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(The Ultimate Playbook To Master
Any Skill, Even If You're Lazy.

Timothy Goodness
A moment of clarity without any action is just like a
thought that passes in the wind. But a moment of clarity
followed by an action is a pivotal moment in our life.

_ Don Miguel

1. PLAYBOOK I: Know thyself

2. PLAYBOOK II: The making of a master
3. PLAYBOOK III: Dealing with frustration
4 . Connect With Author.
We have learned not to focus on our problems
but rather on the solutions. The key to solving
our problems lies in finding the one and only
solution. If the answer were obvious, we would
have already discovered and fixed it. In order
to master any skill, it is crucial to give each
chapter of this book your utmost attention.

If you are struggling to gain mastery in a

particular skill, don't dwell on your current
state. Instead, picture yourself becoming
proficient in that skill. Moving forward requires
looking ahead and leaving the past behind.
Holding onto what doesn't work for us will only
hinder our progress.

Skill mastery is not just about acquiring

knowledge; it involves taking action based on
that knowledge. It requires consistent practice
and a commitment to learning every day. If
you don't practice daily, you will remain
Perfect practice is all about refining your skills,
not mindless repetition. Consistency in honing
your skills will allow you to delve deeper into
each aspect and broaden your knowledge.

The path to skill mastery is paved with

consistent practice. It may not always be
easy, but if it were, you wouldn't be reading
this book. However, there's no need to be
intimidated. I will break down each playbook
into simple steps, making it easier for you to
implement and achieve amazing results.

So, are you ready to take your skills to the next

level and become one of the top 1% masters?
Grab your writing materials and get ready for a
transformation in your skill mastery journey.

On 10th December 2020, my friend and I

embarked on our journey to acquire a skill first
time ever. We decided to learn graphic design.
After a few months, we organized a free
graphic design class with the hope of later
offering a paid course. At that time, we didn't
even know what skill mastery meant.

Although we didn't have extensive knowledge

of graphic design, we were fortunate enough
to have 200 participants join our free class.
However, only one person ended up paying for
our masterclass.

What I want to emphasize is that in today's

world, people are too eager to sell themselves
without realizing that knowledge alone doesn't
give you the right to teach. It's important to sit
down, learn, and gain expertise before
attempting to teach others.
You might argue that you know someone who
is not a professional, yet they are making a lot
of money. But are you that person? Is that
person you?

There is a time to learn, and there is a time to

showcase. Don't be too quick to show off;
instead, master your craft first. I have
observed many entrepreneurs who constantly
focus on creating offers. Every single day, they
feel the need to post different offers. Why?
This has made me realize that people are more
concerned with immediate results rather than
building something substantial that will yield
abundant rewards in the long run.

Am I suggesting that offer creation is a bad

thing? No, but it is important to create the
right offer. It is better to create one tangible
offer rather than multiple senseless offers,
which is something that many self-proclaimed
professionals tend to do. I won't mention any
names, though.
Focus on building something tangible, not just
something that will benefit you momentarily.
To achieve this, you need to prioritize self-
development and strive for skill mastery.
Consistent practice and patience are the cheat
codes to gaining skill mastery.

Actions follow desires, and the energy you put

forth into anything will determine the results
you achieve. This is the undeniable truth that
remains constant, and you are aware of its
validity within yourself

You cannot invest minimal energy into

something and expect significant outcomes. It
doesn't work that way, as Alex Homozi would

"It just takes work shitloads and shitloads of

work every time I try to dress it up or take a
corner I get brutally reminded that the work
just need doing and no one is gonna do it for
Alex Homozi also said, "If you want to achieve
goals, focus on the work required to attain

Let's take the example of planting beans and

other grains. Plant the seeds, nurture and care
for them every day. Within a span of
approximately 3-4 days, the beans will sprout
and begin to grow. Over time, they will mature
and yield a bountiful harvest. Once harvested,
peel and grind the beans, add pepper and
onions, and prepare a delicious bean cake.
Finally, enjoy your meal. What is the point of
this example? It illustrates the entire process,
from the beginning to the end. However, it
usually takes several months to accomplish.

But then, it is a form of manifestation. It is a

system that works, however slow and
cumbersome it may seem. This system is a
unconscious manifestation, because of the
many steps and process it takes to achieve the
desired goal.
Most people have no idea what is actually
taking place. All we see is the seed we planted
and the meal we prepared from it. However,
the truth is that if you skip a single process or
lack the necessary knowledge to progress, you
won't be able to move on to the next step.

Gaining skill mastery requires training,

understanding, dedication, consistent
practice, and patience.

Everything you currently have, everything you

aspire to have, and everything you will have
comes to you or will come to you through the
process of hard work.

Your life is a reflection of your beliefs. You can

deny this fact, but it won't alter anything.
However, if you choose to change your
negative beliefs about life, you will witness a
miraculous transformation unfolding right
before your eyes.
If you are poor, you can become rich. If you're
sick, you can be healed. If you are a newbie,
you can achieve mastery. Whatever your
current condition may be, it can be completely
transformed, and the driving force behind this
change is your belief.

If your heartfelt desire is to attain skill

mastery, start by examining your beliefs
regarding it. Identify any beliefs that do not
align with your sincere desire and interest in
achieving mastery, and let go of them.

