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Jol Joa Slesdl dulys bays al aa oll aval! ga5 2 JUS C70 Aeesonusgudl GL Wtlo gymlaal hae cyepesslasl (2) cpl 28 Tbs] 5 Sorte P dugall sq duslsas Joul oly259l ozgs .1 aay! eyo degane JIS 0 ‘lgarigis eels] Sale a3 aall goles ll allall ye BysJl) Gayest 8 lgceaal I yas Igo Jad Jal log gl gd SW! Lolysd¥l Jaazs Rposidl BySlg 29. gall celaze il ailall 4 Lurges Wgedgadig d25 yl JalSi Jom Slalesl (3) Ska a8 Saad Slam! 30a Spal dyale BsclS JS 655K polall ails yo Slazoll | Sues ple g)Bd olail Ling JlaiW ale ale ald aula) .¥ 4uc38 pala acy65 Alo] po JLAIW ple ale pl d Aula Jleal Bol dyclaze dl dauball go BSlgxi =o plall plea duslul Wailas (3) Sie O Bigatall yolo$All va dASlb> song 1 oe wtial jal gb] oim E925 7 alglill oda a5 all yailgill yo Zegane I! Jgogll 1 cetend I] Elaze dl ale gyslye CigS Courral aud ~lan (2) (celal clull) celazeYl jlazoll gf clae dl ola | (gelae dl yall) Spolae Yl ayo ¥ ela! els! Sila. (3) Ska ol ailS 595 Sy @ “igh Ayclaze ll Le glo yoall .\ auclaze dl ailball lal clad Igaudil Elaze ll alale gf Liss! abuee Si: 1 Bilgb (3) J] clare ale Eqd9a) pasysod sic SEY! dusts 9@ ¢ laze dl alc & 9590 ol 35 dail ayclaze Yl polall ya dail glaze ll ale Giles agai yl gsi dale Shou alsi ya Geb aualys gia JS Joly Aaja! dyelaze dl Ayclaze Yl agind ‘Hols lad! yolias J clalall yo degame adi dailb EE OF aging uclaze Yl aladl ale 9m Elam ale yi cys ow S285 Al solall dulys g@ Elaza I ale! uluill gE gdgall yl 4 peng ugh! 4 ab5 al coallo gaznall 6 B1>9)l J! lar l ale E9590 9@ cle pall gl ox Slegdgall of GVSAall aa58 cy jr 2d9 1) niga Cleg.dg0 (4) pailg glazed! lal dius ll Aclaze ll Le glo gall.) wgelae dl ball y yclare Wl SlLasll sla olycill ale LS claze Yl Agludl yc glaze Il clale Grr J = SWS Shue (3) 8 Oty Jadall gotuall .) busgiall gual Y I gotuall = Brb (3) Y clave al Lyall gazmall Solis O goal le Byoall 68 uch glory lee 31S deta 1 -pgia olla! 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Uley!l ob shyt By Gee 1 SU LIL glaze ILI Gilet S18 sete Lad 9b 30 se IB! cle USzall J! gazrall (dol) Sassy yl ySaz pclae ll pall yl ygsdizers dare : aS. tall odo ob dele ll OvSaall Jg> GlbIeall par ya 1 ~glls bus (9) (eapeo jué lhe Ayclase ll GVSaall dole le ald] gazes.) Stall ode dale le yosasy Y ull BY eo put Ming Ayairg daub Arched] OVSial! Y BiG BY eee jue lim aysle put dyelaze Wl GMS! aioe dyclare! Gli) Us ling cpazrall 45 shyly Spolaze ll SVStall € dod ol udse Lait le aul say gf Cog Gall 5988 Loi AlSall Lue Cou! 9 ol es lhag gic Gasol Lad dele ll OuSaall 0 lod] alas! 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GYSutwe .Y wpaspall OVS Jedlocd| Sue .£ =e aalese eloil (6) AR) Shozuall oda JS Ssocig Byrd Alun BL yo ill gl WL gluszl Bre |) Salo ayloo gujsig ol gab] GSS Spwlg shySV SLE dy (ye S28 LY gual gl aul 8 dole Aqui tpazpal) slaall gf Syouall Solull Y JorAllg cladly gloslS Jaa! 8 adi ol Ansa! 8 slud Jewtly gagtulla badlly S18 Nl 5 505 co ld ly; dyclaze Yl alaull .€ Veo dus! UES yldzwill areg erga! cow Il 592 35 lao sya 6352 35 ayyois duds gl dypore Slelbs J! dyclaso ll Slapuddl 0 Glelae edu 15 days Glegarog Glib wile Slo BySlizag Sssaze ULI Id dc ylaze gels AggAl ol gles! sLuSIIS dpolaze dl Glos 1 Jkall hJ!9 MS tall lunes V9r9 yundle yo JS aes! O =e lal (4) I] dyelaze tl saslaal Sgzil i] gazrall sh31 g59 gill Syouzall Soludl .) hy skall yloslS gazrall jeeedIS sh Sol as: Glad Guid ase ye ald! JSJIY graisl] Asad! SBS clase dl Suudll slydzul pac spadrall JSls dod! alas sagi Ile s9>9 .