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Harmonic Analysis Variable Speed Drive of

Induction Motor inside Conveyor System as Coal

Distribution Transport
1st Wahdiyatun Nisa Jakarta
Depaertment of Electrical Engineering wahdiyatun2110045@itpln.ac.id
PLN Institute of Technology

Abstract— Harmonics arise due to nonlinear loads in the During normal production and operation conditions, the
network system. The focus of this study is PT. Baramulti motor speed operates at the maximum rated speed at a
Suksessarana Tbk, which utilizes a variable speed drive to frequency of 50 Hz to expedite the loading of coal onto
control the three-phase induction motor system in the barges or to fill stockpiles. However, during routine
conveyor. Harmonic sources originate from the variable speed maintenance checks for motors and conveyor components,
drive used to control the speed of the three-phase induction the conveyor speed is slowed down as needed in the field. To
motor. These harmonics can have a negative impact if they increase or decrease the conveyor speed, VSD controls the
exceed standard limits, significantly reducing the lifetime of the
input frequency by adjusting it to the induction motor
three-phase induction motor. To address this issue, the use of a
single-tuned passive filter is proposed as a solution to reduce
system, ensuring the motor works according to operational
harmonics to permissible levels. However, determining the requirements. At high speeds, VSD tends to generate higher
parameter values of the filter components requires a specific harmonics due to faster switching and increased pulse
study in its design to ensure effective harmonic reduction. This voltage. This can lead to an increase in harmonic levels in the
paper proposes a frequency domain method to determine the system. When the speed is reduced, VSD produces lower
values of passive filter components for effective harmonic harmonics. However, changes in motor speed over a short
reduction at PT. BSSR. Additionally, the analysis presented is period have a minimal impact, so calculations of Total
based on simulation data using ETAP. Harmonic Distortion Voltage (THDV) and Total Harmonic
Distortion Current (THDI) are typically used when VSD
Keywords—harmonic, passive filter, induction motor operates at maximum rated speed (Reval, 2023). The use of
VSD has negative effects on the electrical system of the
I. INTRODUCTION company due to the generation of harmonic disturbances
Electricity is a primary requirement for the continuous caused by its nonlinear load characteristics. The impact of
operation of any system in the industry. Uninterrupted harmonics on the system includes a reduction in power
availability of electricity is crucial for every industrial quality, affecting the performance of existing equipment,
operation. The increasing demand for electrical energy is leading to excessive heat and reduced equipment lifespan
accompanied by advancements in electrical system (Reval, 2023). Additionally, harmonics can result in
technology, such as the discovery of various electrical measurement errors in electricity consumption due to
components contributing to the smooth operation of the detected harmonic losses, causing losses for both the industry
system. For instance, the use of Variable Speed Drive and the power provider (Jason, 2018). Currently, there are
(VSD)/Inverter in controlling three-phase induction motors various alternative solutions to address harmonic issues in
in industries as the main driver of the system (Reval, 2023). the system, such as the use of passive filters. However, a
Additionally, there are other electronic components used in specific study is needed to determine the optimal filter circuit
offices, including air conditioning, LED lights, computers, values and their placement based on high-risk harmonic
and various equipment (Yulianta, 2022). he mentioned disturbance points. The overall impact of harmonic
equipment above supports the continuous operation of a disturbances can be reduced and mitigated by using these
company. However, it is undeniable that their use can have passive filters on both low and high voltage sides (Jason,
negative impacts on the system, even for high-value 2018).
inventory equipment. This is because the load from these
components is nonlinear. In other words, their usage leads to II. ELEMENT METHOD
non-constant resistance, resulting in nonlinear current and A. Total Harmonic Distortion Standard
voltage waves. This nonlinearity causes distortion in current
and voltage, leading to harmonic disturbances (Ummi, 2022). Harmonics have several indicators, such as Individual
In the PLN system, the ideal frequency is set at 50 Hz (Bima, Harmonic Distortion (IHD) and Total Harmonic Distortion
2018). When these components are connected to the system, (THD). According to the Institute of Electrical and
current and voltage distortion occurs, causing the waves to be Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IHD is the ratio between the
no longer purely sinusoidal but a combination of Root Mean Square (RMS) value of each harmonic and the
fundamental and harmonic waves. Harmonic waves are RMS value of the first harmonic. Individual Harmonic
multiples of the fundamental frequency (Mustamam, 2019). Current (IHDI) applies to current harmonics, and Individual
In the mining industry, conveyors play a vital role in the Harmonic Distortion Voltage (IHDv) applies to voltage
distribution process of coal. These conveyors require motors (Yulianta, 2022). The ratio for the RMS value of all
as their main driving force. The motors in the conveyor area harmonic components and the RMS base value is expressed
are controlled by Variable Speed Drive (VSD) to adjust the as a percentage (%). THD is also often referred to as the
motor's rotational speed according to the company's needs.


