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Avoidance of Advertising in Social Networking Sites

Article in Journal of Interactive Advertising · March 2010

DOI: 10.1080/15252019.2010.10722167

606 23,829

3 authors:

Louise Kelly Gayle Kerr

Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology


Judy Drennan
Queensland University of Technology


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Louise Kelly, Gayle Kerr, and Judy Drennan

ABSTRACT: Technology has provided consumers with the means to control and edit the information that they receive and share
effectively, especially in the online environment. Although previous studies have investigated advertising avoidance in traditional
media and on the Internet, there has been little investigation of advertising on social networking sites. This exploratory study
examines the antecedents of advertising avoidance on online social networking sites, leading to the development of a model. The
model suggests that advertising in the online social networking environment is more likely to be avoided if the user has
expectations of a negative experience, the advertising is not relevant to the user, the user is skeptical toward the advertising
message, or the consumer is skeptical toward the advertising medium.

Keywords: advertising avoidance, online social networking sites, teenagers

Increasing clutter and media fragmentation now expose LITERATURE REVIEW

consumers to thousands of commercial messages every day
Attitude Toward Advertising and Advertising Avoidance
(Gritten 2007). These messages arrive not only from
traditional media, such as television and newspaper, but Attitude toward advertising has been a major focus of research
through guerrilla media campaigns, subviral marketing online, across time (e.g., Dutta-Bergman 2006; Homer 2006; Homer
brand installation, and consumer-generated media such as and Yoon 1992; Mehta 2000; Shavitt, Lowrey, and Haefner
blogs, podcasts, and online social networking sites (Gritten 1998; Speck and Elliott 1997). These studies report consumer
2007; Schultz 2006a). As a consequence, consumers have distrust of advertising (Shavitt, Lowrey, and Haefner 1998)
increasingly become the editors of information, empowered by and strong inclinations toward advertising avoidance.
technology to avoid both content and advertising messages Consumers are well aware that advertising contributes to the
that do not interest them (Gritten 2007). cost of purchased products and believe that better value arises
from products that are not advertised (Shavitt, Lowrey, and
Although avoidance of advertising is a well-researched topic, it
Haefner 1998). More damning, they perceive that products fail
has only recently been studied in the online environment (Cho
to perform as well as portrayed in advertising and that the
and Cheon 2004; Grant 2005) and never specifically in online
majority of advertising is more manipulative than informative
social networking sites. Thus, our purpose is to explore
(Mehta 2000).
teenagers' attitudes toward advertising in the online social
networking environment, whether avoidance tactics are Based on these consumer attitudes toward advertising,
employed, and which tactics are used. This effort is significant advertising avoidance is a likely consequence. Advertising
because little is known about how advertising, designed as a avoidance can be defined as "all actions by media users that
mass media tool, might reinvent itself in the personal spaces of differentially reduce their exposure to ad content" (Speck and
teenagers. The reaction of teenagers to both the medium and Elliott 1997, p. 61) and can occur by cognitive, behavioral, and
the message is worthy of exploration, owing to their early mechanical means. Examples of advertising avoidance include
adopter attitude and behavior (Tufte 2003). For example, in choosing to ignore a newspaper or magazine advertisement
Australia, 70% of girls and 50% of boys, aged 14 to 17 years, (cognitive method), leaving the room during an advertising
have a MySpace site (Australian Communications and Media break (behavioral method), deleting pop-ups on the Internet,
Authority 2007). Furthermore, an examination of teenagers' or using a digital video recorder (DVR) to skip advertisements
usage of such sites and advertising avoidance may provide (mechanical means).
guidelines for the transformation of advertising in social
Mechanical means make advertising avoidance increasingly
easier for consumers. Historically, consumers have been able
to ignore advertising mentally or avoid it physically by leaving
the room or turning the page. Now, new technologies support

Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol 10 No 2(Spring 2010), pp. 16‐27.