£ wig Ayolace Yl SYSAall duly Jslro (3) Ska () wgelazz ll slSadl sso.) osu! 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Resi 4) 8i BSyo sligd laygb dl (Ailgasll Jrtl99 Lose yo JS loyob al dbo wdlly eled! ay )bi ly esl ua) pS 125 Al ages! ayy bit cyg2>Ll Yl Lal ll oS Glybull aay J] 2sLo¥y Lo ~1 Je sal Lia 5 sel dy) o jackal 2,43 o 40S lyzall Sly SLI! a5 0 ob Feb sloall Balto GS asi Say OT “ight LS Sly Sls (5) Blaze dl yc ail] Glsbize Ml Joi 1455 sIgall od SsaLie ,) Wy yaratuntg guards gl yay cludll gl Sygluul fro Joey 389 duwiodl SLI puted stgall oi SsaLlie .¥ Bsaliall se Lod aula sul et SBY Glo duu! SyLeewll yo lel Sbguue Soi Apuiod! GLSMall 8 Soil alasaul gf ygdea oyill ssl ed! Wate al edly ue ag GUY go fale yoS MI slaouel wii € Ags By cluall yo slay Sle sll Jord Lgl ea) (4d le daze!) 2! goles t ygil IS le dag GILG W) 955 3 slgall og) dalaxiall Bro Licall 0 cid] ll Lull yo agasll Sling a j881 Agha Slaleil ya caalyg glass Slulys Jo loo od yale 55999 WSy99 yore yo JS ool F at MVall Lusgit alge (3) Ska 41998 ple wghO asl dig utd gadall Bsa Ltu0 oF! p92 22S! yoagas gull 9 SU yofalyalld yas!) ell 3 320 gatialyall go 25) qpuie saliva le Jgasdl pled ygacall Me gosta gh Texel 5] SY ve gill Auuisd! GIBS9 Quid! ye W gop dtadzall [La sl croltiall ygacall dedlg Sol ob S453 ails lal Le yotialyall WSs Love Si sti lol OVStall ye gla! ale Lule gl gaged! sano sys glazed ale yo yl ay" Jota Bal dole! (Agclaze Hl GUSaall Gu yss cl) BSgall Lo Asay oil Jo lewd B25 yo lolys YS g lal] Lausg BAY cya al SlGszel WY ached Oval Jed! ye Wjgl (yc cuss! yo GL al slg>dbol go Lal: Yloled Lil "Seq20 6358 ob guile B8q0 Luudil le Yo ah Yee SVSuaalg dele SMS! Qo Wirth 2339 dear dgclaze Y VSI lS dyalell GMSall of dug) g1us gull Sal] Lol aud ge yo BSgo yo Bjrio BS go 9S Y lar sgl 2,5 20 OStea (65 Leg) gus quill gl Shoaall yo E95 rd 489)20 Slo oe GEMs!! alas! gaimal Goglouguull 48 yea)! dala SalI judg delay! dSire m dysarma Sine NS JSiay Sglull yo bai Holl dsaall of do coy aatrall gio y9Sey sll lela Glaus Sal! Msgs cle casg weloall Sg! Bprcall dghull gf syLulS cy zrcxall 3 alall moludl s9s> Salo BY lags sla 8 Agl> yordlg ol yo JS cl ol lam cligSll JAY oh yd souall yo aga pa sioh ygddsy 18 agit ilyoil 25) OsLaall Jozio Slaw lee al gro gl Yl] adjrue 95 43 Byby Byduke das yodl quid Bstrve deg) ous ca cyo Ales pyrall glusl yl az 3 oho nod) ow call eae Ss feo agalall ylusdl ye araoul ongSd) PRS39 SU yo dys I Saale AS yo! das cjg) ALS WAM clolle quire alla ulilly azgll ale CHS! alasil aseg cylewW abazcall ye gall yerenl Jigdl prea 4485 jlail so yginus Oy9) 123 gl Shas 2,55 slog! srg) sylglS sylicrry yo IS yo Bol JH ganssalla gosllall 5b gl lS ptud9 euiyl 54 Folie 130 waljcs lang dal yall dle yo lal Lens _Jlasll (lag s3ls sy Jj pSod dsles alyts sodg9 j3a2) als yo JS 29 layne yo dise dslail dlusg sles dpass lylge Igalaxs ol yosdous yuSlsall yl sy99 Sip 92894 LS Ayuilogy Hable Woe deli] 5 paselus OUST go AILS Ge dal] La,5 Igalozs oI oe Saad dsl I Shell yl jodle adh yo JS Sy fsallall go uigdlg dpuilagy! LLA’ adie Gaal CoSU SLE Plug dilanusl avail! ma lbs Ayla! cin yc ela! Lala jun. coll SE yII delam Ve Lals IL ST aBlby9 WdLayle ads Balad! po Sua alo Gl! 5995 33 dual ila Syso)] Shozuall yl guigd Cull SI 0 caial) JlabY! 