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Geothermal Drilling in Indonesia: a Review of Drilling Implementation,

Evaluation of Well Cost and Well Capacity

Conference Paper · September 2018


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4 authors, including:

Eko Hari Purwanto Eko Suwarno

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Bandung Institute of Technology


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PROCEEDINGS, The 6th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition (IIGCE) 2018
Cendrawasih Hall - Jakarta Convention Center Indonesia, September 5th - 8th, 2018



Eko Hari Purwanto, Eko Suwarno, R. Fitrah Lukman and Budi Herdiyanto

Directorate of Geothermal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource, Indonesia


availability, well costs and well productivity.

ABSTRACT According to Hochstein & Sudarman (2008), the
risks on the upstream are smaller with the addition
The composition of geothermal electricity price is
of development stages. At the exploration stage,
strongly influenced by the main components of the
drilling the first well will reduce the risk to 40%
exploration, development and installation of steam
and drilling the second well will lower the risk to
field facilities and power plants. Studies show that 30%. Furthermore, drilling a third to fifth well will
well costs account for almost up to 60% investment reduce the risk further of development to only 20%.
of geothermal projects, therefore effectiveness of
Several studies show that geothermal drilling is
geothermal drilling is essential in order to achieve
responsible for up to 60% of project cost for
desired projects economics.
geothermal projects worldwide (Lukawski et al
This paper presents a short history of geothermal 2004; Finger & Blankeship 2006). Gehringer and
drilling operation in Indonesia and review of Loksha (2012) explains that in Iceland, exploration
geothermal drilling operation and offers statistical
and development drilling accounts for up to 34%
study of geothermal well costs and well capacity of
for geothermal power development while a study
geothermal fields in Indonesia. Review of drilling
case of 50 MW geothermal projects estimate that
operation covers types of wells, casing design,
45% of investment costs are contributed by
common acquired depths, commercial/ contract drilling.
schemes and operational difficulties in order to In Indonesia, case studies of cost distributions for
achieved desired drilling targets. This paper also
geothermal projects in Indonesia shows that
evaluates drilling problems and Non-Productive
drilling accounts for 46 and 58% of geothermal
Time in several wells in Indonesia.
projects using a 5 and 55 MW projects respectively
This study performs well cost comparison with
(ARUP, 2017). Other study which presented by
reference to drilling conducted from 2011 to 2018 Quinlivan (2017) show that total of exploratory,
using statistical charts in order to illustrate the appraisal and development drilling accounts up to
trend of drilling costs in Indonesia.
36% of geothermal power generation project.
Evaluation of the geothermal wells is conducted to
Historically in Indonesia, geothermal well costs are
understand depth ranges, average well output and
rarely been published due to confidentiality and
drilling success rate.
proprietary nature of data therefore it is difficult
and insufficient to evaluate well cost to a
1. INTRODUCTION reasonable statistical confidence. However there is
Geothermal energy originates from the heat energy demand from geothermal industry and research in
contained in underneath the earth crust and is Indonesia to provide evaluation of well costs and
generally associated with the presence of well productivity to support desired geothermal
volcanoes. Indonesia is tectonically located in the projects economics with aims to accelerate
area of plate tectonic collision that resulted in geothermal power development in Indonesia.
hundreds of volcanoes that are spread in Indonesia
volcanic belt from Sumatera to Eastern Indonesia. 2. EXPLORATION DRILLING HISTORY
Until 2017, the Geological Agency of Indonesia
The exploration of geothermal resources in
has identified 342 geothermal prospect locations
Indonesia began in 1920s through geochemical
with a total of 28,508 MW of resources. However
prospecting in Kamojang area by the
until now the utilization of geothermal power Volcanological Survey of Indonesia, which is
generation up to June-2018 is around 1948.5 MW followed by exploration drilling to a depth of 128
which only accounted for 6.8% of the total
m (Hochstein & Sudarman, 2008). However the
resources (MEMR, 2018).
exploration only began to experience a significant
Geothermal developers believe that one of the main
increase since 1974, marked by drilling in several
factors that inhibit geothermal development is the
field, such as Kamojang, Dieng and Darajat. In
high risk of upstream. Sanyal (2014) identifies that Kamojang, drilling activities continued
upstream risk is substantially affected by resource
progressively with a development well drilling at strategy which is used by the geothermal
KMJ-6 (611 m deep) in 1974. developers are commonly targeted to reach a depth
In Dieng, geoscientific survey and shallow drilling of reservoir to confirm geothermal resources
were conducted from early 1960s by UNESCO, existence and conceptual model obtained from
United States Geological Survey and French geoscientific surveys. Therefore if the exploration
contractor BEICIP which then followed by well is successful, it can also be used as production
extensive production drilling in 1977-1994 by well. Until June 2018, Indonesia has at least 711
PERTAMINA which covered Sikidang and Sileri geothermal wells that were drilled by State owned
prospects. In Darajat, first exploration drilling enterprise (SOE), JOC contractors and other private
DRJ-1 conducted in 1976 to 760 m (Hochstein & companies. Well data containing number of wells,
Sudarman, 2008; Layman et al, 2002). maximum drilling depth, maximum temperature,
Geothermal drilling activity in Indonesia has grown reservoir depths and field well output are presented
progressively from 1980 as shown in Figure 1. in appendix A. This numbers does not include
temperature gradient wells which were conducted
by Geological Agency of Indonesia.