© 2010 American Academy of Advertising, All rights reserved
ISSN 1525‐2019
17 Journal of Interactive Advertising Spring 2010

avoidance by providing devices such as remote controls, traditional and nontraditional media such as the Internet. He
DVRs, and Internet blocking systems so that it becomes proposes that consumers erect shields to shut out the
automatic. increasing clutter and avoid the "push" of the advertising
message from marketers. Doing so leaves consumers free to
This means offers yet another form of consumer
"pull" the information they desire from the Internet or other
empowerment, allowing consumers to decide how and when
media at a time convenient to them. Figure 1 demonstrates
and even if the message will be received (Schultz 2006b).
this new model of communication.
Schultz (2006a) suggests it is a consumer reaction to
oversaturation of messages or advertising clutter in both

Figure 1. Schultz's (2008) Push-Pull Model of Marketing Communication

Attitude Toward Advertising and Media Characteristics to either the content or the advertising (Johnson and Kaye
Attitude toward advertising has been a focus of research in a
range of traditional and new media (Cho and Cheon 2004; Several studies profile different media in terms of credibility.
Johnson and Kaye 1998; Kiousis 2001; Moore and Rodgers For example, Johnson and Kaye (1998) find that online and
2005; Obermiller, Spangenberg, and MacLachlan 2005; Speck traditional media sources both appear somewhat credible but
and Elliott 1997). The push-pull model of marketing that younger people are more likely to view online information
communication shows that consumers control the as credible. Yet the Internet represents an unregulated flow of
information flow, making their attitude toward advertising a information, whose quality is not subject to the same scrutiny
critical factor in determining whether a shield is erected and exerted over traditional media. Notably, the Internet also has
when a message is received (Schultz 2008). Research shows the been considered a more credible source of news information
believability or trustworthiness of the medium influences how than traditional media. In contrast, Kiousis's (2001) study
the consumer views the credibility of the information offered identifies newspapers as considered the most credible
(Moore and Rodgers 2005). Furthermore, if consumers do not medium, though the Internet is seemingly more credible than
trust or believe the media, they are less likely to pay attention television. Moore and Rodgers (2005) also find that consumers
18 Journal of Interactive Advertising Spring 2010

consider newspapers the most credible advertising medium, credibility as an advertising medium. Newspaper articles
followed by television advertisements, magazines, and radio. suggest that revenues gained through online social networking
sites such as Facebook are not as high as anticipated, and
Despite positive results regarding online news, studies indicate
many marketers view advertising in this area as experimental
the Internet is the least credible medium in which to advertise;
(Vascellaro 2008).
consumers regard it with the highest level of skepticism
(Johnson and Kaye 1998; Kiousis 2001; Moore and Rodgers Advertising Avoidance Online
2005). Consumers do not feel comfortable surfing online
Cho and Cheon (2004) propose three antecedents of
advertisements, and college students, the demographic that
advertising avoidance online: interruption of task, perceived
shops online the most, do not find Internet advertising
clutter on Internet sites, and negative past experiences with
trustworthy. They express hesitation about being required to
Internet advertising. The model in Figure 2 further explains
give credit card details or personal information and only
these antecedents.
purchase from sites they know and trust (Moore and Rodgers
2005). Industry trends also support the Internet's lack of

Figure 2. Cho and Cheon's (2004) Model of Advertising Avoidance Online

Figure 2 shows that the first antecedent of advertising advertisement or product (Cho and Cheon 2004). Pop-up
avoidance online is perceived goal impediment. This factor is advertisements, distracting advertisements, and
important because the Internet is considered more goal and advertisements that require consumer action before they can
task oriented than traditional media such as television. When resume their online activity may encourage them to delete the
advertising reduces or interrupts the speed of data retrieval message immediately and therefore avoid the advertising
and processing, consumers may react negatively toward the completely.
19 Journal of Interactive Advertising Spring 2010