522) 1288 lo yaad Say gazrall 5 goals JAY gh 2559 yosjalll GLala Je oo seall aed! YWslerg abil) poi al Olwosuall ge ygiosteg jaleal) ass oy aLal cuss Ws segs tail yyowe ASV! odo 545 al dusljs all 19,8 clare Sgludly ll Lula Gle gare (3) Sho yiloy Jre Sis degarall gS sally ygjAlil le Eg.dg0 clold 6339 I le plea! 536 Gisll salad y! Joil Bisll yas igd9 dyalo d8vc sagt Y ail LILI! de gama! GY Slgssll Aglull Ssbj9 Adgajaldl Lolyall 3 dig 28Me sgog ATW! de gamall oy lw gusaliall ooajall ee isl] salting adisll malys yas dycileg vgilgssll Aglully SLE 8 yoshadl ye legzulys 8 Mo alas ye JS Si, 0 cle Gly JUBYI (S55 jose! Gall yi (dlabl Aalall le 4) cud s© ci Goll Guar ailyadl IS)! logia>lyo 12; 1993 ale 5 S29 uaa oe JS slal ° Ae! 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Byles of usdanll Jel go JiLugll ode alaai lee Cond! dle! Jil yodardl ly arcu Jl a5 (6) Sard! ba] chogt Al ol sll asl Nass 2 age Gly agclazs I dnt!) wgelaze ll Lally Slgloll zoo .¥ BIE joi € OL TTI yeast 0 Aghidl paged 1 Sb duly Slalosl (3) LJ] dylazl yar =m Sled! Jilisg Boros Jlail dhusg Dlsy ygado pili) guts EJLatH dLusgll hw dale ¥ Sled! gf srall olst Slat! Jag 536 wha) SybIl yo sys0!l Jka 2 ~bea (2) ylesi loi glasall JSaall .) gl gall Slab yall ~i)] S8LOYL Law geaall Sled dling .¥ gw TI gf OMe pawl ABO! feo cysl Jilusg € Baca duslys diagno delod Basse Shore sla ¢ ol 2a By gle S32 SLardl Jslag cl als Pde ob gael -" gle LS bls (5) (8 Wali ySasg Grobler! SLAW dag Gary ill Sgludl duslys drgao | gloil le 3597 38 Shy SU uaa all dyodledl GLulyall led alee gilda ly SE hres Nag gli sey iLasll go dine agiall gl &dlallS yogaall cya diyon Cd le slaze Yl digas .Y B95 Go al og Ll eras (a LuSai Y dsgaa! ola oSldl SLulys (3 yggaaul 95> I) plazedl yo dla SLI Shore hs dgno t 3 Glad! uli le p85 Goss J! Glas Isls ayes Aigaall odo le laills gle Ags le sail alas! Ayla! 5 Shs Slynge bse slasual ySas Silas 86 Wd sales all dyclaze dl Bl gall duly dygno .0 . Jlasy! = Sls bla (5) 8 fred 5] Shgno J] abLoyl Ido Jogardl shSl dose ye Slaill lay fad dygro .) GIFU JLATH Lag ye yres Jlail dung Jad ySas ty lal Slaul ye dyyolagdl JLasdl Ploy ad ySas tr of Bua) ls yal) SSE 8 Col Sai dylall Slegarall \uzai Sitio .£ _Jlestl Silay ad! gaall le SSL Jobs ex le We .0 Sole (4) o JLasdl Silas G1 3b ashi yo O =u? layghi 8 Iginlg sdzg8 JLASY! Slug gl dgladl 8 got Wl sazel days yore agil le 3M J] slay yS9 Aoloyl dyhay Grlard| JLasdl Jilusg Silay 85459 dytslo Dloglaall SEs! 938 cols lose Ghapuassl dy28 3 Y ALylB9 dsgsm0 Jail Jilog Sh SU Syzel yyilo yo le WW JLardl Vilas gf goal! ate) lapeull 3y28 3 Slydio Whaug2i Sh stl oda gq yodardl gle ht Slat! lag Sls yeh Wo cysdleall s8UL dol rio gor il sle Gheseudl 8 eel al Shall sag gil ol] pay cue SLA! lug! goall y3LI eigai I] ASU B50 cull yS9 JLarll Plugs B45 days sly ail le yogarl 4495 dling oylach yoajalall le 5554 dyzall om 8 Load Jolya (3) J yalas gl Say Joball a0 ol css yo dling wae Agi] Sly LI ale yo.) sald! A513 yoQ'bg Jol ale yall gils 8 vlad! alo yoy J9toxall JLesdl Jilug Sly dl 393 aggde Spolie do yo Sto cause JasSlog jusiss (9 JS eeuisll Lio go Siro Blojg 4 Soll ale yall pSad CAlS SLdly25! (3) Ska [gaay lS (gill salal Jlasdl Jilug hgh “gh cual Lalag urdy Ij9s Jats 193 JLasdl [lug ygade sll alec 5 ol Slam! Jilag) y92s021 gi! oLRaY 8 Yous Aqui] GUYS yLo s>93 U9 bsog0 dis say 98 por Aysyall Byles dds yhsg 1598 Sh wld! Sos sill dbo yo 8 (1) Brg Ay I! Hladl Gi O gag Jlosdl Plo) gol bol cod Sy Il gl Lolo yl ayes) SoSall alyg coatqalal (2) oselB I eal sete O laa Jat Jilung AJlals B68 5 MS 9m JylS losld le ihe drole 8 Gerd! degare .) haw yod Jay lasts ils LuagloS daal> oo oul degare Y LAB 38 551 I599 glals glage (2) y%ele ska CQ eB Bld! le gyulardl JLarHl Jilug 8735 -Lea Ceilaall SLeSU [Lgl solace! d ASL cre yogardl oh) Gradlac! Shard! lag yo dled 251 SM ge pacadl Jail gly Slsdivalg Slot s.87 8 Colao! Slug ST eyo sod Ase! Gbdec (3) Jka 1 =1g® Gadlagdl SLs! Sle LS youl «pls! SoZ y . plas Sal Ald! dojo 8 lyk (4) J! dlazl i EO “ig SLES Jig! sgsocall gate yo cle logleal! Jlazil 4, )hi Joly dsc le Sloglaall Jlasl db Loja dy2all Slit apps 95 all .glusH SL bs Y LBS (3) 09 + Has! ssid! lyk Aysyall GSA le pilall isd! p5ld! ay 835 0 Ache ll Skall galul le dial sles! 245 0 dyclae Yl S1Svall jolul le dailall dilésll 413 0 Al>yo Gly lig Sloe 743 GLal ysl (4) Jka 1 “igh SLIM Plug! Jazoall std! SE gla yo Juaal 8 Br91xal Ss gigai aly 1 9S eiges ASI gall Yay 3 larg Ayyolaad! Jas Plog Lalo Jilsg!l ode pst Jilsg GIST ye to oud pS sod di Lal Slo cals 7 Bos] Ohudie yo Coll lag el Wo Globs dl le Jas! SI pid sou gh acrrall go lS CAS Lgl reas Ayslol Bi age g le dla] SL O35) Sasualg Fyoll dyysolond! JLarll JiLsg Joa lobe Juss JLesd! Jylug; yogacd! Jods lle 9m lage 1551 Vga Fay ~dlaad! Silsg) gall Syu03 SSL yeyst ddsladl Sb cals aus gall le WhSt Lys Srewls Aypeolordl Jlasl Il ar SEW! dyohul ol JroSe Gass 9S, 2 ~:laa (2) yylole 3285) ISU pradll coral le aaylull do yall Sal L557.) le dela ly dpnuugall Gg yo $y (bd SLD causl ll call jl osu! std) YLS a ge oil qusleal pe oe. Ni Ayyalesd! JlLaidl Jilurg Shs Of BUS LS 9 saw yjsIg JAldl dopo 5 lybig qilas (5) 9! Bplay! @ CE igh SLESH Jig! Jazvall Slagleall Alb gigi.) (Asdiall yy) SleLals Slolasrzul Ay! ¥ buetl eds ay 4,dldall Sly asks € Ay olasd! JLosdl Plug le sleaze 4! 0 (3) 3 Seteball Abd SLoly28! asd 4Saa OE wig LS CLS| 281 daledall JLAiY! Lug go alclai 5 L25 yous roger! agds .) Jest! Plug plrszut gdlou sai sail GL yl usa ElBY cysh soles go dyolasd! Jlaidl Vilas wd ¥ Brolie ddyb yo pede yl ySay Meo eld yrw ld hd Ob oS] ge Ssoull gl aoul of yossabal cacle alll yl Globally Slolrsrzwll dBi dyzai eggs sre Lebadl Yc yosll le ys sl8o agile by (3) go Jalas Buz! dg alec g| dad! S31 “gd BLS yo elail Baxgall oy 35! Sleloodl of desl! Glelsd! suo) Aayuolasd! Jlosll Vlas dx4 plall yogardl Suet (2) cal s0 cat Sues SLI! Cigoy 8 olasil Sho (a) - shan cghlasue wbigall le jy) Isao Y Sila) auudy Claw (3) gles Jus O53 meh SEB SoPl go Mas gf aes Jlosyl Bg JS 8 Lyoleg ly Lod Jlesdl Jilug .) Aysolansl Slav JiLeg files S15. gapdouall alas ¥ daly! al>sall 3 (1) Bur9 Ay J! Laz! i O ~ighg SLA! Jilug »dld scanwal| alos 3135 1 “igh Call dalgs 4B Lolz! (3) Jka 2 COST gl lose 13! gill ge yy go Qulll Srey oF Gil ead agSplig Y food yf IgSyol 15] Lal Lad gigS Lin Aolpay [gic Io 23 300) uldaS dyy,olaodl JLosdl lug spall ardzuy a5 1 451d JrLagll odo 8 oligrs gill ashy see gl lily BSL! oly abla gi Yoda gud aly gh areas Weal Sazall