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Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No.

11, November, 845–852

doi: 10.1680/macr.2010.62.11.845

The influence of concrete substrate preparation

on overlay bond strength
H. Beushausen

University of Cape Town

Repair and strengthening of concrete structures often include the application of a concrete overlay to the existing
substrate. Sufficient bond strength between substrate and overlay is a prerequisite for the durability and service-
ability of the repaired or strengthened structure. Factors considered most important for good bond strength between
substrate and overlay are cleanliness and texture of the substrate concrete surface, as well as overlay placement
and curing techniques. In terms of substrate moisture condition prior to overlay application, a saturated, surface-
dry substrate is generally considered best practice to achieve high bond strength. In some cases, bonding agents are
specified, which may consist of commercial products or site-made cement slurries. Despite the extensive application
of bonded concrete overlays, the usefulness of bonding agents is still the subject of much debate among researchers,
specifiers and practitioners. Conflicting opinions also still exist as to whether pre-wetting the substrate concrete
can be expected to have a positive influence on bond strength. The laboratory-based research described in this
paper identified that a saturated, surface-dry substrate concrete has generally no beneficial influence on overlay
bond strength. In many instances, the use of substrate surfaces prepared to what is commonly considered the
optimum moisture condition resulted in significantly lower bond strength, compared with non-preconditioned
substrates. This phenomenon was ascribed to better mechanical interlock, which exists when the fresh overlay
material can flow into the unsaturated cavities and pores of the substrate. Bonding agents were found to enhance
bond strength only when an overlay of low workability was applied, both commercial and self-made bonding agents
performing equally well. For overlays with workability characteristics of conventional concretes (slump values
between 70 and 110 mm), bonding agents were found to have no noticeable influence on bond strength. This relates
to the circumstance that overlays of sufficient fluidity can fill the pores and cavities of the substrate without the
help of a bonding agent.

sulting from poorly designed or executed repairs may

be even higher. This highlights the need for proper
The need for repair and protection of concrete struc- design guidelines for concrete repair projects, including
tures has grown considerably in recent years. Estimates repair material selection and material application tech-
indicate that in many countries the greater part of the niques.
national construction budget is spent on the repair of Many concrete repair projects involve the removal of
existing infrastructure. The main reason for premature deteriorated concrete from the existing structure and
deterioration of concrete structures is corrosion of steel the subsequent application of a bonded overlay. Con-
reinforcement caused by chloride ingress or carbona- crete overlays may consist of small repair patches,
tion, often in combination with low cover depth, and often using commercially available premixed repair
associated cracking, spalling and delamination of the mortar, or larger repair areas that can be made from
concrete. While costs associated with repair of deterior- conventional concrete. Various factors can impact on
ating concrete structures can be substantial, costs re- the durability and hence the success of concrete over-
lays, such as insufficient bond strength or low crack
resistance. The latter is linked largely to material prop-
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, Ronde- erties such as shrinkage, relaxation and tensile strength
bosch, South Africa
(Beushausen and Alexander, 2005). The quality of the
(MACR 900121) Paper received 7 July 2009; last revised 24 Septem- bond relates mainly to the quality of workmanship for
ber 2009; accepted 12 March 2010 substrate preparation and overlay application. Delami-
845 1751-763X (Online) 0024-9831 (Print) # 2010 Thomas Telford Ltd