The second antecedent of advertising avoidance online is (Gangadharbatia 2008) and of statistical data collected from
perceived advertising clutter, which can also prove a the profiles of site users (Barnes 2006).
distraction, causing consumers to discriminate and avoid ads
The "rules" of communication are evolving, and issues of
that are not relevant or important to them (Ingram 2006). If
credibility, privacy, trust, and advertising avoidance likely
this perceived clutter is excessive, consumers are likely to have
influence site users' perceptions of the advertisements they
difficulty discriminating messages, which could result in
view. The financial viability of these online sites depends on
disregard of them all (Cho and Cheon 2004).
the faith that advertisers have in the effectiveness of the
The third antecedent of advertising avoidance is prior negative medium. Marketers fear that that they may be intruding into
experience, which includes instances in which Internet users' personal spaces or even placing their advertisements
advertising is deceptive, exaggerated, or incorrectly targeted or next to less-than-desirable content (Krishnamurthy and Dou
leads users to inappropriate sites (Cho and Cheon 2004). Such 2008).
marketing techniques have led users to believe that that the
Internet is a distrustful medium (Grant 2005).
Our literature review demonstrates the substantial research
Much research in the online environment has focused on
into consumer attitudes toward advertising. It also highlights
generic Internet experiences (Grant 2005; Ko, Cho, and
work on advertising avoidance and how it has escalated with
Roberts 2005; La Ferle, Edwards, and Lee 2000; Namiranian
increasing media fragmentation, advertising clutter, and
2006; Rappaport 2007; Speck and Elliott 1997). However,
technological devices to avoid advertising. The gap that our
Internet users can communicate through e-mail, forums,
research aims to fill pertains to attitudes toward advertising on
branded Web communities, and commercial Web sites. Each
social networking sites and whether advertising is welcomed as
of these Internet experiences uses different communication
a friend or avoided as an unwelcomed guest. This exploratory
strategies, and each exhibits varied and often unique media
study asks five important questions:
characteristics. We focus on social networking sites within
online media. The next section provides some background RQ1: What are teenagers' perceptions of advertising on
about this communication avenue. social networking sites?

Online Social Networking Sites RQ2: Do teenagers avoid advertising on online social
networking sites when they believe it disrupts their goals
Since their introduction in 2004, the growth of online social
networking sites has been both rapid and dramatic, changing
the purpose and functionality of the Internet (Vogt and RQ3: Do teenagers ignore advertising on online social
Knapman 2008). The potential to reach consumers directly networking sites when they perceive that there is too
and in a personal and social environment has meant that much clutter in the medium?
marketers are keen to advertise in this new medium (boyd and
RQ4: Do teenagers avoid advertisements on online social
Ellison 2007). Globally, advertising on social network sites was
networking sites if they have had negative experiences
predicted to reach $1.2 billion in 2008, an increase of 155%
with previous online advertisements?
from the previous year (Sinclair 2008). Facebook estimates
that it has 120 million active users (i.e., who have accessed its RQ5: Are there other reasons why teenagers avoid
site in the past 30 days). With this rapid growth over a short advertising in online social networking sites?
period of time, academic research on social networking sites To address these questions, we conducted a qualitative
has struggled to keep pace, especially in the area of advertising exploratory study, which is appropriate because online social
avoidance (boyd and Ellison 2007; Krishnamurthy and Dou networking sites are a relatively new phenomenon (Cavana,
2008). Delahaye, and Sekaran 2001; Zikmund 2003), and limited
Social networking sites provide people with the tools and research is available regarding consumer perceptions of these
opportunity to be part of international communities that share sites (Krishnamurthy and Dou 2008). Exploratory research is
opinions and content and communicate directly with one most useful in situations in which limited information is
another or to other large communities. These sites are funded available and the researcher wishes to have flexibility to
by sales of advertising specifically targeted to the person
20 Journal of Interactive Advertising Spring 2010

