Company Level Cashflow Management

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Company-Level Cash-Flow Management

Article in Journal of Construction Engineering and Management · March 1996

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(1996)122:1(22)


89 2,822

1 author:

Ronie Navon
The Open University of Israel


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By R. Navon, l Member, ASCE

ABSTRACT: The importance of cash-flow management, and thus the need for it, is a matter of consensus
among researchers and practitioners alike. They all agree about the difficulties in generating automatic cash-
flow forecasts at the project level due to such problems as compatability-which is explained in this paper-
or the lack of detailed data. At the company level it is even more difficult to forecast cash flow, due to the
varying levels of data detail for different projects. The paper begins with a comprehensive background of cash-
flow management. It then describes the development of a cash-flow management model for the organizational
level, followed by the detailed computer program written on this basis. The system presented here is unique
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because it manages the cash flow of the company as a whole, it is flexible-accepting projects with varying
degrees of detailing levels, it requires no human involvement in cash-flow generation, it is accurate, and it is a
typical management tool. The uses of such a tool are also discussed.

INTRODUCTION forecasting models for project-level cost or cash flow, and a

presentation of the cost/schedule integration problem as well
Cash is the most important of the construction company's
as ways to solve it. The background ends with a report on the
resources, because more construction companies fail due to
results of a short survey of how things are done in 10 Israeli
lack of liquidity for supporting their day-to-day activities than
construction companies. The fourth section describes an im-
because of inadequate management of other resources (Singh plementation of the company-level cash-flow management
and Lakanathan 1992). Cash requirement and profitability are
model by a very comprehensive computer program.
two different issues, even though they are connected. Peer and
Rosental (1982) state that a company can survive for a tran-
sitional period without showing profit, or even with a loss, but BACKGROUND
that it may collapse due to lack of cash even if it has a very There is a consensus among researchers and practitioners
positive balance. They also state that most of the construction alike about the need to forecast cash flows [e.g., Abudayyeh
companies in the world that have failed did so because of a and Rasdorf (1993), Carr (1993), Cook (1991), Hackney
lack of working capital and in spite of their profitability. (1992), and Navon (1990)]. Accordingly, a wealth of tech-
Cash-flow management is an indispensable tool for con- niques and models have been developed for cash- or cost-flow
struction companies (Peer and Rosenthal 1982; Singh and Lak- forecasting. The most popular models can be divided into two:
anathan 1992). It involves forecasting (planning) and control. mathematical models and cost-and-time-integration models.
This is a dynamic process in the ever-changing environment
of a construction company, due to deviations in the progress, Terminology
or changes in the costs, of projects under way or the initiation!
termination of others. This subsection defines terms that will be used throughout
An adequate cash-flow management system is necessary to the paper.
convince construction lenders to lend money. When they do, "Cost flow," which is, in fact, a technological term, is the
they want to know that any lack of liquidity is both temporary projection of the project's costs as a function of time. In prin-
and expected. It often happens that in the absence, or inade- ciple, to compile the cost flow for a project, the costs of each
quacy, of a cash-flow management system the liquidity prob- activity have to be distributed over its duration. The time is
lem arises without prior warning. In such a case, the company taken from the schedule, but no account is taken of the pay-
goes on a pilgrimage to bank managers to request bridge loans. ment method, and the cost flow does not, therefore, reflect the
But this, unfortunately, is exactly the situation in which lenders actual outflow of money. The money could have been paid
are very reluctant to give loans. Even if it is an uncommon before the activity was performed, the resource was used
event, at best they may give the money at a very high cost, (down payment), or the service was given, or after completion
which reflects their conceived risk associated with the loan. (credit). In other words, there is a difference between the time
Cash-flow forecasts should be made at all phases of the that a resource is used on the site and the time when it is paid
construction process, starting with the bidding stage. Ashley for. This is called "time lag," which can be positive or neg-
and Teicholz (1977) emphasize that a decision to bid should ative depending on the payment method.
be based on financial considerations, such as capital cost, the The "expense flow" is compiled on the basis of the cost
need to borrow money, etc., in addition to all other consider- flow. This is done by projecting the costs as a function of their
ations. Using cash-flow forecasting at this stage can also in- usage time and the payment method. Consequently, in prin-
fluence the choice of overhead markup policy. ciple, the expense flow can be defined as follows:
The next sections gives the background needed to under-
stand the company-level cash-flow management model and the expense flow = cost flow + time lag (I)
need for it. This background includes the terminology used Thus the expense flow reflects the actual outflow of all direct
throughout the paper, a brief explanation about mathematical costs.
The "cash flow" is defined as the difference between the
'Feld Academic Sr. Lect., Fac. of Civ. Engrg., Nat. Build. Res. Inst.,
Technion City, 32000 Haifa, Israel.
income flow and the expense flow and the overheads (field
Note. Discussion open until August 1, 1996. To extend the closing and main office), formulated as follows:
date one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager
of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and cash flow = income flow - expense flow - overheads (2)
possible publication on September 15, 1994. This paper is part of the
lOUT/UlI of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 122, No. The "income flow" is the contractor's earnings in monetary
1, March, 1996. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364/96/0001-0022-0029/$4.00 + terms. The contractor bills the owner based on the work in
$.50 per page. Paper No. 9245. place, and the owner pays the contractor the appropriate

