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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1806 (2021) 012146 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1806/1/012146

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

knowledge of biology teachers in senior high school based on
teaching experience

R Almareta*, Paidi
Biology Education, Post Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo
No.1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Sleman,
Yogyakarta and 55281, Indonesia


Abstract. The percentage of schools that have network and internet access in Indonesia has
reached 77.89%. While the ability of teachers to use ICT 14.43%. This is supported by the
qualifications of teacher knowledge about ICT for senior high school by 14,43%. This study
aims to determine the level of ICT knowledge of biology teachers and determine the relationship
of ICT knowledge with teaching experience. Teacher knowledge is measured using a multiple
choice test instrument with digestive system material. The research respondents consisted of 23
biology teachers in senior high school. The validity and reliability test of the instrument was
carried out using SPSS with a significance of correlation <0.423 and Cronbach’s Alpha 0.92
(very reliable). Data analysis of the ICT knowledge level of teacher using Microsoft Excel and
to see the relationship of ICT knowledge with teaching experience using the One Way ANOVA
test. The results showed the level of ICT knowledge of biology teacher from all three aspects
was good with an average of 73.8. There is a significant difference between the level of ICT
knowledge of the teacher and teaching experience of the teacher, sig 0.000 (p<0.05). The long
teacher teaching experience does not provide good teacher ICT knowledge.

1. Introduction
The 21st century is marked by the development of science and technology which has a great influence
on the world of education. Almost every day there is new comes related to the results of research and
ideas of science and technology experts in various countries that are uploaded to the internet and can be
easily accessed by everyone [1]. Therefor teachers and students would miss information about the results
of research and ideas of science and technology experts if they do not often access information from the
internet. ICT knowledge is needed as a basis for implementing ICT-based learning. The challenges of
developing ICT are increasingly influential on teachers as agents of change in the field of education, by
developing teacher professionalism that is knowledge in the field of ICT to support innovative learning
processes [2]. Therefore, someone including teachers and students will miss information about the
results of research and ideas of science and technology experts if they do not often access information
from the internet.
The Central Statistics Agency (PBS) in 2018 shows the percentage of teachers who have ICT
knowledge qualification abilities at the secondary school level in Indonesia is 14.43%. While the
percentage of schools that have network and internet access in Indonesia has reached 77.89%. The
facilities that have been provided by the government to support ICT-based learning should be followed
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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1806 (2021) 012146 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1806/1/012146

by ICT skills and knowledge by biology teachers. Therefore, teachers must have ICT knowledge to
support learning activities in the current era. Through the current era of Technology and information,
the need and importance of using ICT in learning activities is strongly felt to improve the quality of
learning expected [3]. Every learning activity always involves two active actors, namely the teacher and
students. The teacher is the creator of the conditions of student learning that are designed intentionally,
challenging, systematic and continuous. While students as students are those who enjoy the learning
conditions created by the teacher [4].
The need for ICT knowledge by biology teachers aims to be able to keep abreast of information
knowledge and even be able to utilize ICT in learning. There are several forms of ICT knowledge
integrated in learning [5]. First, the teacher's knowledge of ICT-based learning media, meaning that the
teacher's knowledge in selecting and using images, videos, animations, or other objects from the internet
to make learning media more interesting. Second, teacher knowledge of ICT-based learning resources,
meaning that the teacher's knowledge in selecting and using appropriate learning resources to deepen,
expand and update learning materials. Third, knowledge of LMS or e-learning, meaning that the
teacher's knowledge in selecting and utilizing the Learning Management System (LMS) to encourage
independent learning [6]. This study aims to describe the knowledge of ICT biology teachers into several
levels, namely very good, good, good enough, not good and not very good. Then, this research also
connects ICT knowledge of biology teachers with teacher's teaching experience. The focus of this
research is ICT knowledge of biology teachers integrated in biology learning, namely in the digestive
system material. The level of ICT knowledge measured is factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge,
and procedural knowledge.
Biology learning is often confronted with abstract material and is outside the daily experience of
students, so the material becomes difficult to teach by teachers and is difficult for students to understand
[7]. There are also many materials on Biology learning that cannot be visualized directly and thus require
certain media. Visualization through learning media is one way that can be used to make the material
become real. The teaching experience would have skill to support experience well [8]. Of course, more
and more teaching experience will also be good ICT teachers who are asked from the implementation
of learning. Teaching experience gained by teachers during learning activities or teaching and learning
activities such as training and seminars on ICT. BPS data (2018), shows the percentage of teachers who
participated in ICT training in urban and rural areas is 14.43% at the high school level. This is in line
according to the longer the teacher's working period, ICT knowledge will be lower, this is due to several
factors including the age factor that makes teachers less skilled using computers or internet access and
tends to still use conventional learning. Based on research by Tezci the results show that teachers have
a high level of knowledge in knowledge of media and ICT-based learning resources. The highest level
of ICT knowledge of biology teachers for knowledge of ICT media is that word processing that is
commonly used for presentations gets a percentage of 50.6% [9].
In addition, internet access that is commonly used by teachers to find references as a source of
learning gets a percentage of 49.6%. Knowledge of simulation media and mobile animation gets a very
low percentage of 3%. Research [10] states that the ICT literacy of biology teachers in MAN throughout
South Jakarta as measured through test instruments is at a good level. Then there is a very close
relationship between ICT literacy in biology teachers in the use of media and learning resources. In line
with research [11] teachers in Malaysia have a high level of knowledge in using ICT tools where they
already know how to use ICT devices (such as computers, internet, projectors, etc.).