explore areas of research (Cooper and Schindler 2006; their social system (Lee and Conroy 2005).We used several
Polonsky and Waller 2005). criteria to recruit participants in this study: (1) aged 13-17
years of age, (2) equal representation of male and female, and
Using a multimethod approach, we combined the benefits of
(3) ownership of a social networking profile, together with
focus groups and in-depth personal interviews. The flexible
experience in the social network environment. We used
format of the focus group encouraged free discussion and
snowball sampling to recruit participants, because
allowed the group to venture spontaneously into new areas of
this approach is particularly useful for locating information-
online social networking (Cavana, Delahaye, and Sekaran
rich key informants (Patton 1990). This process involves
2001; Zikmund 2003). Whereas the focus groups gathered a
contacting a few potential respondents to identify whether
wide range of perceptions quickly, the in-depth interviews
they know of anybody with the characteristics sought for the
provided explanation and elaboration of the issues that arose
research. For this study, we made contacts with acquaintances
(Cooper and Schindler 2006; Davis 1997; Hair et al. 2003).
who had children, through the researchers' children's friends
Considering the objectives of the study, the convenience and friends of friends, who fulfilled all three criteria. Some of
sample consisted of teenagers (male and female, aged 13-17 the participants were known, but not well known, to the
years) who had their own social network sites. With their researchers. The acceptance rate was high, with a total of 23
"early adopter" attitude (Tufte 2003), this age group is the first teenagers participating in the mixed-gender focus groups, and
truly digital generation (Goldgehn 2004), and their usage of a further 8 teenagers sharing their thoughts in in-depth
online social networking has become an important element of interviews. Table 1 provides the full details of the sample.

Table 1. Participant Profile

Focus Groups In-Depth Interviews

Age Average age 15 years Average age 14.5 years

Gender Girls: 12 Girls: 5

Boys: 11 Boys: 3

Social networking platform MySpace: 17 MySpace: 8

Facebook: 2
Both: 2

Length of involvement in social network site Average 12 months Average 16 months

Amount of time per week spent on social network sites Average 11.5 hours per week Average 5 hours per week

We assigned participants into focus groups or in-depth interview average of 5 hours per week and the average of the
interviews according to their availability. Although the two focus groups without heavy users, which was 7.25 hours per
samples are similar in most respects, they differ in the amount week. If the data collected from the heavy users were not an
of time spent on social networking sites. That is, 30% of the exaggeration by the teenagers, we note a major concern in
focus group participants reported spending an average of 23 terms of excessive consumption of social networking sites. It is
hours per week on social network sites, which swelled the possible that some participants overstated their hours to
focus group average to 11.5 hours-an extraordinary amount of impress other members of the focus group. However, it is also
time compared with an Australian Government study that worth noting that the length of involvement in the social
found that 13- to 17-year-olds spend on average 49 minutes networking sites was four months longer in the in-depth
per day, or 5.7 hours per week, on social networking sites interview group, which may compensate somewhat for the
(Australian Communications and Media Authority 2007). shorter weekly consumption.
This Australian average is more in line with the in-depth
21 Journal of Interactive Advertising Spring 2010

RESULTS They will ask for my phone number and I'll sort of think,
‘No'" (boy, 15 years).
The results combine both focus group and individual
interview data collection methods. Overall, the participants in Throughout the study, advertising recall was minimal, with
both the focus groups and the in-depth interviews believed participants only recalling specific brands when prompted by
they spent too much time on their online social networking the focus group moderator. Their main method of advertising
sites. Although driven there through boredom, they were avoidance was ignoring the messages.
nonetheless concerned that it represented wasted time that
Goal Disruption and Advertising Avoidance
could be more productively spent. The fact that it was a fun
and easy way to keep in contact with their friends and Most of the participants indicated that they visited their online
provided them with a sense of social inclusion possibly kept networking site to fill time and relieve boredom:
them online longer than they intended to be. This point is "Pretty bored, generally pretty bored. Like usually if I
perhaps best evidenced by the names of some of the Facebook come home from school and I'm going to get into
groups, such as "I was doing homework when I ended up on assignments, all I'll do is I'll just like, sort of kind of ease
Facebook" and "If I fail my exams, it's Facebook's fault." In the transition, I'll log on Messenger and go get on
terms of online privacy, participants believed that if their sites MySpace" (boy, 15 years).
were classified as "private," no one would be able to access
their personal information, which suggests some naivety about Social networking sites seem to have little task orientation.
to the level of privacy these sites offer. After participants entered their home page, their main focus
was checking to see if anyone had left any comments. This
Attitude toward Advertising on Social Networking Sites tactic is different from other parts of the Internet, in which a
Respondents in the study took little interest in the advertising user might download information from a commercial Web
on their sites: site or post new data on a branded community Web site.