distortion factor. The THD value measures the deviation and symmetrical power system. This approach is widely
from the existing periodic harmonic waveforms to pure adopted.
sinusoidal waveforms. The THD value for a pure sinusoid is
0% (Perdachi, 2019). The higher the THD value, the greater C. Single Tuned Filter Applied
the deviation produced, and consequently, the greater the
Passive filters in the industrial electrical world is an
risk of network power quality degradation. Therefore, a
effort to reduce the amplitude of certain frequencies that
maximum standard THD value is provided as a tolerable
arise due to voltage and current distortion. These filters are
limit to prevent network quality deterioration. THD applies
designed with a composition of main components, namely
to current (THDi) and voltage (THDv). THDi may vary for
capacitors, inductors, and resistors, which are connected in
each load, ranging from a few percent to over 100%. series or parallel depending on the effectiveness needed to
However, THDv is generally less than 8% for 0.4 kV. IHDv ensure that the load components operate at their designated
below 5% is not considered a disturbance. In addition to voltage rating and desired reactive power. One commonly
THD, there is another index used to determine standard used type of passive filter is the single tuned filter. This
harmonics, namely Total Demand Distortion (TDD). TDD is filter represents a series configuration applied to a capacitor
the ratio of the total RMS value of harmonic current to the and inductor (RLC) circuit, as shown in Figure 2.6 below:
maximum current load of the network (P. Straczynski,
2018). The calculation of the TDD value is explained in
Equations 2.3 through 2.7.

IHDI ¿ X 100

IHDV = ¿ X 100% (2.4)
V1 The component values (R, L, and C) can be calculated
by first finding the value of C using the following equations
2.13 and 2.14:

∞ 2
THDI = ∑ Ik 2 (2.5) Xc
n =2
2 πfXc


Vk (2.6) 1
n =2 L=
¿ 2
(2 πnf ) C
𝑋𝐿 = 2𝑓 L

∑ Ik 2 (2.7) III. DISCUSSION
n =2
¿ In this research, the object is PT. Baramulti Suksessarana
IL Tbk (PT. BSSS). Data collection is carried out by requesting
cos φ permission from the management team of PT. BSSR Site for
PF ¿ (2.8) data collection as materials to be analyzed in the research.
√1+THD 2 The data to be collected include voltage source data, bus
data, transformer data, and load data existing in the electrical
system of PT. BSSR. These data will be represented in the
B. Freequency Domain Method form of a Single Line Diagram, which will be redesigned
using ETAP 16.0 software for simulation purposes. In the
The frequency domain method provides steady-state
distribution process of coal in the PT. BSSR system, there
solutions for the consequential effects of injecting specific are several terms used, such as Barge Loading Conveyor
individual frequencies (or harmonics) throughout the entire (BLC), where the BLC system consists of belt conveyors
power system. This method is typically used in analyzing used to load coal into barges docked at the PT. BSSR jetty
nonlinear load systems such as control systems. The most area. Additionally, there is the term Over Line Conveyor
well-known frequency domain solution method is the (OLC) used for coal distribution and transfer facilities. Based
Decoupled Harmonic Power Flow (DHPF). Generally, this on the data obtained from the company, the model of the
approach utilizes individually analyzed harmonics to electrical system is depicted as shown in Figure 1, where the
evaluate harmonic flow under the assumption of a balanced main electrical distribution path is the transformer 1 line
leading to the conveyor system at bus 2 in the BLC and OLC
2 area. In bus 2, there are 8 three-phase induction motors
serving as the main drives for the belt conveyors.
1.000 KVA x 100 IL =
√3 x 0 , 4 kV x 5 704 kW
0 , 92 x √3 x 0 , 4 kV