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nation and spalling of bonded concrete overlays is fre- sorption properties, overlay material characteristics and
quently observed in practice, resulting in premature bonding agent application.
repair failure, which raises concerns about the overlay
application procedures followed on site.
Numerous factors influencing the bond strength be- Experimental investigation
tween concrete substrate and overlay have been re-
ported in the literature. The most important of these are Specimen type and bond strength test method
considered to be the substrate condition (presence of Various bond strength test methods exist for compo-
microcracks, laitance layer and cleanliness), overlay site members consisting of concrete substrate and over-
compaction, and curing procedures (Silfwerbrand and lay. Principally, bond strength methods can be divided
Beushausen, 2005). On well-prepared concrete sub- into different categories according to the type of inter-
strates, bond strength was further found to be closely face stress introduced; that is, tension, torsion or shear.
related to overlay strength (Beushausen and Alexander, In real structures, the main stress situation at the inter-
2008). face between substrate concrete and repair material is
Many engineers specify the use of bonding agents to shear, resulting from differential shrinkage and thermal
improve bond strength between substrate and overlays. deformations, and sometimes from bending stresses in
The use of bonding agents has been intensively investi- suspended slabs and beams. For this project, bond
gated by many researchers, resulting in a broad range strength was therefore measured as the shear stress
of opinions. However, it is generally accepted that required for separating substrate and overlay using a
bonding agents cannot compensate for bad substrate modification of the fib test for direct interface shear
surface preparation and may act as a bond breaker ( fib, 1978) (Figure 1). The reliability and practicality
when used inappropriately (Pigeon and Saucier, 1992; of this test method has been discussed previously
Schrader, 1992; Silfwerbrand and Beushausen, 2005). (Beushausen and Alexander, 2008). The specimens
A parameter that commonly receives special atten- consisted of a 150 3 150 3 75 mm concrete substrate
tion is the moisture condition of the substrate concrete body which received overlays of 75 mm thickness. With
prior to overlay application. Free water on the substrate these specimen dimensions, common 150 mm cube
surface can increase the water/binder (w/b) ratio of the moulds could be used for the substrate specimen manu-
repair concrete, which may lower the strength of a thin facture.
layer of repair material near the interface, and block
open pores preventing mechanical interlocking. A dry, Substrate concrete properties
‘thirsty’ surface on the other hand is often considered The properties of the concrete substrate can have a
to excessively absorb water from the repair material, significant effect on the bond strength of concrete over-
resulting in a harsh mix that will have difficulties in lays. High-strength substrates with a low w/b ratio are
creating interlock with the substrate, and depriving the relatively impervious, which could inhibit mechanical
overlay from water necessary for full cement hydration. interlock between the substrate and repair mortar. Con-
Based on the above opinions, it is commonly specified
that the concrete substrate be wetted to saturated sur-
face dry conditions prior to application of the overlay.
Few researchers have actually explored the influence
of the substrate moisture condition on overlay bond
strength. Zhu (1992) investigated the effects of moisture
condition on bond strength and found that the effects
were so small that it was difficult to differentiate be-
tween them and the variations in the test results. Silf-
werbrand (2003) tested bond strength in relation to
different substrate surface moisture conditions and con-
cluded that the moisture condition does not play a major
role as long as free water on the substrate is prevented.
These research projects indicate that the common prac-
tice of pre-wetting the substrate concrete may have little
or no beneficial effect on overlay bond strength.
To investigate the aspect of substrate surface condi-
tion in more detail, an experimental investigation into
the influence of substrate moisture condition on overlay
bond strength was carried out. The results of a preli-
minary study were reported by Letele and Beushausen
(2008). This paper discusses the completed research Figure 1. Photograph of interface bond strength test
project and addresses the influences of substrate ab- apparatus for direct shear
846 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 11

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The influence of concrete substrate preparation on overlay bond strength

versely, ordinary or low-strength concretes with a high

Commercial repair mortars

w/b ratio are relatively permeable owing to their porous


structure and this could encourage mechanical inter-
lock. However, substrates with excessive porosity could
absorb large amounts of water from the repair mortar,
which may result in a weak overlay interface zone as

the water necessary for cement hydration is depleted.


Owing to the above considerations, sorptivity and
porosity characteristics of the substrate were of special
interest for the investigation of the influence of sub-
strate moisture condition on overlay bond strength.





Sorptivity is a measure of the capillary pore suction
and indicates the rate of moisture ingress into the con-
crete, while porosity is a measure of the volume of
accessible pores in the concrete. The combined analysis





of the two parameters indicates the amount and rate of
moisture ingress into the concrete. In substrate con-
cretes that are not pre-wetted prior to overlay applica-
tion, sorptivity and porosity characteristics can be





expected to have a noteworthy influence on the absorp-

tion of fluids from the overlay. The different sorptivity
and porosity characteristics of the substrates used, as
well as other material properties and the mix designs,





are presented in Table 1. Substrate 1 had the lowest
Table 1. Mix proportions and selected properties for the substrate concrete and overlays (n.m. ¼ not measured)

absorption characteristics, followed by substrate 2 and

then substrate 3.