elyB adi ye sree S| Jaa Jlastl Yleg JS .y B90 8 Gull Eig dele ely Lgl te ul slau allo gatnall (8 plall ely¥l Chal aail} (yc yoyes d digeo elsl 93 s1ySll yo syscall ld Wo 1 Yagil! glo cyeralo sh Sl ekg Way llSg jail oo 9 Sug ecamall dolgs slic! 8 io cruryg putt Yo qu Sled! Jilug elyT ge dilzrall elyWle (SSVI 95 3133! cle JLestl Blog ell lys! ax lary Wwe yones Yo guialo dadlall yc Byrally Silat! Ll SLesdl Jil) 557 15.36 (16) II slay of 2 “igh Ayyaolacdl Sls JS csi to USI Li 940 97,98,99 Slrxdo LSU sil SOS le rll dhs! poate ol yguudle 932 O ea Qoves eas oa 5 ays le ye pli ad JLarl yf sy3ill gS gz4 1 edie oss alebeb aball J! gus le ggzall SLI goog lay Slat yt Jalil le Gacy OS al AI Slo ae; aly SLI ylog your sil S304 93! Jolgc s9eo Yo! gal Slam yl g32 gramlagdl SLA curbs go Soll Jaa gIs cull gle Slash Jilug! dale dduacg digd Sl sti eb 2d Gill lad sala OLS JI 1995 8 SAI! omy pllall o5 YLil 43 Joles cillo plall glu! glaze; 1922 Slug gl gaz yg Lams 5 dy 9.08 ols laily 19 LS Lslosl 8 yoall ode JS23 JLasdl Jac yo Sul cll gigaill ux So 9 sold9s soul J" Syolyaudsll Tiga!" GO Sey daale de game «Sosa! SL! dy Bi joszud 9) 2d9 Slesdl Plas Ssh" glS 8 pS arjg> 353 Slayasi (5) ps8g Brgsrall Gl sll a, )b5 "Ayy las! ys oda ye gaily JLasdl Jilog! sorrall Std! dbs I slay Ay olard! JLo Glog! Alda of Lidl ailull JA] Glalesl jajsig Sylall adlg Jord oe 2S 540 JLey lal dd abe ole 55 AI OL SUI S955 ge Srdll yurtion woos Sou gag JLawh pill! eras al obs! Al Sst Le 3555 allo Glen Sbelaszw!l Agyalarl! JLaill Glug prdtug cl yoga lavas SSL Sores yy Blut Bula Ske yl pogh Sis leas Glolssrewtl S9509 Ad yoall C15 yar Janell Goes ail I! ogSle yLal sy @lacd] JLaidl [lng alasuwl yoadal U5lésl! Tigal slam oi Sg>9 ard9I (2) surigai asso «Slaal TSgailly «.dysall B90 AyyBi IS 9h Sigs9 yupagSle SrguSle 193 Rutee || Slag gl glad sS8 I] dSlaall Shel 415 gles! Say Aslosl 8 ygall $525 Ayyolasdl Jlasl Ala] Shel 418i ado sold yale als lar Lia yl slags )l89 295log sudsse ya SS 385 Aspolood! JLo Plug pI pill cast dao Last ste AMS s2e9 CAMS alla oo JS 3S) Slain! Sls oe Gull aalers Le ol Qpddive .y9a2allg pgele ay Sl le ils hoy doles! ais ig shaw yjt boul glue so Elam dle cass Aayolasd! Jarl! Jilog! dsgsrall UV le 35Sizall co Was gall Bay SIS le SI LS 5 I] ese Bypod ST) le 55 cISy Biles CIS all Srgoudl aguall ASay0l Slaaled! gro! 3 dubs youtay yor gel Soludl gle 385 yl ySay Sapo! SLasH flag gi so96 AdjLudl SLY yo pel gol te Graalerdl JLeTdl 352 Sa" Speed unser LS 35 398 JI Sylaly GLIAL ALY CalSe s"alall ciyll hs Slaw yo ass Lill] SLodl yl ylogai Jogi GyS3 e -Jasall 5 US Scull py gl auslys (16) gy dsl 30 (15) gs! 1996 ple 8 Bow s>9 e suc SoD 4.555 335 gery ald alll jeaall 2h pasuidl SLAIN UB (4) J d:laz! i 2 dae S355 il ISM Gas! yo Glagles be Jqesdl .) . posal Sid] JLaidl aac peal) une Slaw aly .¥ yy Los dzggll elas] aposall Gleb glaal £ “gh ghibsll JSsa ljuao (3) I 5291 «i O Gremlagd! SLAs doyle SlLaSiusl yo Say yobras Gay.) Slagy pols sly8Ml Sols gd cle Lijsi aymlae aly aaygolagdl Jlasl SLO Jhog Yas ol Glelayl aleras ge9 gle lila .Y ob SIL Hols tale OLS (6) J! BLY! i O 20 Slat! JiLug witb ILBoll file IW Jas! JiLug oss al ALB!) Plbeaiiislse aay roacallaslsen dxalSI iW gl Iolo alll] ALB oll Baguatiall yet Bilal! [ila Srquntiall Sill gll ¢ agadl gaall le ASBoll Jl allel! Ais gil 0 aad guall ya AUBoll Jpldo d08gzall Asal 1 od Jlasdl Jilsg) AilBy (3) Ju95¥ Hoyle 953 =i? golqall aca] oi g alazell 5 gazpall elit Lily .