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 1996, 122(1): 22-29

"progress payments." There is a time lag between the dates compilation of a list associating resources (which constitute
the bill is submitted and the progress payments are made. This the cost items) with activities is very time-consuming. An at-
time lag is called the "billing period." Only part of the vali- tempt to computerize it normally fails because of the compat-
dated bills becomes progress payments. A certain percentage ibility problem. This problem occurs because the cost items
of them is held back as an incentive for the contractor to com- are specified in terms of the building elements, while the
plete the contract. This is called "retainage" (or "retention" schedule is specified in terms of activities. Consequently, the
or "escrow"). The retainage is paid to the contractor upon relationship between cost and schedule items is complex. On
satisfactory completion of the contract. The developers income the one hand, a given schedule item may relate to only one
flow includes additional elements, such as capital contributions cost item. On the other hand, and more often, the resources of
from investors or partners, down payments from customers, a cost item are related to more than one schedule item and
land or construction loan draws, and line-of-credit draws. those schedule items are associated with more than one cost
item. Thus the problem inherent in integration is how to make
Mathematical Models for Cost/Cash-Flow Forecasting the computer recognize these relationships and allocate the ap-
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propriate resources to the activities. More about the compati-

These models are normally mathematically based and are bility problem can be found in Mawdesley et al. (1989), Navon
used when the availability of project data is limited. The min- (1994), Sears (1981), and Teicholz (1987).
imal data needed for cash-flow forecasting with these models Three methods are commonly used to solve the compatibil-
includes the project's duration, its total cost, and general data. ity problem
Most of the mathematical models are developed for cost-
flow forecasting only, while cash-flow-forecasting mathemat- • Manual integration, which is done in various ways, such
ical models are based on forecasting the cost flow first and as manually specifying the resources associated with each
later translating it into cash flow (Ashley and Teicholz 1977; activity. This is accurate, but it requires extensive manual
Gates and Scarpa 1979). The most popular of the mathematical work. This method does not deal with the income flow,
models is the third-, fourth-, or fifth-level polynomial. although a rough income flow can be compiled by im-
Ashley and Teicholz (1977) suggested a detailed method for provisation (and additional manual work).
cost-flow-based cash-flow forecasting. They divide the direct • Approximate models (Booth et al. 1991), which do not
cost into a number of elements such as labor, materials, etc., involve manual work. The integration is done automati-
which are specified as a percentage of the total cost. For each cally in one of two ways: each cost item is divided
of these elements they determine a typical time lag and pro- equally, or proportionally, among the activities with which
pose a simple formula that forecasts the cash flow based on it is associated. This method is less accurate but requires
this principle. much less work.
The mathematical models are inaccurate, because they are • The automatic cost/schedule integration model, which in-
based on generic data (and consequently do not go down to cludes an embedded database that enables it to associate
the resource level). Most of them do not take time lags into automatically each of the cost item's resources to the ap-
account, and the income flow ignores the billing period. In propriate activity. This method is unique to the model
spite of this, there are reports that mathematical models have presented here. It does not require human involvement
been used successfully (Bathurst and Buttler 1980). and is accurate.
Cost/Schedule Integration Survey among Construction Companies
There is extensive discussion in the literature regarding cost! The background given in this section is based on a literature
schedule integration [e:g., Abudayyeh and Rasdorf (1993), survey, which mainly reflects the beliefs and ideas of acade-
Carr (1993), Harris and McCaffer (1990), Mawdesley et al. micians. Most of the literature emphasizes the difficulties of
(1989), Sears (1981), and Teicholz (1987)]. Integration meth- forecasting cash flow. Some software packages have "cash-
ods are developed for projects with detailed data (to be re- flow management" modules (only at the project level). Con-
ferred to as "detailed projects"), such as a detailed bill of sequently, it was desirable to have an ideal (even a rough one)
quantities (BOQ) and an estimate, which includes costs of re- regarding the extent, the methods, and the frequency of cash-
sources; quantities of resources, of building elements, and for flow management in construction companies.
activities; costs of subcontractors; and overhead costs, as well A survey among construction companies was recently con-
as a detailed schedule, including activity description and code, ducted (in the first half of 1994). The methodology consisted
activity duration, and a list of all resources associated with of interviews with key personnel of the surveyed compa-
each activity. nies-l0 construction organizations, among the largest Israeli
The major problem with integration methods is that the construction companies. The survey is by no means statisti-