Substrate surface texture
Interface texture and roughness can appreciably influ-
ence bond strength between substrate and overlay. Var-
ious methods exist for the creation of a rough substrate





surface. Sandblasting or waterjetting are commonly con-
sidered the best methods of roughening a substrate sur-
face as they remove weak and delaminated concrete and

100  20




create a rough surface without introducing microcracks

PCC, Portland cement concrete; SFC, silica fume concrete; CSC, Corex slag concrete
(Silfwerbrand and Beushausen, 2005). In this research,
the surfaces of the concrete substrates were prepared by
sandblasting to an average roughness of 0.3 mm, meas-

100  20




ured with the sand-area method (Kaufmann, 1971).

Sandblasting to this roughness was chosen because it

has in previous projects been identified as providing
excellent conditions for high interface bond strength
90  20




(Beushausen and Alexander, 2005). The overall surface



texture (macro-roughness) of the interface was smooth

as the interface was cast against the surface of a
150 mm cube mould (prior to sandblasting).

mm/h0 5

Substrate surface moisture condition



Prior to overlay or bonding agent application, the

substrate surface was pre-conditioned to different

moisture conditions, as outlined below.

(a) ‘Dry’ substrate (DS) surface. The dry substrate sur-

13 mm greywacke
19 mm greywacke

face condition was a result of exposure to environ-

28-day strength
Sand 0–2 mm

mental conditions within the laboratory (for a

CEM I 42.5

Silica fume
Corex slag



period of at least 4 weeks) and is representative of

w/b ratio


the substrate condition as it would be found in

practice without any further effort to pre-saturate.
Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 11 847

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Substrate sorptivity characteristics stated in Table 1 lated Corex slag (Corex slag concrete, CSC), as shown
refer to specimens preconditioned in this way. in Table 1. Different w/b ratios were chosen to provide
(b) ‘Saturated surface dry’ (SSD) condition. Initially, different overlay strengths. The measured 28-day
same as above. Prior to overlay application the strength of all conventional overlays was, however,
specimens were immersed in water for at least 24 h similar with values ranging from 48.0 to 59.9 MPa. The
and then left to dry in the laboratory. The overlay slump values of the conventional overlays ranged from
was applied no later than 30 min after the water 70 to 110 mm (Table 1), which indicated good overlay
sheen had disappeared from the surface. This was workability and therefore the potential to interlock well
meant to simulate what is commonly considered with the substrate.
the ideal moisture condition of the substrate. In addition, two commercial repair mortars were
used, in the following termed ‘PolyRep’ and ‘CemRep’
Bonding agent application
(a) PolyRep: cementitious polymer-modified repair
As stated above, conflicting opinions on the useful-
mortar with silica fume, mixed at the maximum
ness of bonding agents exist in the literature. In this
specified water content of 4.0 litres per 25 kg bag
research the combined effect of bonding agent applica-
(b) CemRep: non-sag cement-based repair mortar,
tion and substrate surface moisture condition on inter-
mixed at the maximum specified water content of
face bond strength was investigated. Specimens were
4.0 litres per 25 kg bag.
prepared with a bonding agent and the test results com-
pared with those obtained with specimens for which Commercial repair materials with significantly different
the overlay was cast directly onto the substrate surface, slump values were chosen in order to test the effective-
using both substrate moisture conditions discussed ness of substrate surface preparation and bonding agent
above. Three different bonding agents were used, in- application in relation to overlay workability.
cluding laboratory-made cement slurry and two com- Overlays were applied by hand and compacted with
mercial products, as outlined below. a trowel. The composite specimens were covered with
plastic sheets for 7 days and subsequently exposed to
(a) Cement slurry: the cement slurries were prepared
standard laboratory conditions until they were tested at
by mixing cement (CEM I) and water at the ratio
an overlay age of 28 days.
of 0.5 (w/c). This proportion was chosen because
the resulting consistency allowed the slurries to be Overview of test parameters
applied with a paintbrush.
The combination of test parameters resulted in a total
(b) Bonding agent ‘commercial 1’: a two-component,
of 24 different specimen types. An overview of the test
medium-viscosity epoxy bonding agent, mixed ac-
parameters is provided in Table 2. As discussed
cording to the product data sheet.
above, the test parameter included substrate properties
(c) Bonding agent ‘commercial 2’: a cement-based
(sorptivity, strength), overlay properties (strength,
epoxy-modified three-component bonding agent
workability, binder type) and bonding agent applica-
that can also serve as a protective anti-corrosion
coating for reinforcing steel, mixed according to
Substrate 1 had the lowest w/b ratio and lowest
the product data sheet.
sorptivity of all substrates used and best represented
The commercial bonding agents were applied in the structural substrate properties experienced in real struc-
thickness recommended by the manufacturer. It should tures. Substrate 1 was therefore used as reference sub-
be noted that product specifications for both commer- strate to compare the performance of the various
cial bonding agents recommend the substrate surface to overlays with or without bonding agent application.
be wetted to a saturated surface-dry condition. Approxi- The influence of bonding agent application was investi-
mately 10–20 min after bonding agent application, the gated using overlays PCC and SFC1 and the commer-
overlays were cast. This was within the manufacturer’s cial repair mortars, representing overlays of three
recommendations. different workabilities. Substrates 2 and 3 were used in
addition to substrate 1 to identify the influence of
Overlay concrete: materials, application and curing substrate properties on bond strength. For this aspect,
A total of eight different overlays were used. Six of overlays SFC2 and CSC2 were used as their low w/b
these were conventional concrete mixes with w/b ratios ratio was associated with overlays of high quality.
ranging from 0.40 to 0.55. In concrete repair projects,
overlays with a high resistance against carbonation or Presentation and discussion of test results
chloride ingress are commonly specified, often result- General considerations. The test results are ex-
ing in the use of cement extenders. To cover a range of pressed as interface shear stress at failure. For each
common overlay concretes for such cases, three differ- specimen type, at least four samples were prepared
ent binder types were used in this research; that is, and tested to allow for the large scatter of results
plain CEM I (Portland cement concrete, PCC), silica characteristic of bond strength testing. The results
fume (silica fume concrete, SFC) and ground granu- reported in the following sections represent the mean
848 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 11