¥ deed See ge Shall Jai Agus 0 daily dapbo9 cally H)lad SLola SLestl JiLug) BilBo (3) airreg shdwyjd 53 “ge -ISa)l aio.) Ayclaze Yl BlycM jajsi Y AS)! pind! dabg “igo esl Bilbo dsc J] ddLoYL Ido eget aladl doss 0 wgelaze dl clued! gat o acral! $ sigdll ard95 0 «gilesdil aladl dos O -gairall 8 sso] joslill was o Slat! Jilusg Bilbo) laste SroSlo wits ps8 () “ght eS (5) lagledl slrowl bby tly ylyozw tl Ahad! £ clo dl died! 0 (4) J! Cle al Sbelasaudll yg2W! ara, 1 nigt ObS 43051.) wi jte Bayse Sal ale :(ApLustl) drool y EW o wld yet! o «gablall yd! 0 Ayclaze Yl 35lall Y lows dl £ dab ol) (2) ylhaai Sle gf ye>W! yas: SiO 1 uilseg ol dusble SEL LY posal JolSdl Se ¥ wgolaze dl JolSdll Glee aggsgll Clale .0 lagiiiodg (2) gab Jha gl ygudrw wo92 O lam AyblyBgajl Sleazmall 8 JLardl Islas (0g) Sazall B85 ll slgall yo se padl yogacdl so.) . wgolae dl Lyall oo Juli y tasee O | (agi Slels sre $8 35 alll gl J clase jHylas jLal ogesaaldl Joss deo lags dele Jaca Silas! dy0S1 yal Sys aiLulys sos ait ys yo TIO Ow 58E SIS Blu oda gl seg gdlall 0923 alla «ygajalal Cie lua Zl oll ow CY SIs9 ddLSy pda Lica)! cle nS od usally pail LS 443 Gish GUI llall Zelogg 8;la> kasd piled Las agegdg yoys Slyssi G25] Mabe JL yl ysineg Abdus ge JS 52 died! Sl yo LS! gSa3 Cyr Hyiodl @ Jlesdl Vlg) Slogleal) dn dudusl Blo WI IL SI yoga! lo yi5 xy gl 82S) JUS Ly Gb GleL ale Glalsdzull GUS shisogs Gigg> udU "goablanll Jlarll OLSpaliys" abs “yall” lS 8 ysghll gles ghusjl 53 asi ald leas Sllssuwdl 485 so) yl Jac cd oggilteze 04]sdf IS gh yok! le sogand) 3 slau! bli! 33998 0953 All SAU! Liga! Gall p13 yode go oll Ay youiguw aldo robo yualsd! aad! (4) cll 58d! Oly TE Sw IS! SL yl) xgssd] Glyylaul Byolaall Glyyladl ¥ aaysoal Glylal (3) FS qa! SLs! FD “ig CLS (3) @aig “(aalglas ela tl psd! Oly aol (21778-1712) 9049) Sle glad elaze dl sal! ay y85 1 (21794-1743) duassigS gli ghil ashi (21857-1779) 2595 Cour gl 25 ¥ SLs (3) edi «(Aeglas) dolar dl By! SLs shat ae (21406-1332) gots yt dola!l 431! dyad (21936-1856) sleutd d3jodl ASI! dyyel (21744-1668) 95d) doll ay SIJI dK (Zo§L25) panies Oysg) gelaze dl soba dyyls WU (1903-1820) ajlusyl Shou! psas 3 Jolye quigy Sle gle woo (@ = GSW Jolys (4) 29 "clare saad!” als 5 pla! yLud¥l ¢gaasg dyshall dLodl dl yo : Jol alo yall - + gzaelall Slee 8 goss! CWYly dod)! A Slall alo yo sa SLI al yall - dcly I Slgoluall asc dla yo dala! dl> yall - AysSlal al yall sash ale yall - (3) clam dl saall 4545 Slates! As5lo yt AILS days) Bh SUl 488] g0 Deut Sol dygax0 ye sSlod! 8558 3) LY yegeSl> jlzsl 8 lager ag Solye (10) oo] Bylaodl seaylF ayers gS oud 2 Agredall a> yall.) Gl gud julizul Gey! ala yo .dcly il ale yo A sligJl Byles! ale yo Agslog I djLasJ! depo Aruuall rusgll gall als yo Ee lb5¥I a> yo dell elyzs] dla ye , Agni AIT Sy gall alo yo AsLusY [azuo gl JL alo yo t+ ee Gs es “129 (3) BWI! SILI ggilB eds cau gl 229 2 A(deesloual) digo wl dul Vlo (4g al Shoal pac of AdyiSlesall) daulall ITY (21800-1300) (421G YF be J! P1800 2) (A2-So)l) Aplasll Jed! Bsr oN jai) Yl poh! ol ed 8 Cunegl Rose) (i) ~tlem (2) yrao 8 943 Ailusdll Solar Yl Ved slay aaa 1 Zyydall Gayla) SU asidl y I) paznall aaulys US ge yaad oul Jost O 4389 (3) JI slob soild 290! lio youngall 443 Jorr9 guaSdlg Slaw! ob.) 964] sho yosldall 445 Jox9 JlaSto aol sob ¥ 390d! aldo ygostgll 45 Jog dd gsr utll aigll rob 1 (5) 2 gazrall yas (3) SI slab’! oda JUS yo9 =e Jobe pasllg Syll dlsyo ¥ wullall dls ya.