"I don't really notice them" (boy, 16 years). None of the participants suggested that the advertising on
their MySpace or Facebook site slowed down their use of the
"There's so much dodgy stuff that you can't take any of it
features on the site or disrupted their time on the site. They
seriously" (boy, 15 years).
saw the pop-ups and noisy advertisements as being mildly
"I don't pay any attention to them" (girl, 14 years). irritating, but because their time on social networking sites
was not specifically task driven, the distraction was minimal:
Generally, participants indicated that many of the
advertisements were not relevant to them. They did not "Just popping up on the screen and you just have to close
believe that there was a link or did not make the connection them. I just close them straight away. I don't even look at
between the advertisements appearing on their site and the them" (girl, 16 years).
personal information they had disclosed:
Annoyance and Engagement
"I like skating and body boarding and surfing and
Many participants indicated that they only noticed the
stuff, and I've seen ads that come up and actually
advertising when it annoyed them, citing some advertisements
offer skating and body boarding and surfing. I'm not
that suddenly popped up or made surprising noises. As a
sure if it's just me or they were placing those surfing
consequence, they believed that they could not do anything
ones [ads] on everyone's MySpace or just mine" (boy,
about the ads except avoid them:
16 years).
"I mean yeah, they're kind of annoying because they're just
Although they enjoyed playing the interactive games that were
like always there and they're like, play this game and they
displayed on their site, most respondents did not view them as
make all these noises and like, have you ever seen those
advertising and would not give out any personal information
ads that have like all these emoticons and they talk? They
to receive prizes from these games:
annoy me sometimes" (girl, 14 years).
"Well, the problem is, most of the game ads, what you do
In contrast, participants liked advertisements that engaged
is you finish the game and then the button comes up, so to
them, such as playing games to win ring tones. However, the
tell you the truth, I would shut it down straight away.
majority of those who played the games also said that they
22 Journal of Interactive Advertising Spring 2010