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The influence of concrete substrate preparation on overlay bond strength

Table 2. Overview on the specimens and test parameters

Overlay Without bonding agent With bonding agent (on substrate 1)

Substr. 1 Substr. 2 Substr. 3 Cement slurry Commercial 1 Commercial 2

PolyRep x – – x x x
CemRep x – – x x x
PCC x – – x x x
SFC1 x – – x x x
SFC2 x x x – – –
SFC3 x – – – – –
CSC1 x – – – – –
CSC2 x x x – – –

interface strength from all samples after exclusion of concrete close to the interface to the substrate, having
outlier values, based on statistical evaluation. For any similar characteristics as the interface transition zone
group of samples (i.e. for any specimen type) no between cement paste and aggregates in the concrete
more than one outlier was found, so that at least matrix; that is, relatively lower strength compared to
three samples remained for the calculation of a mean the surrounding cement paste (Beushausen and
value. Based on the current author’s experience, the Alexander, 2008). Absorption of water from the overlay
testing of interface bond strength generally results in by the substrate is a possible reason for the creation of
a large variability of test results, compared with, for such a porous overlay interface zone. The identification
example, concrete compressive strength testing. In the of the bond fracture location was therefore considered
discussion of test results the scatter of individual of particular importance for this project, which aimed
values is presented (see Figures 2–7). In order to at identifying the influence of the substrate moisture
determine if the differences between mean bond condition and hence the influence of water absorption
strength values of different specimens are statistically from the overlay.
significant, they were analysed based on the distribu- Specimens made with substrate 1 showed overlay or
tion of the test results. The two-sample T-test assum- bonding agent failure, commonly with a very thin
ing unequal variances was used in connection with a (,2 mm) layer of overlay or bonding agent still adher-
95% confidence level to apply this concept. ing to the substrate. This occurred irrespective of the
substrate moisture condition, indicating that water ab-
Location of ‘bond failure’ sorption from the overlay into the substrate had no
The understanding of bond mechanisms between influence on the fracture location.
concretes of different ages must include information on For specimens made with substrates 2 and 3, failure
the weakest link in the composite member, which is generally occurred very close to the interface either in
commonly indicated by the location of failure in bond the overlay or the substrate. The occurrence of substrate
strength tests. In the present study, specimens made failure was expected since for these specimens the
with substrate 1 predominantly failed in the overlay or overlay was of higher strength that the substrate. There
the bonding agent very close to the interface. Based on was, however, no noteworthy difference in bond
identical observations made in previous studies, the strength between specimens made with the three differ-
concept of the ‘overlay interface zone’ was introduced, ent substrates, indicating that the influence of substrate
referring to the concept of a porous layer of overlay strength could be neglected in the analysis.

