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Claveria, Angelina Beatriz B.

June 13, 2020

Science, Technology and Society Ma’am Anna Liza Dugenia

Experiment: Electricity and Water Consumption

Multiplied by (per
Baseline Last day Difference cubic meter/ per
08/06/2020 12/06/2020 Khw

Electricity 2200 2275 55 637.3875

Water 1219.88 1244.88 25 875

List of Appliances and their estimated watts (hourly consumption):

 Air conditioner = 700 watts

 Refrigerator = 700 watts
 Laptop = 300 watts
 TV = 150 watts
 Light bulb (4) = 240 watts
 Electric Fan (2) = 160 watts
Water Consumption estimated daily: 400 – 600 gallons
Plan of Action: Electricity and Water Consumption
As a family, we always talk about what we can do to help lessen our consumption in order to
save money. We live in a 3-floor house that is why we need to save as much as possible.
Here are certain rules that we apply and are about to apply to maintain low consumption.

 During lunch time, we should gather in our largest room and turn on the aircon and turn
off the lights. At this way, we only have consumption on one place with one appliance.
 When using the shower, we are only allowed to use it for 10 minutes.
 Before going in and out the comfort room, always check faucets and shower is closed
 As much as possible, lights are only used at night.
 When we are about to sleep, only one light is allowed to stay open (staircase light).
 When washing the dishes, make sure the everyone is finished eating so water
consumption may be done for once at a time.
 Make sure that when we are not using the appliance, we remove the plug so energy
won’t continue flowing.
 Washing clothes should be done in one day.
One suggestion from my dad may be implemented which is really important:
We are allowed to charge our phone once per day. We should exercise charging our phones to
100%. With this, it will save us not only energy, but will also save us from the dangers of
charging our phone while using it.

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