president’s leadership strategies. Is there a significant difference between the two
proportions? Use 0.01 as the level of significance.
Ho: There is no significant difference between the two proportions of the respondents.
(𝑝1 = 𝑝2)
Ha: There is a significant difference between the proportions of the respondents.
(𝑝1 ≠ 𝑝2)
𝑝1 − 𝑝2
𝑝1 𝑞1 +𝑝2 𝑞2
√ 𝑛 𝑛2

31 25

𝑧= 100 110
31 69 25 85
√100 (100) + 110 (110)
100 110
√0.31(0.69) +0.227 (0.773)
100 110
√0.2139 +0.175471
100 110
√0.002139 + 0.001595
Z = 1.35338
Tabular Value of Z (0.01 = 99% confidence level) = 2.58
|z| is 1.353, is less than |z tabular | which is 2.58, accept Ho
Therefore, there is no significant difference between the proportions of two regions
approved of the president’s leadership strategies.
5. The variance of the scholastic aptitude test (SAT) scores from the previous years is 100.
This year, an educator claims that the variance of SAT scores is significantly different
from 100.From a random sample of 40 test results, the variance is found to be 115. Test
the claim at 0.01 level of significance.
Ho: σ2=100 s2 = 115 n = 40
Ha: σ2 > 100
(𝑛 − 1)𝑆 2
𝑥2 =
(40 − 1)115
𝑥2 =
𝑥2 =
𝑥2 =
𝑥 2 = 44.85
Critical Chi-square value is 39X20.01 = 62.428
Since 62.428 > 44.85, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, the new scores of the scholastic aptitude test is significantly greater variability
than the old scores.

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