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20 Damn-Good Empathy

-I realize this has to be frustrating for you.
- I want to get to the bottom of this just as much as you
- This is obviously a horrible time for you.
- I can see your point on that.
- I’m so disappointed to hear your shipment hasn’t reached
you yet.
- I’d be upset, too.
- If I were in your position, I’d feel just as you do.
- I realize you’re upset. I want to take a minute to talk
about what I think has happened and then answer any
questions you have.
- I know you’re anxious to see this completed.
- I know this isn’t the same as having a perfect photoshoot
initially, but I hope it shows you how sorry we are.

20 Damn-Good Empathy
Statements Continued
- I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that.
- I hate to think you won’t be able to take your new duffle bag on
your trip next week and that you have to wait for the
- As a mother of a child with food allergies, I certainly understand
your need to know all of the ingredients in your yogurt.
- I don’t want you to worry at all. Your flight is confirmed, and
you’re checked in.
- I can’t find the words to express how truly sorry we are for the
frustration you’ve experienced.
- This is no more acceptable to us than it is to you.
- You deserved a lot better from us, and we let you down.
- You’re right.
- I’m sorry about the wait. We’re short-staffed, but still, I’m sorry.
- I’m sorry you’ve had to call multiple times about the same issue.
- My goal is to get this resolved on this phone call.

List 5 Common Problems
Your Customers




Write out an empathy
statement for each
issue you identified





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