Shear bond strength: MPa






Figure 2. Test results (comparison of different overlays): shear bond strength obtained on specimens prepared with substrate 1
without bonding agent. The standard deviation of the test results is indicated ( 1 standard deviation). Solid symbols: dry
substrate, open symbols: saturated surface dry substrate
Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 11 849

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Influence of the substrate moisture condition on overlay

Shear bond strength: MPa

bond strength
Comparison of different overlays. The influence of 3·0
the substrate surface moisture condition in relation to
overlay type was investigated with specimens consisting 2·0
of substrate 1 and eight different overlays. The test
results, presented in Figure 2, suggest that pre-wetting 1·0

the substrate surface to what is commonly considered

the optimum moisture condition has no positive effect Substrate 1 Substrate 2 Substrate 3
on bond strength. In all but two cases, saturated surface-
dry substrate surfaces resulted in lower bond strength Figure 4. Test results (comparison of different substrates):
values compared to dry substrate surfaces. shear bond strength obtained on specimens prepared with
With the exception of specimens made with substrates 1, 2 and 3 without bonding agent, using overlay
SFC2. The standard deviation of the test results is indicated
polymer-modified repair mortar (PolyRep) and plain
( 1 standard deviation). Solid symbols: dry substrate, open
Portland cement concrete (PCC) overlays, the differ-
symbols: saturated surface dry substrate
ence in bond strength between specimens with or with-
out moisture-preconditioning of the substrate was
generally small and can be attributed to the general Comparison of different substrates. The influence
scatter of test results. This indicates that for most speci- of substrate absorption characteristics on the effect of
mens the preconditioning of the substrate had no mea- preconditioning the substrate surface prior to overlay
surable effect. For the specimens made with PolyRep application was investigated by comparing bond
and PCC overlays, preconditioning of the substrate to strengths obtained with specimens made with sub-
the ‘optimum’ moisture condition resulted in a statisti- strates 1, 2, 3 in combination with two different over-
cally significant decrease in bond strength. It is inter- lays (CSC2 and SFC2). The test results are presented
esting to note that both Polyrep and PCC had a slump in Figures 3 and 4. As discussed above, using sub-
of 110 mm in the fresh state, which was significantly strate 1, no influence of substrate moisture condition
higher than that of the other overlays. The test results on overlay bond strength could be established for
therefore seem to suggest that pre-wetting the substrate overlays CSC2 and SFC2. In contrast, specimens
surface may lower the bond strength if overlays of high made with substrates 2 and 3, having higher absorp-
workability are used. A possible reason for this is that tion that substrate 1, indicated that pre-wetting the
especially overlays of high fluidity rely on open pores substrate surface can have a detrimental effect on
and cavities on the substrate surface to create mechani- overlay bond strength. For these cases, a saturated
cal interlock. However, this observation needs to be surface dry substrate surface condition resulted in
confirmed through further testing. It is also worth noti- lower bond strength, compared to a dry substrate sur-
cing that even with specimens made with an overlay of face. For all specimens, except those made with sub-
very low workability in the fresh state (cementitious strate 3 and overlay SFC2, the difference in shear
repair mortar CemRep, zero slump), the effect of pre- bond strength was statistically significant.
conditioning the substrate surface was negligible. The above observation shows that especially on sub-
strates with relatively high sorptivity the absorption of
fluid cement paste from the overlay into the substrate is
5·0 an important mechanism for the creation of bond
strength. It appears that the adsorption of overlay mate-
Shear bond strength: MPa

4·0 rial into the substrate facilitates interlock between the

two composites. In contrast, moisture-filled pores in
3·0 the substrate concrete prevent the interlocking mechan-
ism from developing to its full potential.