TABLE 1. Survey Summary

Project-Level Cash Flow
Number 10 Classification Prepared by Method Accuracy (Months)
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
I A Constructor Scheduling engineer Spreadsheet Approximate 3
2 B Constructor Scheduling engineer Computerized Detailed 1-3
3 C Constructor - - - -
4 D Constructor Project manager Computerized Detailed 1-2
5 E Constructor Engineering division Computerized Detailed I
6 F Owner - - - -
7 G Owner - - - -
8 H Owner - - - -
9 I Consultant Project manager Computerized Approximate I
10 J Consultant Project manager Spreadsheet Approximate I


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 1996, 122(1): 22-29

cally valid, nor does it claim to be representative. It can, how- culate its monthly costs. These monthly costs must be trans-
ever, give some idea of common practices. Table I lists the formed into monthly expenses by adding time lags, which
companies participating in the survey (for obvious reasons, refer to resources and consequently cannot be added to costs
their identity is confidential, so they are marked alphabetically that are not resource-based. The solution to this problem, for
in column 2). Column 3 classifies the companies into three LD projects, is to divide the costs into cost groups (labor,
groups-constructors, owners (developers), and consultants materials, equipment, formwork, scaffolding, etc.). This divi-
(both consultants operate as project managers for owners). sion would be based on earlier experience of the company with
Columns 4-7 refer to project-level cash-flow management. similar projects (the model provides default values for such
Column 4 specifies who prepares the cash flow, and column division, based on the literature). Some of the groups have a
5 specifies the method by which the cash flow is prepared, typical time lag (such as labor), others (e.g., materials) do not.
either "computerized" using project management software For the latter group, a decision regarding a "typical" time lag
packages (this method is referred to as the second technique), must be made based on the company's historical information.
or essentially by a manual method, which is assisted by a The expense flow is generated by taking the monthly costs,
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spreadsheet (referred to as the first technique). Column 6 clas- dividing them into cost groups, and projecting them according
sifies the project-level cash-flow preparation from the accura- to their "payment" time, on the basis of the appropriate time
cy's point of view, and column 7 gives the frequency of cash- lag.
flow preparation (in months). When detailed project data are available, they include the
Apparently all companies prepare cash flow at the company following files: resources, estimating, bill of quantities, sched-
level, which indicates the importance they all ascribe to cash ule, subcontractors data, contract data (with the owner and
flow management. Only six of the companies compile cash subcontractors), and general data. The availability of detailed
flows at the project level, which they do infrequently and at data enables accurate (resource-based) cash-flow forecasts to
varying degrees of accuracy. In all of the six, much manual be generated at the project level. Only a resource-based fore-
work is required. This conclusion may be more accurate for cast can incorporate the correct time lag, because every re-
contractors than it is for developers, because in many cases source has a different time lag.
the latter create individual legal entities for each project, es- The first stage in cash-flow generation of projects with such
pecially the larger ones. In such a case, a project-level cash detailed data is to integrate the bill of quantities with the
flow is identical to the company-level one. It is also interesting schedule, to integrate the two with the estimate, and to gen-
to note that in three of the five constructors, the project-level erate expense as well as income flows.
cash flow is compiled centrally. Only in one construction com- Project-level income-flow forecasting has two options, the