¥ — Bolagl dl>yo ,) Piilaesaa FoR eel sae aesrane glad Male 955 Jolge (3) yas gy! sue (09 hall gazzull AM de] ALaall dwasll .\ =item gazrrall stud) (2) yylole ygsls yl ss> gl aaa)! Y galezd¥l Lgl. 4 paddl doy gle solud Jol ge (3) yas yl a> O “ghd Agal Hac Y wgylSudl 28L5 ¥ as Jolge .) wigg Auslasl SLL (8) J] SSAA sents aud CD spec! ddlaall gesdl yl ov; a5l3 agwall 4léa) (abl) ESwSI! 45 la Agagrall of Ay yall a5ti Lbs oldlas duxuglall gf dayall olslaall wtlang saint 2h le (2) lish Jha O VS sila yee ell BySS9 Iles! eid dyaroy alg’ 1 S16] SLSlydlg GlelyzsV eas pyre lailg 22s bund 43 codsll BIS! yoy dslesd! pra dtd aac 3! Y aa yldg UdSls Jolge Jods asad Sylasdl WV iasadl 8558) bd EUS1s Jolgc Jad pleut alos lo ua) (3) dl Aslusel leazpall sohi Aryl 955 aud J =e Jobe aglsYl aya Y adghdl alsa) Yau ala yall I. I, le le I3Q) (2) crataslasl ctr lod purines Ayyh35 cola! J =o yosdl yall yogi 3 ey) Jay aco" baal gale 910 I) debut (4) (Araomsgquil) azysod] Oly bl (D gr ISI Jalal! 4,3.) Shegasl Jalall ays y (dquS lal Ayal) golosddl Jolall Abs 1 «Slal Jalal! dl € (5) 32 Le sloSilly pazpall 43 Sell pasts O =a axal GH golal E252 II a sbouiguill ASgall cod (1.1 garzall 9 Jost laazol JUS yo garpall BLO 8 ealgSal Elsa 383 ( gl eles Ul Aloe 3 ealud al Claazme 8 LeglaSall $55 (¢ lsd fale Jods U9 SlaSY! ol Ae algSall Asal oF pclae ll palo LeglgSal Y oe gloSall Jolall ayes celare dl dll yc Lalul dat! duos ylaazwllo aWLyowl Syolall seul celeall CLAY 8 (SSB vg>9 I Cal al pelea! By gil AB gar0 Sle yzre So Syleudl SUF dag 1 Jro dpclaze Yl ayill Slee 8 pedsll -€ d2aSl9 slfusdl Bo 40,5 Ela yl Jom > alo fs s aud 8 Bila CIS I Bglidlg Jey! Bo Glue Je Ags] Bao} ai yldo Yosdd de yung dycluall Slearrall dual yogls 0 QS Ul Bleazoally JS lo Bsc lala! 95 5 Leglo:Sal caml 1 -1am (2) yadlel grog gazrrall Brs220 BilB gs LoglgSall agai cu> :fosll Ae) yoosdl,! ByuS BelASy glac jLail JI fais Ble (8 awl dyaal apm gloxSal Slelyzs 3 us lapses BiIgls cLyaSIl s fro loygs re.d99 dea Sleazrall Bold le 53 AuuSylall EK! yl sgagign os O Slo 5 (2) gaaalusl ayers cya! El pall wlan dyclaze Il (Slush!) SY seaig (ey! 698) Shall! p85. (gal) Qual Byloalg GT yoasrzuy gill yoleally sadss (elSY! SMe) dele ll Sid! 4 Solel 85 7 Lol 09 GLY! aylac JUS sh SM yyy dailall Stall ly, ASle 90 adig £9a59 dyhruw ol Ldlaig yoloi S1Me 3929 est Reo duclaze Yl Glial! lise 2599 rales Slug : calauzall ga} gi jab] juuid 8 ApuSylall Ay! Hr gde eal F High (5) wil sobdle ele Il 693 ud clare dl 05485 5 pazmally dasldl erg le yl.) Ayslall coal deeb 9@ lailg dase lossy Al eSB SIBde 85 I god TOP g98 328 ol / lagac &clao ll Oval y 35 Za] ylusYl Dolre 9a asdulg erylW Jol Apoall oY le glad dojWl JiLugll gly (2) gqutlul gil tka gi Je gY jKugl 552 .