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Description and purpose of the grant project

People in Need is a Czech non-governmental organization that assists in the protection of human rights
and democratic freedom. It is one of the largest humanitarian organizations in Central/Eastern Europe and
has been implementing projects in 37 countries for the last 20 years. People in Need has been working in
Georgia since 2005.

Currently, PIN implements the project "Ukraine Displacement Crisis Response In Georgia," which aims to
support Ukrainian refugees living in Georgia due to the armed conflict. One of the components of the
project is the promotion of Ukrainian beneficiaries with financial support for the development of micro
and small business ideas. Ukrainians with entrepreneurial experience and with business ideas can receive
financial support from the non-governmental organization "People In Need", and also, within the
framework of the business development component, they will have the opportunity to increase their
knowledge on various topics including regulatory and legal framework, necessary for the successful
development of their business.

The following entities have the right to participate in the grant competition

Ukrainian citizens who are currently residing within the entire territory of Georgia and arrived after the
start of the Russia-Ukraine war in 2022.

Amount of grant funding

The amount requested from the non-governmental organization "People In Need" can range from 10.000
to 30.000 GEL. In exceptional cases, taking into account the availability of funds from the current grant
competition and the strategic importance of the project, "People In Need" may consider increasing the
volume of the grant.

Special conditions of the current 2024 grant competition

1. Within the framework of the 2024 grant competition, only those project applications whose
implementation is planned until the end of September 2024 will be considered.

2. Beneficiaries supported within the grant competition of previous years, who have not fulfilled their
contractual obligations, do not have the right to apply to the current grant competition.
3. Implementation plans for all supported projects will be developed individually and grant agreements
will be signed according to the relevant business plan.

To receive a grant, the applicant must meet the following conditions:

• Must demonstrate that the benefits received from the grant will have a positive impact on its economic

● The applicant is obliged to follow the highest standards of business ethics, including transparency of
business operations and accounting;

● Be informed of all applicable taxes and other legal obliga;ons;

● To implement Georgian accoun;ng standards. All grantees must be prepared to conduct an independent
financial review or audit upon request;

● Submit all mandatory documents before the deadline of the grant competition.

Ineligible applicants, activities, and ineligible expenses:

• Repayment of debts/loans;

• Purchase of real estate;

• Academic and scientific research;

• Individual participation in seminars, workshops, and conferences;

• Salaries/fees;

• Humanitarian actions and activities;

• Interests to be paid, penalties, fines;

• Loss caused by currency conversion;

• Loans granted to third parties;

• Insurance costs;

• Activities prohibited by the current legislation of Georgia;

• Costs not related to the grant period;

• Spending materials;

• Materials not related to the business project;

• Technology that is not necessary for the implementation of a business project;

• Accounting or other services;

• Rental services/Rent

The application will be disqualified from the grant competition if:

- Not all required points in the project application have been filled;

- Unallowable expenses are included in the budget;

- Mandatory attachments/documents are not submitted (for example, land registration, proof of property,

- The project is planned to be implemented outside Georgia;

- Any item is omitted/incomplete in the application;

- The project is biased on political or religious grounds;

- The project damages the environment;

List of required documents

The grant application should be submitted only following the format given in Annex 1 (Application).
Completed project application and budget should be sent to the following e-mail:

Deadline for submission of applications is 1st July 2024 23:59. Please, include “Grant Application” in the
email subject line. Late applications will not be accepted. Any questions related to this grant competition
can be sent to the project’s email address:

Information on assessment, selection, and grant-making

Service description and methodology 40, experience and qualifications 40, project impact and
sustainability 40, budget 10. Total 130 points.

After the submission of applications, members of the non-governmental organization People In Need
Grants Selection Committee will evaluate the applications following the selection criteria mentioned
above. The authors of the application, who receive a score of at least 70 points and pass the mentioned
stage, will proceed to the interview stage. The evaluation committee will schedule a special meeting with
the authors of the project application, who will present their projects individually. Please note that the
best business ideas will be revealed only after the interview and we will contact only the applications that
have passed to the next stage.

Project Evaluation Commission

The Project Evaluation Commission is a temporary body that is elected for a certain period to implement
the grant component. The members of the commission are elected from within the non-governmental
organization People In Need. The commission currently consists of 5 members.

In case of a conflict of interest, that is, if a member of the commission or his family member receives
benefits or their interests are fixed about the project under consideration, in such a case, the said member
does not participate in the evaluation process, and also, the entire round of project evaluation will be
disabled. The right to evaluate it, if necessary, will be transferred to an invited disinterested/neutral person
who will be invited by People In Need for this purpose only. The following are considered family members:
spouse, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, and any person permanently living with

If a friend, or relative of a committee member (other than the above-mentioned family members)
participates in the grant competition, at such time, the committee member is required to notify People In
Need and declare a conflict of interest. In particular, in such a case, the commission member does not
evaluate only this specific project and is involved in the evaluation of other projects. If the commission
member does not report such a case to the project implementing organization and the conflict of interest
is not identified, the following measures will be taken: the information will be provided to the general
meeting of members and the commission member will be dismissed from the commission immediately.

The fact that "People in Need" organization, as the project implementing organization, enjoys the right to
determine the extent to which the project application corresponds to the donors' requirements and to
make the final decision regarding the granting of the grant should also be taken into account.