pany is the project-level cash flow prepared by the construc- first being appropriate to projects for sale in the free market.
tion manager. Where project-level cash flows do not exist, No model forecasting sales of construction projects was found,
rough estimates of project-level cash flows are made for the and therefore a company must enter its own forecast manually,
purpose. in accordance with its best judgment. The second option ap-
The techniques the companies use for cash flow forecasting plies to contracted-for projects. In these cases the income-flow
at the project level can be divided into two. The first technique generation is based on the cost flow, taking into account the
involves a conceptual aggregated schedule (e.g., concrete, retainage and the billing period.
plumbing, finishing activities, etc., for each floor), which is Company-level management entails periodic forecasting and
prepared specifically for this purpose. Each activity is assigned frequent updating to accord with circumstantial changes and
a cost taken manually from the estimate and distributed as a actual performance on-site. It refers to the company as a
function of time based on rules of thumb. The same method whole, and it must always be based on the most up-to-date
is applied to income flow. No time lags for expenses or income information. Consequently, the following were the guiding
are taken into account. This technique is both inaccurate and principles in the development of the company-level model:
The second technique is more accurate and uses well-known
I. The model has to cover all projects of the company, and
software packages. However, it also requires a significant
should, for comprehensive cash-flow forecasts, include
amount of manual work, and cash flows are therefore not pre-
company overheads and other general expenses and cost
pared more frequently than with the first technique. The sec-
centers of the company.
ond is the technique described in the section, "Cost/Schedule
2. The model has to be flexible enough to accept data at all
Integration" (manual integration).
levels of detailing (from detailed down to limited data).
Both methods are mainly used for expense-flow generation.
Evidently, the accuracy of the forecast will increase with
Income flow is normally assessed very roughly, while in cer-
the level of detail.
tain cases the whole process has to be repeated to generate an 3. It has to be linked to all the company's databases (bill
income flow. of quantities, estimate, schedule, etc.) so that the fore-
casts are based on the most up-to-date data.
4. Construction projects undergo constant changes due to
MODEL changing environmental conditions. Therefore the model
A company-level cash-flow model must be based on cash has to make provisions for constant updating.
flows of all the company's individual projects. Whenever pos- 5. It must be simple and require minimal human involve-
sible, i.e., when detailed data is available, the project-level ment and time investment, to permit frequent usage.
forecast is resource-based. But detailed data is not always 6. It has to allow for adjustments to inflation, so as to bring
available for all the projects in the company-for some proj- the costs of different projects to a common denominator.
ects the only available data are their total cost, their duration, 7. In view of the variability of the number of working days
and some general data. The model presented here is flexible per month according to the season, site location, holi-
enough to accommodate such projects as well. Cash-flow fore- days, and type of work, the model must provide alter-
casts of such projects with limited data (LD projects) are based native calendars, permitting each project to be linked to
on a cost-flow forecast, which is generated with the aid of the one most suitable.
mathematical models. The model uses, for this purpose, a va- 8. The model has to accommodate logical and integrity tests
riety of polynomial formulas for the project level, which cal- for reliability.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 1996, 122(1): 22-29