Substrate moisture condition in connection with
bonding agent application. The results discussed
0 above concern specimens for which the overlay was cast
Substrate 1 Substrate 2 Substrate 3 directly onto the substrate concrete. The effect of the
substrate moisture condition on bond strength was also
Figure 3. Test results (comparison of different substrates):
shear bond strength obtained on specimens prepared with investigated for specimens that received a bonding agent
substrates 1, 2 and 3 without bonding agent, using overlay prior to overlay application. Specimens were cast using
CSC2. The standard deviation of the test results is indicated substrate 1 in connection with different bonding agents
( 1 standard deviation). Solid symbols: dry substrate, open and different overlays, as discussed above. The bond
symbols: saturated surface dry substrate strength results are presented in Figures 5–7. Similar to
850 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 11

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The influence of concrete substrate preparation on overlay bond strength

the specimens discussed above, it was observed that

Bonding agent: cement slurry, substrate 1
5·0 preconditioning the substrate to what is commonly be-
lieved to be the optimum moisture condition had no
Shear bond strength: MPa

4·0 positive influence on bond strength. From the 12 types

of specimens tested, all but one showed a decrease in
3·0 bond strength as a result of prewetting the substrate
concrete. In four cases, the difference in bond strength
2·0 was statistically significant.

Influence of bonding agents on bond strength
0 To investigate the influence that various bonding
PolyRep CemRep PCC SFC1 agents have on bond strength, only specimens pre-
pared with dry substrate surfaces are considered in
Figure 5. Test results (influence of bonding agents): shear the following discussion as these generally showed
bond strength obtained on specimens prepared with substrate superior performance, as discussed above. Figure 8
1, cement slurry as bonding agent and different overlays. The shows the bond strengths obtained for different over-
standard deviation of the test results is indicated ( 1
lay materials in relation to various bonding agents
standard deviation). Solid symbols: dry substrate, open
symbols: saturated surface dry substrate used.
With the exception of overlay 2 (commercial cemen-
titious repair mortar with zero slump), the use of bond-
ing agents had no significant influence on bond
strength, independent of the type of bonding agent
Shear bond strength: MPa

used. Within the limited amount of specimens tested in
this project, this leads to conclude that overlays with
sufficient fluidity create enough contact area between
substrate and overlay, which results in high bond
strength and makes the use of bonding agents unneces-
sary. Considering further that bonding agents may act
as bond breakers when applied or used incorrectly, for
example when the bonding agent is left to dry or set
PolyRep CemRep PCC SFC1 before the overlay is applied, the above findings sug-
gest not to use bonding agents when a concrete overlay
Figure 6. Test results (influence of bonding agents): shear with good workability properties is used.
bond strength obtained on specimens prepared with substrate By contrast to the above, bond strength of specimens
1, bonding agent ‘commercial 1’ and different overlays. The made with cementitious repair mortar (CemRep) showed
standard deviation of the test results is indicated ( 1 a significant increase in bond strength as a result of the
standard deviation). Solid symbols: dry substrate, open various bonding agents used. Stiff repair mortars cannot
symbols: saturated surface dry substrate flow into open pores and the rough surface texture of the
substrate as easily and therefore produce a smaller con-
5·0 tact area and lower bond strength. For these types of
materials, bonding agents create a bridging effect to the
4·0 substrate and increase the efficient contact area, which
Shear strength: MPa

results in increased bond strength. It is also interesting

Shear bond strength: MPa

2·0 4·0 No BA
Cement slurry
1·0 3·0
Commercial 1

2·0 Commercial 2
PolyRep CemRep PCC SFC1

Figure 7. Test results (influence of bonding agents): shear

bond strength obtained on specimens prepared with substrate PolyRep CemRep PCC SFC1
1, bonding agent ‘commercial 2’ and different overlays. The
standard deviation of the test results is indicated ( 1 Figure 8. Test results (influence of bonding agents): overview
standard deviation). Solid symbols: dry substrate, open of shear bond strengths obtained on specimens prepared with
symbols: saturated surface dry substrate substrate 1, different bonding agents and different overlays
Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 11 851

