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1. Escreva frases afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas usando os pronomes entre parênteses.

I drive.
I don't drive.
Do I drive?
a) play (I)________________________________________________________________________________________________
b) eat (you)_______________________________________________________________________________________________
c) like (we)_______________________________________________________________________________________________
d) drink (they)____________________________________________________________________________________________
e) watch (I)_______________________________________________________________________________________________
f) read (you)______________________________________________________________________________________________
g) live (we)_______________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Reescreva as frases na forma negativa.

a) I like bananas.__________________________________________________________________________________________
b) They play football every Saturday.__________________________________________________________________________
c) We watch TV every day.__________________________________________________________________________________
d) I live in Spain.__________________________________________________________________________________________
e) We drink chocolate milk.__________________________________________________________________________________
f) They read comics.________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Forme frases no presente simples utilizando as palavras abaixo. (-) negativa, (+) afirmativa, (?) interrogativa.
a) you - like - football (?)____________________________________________________________________________________
b) we - eat - spinach (-)_____________________________________________________________________________________
c) they - play - tennis - every Friday (+)________________________________________________________________________
d) you - get up - at 6 o'clock (?)_______________________________________________________________________________
e) they - live - in Minas Gerais (-)_____________________________________________________________________________
f) we - like - computer games (+)______________________________________________________________________________
g) they - drive - a fast car (?)_________________________________________________________________________________
h) I - watch - TV - every day (-)______________________________________________________________________________

4. Coloque as palavras na ordem correta e escreva a tradução.

a) chicken - we - like -

b) in - live - they - do - Venezuela?

c) play - do - you - volleyball?

d) don't - eat - I – fish_______________________________________________________________________________________

e) speak - English - they -

f) work - you - in

g) they - do - their bedroom? - clean ___________________________________________________________________________


5. Reescreva as frases. Atenção à regra para he, she e it.

a) I eat fish. She ______________________________________.
b) I watch TV. She ____________________________________.
c) I brush my teeth. He _________________________________.
d) I wash the car. He ___________________________________.
e) I go to bed at 9 o'clock. Bia ____________________________.
f) I study English at school. Pedro _________________________.
g) I don't drink milk. She ________________________________.
h) I don't speak portuguese. He ___________________________.
i) I don't clean my bedroom. Carol ________________________.
j) I don't get up early. Miguel _____________________________.

6. Sublinhe a forma correta do verbo.

a) Pedro like/likes spaghetti.
b) We get up/gets up at 8 o'clock.
c) Jennifer live/lives in England.
d) They speak/speaks Spanish.
e) Dave and Pedro play/plays basketball.
f) Carol eat/eats ice-cream.
g) Michael read/reads comics.

7. Complete com um dos verbos: brush, drink, eat, like, live, speak, swim, wash.
a) He _____________ cheeseburgers.
b) She ____________ in Paris.
c) It ______________ fish.
d) They ___________ in the sea.
e) She ____________ English.
f) I _______________ tea every morning.
g) He _____________ the car every Sunday.
h) I _______________ my teeth every day.

8. Escreva frases afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas usando os pronomes entre parênteses.

He drinkS.
He doesn't drink.
Does he drink?
a) watch (she) (+):_______________________. (?):____________________________. (-):_____________________________.

b) go (it) (+):_______________________. (?):____________________________. (-):_____________________________.

c) wash (he) (+):_______________________. (?):____________________________. (-):_____________________________.

d) cry (she) (+):_______________________. (?):____________________________. (-):_____________________________.

e) catch (it) (+):_______________________. (?):____________________________. (-):_____________________________.

f) study (he) (+):_______________________. (?):____________________________. (-):_____________________________.

g) live (it) (+):_______________________. (?):____________________________. (-):_____________________________.

9. Forme frases no presente simples utilizando as palavras abaixo. (-) negativa, (+) afirmativa, (?) interrogativa.
a) Magali - love - cats (?) ___________________________________________________________________________________
b) John - get up - at 7 o' clock (-)______________________________________________________________________________
c) Dave - play - soccer - every day (+)__________________________________________________________________________
d) Jenny - wear - pink pyjamas (+)____________________________________________________________________________
e) Pedro - drive - a big car. (?)________________________________________________________________________________
f) Brian - drink - tea - in the morning (-)________________________________________________________________________
g) Paola - eat - cookies - every day (?)_________________________________________________________________________
h) Brian - buy - ice-creams - on Sundays (-)_____________________________________________________________________

10. Complete as frases usando DO, DON'T, DOES ou DOESN'T.

a) ________ Pedro listen to pop music?
b) Helen and Bia ___________ like mice.
c) _________ Sarah and Carol speak English?
d) _________ your father have a car?
e) We ________ go to school on Sunday.
f) __________ your brother like pop corn?
g) My sister ___________ tidy her room.
h) _________ Michael and Kelly go to fast food restaurants?
i) Dave and Brian _________ eat fish.
j) ________ Kate help her mother?

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