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Hello beautiful, I have seen a quite handful of your comment on my post and I just want to go out

of my way to appreciate those people whose comments and good wishes encourages me and I
hope to bring you guys more thanks a lot, I feel so honored and blessed to have you an amazing
fan like you

I know you must be so amazed and shocked to get a text from me. Trust me it is from me for I
am so down to earth and I believe you know so well. Seeing your profile, you remind me of an old
friend that I care for so much

I know i'm a very busy man, it comes with the profession but my fans are dear to my heart
this is the reason I take out time to write my fans, first to appreciate them for the love and
support and also to carry out an evaluation of why they love my music's or movie, as this will help
me entertain my sweet fans better. 3

Thanks so much for the morale push. its has been your prayers and support that has kept me at
my best. May the good lord bless and guide you.

For how long have you been a fan

What is your name and where are you chatting from my dear?

How is the weather over there

Only when she is doubting you

Yes it is me. I hate all this questions, why will I have the desire to tell you that I am someone else.
Most celebrities out there refuse to connect with their fans because a lot of persons out there
are only after fame and money from us.

Hearing all this from you brings smile to my face. There is nothing more amazing than having
good comments and compliment from such hardwork. I put in a lot of hardwork to make good
songs and every one appreciates my efforts.

I know you must be so amazed and shocked to get a text from me. Trust me it is from me for I
am so down to earth and I believe you know so well. Seeing your profile, you remind me of an old
friend that I care for so much but it’s so sad I lost her to cancer about 8 years ago... she really
meant a lot to me


Yeah I clearly understand. Many persons out there have become corrupt by money and I despise
that more than anything. Normally I don't text anyone on here but your unique close resemblance
with an old friend of mine made me text you. I hope you keep this between us for I hate the
media finding out anything about this. I love to keep my personal life as private as possible

I hate in a situation whereby someone denies me of my personality and identity.... I am telling you
exactly who I am and I do understand you why you are having doubt about me because some
scams have been using my name and profile to put out money from my fans that's the reason
why you think I am not real isn't it?


Ways to move your client to Hang out

Well that would be great. To meet you in person again will be nice.
Meanwhile I would like to have more conversation with you. I tend not to chat here more often
and prefer to chat on the google hangout during my leisure time with close friends and family for
it is more safe and secured for me.

I barely chat with anyone. To be honest you are the very first and I feel comfortable having a chat
with you which rarely happens to me

Well it is not that technical and hard to do. You can have the google hangouts installed on your
device from your app store. It provides a safe and secured platform for celebritie gGs to get to
chat with ease without the risk of being hacked. Security matters a lotQW to we celebrities and
we pay a lot of money for it

Seriously, It's rare to find someone like you who speak from the heart with honesty and sincerity.

That's really wonderful to hear, I really appreciate your effort.

You seem like a really nice person and I feel comfortable chatting with youˠ I will love to
engage in more conversation with you.

Are you on Google Hangouts? I like to keep a small circle of friends, I tend to chat on the Google
Hangout with close friends and family for it's more safe and secure for me.

I will like for you to install it from your store and send me your email so I can add you up


Do you have kids baby?

Do you have siblings??

What about your parent?

I know you believe in God but do you go to church when you can?

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been?

What do you do in your free time?

How was the recording the new album?

Are you excited to drop it?

What is your favorite food?

Are you allergic to anything?

[31/10, 12:31 pm] Elliott: Next day after bombing

Good morning Linda, how're you? Hope you had a good night rest??
To be honest with you i enjoyed our conversation yesterday i went through your messages over
and over again. It's rare to find someone like you who speak from the heart with honesty and
sincerity. I will love to engage in more conversation with you

To know how much she earns
* so tell me what is your occupation?