The cash-flow model is based on the company's database,
which includes the following information for each detailed PROJECT-MANAGEMENT DATABASE
For projects with detailed data only

• Bill of quantities (BOQ), which includes the quantities of

all the building elements, such as beams, columns, walls,
doors, floors, etc.
• Resource data, including the costs of the resources, their
individual terms of payment (credit, cash, or payment in
advance), and other data
• Schedule in network form, which includes the durations
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and starting and finishing time of all activities

• A detailed resource-based estimate for all building ele-
ments with a linkage to the resources comprising them
• Subcontractors' data, including the cost of their work and
terms of payment

For all projects

• General project data, including project code and descrip-

tion, reference to the works "calendar," and the starting
date, duration, and total cost (the latter three only for LD
• Overhead costs, including site overhead costs [such as
field engineer, superintendent, warehousing, security, tem-
porary facilities, water, clerk/timekeeper, general purpose
laborers, office equipment, office trailer rental, telephone
and fax bills, office lighting, and heating, ventilation, and
air-conditioning (HVAC)] as well as company and main-
office overhead costs FIG. 1. Cash-Flow Management Model
• Contract data with owner (if there is one), including terms
of payments, retainage, and all other conditions monthly sums according to the actual working days per month
for each project.
The structure of the company-level model is shown sche- Normally, once a project is in progress, the project man-
matically in Fig. I. The model first generates cash flows for agement signs contracts, or agreements, with vendors and sub-
all the individual projects in accordance with data availability contractors, referring to the purchasing of products and/or ser-
(detailed or limited). Based on these cash flows, it then com- vices. In such agreements the price is also fixed, and in
putes the company cash flow. countries with high inflation, the price is normally linked to
The model includes two expense-flow generators: one for the index (the Consumer Price Index or the Construction Cost
detailed projects, the other for LD projects. The former gen- Index). This means that when the bill is issued, the price is
erator first automatically links cost items with the appropriate adjusted in accordance with any change in the rate of inflation.
activities (schedule items), based on their coding system. This, and control considerations, are some of the reasons why
When this is done, the model associates the resources with the the cost estimate database of each project is normally based
activities. The other expense-flow generator, the one for LD on the costs of resources prevailing at the time the estimate is
projects, generates the cost flow by computing the direct compiled. Company-level cash-flow compilation (based on the
monthly costs, then dividing them into components and pro- individual projects' cash flows) entails the aggregation of the
jecting them onto a time axis, taking into account the time monthly expenses and the incomes of each project. Because
lags. the various projects have different inflation-index bases, prices
The income flow is also computed separately for projects must be adjusted and brought to a common base before
with detailed data and those with limited data. In addition to summation.
the expense flow for detailed projects, the expense-flow gen- The output is the main objective of the model. It includes
erator computes the work in place as a function of time. On
the basis of this, together with the calendar data (which are • A company-level cash flow for various forecasting hori-
optionally project-specific) and contract data, the income flow zons and according to different sorting criteria (by project
is generated. The cost-flow generator also computes the work type, for different company divisions or branches, etc.)
in place for LD projects. In contrast to the cost flow, which is • A project-level cash flow for various forecasting horizons
based only on direct costs, the work in place of LD projects (which is needed for project-level management purposes.
includes overheads. The income flow of the LD projects is It is given by this model as a by-product)
generated in a way similar to that of the detailed ones. The • Actual versus forecast cash flows for control purposes.
difference between work in place and the income flow consists This output is given at the company level and at the proj-
of the billing period and the retainage, which are taken from ect level, and it includes a comparison between the actual
the contract data. and the forecast cash flows as well as the difference be-
Both the expense flow and the income flow depend on the tween them. This output is available on a month-by-
number of working days per month-even identical projects month basis, as well as in cumulative form to avoid mis-
may have different cash flows because of the difference in this takes based on incidental deviations.
number. Accordingly, the work in place and the cost flow are
first calculated on a daily basis and then translated into Some of the algorithms developed for the updating module

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 1996, 122(1): 22-29

TABLE 2. Default Values of Site and Company Overhead
Range" Default" Time ence
Cost (%) (%) variability level
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Fixed site costs 1.2-2.7 2.2 Fixed Site
Guarantees 0.5-1.0 0.7 Fixed Site
Site supervision and con-
struction management 3.2-7.5 4.8 Variable Site
Insurance 0.1-0.6 0.4 Variable Site
Main office 5.4-10.0 6.4 Variable Company
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Contingency and profit 4.0-10.0 7.0 Fixed Company

a Percentage of the direct costs.