Well targeting is prepared in order to confirm
geoscientific model then exploratory well is
designed to achieve certain depths as required by
geoscientists. Planning in drilling activities is very
important because it requires experience and
engineering in its implementation with the aim of
achieving the expected reservoir target by keeping
in mind the safety aspect and at the cost of being
economical as possible.
Figure 1: Geothermal drilling activity in Indonesia
Well sitting in geothermal wells require some of
from 1970s to June 2018
major consideration such as topography and civil
aspects, environmental impact, target feed zone,
Geothermal Drilling increased from 1990-1995
geological hazard and cost influence.
which may be caused by assignment by the
The Indonesian government has determined the
Government to PERTAMINA on almost of
definition, size and objectives of geothermal wells
Indonesia geothermal working area (GWA) and
through the Indonesian National Standard (SNI)
implementation of Joint Operating Contract (JOC)
7985 of 2015. In the case of well design, well
following Presidential Decree 22 of 1981 and 49 of
criteria can be divided based on the size of the
1991 which enable private companies to participate
production casing. There are three types of well
in geothermal enterprising, in which at least 7
design in Indonesia which have been used by
Energy Sales Contract (ESC) were signed between
geothermal industry namely large wells (big hole),
JOC and PT PLN. Positive trend peaked at late
standard hole and slim hole. Slim hole and standard
1990s to 2000 where Government enacted
hole commonly is used for exploration purposes,
Presidential Decree 39 of 1998 due to fiscal and
whereas big hole design is mainly used for
monetary reason, which halted several projects.
development and production purposes.
The second period of is peaked in 2011-2015
To compare well design for different well which
where at least 10 ESC were signed with PT PLN.
are used in Indonesia, 60 well designs from 11
During the period of 1995-2000, several
fields in Sumatera, Java and Sulawesi are gathered
exploratory drilling in Indonesia is carried out by
as references in order to obtain common well
employed temperature gradient core hole drilling
design and depths information. Figure 2 shows the
(TCH). TCH well is drilled mainly using a small
typical size of the well along with depth interval of
sized-casing to a depth of less than 1100 m to 1300
the design casing of geothermal wells in Indonesia.
m. The purpose of TCH is to gather information of
For large diameter wells (big hole) installation of
temperature gradient and other subsurface
casing 30 is generally done using auging/ crane.
geological information before proceeded to drill
The next sections are drilled by a drilling rig with a
further large sized well in the prospect area. This
26" bit with a depth interval of 170-650 mMD for
scheme is carried out mainly by JOC operator in
20" casing installation. The next section is drilled
Karaha, Dieng, Patuha, and Bedugul. As examples,
using a 17-1/2" bit with 400-1400 mMD depth
18 TCH well is drilled in Karaha whereas 17 TCH
interval to install 13-3/8" casing. The next sections
well is drilled in Patuha.
are drilled using 12-1/4” bit at 1050-2400 mMD
However from 2005 to date, the number of
intervals for the installation of 10-3/4 " production
exploration drilling which is carried out by
liners. Last section is carried out by drilling using a
geothermal developer ranges reduced to minimum
9-7/8" bit with an interval of 1550-3000 mMD
1 to 3 wells, with an average of 5 exploration wells.
which is cased by 8-5/8” production casing and 7”
This is done by taking into account exploration
slotted production liner.
Figure 2 : General well design and interval depth of geothermal wells in Indonesia