2. Method
This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The sampling technique used in this study is
simple random sampling, this technique is used to provide equal opportunities to each member of the
population to be sampled. The research respondents were 18 biology teachers consisting of 6 secondary
schools. This research instrument uses multiple choice tests of 25 questions to measure the level of ICT
knowledge of teachers. Aspects of ICT knowledge measured in this study are learning media knowledge,
ICT-based learning resource knowledge [12] and knowledge of LMS to encourage independent learning

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1806 (2021) 012146 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1806/1/012146

[13]. Every aspect of ICT knowledge consists of knowledge factual, conceptual knowledge, and
procedural knowledge. Procedures for data collection of test instruments were validated by experts
(expert judgment), then the validity and reliability of the instruments were tested using SPSS Test
instruments were used to obtain information about ICT knowledge of biology teachers on digestive
system material. The data that has been obtained will then be analyzed using Microsoft Excel to see the
level of achievement based on percentage, so that the level of achievement can be achieved in several
categories: very good, good, good enough, not good, very not good. Furthermore, inferential data
analysis using SPSS is a one way ANOVA test to determine the relationship between teacher ICT
knowledge and teacher teaching experience. The criteria of ICT teacher Knowledge showed in Table 1.
Table 1. Criteria of ICT teacher knowledge
Value of ICT teacher knowledge Criteria
84-100 Very Good
68-83 Good
52-67 Good Enough
36-51 Not Good
≤ 35 Not Very Good

3. Result and Discussion

The aims of this research is to know the ICT knowledge of biology teachers by using multiple choice
test instruments with 5 answer choices, 25 questions. The validity of the test instrument uses validity by
experts (expert judgment), namely biological material experts and education experts in the field of ICT
to enhance the validity of the instrument's contents. The validity of the instrument was carried out
empirically and analysed using SPSS by comparing R Tables at DF = N-2 with a probability of 0.05.
The reliability test by looking at the Cronbach alpha value is 0.911 with a very high reliability category.
Demographics of respondents in this study were seen from the teaching experience of biology teachers
spread over 6 public high schools which can be seen in table 2. Teaching experience consisted of age,
training on ICT, seminar on ICT, and years of service.
The age of the respondents has some vulnerabilities namely <30 years for as many as 2 people with
a percentage of 11.1%, aged 30-40 years as many as 5 people with a percentage of 24.7%, aged 40-50
years as many as 8 people with a percentage of 44.4%, and aged 50-60 years as many as 3 people with
a percentage of 16.5%. Thus the respondent of this study is dominated by the age of teachers who are
vulnerable 40-50 years, this age is considered productive age at work, this age is felt to have gained
enough experience from several school academic activities and activities from outside the school. Based
on open interviews with respondents, it was known that all respondents had participated in training and
seminars on ICT, with a percentage of 100%.
The working period of teachers has several vulnerable namely> 30 years as many as 4 people with
a percentage of 22.2%, 21-30 years as many as 9 people with a percentage of 50%, 11-20 years as many
as 3 people with a percentage of 16.6%, and 1-10 2 years with a percentage of 11.1%. Sari's research
results (2017), age has no relationship with the use of ICT for a farmer, the data states that ICT users by
breeders are dominant at the age of 22-38 years. The Teacher demographics showed in table 2. Teacher
ICT knowledge aspect showed in table 3, and Age differences affect the level of ICT knowledge showed
in table 4.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1806 (2021) 012146 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1806/1/012146

