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Could you speak slower, please?

Could you repair, please?

Can you please introduce yourself and provide an overview of your educational
background and relevant certifications/licenses?
My name is Diego Camilo Díaz González. I am 28 years old, I am from Colombia, I am a
psychologist, I have a master’s degree in clinical neuropsychology. I have experience in
software development especially in serious video game development using Unity 2D, also,
I have experience using programming languages for example RStudio for Data analysis and
php for websites development.
I studied psychology at the Catholic University of East in Rionegro, Colombia. I graduated
in 2020. I have been working at Neurological Institute of Colombia for one year as a
clinical neuropsychologist.
I found your ad on the job board, Indeed.
How many years of experience do you have in mental health therapy, particularly in
private practice settings?
I have 4 years of experience working in clinical neuropsychology, especially treating
patients with neurodevelopmental disorders like autism, ADHD and intellectual disability.
Also, I have treated patients with neurodegenerative disorders like dementias.

What therapeutic modalities do you primarily use in your practice, and why did you
choose them?
I use cognitive behavioral therapy, I like the model proposed by Beck, because It is a
therapy based on scientific evidence, Much research shows that the identification and
change of irrational beliefs helps to overcome the difficulties that arise in disorders such as
depression or anxiety. On the other hand, currently/ I am working in rehabilitation
neuropsychological focused in restoration, compensation and replacement depending on the
type of disorder the patient has.

How do you typically assess and formulate treatment plans for your clients? Can you
share an example of a challenging case you've handled and how you approached it?
the treatment plans depend on the disorders that the patient has, but I think it is very
important to generate a group work approach with other mental health professionals. For
example, a child with autism spectrum or dyslexia not only needs a psychotherapist but also
speech therapy and cognitive rehabilitation.

I remember a child who had ADHD and dyslexia. Along with the speech therapist and
clinical psychologist, our goal for treatment was to improve phonological awareness
because when the child became frustrated while reading, the symptoms of ADHD were
accentuated. After several sessions with the whole team, the child was able to discriminate
sounds better and their behavior improved.

I have read your website and I identify with the company's vision because I am convinced
that the best way to promote mental health is through evidence-based therapies. Like you, I
believe it is essential to conduct thorough evaluation for accurate diagnosis. Additionally, I
appreciate how you involve the family in patient treatment. On the other hand, you are a
team of experienced professionals from whom I would like to learn.
My greatest strength is my ability to adapt to different work environments and situations.
Additionally, I am able to work (a)under pression. I am creative and I love to learn.
I'm continually working on setting boundaries (baunderis) to avoid burnout. As a clinical
psychologist, it's easy to become deeply involved(f) with my patients' challenges,
sometimes sacrificing my own well-being. So, I've been focusing on self-care and seeking
supervision regularly(reguiularly) to ensure I maintain(mantein) a healthy work-life
balance. This approach (aprouch) helps me to provide the best care(ker) for my
patients(peichens) and myself.

In five years, I would like to work in three specific areas. First, as a university professor,
because I love teaching. Second, I want to continue working as a clinical psychologist. And
third, I would like to dedicate time to research in neuropsychology."
whats your frate?
i´m flexible do you have a budget for the position? (I am flexibol du yu have a bayet)
Questions for them
well first i would like to say thank you to consider my application and to take the time to
talk to me, i really appreciate it and second i would like to know what are your
expectations? yes, what would be a perfect profesional for the position?
When will I receive a response?
What is the next step in the process?
If accepted, what would my work schedule (esquechual) be?"
also, how many hour a week i´m a going to work

Indeed, and because of my currently job, I learned how to treat people from very diverse
background. Economically, culturally and also different ages, because this city, apartado is
a Portland, so people from all around Colombia, Venezuela and Panama have arrived here,
which I found very fascinating and constructive.

firts i need to be sure that the enviroment, phisiclly talking is safe, so she doesn´t have
anything to hurt herfelf.
I encourage the person to talk about the problem so she takes out of all of what she is
Also i tell the person to breath deep and slow. and then I wait and remain with her until she
or calms down

To gruw as a professional and improved my abilitys.

It was very nice to talk with you and i´m looking forward to see you again. thank you very

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