The grant competition will be implemented in 5 stages:

Stage I - consultation about the competition;

Stage II - submission and review of complete project applications;

Stage III - interview with selected applicants;

Stage IV - making the final decision by the commission;

Stage V - signing of the grant agreement;

Stage I - consultation about the competition:

You can request any kind of information or necessary documentation before the end of the competition
or write to us at the following email:

Stage II - submission and review of complete project applications

After submitting the complete project idea, the project evaluation commission will compare it with the
main requirements of the grant competition. All complete applications that meet the criteria and exceed
the minimum score will be admitted to the next stage - the interview. Attention: incomplete application
will not be considered!

In case of a positive evaluation of the applications submitted by different members of the same family, it
will be necessary to choose only one of these applications to move to the next stage.

At the decision of the Evaluation Commission, the authors of the application with minor errors may be
given a few additional days to complete the application.

The application will be disqualified from the grant competition if:

 The application is submitted incompletely;

 The budget is not defined correctly;
 In the project application, not all the required points are filled in and the minimum number of
words does not match the required one;
 The information presented in each item and sub-item is inconsistent with the title;
 Inadmissible expenses are included in the budget;
 Mandatory attachments/documents are not submitted (for example: land registration, proof of
property, etc.)
 The project is politically or religiously biased;
 The project damages the environment;

III stage - interview with selected applicants:

All authors of initial project applications will be informed of the results of the evaluation by telephone or
e-mail. Authors of applications selected by the evaluation commission will be invited to participate in the
next stage. The evaluation committee will schedule a special meeting with the authors of the complete
project application, who will individually present their projects orally. Applicants do not attend oral
presentations by other applicants. The members of the evaluation commission can ask additional
questions about the project. Attendees must follow specific procedures to participate in the interview. (eg
in the case of a face-to-face meeting, attendees are not allowed to use mobile phones during the interview
Members of the People In Need evaluation committee will be given time to read the project applications,
evaluate them individually, and make a written report. The evaluation criteria are derived from the already
approved People In Need strategy.

IV stage - making the final decision by the commission

The final evaluation of project applications is based on a scoring system, findings of relevance of
information, and oral presentation. Authors of all project applications can receive a written
recommendation upon written request. Projects will be supported taking into account the highest
evaluation and the financial resources available for the given competition. The evaluation commission may
offer the applicant to make some changes in the received project applications;

The exact amount of the grant will depend on the budget submitted with the application. The Committee
may require the applicant to reduce or eliminate unjustified costs so that the application meets the
objectives of the project.

Stage V - signing of the grant agreement and purchases

• The authors of the supported project application prepare the necessary documentation together with
the procurement experts of "People In Need"
• At the same time, the authors of the project application supported by the business sector are legally
registered (if they are not yet registered) and submit the appropriate documentation (within a
maximum of one week)
• Subsequently, a grant agreement will be signed with the authors of the supported project application.
• After receiving the documents confirming the fulfillment of the participation obligation from the
applicant, the implementing organization will start the procurement process.
• Beneficiaries of the grant competition will receive the property purchased by Fiffle in Need for
temporary use, and in the case of a positive evaluation within the monitoring period, it will be
transferred to the property.

Monitoring and management of supported projects

Supported projects will be monitored by "People In Need" according to the monitoring plan established
by the project, specific business application indicators, and the grant agreement signed with the
beneficiary. The purpose of monitoring is to assess and support the progress of the project and the
subsequent needs of the beneficiary.

During the course of the project (implementation and monitoring), all legal and financial documents must
be available to the auditor.

The direct beneficiary produces and presents regular accounting reports, and fulfills all tax requirements,
following the legislation of Georgia. The said documentation should be available to the monitoring team
for 3 years. Projects supported under the program must remain operational and serve their intended
purpose for a period agreed upon by the grantor.

To share the experience, based on the request of People In Need, the beneficiary must provide a
demonstration of his enterprise/production to all interested persons, at least for the next 3 years after the
signing of the grant agreement.

The property purchased by People In Need for the winning project within the grant component will be
transferred to the author of the project with a deed of acceptance. According to the handover act, the
transferred items/equipment are considered People In Need property until the monitoring is completed.

If all monitoring reports revealed the successful progress of the project and no violations of the terms of
the grant agreement were observed, the property received for temporary use by the beneficiary, based
on the additional agreement, will be transferred to the ownership.

In case, as a result of monitoring, it is revealed that the beneficiary does not fulfill the conditions stipulated
in the contract, it is possible to confiscate the transferred property from the beneficiary and cancel the
grant agreement. At such time, the equipment will be transferred to another project beneficiary.

Appeals Procedures
All information about the decision on the application will be provided personally only to the applicant.

In case of interest, the applicant can receive written information about application deficiencies and
evaluation. All applicants who believe that their project has been assessed unfairly or that the appropriate
procedures have not been followed may appeal in writing to the Fiffle in Need project manager. The
project manager will independently obtain additional information and invite the applicant to a meeting. If
the applicant has strong arguments, violations of the procedures are factually and documented, then the
project manager applies a written recommendation to the evaluation commission and reviews the project
together with it.

In case of factually unfounded appeal, the appeal procedures will not be carried out.

You can write a reasoned remark or recommendation related to the selection process to the e-mail
address: The feedback you provide is confidential.

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