Table 2. Demographics of Biology Teachers' Teaching Experiences

Teaching experience Amount Percentage
< 30 years 2 11,1%
30-40 years 5 27,7%
40-50 years 8 44,4%
50-60 years 3 16,6%
Training on ICT 18 100%
Seminar on ICT 18 100%
Years of service
>30 years 4 22,2%
21-30 years 9 50%
11-20 years 3 16,6%
1-10 years 2 11,1%
Based on table 3 the results of the assessment of ICT knowledge of teachers from three aspects of
knowledge (1) ICT knowledge as a learning medium gets an average score of 77 with a good category.
Table 3. Assessment of Teacher ICT Knowledge Aspects

Aspects Mean Standard Score Interpretation

ICT knowledge as a media for 0,77 0,42 77 Good
ICT knowledge as a resource for 0,76 0,41 76 Good
Knowledge of LMS to encourage 0,67 0,46 67 Enough Good
interactive and independent learning
Average 73,3 Good
Teacher knowledge of the selection and use of ICT-based media with a standard deviation of 0.42,
teacher knowledge of ICT as a learning medium can be in the form of an understanding of what types
of ICT can be used by teachers in the digestive system material [14]. (1) ICT media used can be in the
form of images, animated videos created or obtained by teachers from the internet such as YouTube
[15]. ICT knowledge as a media must also be adapted to the digestive system material content that is
complex and systematic. In the implementation of daily teaching and learning processes, ICT media are
often found as a combination of audio, video, and internet technology [16]. The communication medium
that results in interaction between two or more people at a cheap and practical cost is the internet. The
internet is a cheap communication tool which allows interaction between two or more people. In the
field of education, ICT has many roles [17]. ICT seems to have become a transfer of the functions of
books, teachers and teaching systems that were previously still conventional (Purnomo, 2008).
Information technology causes science to become more developed [18]. Therefore educators or teachers
who do not want to keep up with the times, he will continue to lag behind in various fields of science
[19]. (2) ICT knowledge as a learning resource gets an average score of 76 in good category.
ICT-based learning resource knowledge can as an insight and deepen the material of the digestive
system [20], where teachers provide a trusted link or internet site for students to access as additional
information for digestive system material [21]. In addition, teachers can use ICT to renew teaching
materials that will be used [22], biological teaching materials used can be obtained from the internet and
adjusted to competence in the digestive system material. (3) LMS knowledge to encourage interactive
and independent learning gets an average score of 67 with quite good categories. LMS or Learning
Management System can be used by teachers for distance learning, meaning that teachers can still
monitor student learning activities through LMS [23], LMS which is often used today is Moodle which

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1806 (2021) 012146 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1806/1/012146