shut them down without giving out the required personal "Well, most of the ads that say you will win $100 if you do
information. These advertisements that engage the participant this game or if you do this or you answer this question. I
fit with the concept of online social networking sites being really just think they're kind of, like I don't even touch
used to fill in time and relieve boredom: them because I know what they're all about but I can
imagine the people who don't know anything about them
"Really what I'll do is I'll just play the game and I'll actually
like doing it and they're very annoying and it frustrates
try and make it harder for myself as possible because they
me" (girl, 14 years).
have like race games, so I'll try and like, just because I'm
bored and really have nothing better to do, I'll give the "I just don't trust things that can take your information
computer a head start and just see how long it takes before and just use it" (girl, 15 years).
I lose. And then I'll just shut the window when I win"
Other Reasons Why Advertising Is Avoided
(boy, 15 years).
Participants offered several other reasons for avoiding
Advertising Clutter
advertising in online social networking sites. These included
Many of the participants indicated that advertising on their the relevance of product, lack of credibility of the medium,
online social networking sites was acceptable, because it kept and lack of trust of advertisers.
the use of the site free of charge. None of the participants
Relevance of Product. The relevance of the product being
indicated that they avoid the ads because of undue clutter of
advertised was an important issue for participants. Often,
advertising on the sites:
viewing an advertisement that was not specifically targeted to
"It doesn't really bother me because I never really notice their age group led the participants to believe that all of the
the advertising" (girl, 15 years). advertisements in this medium would not be relevant to them:
"You just don't really take notice of them [the "Generally, they're more real estate. Most of the
advertisements], because they are there all the time. It is genuine company ads are real estate companies ...
like a conditioned response" (girl, 13 years). who sell for whatever reason, so I find it a lot more
difficult to relate to the real company ads because
Negative Previous Experiences
they don't really put like food advertising or
There was general distrust of advertisers on online social something like that on MySpace; it's just not the kind
networking sites, as most participants had been warned by of thing I guess" (boy, 15 years).
parents and teachers about the possibility of catching a
Some participants acknowledged that the advertisements on
computer virus by clicking on an advertisement. For example,
their site were specifically targeted to them on the basis of
when asked if she had ever clicked onto an advertisement on
information they had provided on their site. However, the
her MySpace site, one participant said, "I probably have when I
majority did not see a link between their information (e.g., the
was a bit younger [but] because I know about them I don't
type of sports, books, and movies in which they are interested)
really click them at all because I just know that they'll either
and the type and brands of advertisements displayed on their
give me a virus or be some sort of scam thing" (girl, 14 years).
site. Some even believed that if the site was private, MySpace
Even though most participants had a strong distrust of the could not use the information to target them.
advertisements, the majority had not had a bad experience
Lack of Credibility of Medium. Because of their own
themselves with online advertising. Their beliefs were based
experience, participants knew how easy it was to set up a social
on stories that they had heard or warnings from people in
network site and that anyone could do it. They also knew that
authority, such as parents and teachers:
they could say whatever they liked or be whoever they wanted
"Because anyone can really do anything on the Internet, to be on their social networking site, again on the basis of their
whereas on TV, have to have like, yeah, licenses and codes own or their friends' experience. They recognized that there
and things. Just like so many things have happened with was little regulation; therefore, they exhibited an inherent lack
those kinds of things, like just give away your information of trust, and for them, online social network sites lacked
on the Internet and then bad things happening" (girl, 14 credibility as a medium. Teenagers demonstrated great
years). skepticism of these sites and the advertising they carry: "So I
23 Journal of Interactive Advertising Spring 2010

don't really take it seriously because it's a MySpace ad and it's important reasons for advertising avoidance in online social
usually for the same stuff. Then there is the MySpace job network sites, such as relevance and credibility.
[advertisements] and I don't really need a job" (boy, 15 years).
These two factors are related, because if advertising is
Another added, "So many people post dodgy bulletins, like
perceived as not being relevant, neither the medium nor the
spam bulletins, that if you see one that looks real, you don't
message can be considered credible, and participants become
bother clicking on it because you know it's probably going to
skeptical. These findings are supported by Ingram (2006), who
be a spam. So you sort of lose your trust in it" (boy, 16 years).
confirms that people are most likely to avoid advertisements
Lack of Trust. The lack of credibility of online social network that are of no interest to them, and Johnson and Kaye (1998),
sites transferred to the advertising on these sites. Many felt who find that advertising has less credibility when it is viewed
tricked by advertisers, not realizing they had clicked on an in a medium that is not perceived as trustworthy. Advertising
advertisement. There was further distrust when brands sent avoidance due to skepticism also is supported by Obermiller,
advertisements as comments to users of MySpace sites. Spangenberg, and MacLachlan (2005), whose study suggests
Participants were reluctant to give out personal details to that consumers are not motivated to process information
companies: when they are skeptical of the message. Evidence in our study
shows that social networking sites represent an "anything goes"
"I don't trust them. In case you gave them your mobile
communication channel. Little control occurs, anyone can
number and they could send you heaps of stuff and you'd
post anything, and participants stated that they did not trust
have to pay for it and everything" (girl, 15 years).
the posts or those people posting them, whom they often
"Sometimes ads get sent through comments. Like the described as "dodgy."
company sends it through comment, like to every person
Why should social network users trust advertising? The
on your list, they'll send, it forms a virus on your page, so
participants in this study were distrustful of the motivations
it's all the ads and stuff" (girl, 14 years).
and the information behind advertising online. Most of them
"They get your email address and your password and then had heard of people who had negative experiences, such as
they make bulletins from your space and it just has a getting a computer virus or receiving incorrect information,
random heading and you click on it and just shows you and therefore, they were reluctant to click on any advertising.
the ad" (boy, 16 years). This finding supports Cho and Cheon's (2004) theory that
consumers avoid advertising because of previous negative
experiences. However, in our study, most of the participants
On the surface, advertising in the online social networking had not personally had a negative experience but knew
environment should be an attractive proposition for someone who had or were warned by someone in authority.
marketers. Advertising messages can be sent to specific targets
In addition, advertisers seem to make matters worse through
on the basis of their disclosed interests and demographics.
poor targeting and uninteresting messages. In this "friend
These messages are displayed in an environment that is
space," not knowing the target market and bombarding
designed and controlled by the receiver of the message and is
recipients with irrelevant messages, such as advertising
considered a personal space. The receiver is generally in a
pension plans to teenagers, contravenes the most basic rules of
relaxed frame of mind and has chosen to be in the online
advertising. As a result, most teenagers ignored the
networking environment to relieve boredom or socialize.
advertising, considering it a cost of a free social network site.
However, if the advertising message is ignored or dismissed, as
our study suggests, advertising dollars are wasted, and the Providers of advertising on social networking sites should
future of online social networking sites as an effective provide better user profiles or targeting information. Perhaps
advertising medium is in question. clearer rules of communication might improve the credibility
of the site, though there is a thin line between personal space
We found limited support for Cho and Cheon's (2004) model
and police state. Advertising agencies could also improve
that online advertising was avoided because it was disruptive
perceptions of advertising by improving the quality of the
or cluttered. Our results indicate that previous negative
messages. This effort demands exploring the dynamics of this
experiences or stories of negative experiences had some impact
evolving medium, developing a better understanding of social
on advertising avoidance. However, this study revealed more
24 Journal of Interactive Advertising Spring 2010

