Claveria Science and Technology

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Angelina Beatriz B.

Claveria June 06, 2020

Science, Technology and Society Ma’am Anna Liza Dugenia

Science and Technology: How it Changed Society

“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch
which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because
that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and
- Louis Pasteur
Science and technology along the years have developed a lot. In our every day, we
use technology and we see science improve our lives. Various technological machines
we use nowadays assist us towards in household and in offices. Science has improved
our knowledge about the Earth and what is beyond it. Over the years, we do our best to
discover more information about the world and make more technological advances that
can improve the society. Other than this, there are more advances that both science
and technology has achieved over the years.
Science and technology improved our transportation. Ancient transportation is
mainly horses and donkeys. Ancient Egyptians then started building boats and carts.
Around the middle ages in Europe, wagons pulled by horses are the transportation that
rich people use. Around the 19th century, technological advances have rapidly
developed. Transportation evolved from horses to steam trains, steam turbine boats,
motorbikes and the first appearance of cars and planes. Around 1960’s, the Soviets
launched the first rocket carrying a human to space in order to orbit Earth. By the 20 th
century space travel has been improving. Scientific observations and experiments are
being done to planet Mars to see if it is livable for humans. Scientific discoveries about
the galaxy are also gained by our space travels.
Science and Technology improved our industry and economy. In ancient times,
humans do everything by their hands. They pull through some of their mechanical
inventions by their own strength. As the time pass, steam powered locomotives were
invented. The first steam powered machine helps pump water out of coal mines. This
was invented by Thomas Savery which helps the miners to find coal efficiently. By 17 th
century, Benjamin Frankin’s experiment became the turning point of both industry and
economy. The discovery of power using electricity became the dawn of technological
advances and machines. The working industry and the economy boost as people do
their jobs easier than it was before. Electrical devices and machines have substituted
the workers that are doing the hard jobs. By the 20th century, the internet has dominated
the Earth for it’s usefulness towards communication, passing information, and
advertisement for different jobs and products.
Science and technology improved the system of education. We all know that
educational system started as children listening to a teacher with a writing device and a
paper. It developed when school buildings were constructed then chalk boards where
invented to aid the students to learn. Nowadays, we have different means in learning.
With the invention of smart phones, computers, and laptops, students can now learn
without carrying books. Internet became the source of a lot of information where you
can search for just one click away. In our current pandemic, these methods have
became the most effective way to continue learning. With the use of applications such
as Zoom, Google meet, Google classroom, Edmodo, etc. that is means of
communication between teacher and student, classes can still be ongoing.
Lastly, Science and technology improved our medical and health system. In Ancient
times, certain diseases are not curable and some use certain herbs to heal them.
Surgery wasn’t also possible back in the time. But as time progresses, the medical
system also improved. Certain mental issues are considered as medical sickness or
disabilities. We also have gained the skills to perform surgery on a human’s body. We
have invented electronic devices that can help sustain the body like for example, a
pacemaker is placed on the chest to help control abnormal heart rhythms. Medicines
have also improved too. Because of scientific experiments towards different living
creatures and their properties, medicine has evolved to helping us maintain a healthy
Science and Technology has improved our society in numerous ways. What is
written in this paper has not even scratched the surface of what it changed in our
society. As we progress towards the future, scientific and technological advances will
help us more to improve. But with this, let us take not that even with this progression,
we as humans should not be always dependent in science and technology.
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