Determine what you want, take responsibility

for what you think and feel about the result
you are getting it's absolutely no one fault.
This book is about skill mastery, which means
becoming a master in your skill sets. You will
notice that you start to dominate your niche.
One of the many things that helped me while
trying to master my skill sets is learning to
understand myself: my weaknesses, my
strengths, my why (which is my driving force),
where I currently stand, and where I aspire to
be. These insights have guided me in
channeling my efforts towards the right areas
and maximizing my time.

To gain further understanding of yourself, ask

yourself these questions:

- Why do you want to master your skill sets?

- What does your learning pace look like?
- What is your motivation or drive?
- Where do you intend to be?
- Where are you currently?
- What efforts are required to reach your
- Can you be patient throughout this journey?
- Can you stay consistent?
Seek answers to these questions so that when
challenges arise, you can bounce back with
resilience. Remember, the journey to gaining
skill mastery is hard so start the journey the
hardest way. Go and win!
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At the peak of the skill mastery journey,

masters surround themselves with an infinite
number of possibilities, each one representing
a unique direction in skill mastery. When they
make a choice through their actions, they
understand that the path they follow is
ultimately no different from the other paths,
as they all lead to the same destination.

Their actions are a result of the pure joy of

realizing that they are alive in this moment and
have the opportunity to choose among the
many possibilities for gaining mastery.

Solitude is a great tool for self-development

and gaining mastery. However, your
interactions with others will help you thrive
and understand what is expected of you as you
strive for mastery.
If skill mastery is compared to a carnival, you
must come to ride the rides. However,
focusing on gaining mastery in a particular skill
does not mean you won't develop preferences
for other potential paths or desire other

The issue arises when you become too

attached to those desires, forsaking the
pursuit of mastery. If those desires are not
fulfilled, the consequence is that you will
suffer each time your desires are threatened
because you have left something unfinished.

Considering the countless individuals engaged

in mastering their skill sets, it is inevitable that
you may be left behind.

To gain mastery, you need to develop a deep

understanding and expertise in your skill. It
requires consistent practice, an understanding
that mistakes are an integral part of learning,
patience, dedication, and a passion for
continuous improvement.
The path to skill mastery is unique for each
individual; however, the ultimate goal is to
become 1% better every day, being more
decisive and intentional. It's not just about the
quantity of hours spent practicing to develop
your skill sets, but also the quality of learning
and growth achieved during those hours.

Once you prioritize gaining mastery, you don't

have to move mountains to achieve it. The rule
is simple: learn something new related to your
skill sets every day.

If you fail to create time for learning and

practice, you will never achieve mastery.

One of the reasons why most people struggle

with their current state is their network. They
simply don't have anyone in their space to
challenge and motivate them to do more or
maybe you don't have a priority yet.
I challenge myself by feeding my eyes to things
that I previously believed I couldn't practice.
Surprisingly, I ended up gaining ideas on how
to do it or generating new concepts related to
it. Similarly, if you want to be poor, surround
yourself with poor people. Likewise, if you
want to achieve mastery, surround yourself
with masters in your respective skills and
challenge yourself to not settle for less.
Becoming a master is not easy, but it is not
impossible either. It's time to get to work! If
you do nothing, nothing will happen.
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The purpose of this chapter is to help you
identify and solve many of life's "curve balls"
that get thrown at us.

The dictionary defines "frustration" as a feeling

of dissatisfaction often accompanied by
anxiety or depression resulting from unfulfilled
needs or unresolved problems.

Frustration is one of those emotions that

seems to settle over time and can be the cause
of slowing our progress or stopping us as we
embark on the journey to achieving mastery.
Frustration is an emotion that often sneaks up
on us gradually, until one day we find
ourselves feeling angry, defeated, and
somewhat powerless.
The cause of frustration is found in our passion
and zeal for results, as well as the absence of
rewards for our efforts along the way.

We often only want to give ourselves credit for

the results we have achieved, but not for the
hard work we put in to obtain those results.
The feeling of frustration we experience arises
from seeking a simple and easy solution, often
overlooking a few key things. In truth, we are
constantly being rewarded for every action we
take, even if it may not be the ultimate result
we desire.

These incremental results indicate progress in

our efforts and bring us closer to achieving
our ultimate goals.
Most of the time, progress isn't always linear; it
can involve recognizing mistakes or incorrect
efforts. Frustration is an inevitable part of life,
and it cannot be avoided, especially if you're
on the path to mastering a skill. It's important
to realize that frustration is a natural part of
the learning curve. It will inevitably manifest
itself along the way. However, dealing with it
requires acknowledging and giving yourself
credit for the work and effort you put in, as
well as the results achieved, even if they are
not what you initially desired.

Instead of feeling discouraged, it's crucial to

reassess your efforts and understand that you
are constantly learning what is necessary to
achieve the desired result. Lastly, there is no
"wrong" or "mistake" because you are always
learning. Until you acquire enough knowledge
to reach your ultimate goal, you simply haven't
achieved it yet.
Give yourself credit every time you achieve a
result, even if it's not the expected outcome.
Your efforts have brought you closer to your
goals. Most importantly, take a break and allow
yourself some time to shift the negative
energy. Then, credit yourself, love yourself,
and express gratitude to yourself for taking
action towards achieving mastery. By
transforming your frustration into gratitude,
you become unstoppable.

You've done an excellent job reading up to this

point. Now, take action on what you've learned
so far, and I hope to see you among the top 1%
of masters in your industry. Enjoy an active
life. I'm rooting for you as you make decisions
to improve and gain skill mastery.
Blank view!
With Me

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