network users as "friends," and creating advertisements that environment can be as a result of prior negative
engage people who are bored and wasting time. experiences or the expectation of negative experiences due
to word of mouth, including that received from those in
A Revised Model of Advertising Avoidance in the Online
Social Networking Environment
• Perception of relevance of advertising message: If the
We used Cho and Cheon's (2004) research in advertising
advertising message is not of interest to the receiver of the
avoidance on the Internet as a starting point to develop a
message, the information is likely to not be processed.
model for advertising avoidance in the online social
networking environment. As discussed previously, Cho and • Skepticism of advertising message claims: If consumers are
Cheon's (2004) research investigates advertising avoidance in skeptical of the claims made by the advertisement or if
the general Internet environment, not specifically the online these claims are not appropriate to the media
social networking environment. It asserts that perceived goal environment, they are likely to ignore the message and
impediment and advertising clutter are significant antecedents potentially disregard other messages in this medium.
to advertising avoidance. We have found that other factors
• Skepticism of online social networking sites as a credible
have a greater influence and identify four antecedents of
advertising medium: Consumers do not trust the
advertising avoidance in the online social networking
information gained from online social networking sites.
environment (as outlined in Figure 3):
They believe that online social networking sites lack
• Expectations of negative experiences: This expectation of credibility and perceive that there is little policing of
advertisements in the online social networking advertising claims in this medium.

Figure 3. Model of Advertising Avoidance in the Online Social Networking Environment