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to observe that for the stiff repair mortar the use of a (b) The absorption of overlay or bonding agent materi-
comparatively cheap cement slurry was as effective as al into the substrate is an important mechanism for
commercial bonding agents. the provision of bond strength. A wet substrate
The generally higher bond strength measured on surface may prevent the interlock between sub-
specimens with non-commercial overlays can be attrib- strate and overlay and hence lower bond strength.
uted to higher overlay strength. (c) The use of bonding agents facilitates the bond be-
tween overlay and substrates if the fresh overlay is
of low workability.
(d ) Within the scope of this research, cement slurries
Discussion of test results were as effective as commercial bonding agents.
(e) For overlays with relatively high workability (in
For concrete repair projects, it is commonly specified
this study this refers to overlays with a slump of
that the substrate concrete surface is wetted prior to the
70–110 mm), bonding agent application has no
application of the repair concrete or repair mortar.
beneficial effect on bond strength and should be
However, a saturated, surface-dry concrete substrate,
usually considered the ideal case for overlay bonding
and often referred to as best practice, was found to
result either in similar or less bond strength compared
to a non-preconditioned substrate. This was observed Acknowledgements
independently of whether or not a bonding agent was
used on the pre-conditioned substrate. The reason for Mahlomola Letele and Darren Cloethe are acknowl-
this possibly lies in blocking of open pores on the edged for their contribution to the experimental work
substrate surface as a result of pre-wetting, which re- discussed in this paper.
sults in less interlock between substrate and bonding
agent or substrate and overlay. The positive effect of References
absorption of overlay material into the substrate was
especially pronounced on substrates 2 and 3, which had Beushausen H and Alexander MG (2005) Crack development in
bonded concrete overlays subjected to differential shrinkage: a
relatively high absorption characteristics. For specimens
parameter study. In Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofit-
made with these substrates, wetting of the substrate ting: Proceedings of the International Conference, ICCRRR-1,
concrete often resulted in significantly lower bond Cape Town, South Africa (Alexander M. et al.)). Routledge, Abing-
strength compared to specimens that were prepared don, UK, pp. 1053–1058.
with a dry substrate. Beushausen H and Alexander MG (2008) Bond strength development
between concretes of different ages. Magazine of Concrete Re-
The use of bonding agents did not increase interface
search 60(1): 65–74.
bond strength when cementitious overlays of good fib (Fédération Internationale de la Précontrainte) (1978) Shear at the
workability (slump 70–110 mm) were used, which was interface of precast and in-situ concrete. fib, Lausanne, Technical
observed both for lab-made cement slurry and commer- report.
cial bonding agents. In contrast, bonding agents were Kaufmann N (1971) Das Sandflächenverfahren. Strassenbau Technik
24(3): 31–50.
found to significantly increase bond strength when re-
Letele M and Beushausen H (2008) The influence of preconditioning
pair mortar of low workability (zero slump) was used. the concrete substrate surface on overlay bond strength. Proceed-
The choice of whether a bonding agent be used or not ings of the 12th International Conference on Structural Faults and
should therefore be based on the workability properties Repair, Edinburgh.
of the overlay. For the specimens tested, lab-made ce- Pigeon M and Saucier F (1992) Durability of repaired concrete
structures. Proceedings of an International Symposium on Ad-
ment slurries proved to be as effective as commercial
vances in Concrete Technology, Athens, pp. 741–773.
bonding agents. Schrader EK (1992) Mistakes, misconceptions, and controversial
The research described in this paper can be used to issues concerning concrete and concrete repairs (3-part series).
(re)open discussions on the common practice of sub- Concrete International, 14(11): 54–59.
strate pre-conditioning. Further research is needed to Silfwerbrand J (2003) Shear bond strength in repaired concrete struc-
tures. Materials and Structures 36(6): 419–424.
conclude on a wider range of substrate concrete and
Silfwerbrand J and Beushausen H (2005) Bonded concrete overlays –
repair material properties. A wider range of overlay aspects concerning bond strength. In Concrete Repair, Rehabilita-
materials with different workability and strength prop- tion and Retrofitting: Proceedings of the International Conference,
erties should be investigated. ICCRRR-1, Cape Town, South Africa (Alexander M. et al.)). Rout-
ledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 53–61.
Zhu Y (1992) Effect of Surface Moisture Condition on Bond Strength
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Conclusions anics and Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
Bulletin No. 159.
(a) Pre-wetting the substrate surface to a saturated,
surface dry condition has no beneficial influence
on the bond strength between substrate and over- Discussion contributions on this paper should reach the editor by
lay. 1 May 2011

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