TABLE 3. Direct-Costs Components Breakdown

Range Default
FIG. 2. Main Menu
Component Percent" Time lag Percent" Time lagb
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5)
For each of the cost items it gives the range of values (column
Labor 35-45 0-1 40 I 2), based on the literature survey, and the default value
Materials 50-61 4-6 54 5 adopted for the model (column 3). The table also indicates if
Equipment 5-10 8 6 8
the cost item is time-dependent (variable), meaning that the
aPercentage of dlfect costs. total cost of this item depends on the duration of the project
bIn weeks.
or is fixed (column 4). Column 5 specifies whether the cost
item refers to the site or the company level.
Table 3 gives the breakdown of costs in LD projects into
and for project-level cash-flow forecasting are described in Na-
components, and their associated time lags. The data in the
von (1990).
table is based on the following sources: Ferry and Brandon
A company-wide model must include default values for a
(1988), Harris and McCaffer (1990), Peer (1975), Kaka and
variety of parameters. These values may reflect standard com-
Price (1991), and Warszawski (1983).
pany procedures or common practice in the specific area. It is
very difficult to make such a comprehensive model work ef-
ficiently and with minimal human involvement without default COMPUTER PROGRAM
values for important parameters, because in many cases the The model presented in the third section was implemented
values of the parameters are non-project-specific. Moreover, in a computer program, which was developed in two stages:
sometimes the values of the parameters are not known to the first, the general framework of the model was developed to-
user of the model, at any rate not at the moment the mode is gether with the cost-flow generator, the inflation-adjustment
used. function, the company cost-flow generator, the updating func-
Because the model was not developed with a specific com- tion, the tabular and graphic outputs at the project and com-
pany in mind, the default values were determined on the pany levels, and the control mechanism and its output (Navon
strength of a comprehensive literature survey, which resulted 1985). At the second development stage, an expense-flow gen-
in a relatively wide range of values. This is because any spe- erator for detailed projects, an income-flow generator, and a
cific value depends on many factors, such as the construction project cash-flow generator were developed. Finally the two
method, the sizes of the individual apartments and the build- parts were integrated searnlessly into a program.
ings, site location and conditions, economic and business en- The software package was written in Turbo-Pascal for an
vironments, etc. Table 2 summarizes default values of site and IBM PC. It comprises 16 subprograms with more than 8,000
company level overheads from Hackney (1992), Laufer et al. lines altogether. The program is interactive and has a help
(1993), Means (1991), Peer (1975), Peer and Warszawski facility for all the important functions so that, although it is
(1972), Siddens (1989), Warszawski (1983); and Warszawski not a commercial software, it is very user-friendly and easy to
(1992). handle, because it leads the user in all stages. Theoretically it
Table 2 specifies the following overhead-cost items (col- is integrated with all the company's construction management
umn 1): databases, as explained in the third section, but this integration
was not implemented in practice. Instead it is left to the user
" Fixed site costs, such as setup and mobilization costs, to build the relevant files (BOQ. resources, schedule, etc.) ex-
costs of temporary facilities, connection to water and elec- actly as they would be in the company's database. The pack-
tricity and communication costs, etc. age performs logical and integrity tests to ensure that data
• Performance guarantee, to ensure that the contractor ful- input is consistent.
fills hislher obligations regarding the satisfactory comple- The package has hierarchical structure. At the top is the
tion of the project main menu (Fig. 2), which breaks down into submenus, for
• Site supervision and construction management, such as different modules, at varying levels, as shown in Fig. 3. The
field engineer, superintendent, clerk/time-keeper, security, submenu structure has 3-6 levels. The submenus are shown
power supply and communication costs, etc. in Fig. 4.
• Insurance, including all-risk, public liability, equipment, The main menu has seven submenus. The first-Calendar,
etc. Inflation & General Data-comprises seven modules, as
• Main office expenses, including company management, follows:
bookkeeping, advertisements, etc.
• Contingencies and profit 1. Enter New Calendar & Inflation Data. This module en-

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 1996, 122(1): 22-29

l.ewIl2 - - - - 1
-x it a 4 I • 7
The third submenu-Cash-Flow Display-displays cash
flows at the project and the company levels. The cash flows
are presented either in tabular form or as a chart, for a selected
period. Fig. 5 shows a tabular and a graphical representation
of a company cash flow. The vertical axis is the time, the
- 1 . 1 1.2 1.5 "'41.1 1.1 1.7 1.1 U U 1.1 U 4.14..4.' .. , U &.
$.I .... &A1.1 U 7.1
horizontal axis is the company's cash flow in thousands of
l.ewIl'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dollars.
The fourth submenu-Cash Flow Control-comprises of
FIG. 3. Structure of Computer Program
three modules, as follows:

1. Progress report. If nothing is reported regarding a proj-

ect, it is assumed that the project progresses according
to plan. The progress report can be made in two
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ways-one is generic, the other detailed. In the generic

type, changes in the total cost and the project duration
are reported on first, and then the periodic expenses and
incomes to date are reported. The actual cumulative ex-
pense flow and the actual cumulative income flows are
compared with the ones forecasted. If deviations are de-
tected between the forecast and the actual values, they
are distributed over the residual construction period. Two
algorithms were developed for this purpose, as described
in Navon (1990). The progress report can also be made
on a detailed level. The program scans all the activities.
If according to the plan the activity should have been
finished or be in progress, the user is asked to enter the
actual progress made. In addition, the user has to report
activities that are actually in progress but have not yet
been planned to start. Here, too, the discrepancy between
planned and actual work is distributed over the residual
2. Company Forecast-vs.-Actual report in tabular form.
3. Project Forecast-vs.-Actual report in tabular form.