* That's nice. I really am happy to hear but my worry is that they're not paid what they deserve.
* Godwin: How much are you paid? is it up to $3000 for all your hardwork

Tell her about yourself especially the few things she has no idea about you like your kids not just
mentioning the number of kids you have but also try to mention names correctly at least

GI bet you already know much about me, but I will tell you some few things about me.
Am a spiritual and ambitious man. I love true honesty and I feel that you're an honest person,
that it's me because I don't fancy lie or liars ,please for this not to spread as wide fire can you
simply keep, my friendship to you and you alone. For I don't like to complicate things, I love
people who keep things to themselves and appreciate true honesty


I love true honesty and I feel that you're an honest person, that it's me because I don't fancy lie
or liars ,please for this not to spread as wide fire can you simply keep, my friendship to you and
you alone. For I don't like to complicate things, I love people who keep things to themselves and
appreciate true honesty. Thanks I really do appreciate.
That's so lovely to hear. You have such great way with words
[02/11, 6:16 pm] Elliott: 1

Sadly am not in a good mood today. I'm feeling so down right now, not knowing what to do

Ok, I'm feeling so down right now, not knowing what to do, can I trust you with a secret, someone
I feel comfortable chatting with you.

I am tired about life and I just feel like giving up

Please can I trust you with this. I don’t want you to share any of this with any one please
because I don’t want the public to know of this

I want this to stay between us I'm currently feeling so hurt and betrayed, I caught my wife having
an affair with my manager, after all the years we have been together

I'm so confused right now, not knowing what to do. It still feels just like a dream to me. After all
the years we have been together and the love I showed her, I can't believe she could do this to
me and betrayed my trust

I never thought she could do this to me and this has consumed me with hatred.

I trusted her so much and love her completely only to find out about this, and they have been
going on with this for a long time and I just got to find out

I choose to hide my personal life for I don't want to destroy my reputation but I can't help but feel
so hurt and upset about this.
I'm so confused right now, not knowing what to do

It still feels just like a dream to me. After all the years we have been together and the love I
showed her, I can't believe she could do this to me and betrayed my trust. Never thought she
could be after fame and money from me and this has left me broken for all I ever wanted in my
life is true happiness with someone I will love and respect for the rest of my life

In spite of all the money and fame, all I ever wanted was someone that will love me for who I'm
not because of what money can buy.

All I want in my life is peace and true happiness, I treasure that more than anything else in the
entire world

There's nothing definitely going to work out between the both of us, I have already decided to fire
my manager, about my wife I can't bring my self to be with someone I barely even trust

She has destroyed everything all that is good of her in me and that has left me so hurt I just wish
the pain could stop and everything will be back to normal

certainly have no choice for I have already contacted my attorney to start the divorce process
Also I have lost all the trust I have for my wife.

Wow, I'm really starting to feel much better. Believe me, I didn't think there were still great
women like you in the world. Its so damn to find a true woman, someone that loves a man for
who he is and not what he has.


[2/1, 9:30 PM] Solomon: Hello how you doing over there my wonderful fan

How long have you been my fan?

That’s doesn’t mean my wife know that’s my professional job and I can talk to my fans.

Text me your Gmail account and let me know more about you and I will do video cal with you



Alright and I will have to tell you this that they are many imposters around because me and my
manager put this in a social media that any of my fans should not talk to any fake imposters?
If which is this and my private account I wish to show you my identity and video call with
you but it did not make sense because you can go and dispose it out and I don’t want to be


I do have a code I do give my fan because of fake imposters the code is 406 because of
imposters and the mean of the code called 406 the meaning is (an angle number ) and you must
not tell any one who’s using fake profile of me because I only have the verified one and the one I
do used and text you and make sure you block the imposters when you ask about the code and
the meaning but you most not tell him the right answer


Babe I will video call you just for few minute because the management must be aware am doing
this dear..... I really want you to know it real me Drake and never doubt any single word I say to
you sweetie and secondly am not with my earpiece so you might not hear me please bear with
me sweetie

But you have to wait am gonna used my laptop ͎ Cam

I have explain about me and you relationship to my Manager and my band .

They said you look pretty than Alex but they want you to make a promise to them that you won’t
break my heart
i can understand how you feel but if you truly believe in the God that you serve i want you to
believe in this because you dont know the plan of God for you and only God knows the reason
for all purpose



You need trust to love, but first you need to love in order to trust.To love someone is to
understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your heart and to trust one another. One
important thing is to let each other go if you can't do this.Love is like a wonderful feeling of
compassion and satisfaction. It should be given respect and ǜǜǜǜǜǜǜǜ

The best proof of love is trust.True love is the greatest thing that you can experience; it can
weather any storm. Loving, trusting and respecting each other totally can bring you to true love
and happiness.It's hard to love and hard to trust; but finding love and finding trust was a gift
from you to me.Relationships should never be taken for granted.