25 Journal of Interactive Advertising Spring 2010

This model is of importance to both academics and Cavana, Robert Y., Brian L. Delahaye, and Uma Sekaran
practitioners because it provides a starting point to understand (2001), Applied Business Research: Qualitative and
why advertising in the online social networking environment Quantitative Methods. Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons.
is not as successful as originally anticipated. By understanding
Cho, Chang-Hoan and Hongsik John Cheon (2004), "Why Do
the reasons consumers avoid advertising, marketers can
People Avoid Advertising on the Internet?" Journal of
develop strategies to lessen this possibility. The future success
Advertising, 33 (4), 89-97.
of online social networking sites as an advertising medium
depends on its acceptance as an advertising vehicle that can Cooper, Donald R. and Pamela S. Schindler (2006), Business
deliver a message to a micro-target in a manner that will be Research Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
well received and that increases the likelihood of interaction. If
Davis, Joel J. (1997), Advertising Research: Theory and Practice.
social networking sites do not become a profitable proposition
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
for advertisers, teenagers (and other online users) may find
that charges associated with the use of their online social Dutta-Bergman, M. J. (2006), "The Demographic and
networking sites. Psychographic Antecedents of Attitude Toward
Advertising," Journal of Advertising Research, 46 (1), 102-112.
Gangadharbatla, Harsha (2008), "Facebook Me: Collective Self-
As with any qualitative study, there are limitations as to the
Esteem, Need to Belong, and Internet Self-Efficacy as
generalizability and reliability of these findings. Because this
Predictors of the iGeneration's Attitudes Toward Social
study is exploratory, many of the findings may not be
Networking Sites," Journal of Interactive Advertising, 8 (2),
generalizable to all online social networking users or to
available at (accessed February
teenaged online social networking users internationally.
10, 2009).
Therefore, further research is needed to define social network
sites as an advertising medium and address their relevance and Goldgehn, Leslie A. (2004), "Generation Who, What, Y? What
credibility to their target market. Further research could widen You Need to Know About Generation Y," International
the frame of reference by drawing on larger samples nationally Journal of Educational Advancement, 5 (1), 24-34.
and internationally and addressing users of different ages and Grant, Ian C. (2005), "Young Peoples' Relationships with
demographic profiles. Researchers could also consider the Online Marketing Practices: An Intrusion Too Far?" Journal of
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regulation on online social network sites. Finally, this research
presents a new model for advertising avoidance in the online Gritten, Adele (2007), "Forum-Media Proliferation and
social networking environment. Further investigation into this Demands for New Forms of Research," International Journal
model could clarify and confirm its importance in developing of Market Research, 49 (1), 15-23.
advertising in the online social networking environment. Hair, Joseph F., Barry Babin, Arthur H. Money, and Phillip
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Examination of Advertising Credibility and Skepticism in Five Mason, OH: Thomson/South Western.
Different Media Using the Persuasion Knowledge ABOUT THE AUTHORS
Model," American Academy of Advertising Conference
Proceedings, January 1, 10. Louise Kelly (Masters by Research, Queensland University of
Technology) is an Associate Lecturer of Advertising in the
Namiranian, Leyla (2006), "Brand Engagement: Teenagers and School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations,
Their Brands in Emerging Markets," paper presented at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane Australia.
Esomar Annual Congress, London (January). Her research interests include online social networking,
Obermiller, Carl, Eric Spangenberg, and Douglas L. advertising, sponsorship and new media. E-
MacLachlan (2005), "Ad Skepticism: The Consequences of mail:
Disbelief," Journal of Advertising, 34 (3), 7-17.
Gayle Kerr (Ph.D., Queensland University of Technology) is
Patton, Michael Quinn (1990), Qualitative Evaluation and an Associate Professor in Advertising and IMC in the School
Research Methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations, Queensland
University of Technology. She worked in the creative side of
Polonsky, Michael Jay and David S. Waller (2005), Designing
advertising before joining academia more than a decade ago to
and Managing a Research Project: A Business Student's Guide.
teach and research in advertising and integrated marketing
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
communication. Her areas of research interest include
Rappaport, Stephen D. (2007), "Lessons from Online Practice: advertising ethics and self-regulation, advertising management
New Advertising Models," Journal of Advertising Research, 47 and strategic research, integrated marketing communication
(2), 135-41.
27 Journal of Interactive Advertising Spring 2010

and educational issues in both advertising and international

marketing communication. E-mail:
Judy Drennan (Ph.D., Deakin University) is a Professor and
Leader of the Services Innovation Research Program at the
Queensland University of Technology. She is a distinguished
academic with numerous best paper and teaching awards. Her
research direction has extended from her doctoral dissertation,
with two key research themes emerging from this study: e-
marketing and entrepreneurship. Since 2002, her research has
expanded to include mobile phone marketing (m-marketing)
and social marketing. She considers teaching vitally important
in her profession and also publishes research in the field of
education. E-mail:

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