Isc=28.868 ,3 A IL = 1.104,5 A

ISc 28.868 ,3 A
= = 26,14
IL 1.104 , 5 A
In the electrical distribution path of the conveyor system
in the BLC and OLC 2 areas, voltage is supplied to each
VSD (Variable Speed Drive) and the induction motor loads
through bus 2. Therefore, the measurement and calculation of
harmonics in the BLC and OLC 2 areas are performed at bus
2. When the measurement and calculation at bus 2 are
accurate, it can be ensured that the voltage and current
supplied to each induction motor also have good quality.
The simulation results of the existing condition in Figure
3 indicate that the voltage parameter value at bus 2
experiences a voltage drop from 100% to 96.71%, where the
voltage value decreases due to the influence of harmonic
disturbances. From this load flow simulation result, it is From the calculation results, the ISC/IL value obtained is
found that there is a voltage drop in the conveyor system area 26.14, which falls within the standardization range of 20-50
BLC and OLC 2, leading to an increase in current due to the as per Table 2.3, with a standard TDD value of 8%. This
presence of harmonic disturbances caused by the use of means that the THDI value of 19.6% has exceeded the
VSDs in the network. Furthermore, this voltage drop can permitted IEEE TDD standard limit. The values of IHDv and
result in excessive heat in the motor, thereby reducing the IHDI for the conveyor system in areas BLC and OLC 2 are
lifetime of the three-phase induction motor due to operating shown in Tables 4.9 and 4.10 respectively. The tolerance
the motor outside its designed nameplate specifications. limit for IHDV at low voltage levels of 0.4 kV according to
IEEE standardization in Table 2.3 is 5%. The simulation
results in Table 4.9 indicate that there are four orders where
the IHDV values exceed the tolerance limit, namely orders 5,
7, 11, and 13. Due to these IHDV values exceeding the
tolerance limit, immediate efforts are needed to reduce these
harmonics so that the IHDV values in the conveyor system of
areas BLC and OLC 2 comply with the permitted harmonic
standards. To reduce the existing harmonics, efforts are made
using single-tuned passive filters by designing the filter
components accordingly.
The simulation results in Table 4.9 indicate that there are
From the simulation results using the Harmonic Analysis four orders where the IHDV values exceed the tolerance
module as shown in Figure 4.4 and summarized in Table 4.8, limit, namely orders 5, 7, 11, and 13. Because these IHDV
the level of harmonic disturbance in the existing condition in values exceed the tolerance limit, immediate efforts are
the conveyor system of areas BLC and OLC 2 exceeds the needed to reduce these harmonics so that the IHDV values in
permitted standard limit, with a THDV value of 20.4%. The the conveyor system of areas BLC and OLC 2 comply with
THDI value from the simulation results of the existing the permitted harmonic standards. In designing harmonic
condition is 19.6%. In determining the standard limit for filters, it is necessary to calculate the values of each filter
THDI, it is necessary to first know the values of ISC and IL, component to determine the filter specifications that will be
where the calculation of these parameters needs to be done used in the harmonic reduction problem based on the analysis
manually. To find the values of ISC and IL, they are of the orders to be filtered in this study. The calculation of
calculated using the following formulas and calculations: the values of each component R, L, and C used for harmonic
reduction in this study utilizes the IHDV and IHDI values
that exceed the IEEE 519-2014 harmonic standard limits.
The Q value (quality factor) based on the standard ranges
kW Average between 30-60 kVAR, where the larger the Q value, the
IL =
KVA x 100 PF √ 3 x kV smaller the resistance value will be. Consequently, losses in
Isc= passive harmonic filters will also decrease. Therefore, a Q
√ 3 x kV x Z ( % ) Trafo factor value of 60 is chosen for this study.
The electrical system of PT. BSSR currently has a power The THDI value after adding the combination filter of orders
factor of 0.92 when operating at full load. The active power 5, 7, 11, and 13 decreases from 19.6% to 0.57%, which is a
value at full load is 704 kW. In the design of the single-tuned significant decrease and meets the IEEE standard allowed for
passive filter parameters, it is intended to reduce harmonics THDI in the conveyor network systems BLC and OLC 2,
and voltage distortion simultaneously. For the tuning where THDI should not exceed 15%. The THDV value after
frequency of the 5th order in harmonic reduction to reduce adding this combination filter decreases from 20.4% to
voltage and current distortion, the power factor is designed to 5.64%, which is also a significant decrease and complies
increase to 94%. The calculation is as follows: with the IEEE standard for THDV, which should not exceed
8%. In meeting the standardization of the power network
∆Q = P × (tan (𝑐𝑜𝑠-1𝜑 awal) – tan (𝑐𝑜𝑠−1𝜑 target) system, two parameters are considered: THDV and THDI,
= 704 × (tan (𝑐𝑜𝑠-1 0,92) – tan (𝑐𝑜𝑠−1 0,94) and both must be met to comply with the IEEE standards.
Therefore, the combination of adding filters of orders 5, 7,
= 704 × (tan (23,07) – tan (19,95) 11, and 13 can be considered as one of the options for
= 704 × (0,426 – 0,363) harmonic reduction solutions in the conveyor system of PT.
BSSR because the THDV and THDI values have met the
= 704 × (0,063) allowed IEEE standards.
= 44 kVAR.

1 1
X c= C= L= X L =2 πfL
Qc 2 πf X c 2
(2 πnf ) C

X c= 3
= 3,636 Ω
44 x 10 The results obtained after adding the single-tuned passive
filter with a combination of filters of orders 5, 7, and 13 in
the conveyor system at bus 2 in areas BLC and OLC 2 show
1 that the THDV value decreased from 20.4% to 5.71%.
C= = 0,000876 F Meanwhile, the THDI value also decreased from 19.6% to
2 x 3 ,14 x 50 x 3,636 0.83%. The THDV and THDI results after filter installation
are in line with and meet the allowed IEEE standardization
L= 2 = 0,000463 H REFERENCES
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