The forecast and the actual cash flows at the project and
company levels are presented in comparative tables, which in-
clude the deviations on a month-by-month basis and in a cu-
mulative form. Like the cash-flow tables and charts, the com-

cash now Display --> Cooopany cash Plow prin1:1ng c1a1:.: 23/06/94

'rO'l'AL CJlSlI PLOW FORECAST ("cc.pany"):

(Thouaand • 1iDked 1:0 04/94)

Project: I I I I I I I :
FIG. 4. Submenus Nuaber IProjec1: O8a.101/94102/94103/94104/94105/94106/941
11111111IHouaiDg Prj. 1 -1161 -2611 -5161 -7111 -8581 -7911
abIes various calendars to be built, as explained in the --------+------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
111111221eo... Ctr. I 01 -2861 -81 551 -921 -801
third section. Each calendar has an identifier and speci- --------+------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
Forecaa't I -1161 -5471 -5~41 -6561 -9501 -8711
fies the number of working days for each month. Infla- ---------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
Projec"t I 1 I 1 1 1 1
tion data is in the form of various indices. NUliber I Project: De•• 101/94108/94: 09/94110/94111/941
2. Add data, which enables the existing calendars and index --------+------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
11111111IHouaiDg Prj.: -2601 6UI 1221 9Ul 16301
tables to be extended --------+------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
11111l2~:ee-. C1:r. 1 -271 781 .431 61 3091
3. Change data-to change selected data from the calendar --------+------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
Poreca.'t 1 -2811 6921 1651 9201 19391
or the index tables
4. Erase data-to erase selected data Pre..
<en'ter> 'to coD'tiDue

5. Display data-display the "calendars" and the index caab Plow Diap1ay --> caab Plow Cbar1: prin1:iDg 4&1:.: 23/08/94
6. Maximum permissible deviation. For the integrity tests
11/941 : •••••••••••**......... (1939)
the user is free to select the level of accuracy, above 10/941 I........... ( 9~0)
which the program will issue a warning. The default 09/941
( 165)
( 692)
value is 1%. 07/941
•••••••••• :
( -287)
( -871)
7. PRF (profit, risk, and finance) allocation 05/94: **·***.****1 ( -950)

The second submenu-Project Database Management-

*.*••••• :
•• *••*:
( -656)
( -116)
consists of three modules. The first lists all the projects in the +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--
-2610 -1740 -870 0 870 1740 2610
database; the second permits entering data other than detailed
or limited ones, for projects or other cost centers of the com- 'l'OTAL CASH-PLOW FORECAST ("ca.pany·)

pany. In this second case, the data is entered on a monthly (Thousand $ linked 1:0 04/94)
basis. The third module enables changes to be made in data FIG. 5. Company Cash Flow In Tabular and Graphical Rep-
of individual projects. resentation


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 1996, 122(1): 22-29

pany level progress reports are also available in various se- COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS
lected groups.
The fifth submenu-Cost-Schedule-Based Cash-Flow This paper discusses the topic of cash-flow management in
Generator-generates cash flows for detailed projects. It has construction. It begins with a background description, which
the four following modules: defines cash-flow-related terms and presents the state of the
art. The paper then describes the development of a company-
1. GRAAD (General Resource/Activity Allocation Data- level cash-flow management model and the computer program
base) Management, which in turn is divided into four based on this model.
submodules. The GRAAD management module builds The literature very extensively discusses the importance of,
and maintains the non-project-specific database for de- and the need for, cash-flow management. It seems that the
tailed projects, as mentioned in the third section. Nor- industry, at any rate that in Israel, appears to agree with re-
mally the use of this module is to browse in or print the searchers about this point, a conclusion that is based on the
database rather than to build or update it. It is necessary fact that all the construction companies taking part in the sur-
Downloaded from by Technion Israel Institute Of Technology on 03/22/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