£ len garral) LS eSIST AS yo! 8 clidl cy (glagdl aslull) Jolaall Sil gloxy least - (ZY! Seg CWI ¢98) TY Golusl 8 eazall soul ASUS g Asgilly Sulu! dl Jrazall Sal! cll x9 ell dl cll gue grordll SSlgall ygild g@ j5Ully - «Soil TY SMe gy lS pars yobs 8 dqszall coll cals 15] 0 Wm (de clayl dpbaauall goall Mola [quads de putl yds) Cigsoy Wl lia cyo ese Yo elu golesil hla te A Boil Aad! Aunty scleral cyoi ylesil op ky goal gazruall yohi yl eit sul os wight 44 4 S4SVys Oldlac (3) doubly sls cre Jelaal 8 Byazuall GLaSlall 1 Aad)! cl5Y! Sve Sys! daca! coll gus SL! Y Boll Syl garg Suro! claw! de go YoSLall egal! Slates (3) (8 Sui! Jalal Sli rai OC “eg? Ape y gblaall jlassdl ayb5 1 dll blayll asks y (4S! Sladkaall) Saal glyall A bs “gh (Slal slay! a25leo Ja> astro (3) Sha (@) ol] aS Gg Male" dole} dygluadll SLIM das soall 1 allall 8 oll o yasi 4,513 eile (8) ol (7) 3929) Seal ag gl Sie JSay lou allall cle yi 8 Spas! a ob Sho lM gy"g "yaw Sos!" doles Ayplesyl dua ysall ByLdoJ! a9 Ala Ladd dyygne Saolg dba dla ASUodl SyLasd! re ede of pllall ce al dypoall cel 9M y1935"9 "los" Wlvod Eye dayaall 1 8 alaall Lad alae Gle Asyzall UW Jogo aleul obi © elaze ll ull I] 38) Salou Liag cleazrall (3) ( Sliall jLaaidl 4415 Jom olamall 1 poss)! 9% lad! I > II Jolall le dyad om C1355.) ' DI eyo psd gil dglac loyzelo ASLUSY Ssh Yl pore yoslasl Jawl AS yLadyl Ng punts @ ail Ls (POLS Yaga 3) gill soll 531 ose pe 48laall slat Glas! cle Slaall bla 8 4283 55 gous aut: CO) ~tlem (2) cehrsct sg ygall ISAT yaa.) oatll 8 Quodl.y -1(3) (gio SIslasd! Bsa) 459) gus aly] ud 393 TF dSiall estud yolisll ya Jolue slazel 3 Jgoull dol .1 VAbyha dil (8 481 ye Daluzall Gly sll dye yl! Jalgall 931 Joles ¥ laazpall salle 83Ly¥1 590 Jalets pail 8 Jolall duloi sul sbubslly (3) cle Sa5d GLAS of sound jell oe 1 wig JEaly Slygzue ZB DBrleg TW 698 gay GLAS! 1 eros] clulle (aul!) golasdll clull gq Glas ¥ (Ball) duds Soall cull g98 gy OLAS! ~-(5) (42sou!) aulolall Slylad) dolell dos! 1 go dlizy pull Cigae 8 shall Jolall Agliog) lagles! 1 dyelazel Blodl Clnag Cilse guy ch Lastly Js bua! daa> oe Asal 8 Godt pettus lee Yi Jadll uaas couse lS lazally dalzsall al gall ol cline clare Il ysl Aloe yuu 8 sol fale 25 gly hazy gill gilgl) dillie wl 89 AB laze Cleazoall guar " . Asal ducal Byyno 9 gyagall soul dis slagual dyazodl oko isl jee SBsriuag dile} dead yo dy Bass log gairall wedblo GYLaT Ls dcluall dy 92! GLa dryly Asus yl lai! 595 ce dl Sts Lud] SL eal ote » gelare dl sda! die gi Ydlglre 8 elSUg eG Hbbe Byarue diac a cclazo il yds das vy! 0 i Baale Conde By820 Jalge I debe (1) dyoled!! 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Slabs! “Lae (2) pau] Oleazmall 34) yousle audis OQ Uuudiy Yd daSlall Clelall ed9S all mg sdybel claarre ,1 wegactll dluol 48 Bsozall GLYWgllg Liles: s Jr eto! dye cdss all mg 8ySlee Gly Glearme Srtle ShLsls gwaslla lal garall : Jeo Bybee deus gl (6) Cysod! Slaw OF loll east.) Agelaze ll Glo ol SIMI clas y wutlg Jodle wuradl ye sBul poss duallall BMS yLassl y Slaazrall (8 AjSyall aslsig :AjSyaWle As3S yall oye gar £ asso SL gy ygladla doroll 79) pla! 0 lossdlg dyrlull GVsLalle Foul LSy> 1 (4) clare ll sd! Sige OE =(3) gq Jtatig pclae Yl gilgall fol gsulasll ddlaall ) wgelae dl clidl daub Ijzoll le dasleal ual =(3) 3 frat :Ayslaxdl gilgall ib Ayala] GLAS lg Glelys Ul aS y> 595) 1 gla! dally AysladY yslaall dros 1 Ae gloSMl Bilal WU (2) 3 ratio Aplpull gilgall sbasly (3) 3 Stag dS II Apalgudl Silgall 1 Aygaidl d>g)g30] Aad 0 patmall [Sls GUY Slrogall sisi o acta jh dud! psc oO =(2) 3 Sted my delat Silgall Y Ad oWl dul! o Aue sb! 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