contains content material, learning videos, exercises, and quizzes. LMS can encourage students to learn
independently [24]. But in reality the use of LMS by teachers and students is still considered lacking,
this can be seen from the teacher's knowledge about the LMS used in the digestive system material is at
a fairly good level. Therefore we need in-depth socialization and convincing teachers of the benefits of
using this LMS so that it can be put to good use especially in learning biology. The use of technology
in education and learning is intended to facilitate or streamline learning activities [25]. The ability to
organize, analyse, and choose the right information and be able to form the competencies of students
must be possessed by a teacher in order to achieve the expected learning goals. In this case the teacher
is required to have the knowledge and ability to use and prepare learning materials using computers.
Therefore training needs to be held to improve teacher knowledge in sharing competencies related to
the use of information and communication technology as learning technology.
Changes in the principles of computer-based learning have an impact on teacher professionalism, so
that they must add new understanding and competence to facilitate learning. With computer learning
systems are not limited to classroom walls, but can explore to other worlds, especially through the
internet. The ability to organize, analyse and choose the most appropriate information is the basic ability
possessed by the teacher to achieve learning objectives, the teacher's ability will indirectly affect the
formation of student competencies [26]. Teachers who have knowledge of ICT will make it easier to
find learning resources, so that students will not feel bored in taking lessons in class. According to,
teachers who are able to develop varied learning methods and are able to present or provide creative and
varied learning materials automatically will be able and successfully display an interesting learning
atmosphere so as to make students feel comfortable in the classroom.
Currently the development of technology, information, and communication can lead to the view that
when teachers do not have the will to understand, use, and access biological studies through ICT devices
such as computers and the internet, the teacher's function as a facilitator of scientific development will
be reduced which over time can be lost, so that there are only teachers who are poorly informed [27].
Besides the necessity of teachers in encouraging and supporting students towards creative use of ICT is
absolutely necessary. For this reason, the role of the teacher is needed for the balance of mastery and
packaging of information that will be confronted and presented to students. This results in concerns that
students have understood the subject matter of biology from the teacher. A teacher is demanded to
master ICT or in other words a teacher is banned from being conversant [28]. But what happens is that
many teachers do not understand the importance of mastery of ICT so that they do not want to improve
their ability to master ICT. Nowadays many teachers feel that with the abilities they already have, they
feel they don't need to increase ICT knowledge.
Table 4. Age differences affect the level of ICT knowledge
Source Teaching experience Mean Difference (I-J) Sig.
ICT < 30 years 7.750* 0.037
knowledge 30-40 years 6.750* 0.011
40-50 years 6.750* 0.011
50-60 years 14.667* 0.000
ANOVA one way test results on ICT knowledge of biology teachers based on teaching experience
which is divided into two namely the age and length of service of the teacher. The HSD tukey test results
indicate that there is a significant difference in teacher knowledge in each vulnerable age (p <0.05). This
means that teacher age affects differences in the level of ICT knowledge. In table 4 shows the differences
in teacher age differences have a significant influence on teacher ICT knowledge. In various research
results about 80% of teachers are still stuttering in utilizing the advancement of ICT in the learning
process, some ICT experts claim that humans, including teachers, have the potential skills in the use of
computers and the internet in the use of ICT in the learning process. However, several factors affect the
intensity of the use of ICT in learning, one of them is the age factor, teachers feel that they no longer

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1806 (2021) 012146 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1806/1/012146

need sophisticated learning, even giving up the use of computers to teachers who are junior. This
reminds ICT instructors that teachers in their delivery should prioritize practice over theory. Besides the
obstacles of teachers in the use of ICT in learning is the inability of teachers to speak English, where
English is very dominantly used in computer operations. this is emphasized considering the teacher has
a big hand in educating the nation's children.

Table 5. The difference in the years of services influences the teacher's ICT knowledge
Source Teaching experience Sig.
(years of services) Mean Difference
ICT 1-10 years 3.500 0.000
knowledge 11-20 years 10.389* 0.001
21-30 years 10.389* 0.001
> 30 years 13.889* 0.000
The HSD tukey test results showed that there were significant differences in teacher knowledge in
each range of teacher's tenure (p <0.05). This means that the teacher's tenure affects different levels of
ICT knowledge (Table 5). The longer the work period of a teacher, the better ICT knowledge will be
because he has participated in many training, seminars and activities on ICT. Teacher ICT knowledge
can be obtained from training held by schools or from local MGMPs, outside courses or independent
study at home. ICT knowledge obtained by teachers will be better if it can be directly implemented into
learning in the classroom. Based on interviews that teachers have very solid teaching hours every day
at school so there is no time and opportunity to create their own ICT-based learning media such as an
attractive power point, so that it becomes an obstacle in implementing teacher ICT knowledge. Based
on the research results of teachers with 11-20 and 21-20 years of work have a good knowledge, this is
because the age of teachers who are still productive and followed by a lot of training and job demands
that require teachers to have ICT knowledge.

4. Conclusion
The level of ICT knowledge in Yogyakarta City Public High School is in the good category because of
the school facilities that have fully supported to support the implementation of ICT-based learning, thus
impacting teacher knowledge on ICT. To implement ICT-based biology learning, teachers must first
have knowledge of ICT media, ICT-based learning resources, and for the further stages of utilizing the
LMS (Learning Management System) to encourage independent and interactive learning. Teachers'
teaching experience is gained from academic activities and activities outside of academic learning. the
more mature the age of a teacher and followed by the longer the teacher's working period, the teacher's
ICT knowledge will be better, because he has attended training and other non-academic experiences.
However this cannot be a benchmark because it returns to the individual's ability to respond to the
importance of ICT knowledge in learning. It is possible for teachers who have not had long experience
in teaching to be able to get adequate curriculum in ICT compared to teachers who have long teaching
experience. Teachers with more experience with computers have high confidence in the ability to use
ICT effectively. Besides that teachers will always be able to develop themselves in improving their ICT

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