to use it when entering a new project. vey, as described earlier, prepare cash flows at the company
2. Cash Flow Generator (new project). When this option is level. Both the literature survey and the survey among the
selected, the program scans the database and displays all companies indicate, in different ways, the difficulties in
the projects that have detailed data and are consequently achieving automatic cash flows. The solutions, among practi-
potential files for cash-flow generation by this model. tioners and researchers alike, are all at the project level. Most
When a project is selected, the user is prompted to enter of the solutions require substantial manual work, and all of
the following data: them are inaccurate, either because they are not sufficiently
• Data regarding the project's identification detailed (even when detailed data are available) or, certainly,
• Default values, such as overhead expenses, PRF, bill- because they do not take time lags of any kind into account.
ing period, and retention Time lags and billing periods shift actual payments by a few
• Parameters referring to the income-flow calculations weeks to two months and more.
• Calendar identifier This paper describes a unique cash-flow management sys-
• Index for inflation adjustments calculation tem. Its uniqueness is due to the following points:
When all these data have been entered, the cash-flow
generator computes the project's cash flow as explained • It is a company-level cash-flow management system.
in the third section. • It is flexible. It can accept data at varying levels of detail,
3. Default Value Manager, which has three submodules from very detailed (computerized schedule, computerized
• Time-lags manager, which enables changes to be made resource-based estimate, etc.) to very limited (total cost
in the global default values for the specific project and duration).
• Overhead data manager, likewise for making changes • It is comprehensive, being able, due to its flexibility, to
in global default values of overhead markup factors for include all the projects and other cost centers (workshops,
the specific project loans, sale/purchase of capital equipment, etc.) of the
• Default values, referring to the material supply policy company.
of the project • It is automatic-no human involvement is needed in the
4. Network analysis. This module was added for instruc- cash-flow generation. It takes about two minutes to pre-
tional purposes and is not necessary in a commercial pare the cash flow for a project, with or without available
package. detailed data. This is true on the assumption that for the
detailed project the schedule, the estimate, and the bill of
The sixth submenu-Mathematical-Model-Based Cash- quantities already exist beforehand, having been prepared
Flow Generator-generates cash flow for LD projects. It has for other purposes of construction management, such as
two submodules bidding, planning and control, procurement, etc.
• The accuracy of the cash flows depends, of course, on the
1. Default Value Manager, which has two subsidiary sulr data detail level. When detailed data are available, the
modules: system generates accurate cash flows thanks to the follow-
• Time lags manager, which enables changes to be made ing. First, it is resource based, resources being the most
in the global default values for a given project fundamental cost element. Second, it incorporates time
• Overhead data manager lags, and thus the costs are projected according to their
2. Cash Flow Generator (new project). Entering a new proj- payment time (which is what cash flow is all about) and
ect requires entering of the following data: not according to the time the resource was used on site,
• Total cost or a service was given. Third, it takes account of actual
• Duration working days for each project, which depend on site lo-
• Data regarding the project's identification cation, type of work, ethnic composition of the crews, etc.
• Default values, such as overhead costs, PRF, billing Fourth, some materials, such as ready-mixed concrete, are
period, and retention (optional) supplied to the site and are used immediately; others, e.g.,
• Calendar identifier bulk materials or reinforcement, are supplied from stock.
• Index for calculating inflation adjustments In many cases this is not reflected in the schedule. To
• Selection of the mathematical model for the cost-flow overcome this problem, the system takes account of the
generation either from given formulas or by entering a material supply methods. And finally, it is a management
customized formula tool first and foremost, because it not only forecasts cash
When all this data has been entered, the cash-flow gen- flows but also serves for control purposes by comparing
erator computes the project's cash flow as explained in the forecast with the actual cash flows and showing the
the third section. difference between them. Additionally, the ease and speed
of achieving the cash flow for different categories enable
The seventh and final submenu selects the active projects. the management to obtain, as often as desired, cash-flow
This is necessary especially for updating project data and for forecasts for all its purposes (some of which are men-
the progress report. tioned below) and for a "what if" analysis.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 1996, 122(1): 22-29

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Downloaded from by Technion Israel Institute Of Technology on 03/22/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

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search at the Technion. This support is gratefully acknowledged. The Siddens, R. S. (ed.) (1989). The Walkers building estimator's reference
writer wishes to thank Eng. E. Katz for his input. He would also like to book, 23 Ed., Walker, Lisle, III.
thank the companies that were included in the survey for agreeing to take Singh, S., and Lakanathan, G. (1992). "Computer-based cash flow
part in it. and for their openness. model." Proc., 36th Annu. Trans., Am. Assoc. of Cost Engrs., Mor-
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APPENDIX. REFERENCES Teicholz, P. M. (1987). "Current needs for cost control systems." Project
Abudayyeh. O. Y.• and Rasdorf. W. J. (1993). "Prototype integrated cost controls: needs and solutions, C. W. Ibbs and D. B. Ashrey, eds.,
and schedule control system." J. Compo in Civ. Engrg., ASCE, 7(2), ASCE, New York, N.Y., 47-57.
181-199. Warszawski, A. (1983). Estimating and contracting under inflation for
Ashley. D. B.• and Teicholz. P. M. (1977). "Pre-estimate cash flow anal- construction projects. Nat Build. Res. Station, Technion, Haifa, Israel
ysis." J. Constr. Div., ASCE, 102(3), 369-379. (in Hebrew).
Bathurst. P. E., and Buttler. D. A. (1980). Building cost control: tech- Warszawski, A. (1992). Economic analysis of engineering projects. Nat
niques and economics, 2nd Ed., Heineman, London, U.K. Build. Res. Inst., Technion, Haifa, Israel (in Hebrew).


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