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This group assignment accounts for 50% grade of this course.

The grade component for this group assignment are as below:

Group Criteria Weight

Presentation (Assignment 1) 50%
Presentation & Tool efficiency
Presentation (Assignment 2) 25%
(20% grade of this course)
GA & Excel efficiency 25%
Assignment 1 – Digital MKT plan 40%
Assignment (30% grade of Assignment 2 – Task 1 15%
this course) Assignment 2 – Task 2 15%
Assignment 2 – Task 3 30%

I. ASSIGNMENT 1 (4 points)
Plan a digital marketing campaign for your brand. You can choose any brands having
businesses in Vietnam with the exception of Cocoon and Highland Coffee.
• Maximum time for presentation: 12 minutes
• You must acknowledge your source every time you refer to others’ work, using the Harvard
Referencing system (Author Date Method). Failure to do so amounts to plagiarism which is
against University regulations and would be graded as 0. You can find citation guide in
this assignment page on Canvas.
• You must mention these information in the first page of your submission: Group
number, Your team members’ name & their student id, Word count.
• The font is Times New Roman, size 12 submitted in .docx form; spacing 1.15 pt. You
can use supported images in your submission.


1. Written Report file .docx (max 15 pages excluding references and appendicies)
2. Written Report file .pdf (converted from .docx file)
3. Presentation file .pptx (max 15 slides excluding opening and ending slides)
4. Presentation file .pdf (converted from .pdf file)

File name formatting: Group name_Brand_ASM1_Filetype

(eg: Group 1_Bitis_ASM1_Written Report)

Suggested outline:

1. Table of contents
2. Executive summary
3. Understanding about your brand (maximum: 4 pages)
3.1. Brand introduction
3.2. Target market
3.3. Customer persona
3.4. Brand positioning
3.5. Key competitors
4. Marketing mix evaluation of your brand (maximum: 3 pages)
4.1. Product
4.2. Price
4.3. Distribution
4.4. Promotion
5. Digital marketing measurement plan (maximum: 8 pages)
5.1. Identifying the key issues
5.2. Defining objectives of different levels
5.3. Insight, Big idea & Message
5.4. Planning & Budgeting
5.5. Monitoring & Evaluating
6. References and Appendices

II. ASSIGNMENT 2 (6 points)

Applying of Google Analytics in analyzing and optimizing.

Maximum time for presentation: 15 minutes


1. Presentation file .pptx (max 20 slides excluding opening and ending slides)
2. Presentation file .pdf (converted from .pdf file)
3. Excel file

File name formatting: Group name_Brand_ASM2_Filetype

(eg: Group 1_Bitis_ASM2_Presentation)

The Google Merchandise Store is an online platform that offers a wide range of
merchandise branded with Google logos and designs. It serves as a significant avenue
for Google enthusiasts to purchase official products.

Suppose your team were working for Google and here was your accessible data: LINK.
You need to analyze data from Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 and you are ONLY ALLOWED TO
use data from Jan 2022 to Jun 2023 as reference if necessary.


1. Task 1 (1.5 points)

Demonstrate all available data in tab Report, you might need to create some charts
from data supplied in GA4 to provide best visualization.

2. Task 2 (1.5 points)

Take advantage of the Explore tab to find deeper situation problems/opportunities for
your brand. You might need to create some charts from data supplied in GA4 to provide
best visualization.

3. Task 3 (3 points)
Propose recommendations to improve any aspects which can help your brand grow.

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