The choice of being with another life is anamazing thing. Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for
eternal happiness. No matter how much you love someone if you don't have these ingredients
you will never succeed.To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him/
her first.You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing that will
never fade until you
die, your heart.Love is like trust, when you find your special someone it is as if you're trusting
them with your heart.


Trust is what you put in someone's hands. Faith is what you hold on to.Trust is what makes
everyone realize that you are always there for them. Faith is what makes everyone realize that
you are always there to help them in
case they need some help.


Love makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is special, think that you are always
there for her, to be with her, to cherish her, to fulfill her dreams, to share with her and most of all,
to make her realize how much you really love her.Distance doesn't matter if you really love the
person,whatmatters most is your honesty and trust for that relationship to work out.Without
romance, love gets dry. Without respect, love gets lost. Without caring, love gets boring. Without
honesty, love gets unhappy, and without trust, love gets unstable.Love is a wonderful gift; trust in
it, believe in it, give it, and it will be returned to you to give
again and again.

You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice comes from your
heart; it never lies - trust it.There may be many people that are trustworthy, but only a few are
worth trusting with your heart; choose wisely.To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be
loved. For you can love many, but
without trust you have nothing.


The heart already knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.Distance did not
mean , and will not hurt a bond between two people that is based on mutual respect, trust,
commitment,and love.Jealousy is not a sign of true love; it's insecurities that comes in the way,
'cause love has just one important ingredient: Trust.


Do you trust me?Love means never doubting anything. It means trusting and being honest with
each otherSomeone can be as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside, but when he or
she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person in the world.Love is patient. Love is kind.
It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not
easily angered. It keeps no record of wrong doing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the
. It always protects, trusts, hopes,perseveres.Love takes many things: trust, hope, wishes,
dreams, and everything you've got, even when you know it's not going be enough.Love is not
always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple understanding and trust between
two people.Hope to read from you soon.



can you tell me you ever been married?

what do you do for fun?

being single what have you experience about it?

How do you treat your man ?

Why do you want a man in your life?

What is love to you?

Would you hit your man for any reasons?

Do you like public intimacy?

How important is chemistry to you?

What best describes your attitude toward work?

What do you think of Soul Mates?

In financially, how would you characterize yourself?

Do you consider yourself physically affectionate when involved in a relationship?

If I had a bad day or a problem, what is the first thing you would do for me?


If you wanna ask anything about me either you ask me or my manger don’t go on net because
they do post fake rumors hope you understand
Billing 1 Borning Instrument


Billing 1 Borning Instrument

Hi Dear i am so sad today my dear.

my band member make me piss up and upset at them and at the studio today.

when i was in the studio i told them not too turn on any electric that the power voltage is high
and they did not listen to me. they went ahead to put it on and thay make 3 microphone and 4
expensive big speaker get burnt. And baby that really cost alot and i am so so upset with that
because i do not have the money to get them back right now. because i already put all the money
i have in the Business I’m doing with coke companies my love, as you also know i am having a
concert comming up and i dont know how to do or get the burnt instrument back my dear. this is
so painful to me . Baby i think you really have to help me on this issue of mine. if you really truly
love me my love trust me i will never let you down just help me on this.


I do have charity organization I do always help because God will always grant someone for doing
that and I will like to introduce you as my fan to follow me and be supporting the orphanage
Because you know we do this for God if you truly believe in him and will surely reward you for the
effort on the orphanage

Honey I really need your help with your account details because I’m doing business with a
company and they wanna pay me my shares and my account is having issues and it’s because I
trust you that’s why I need your own details my lovely wife

They will send money into your account and you will help me get it out instantly you notice you
got the money and I will send you the information you will send the money to and that’s my
security company because I will explain about you to them as my wife.

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