For standard hole (regular diameter), the depth drilling schemes/ contracts to handle drilling
sections are similar but diameters of casing are 18- operations for exploration and development
5/8” for surface casing, 13-3/8” for anchor casing. namely:
For standard hole cases, the examples are taken 1. Discrete contract,
from 3 exploration wells in Sorik Marapi and 2 2. Semi-integrated project Managemen contract
exploration wells in Baturaden, the installation of (IPM),
casing 30” covers 30-40 mMD depths and are 3. IPM contract,
further covered by 18-5/8 casing which are 4. Bundled contract.
installed in interval 150-165 mMD. The next Every contract has advantage and disadvantages
sections are covered by 9-5/8” production casing in (Isa et al, 2017; Kelley, 2017; Zuhro & Arif 2015)
interval 750-900 mMD which are followed by explains as follows:
installation of 7” production liner at depth 950- 1. Discrete contract is generally used by
3500 mMD (Isa et all, 2017; Sasongko, 2017). geothermal company that has complete
Several deep slim hole has already been drillied in organisational, techical capability and
the early 1990s. The latest slim hole drilling is experienced personel to plan and execute
implemented in 2 exploration wells in Blawan Ijen. drilling operation and have continuous drilling
The operation is carried out using core drilling rig program. Normally this type of contract has 24-
to achieve 2000 mMD depth (Rahman and Subroto, 30 contracts to be managed by companies.
2017). 2. Bundled services is a modification of discrete
Slim hole drilling is suitable for high risk contract and semi-IPM contract which simplify
geothermal prospect exploration with following contract to less than 13-20 contracts. This type
condition: high resources uncertainty, difficult of contract enable geothermal company to only
access and small capital budget. However deep communicate with contactor project manager
slim hole drilling may need longer drilling time due and enhance communication process.
to technical issues occurred during drilling which 3. Semi-IPM contract enables geothermal
are mainly resulted by lack of specific deep slim companies to simplify contracting process. This
hole drilling knowledge and inadequate drilling scheme is generally selected by geothermal
design. companies that have wide-ranging exploration
areas to keep costs as minimum as possible
4. DRILLING COMMERCIAL SCHEMES while maintaining control of the drilling
quality. This type of scheme reduce contract up
Geothermal enterprising involves high capital
to 8 contract.
which resulted in uprising risk, therefore high
4. Full IPM contract is generally used when
expenses should be mitigated. In exploration side,
geothermal company has limited organisational
specifically in drilling it is important to keep cost capability in preparing and execute drilling
as low as possible. In Indonesia at least four
operation. This type of contract only use 1 waiting for rig spare part. PGE initiated usage
contract but rely heavily on IPM contractor and of Tie Back System to replace dual-stage
is hard to change out one service nevertheless is cementing collar (DSCC) in order to avoid
suitable with exploration area that only assign production casing collapse Zuhro and Arif
less drilling. (2015). Combating loss circulation and
Drilling contracts types of the last eight years were unexpected well formation may also cause
gathered from 22 active field and the result can be drilling delay.
seen in Figure 3. Problems encountered during drilling can cause
non-productive time (NPT), which can result in
cost overruns. NPT in geothermal drilling in
Indonesia that assessed from 22 drilling in 2016 is
presented in figure 4.

Figure 3 Distribution of geothermal drilling

contract from 2010 to 2018
Figure 4 PT vs NPT in of drilling in 2016
Activities that lead to NPT of drilling activity in
During drilling campaign, geothermal developers 2016 is largely dominated by loss combating,
normally encounter obstruction and challenges that cement plug, stuck pipe handling, side tracking and
derived by both equipment problem and subsurface fishing.
technical problem. Finger and Blankenship (2010)
and Vollmar et al (2013) divide potential 6. WELL DEPTH AND COSTS
subsurface problems in geothermal drilling as
follows: Costs required for geothermal well generally
1. High temperature include drilling costs, well completion, well pad
Problems which caused by temperature mostly construction costs, permitting and other supporting
tools temperature limitation, extreme thermal costs. Well costs analyzed in this study are limited
stress on the tubular. Corrosion rate increases to the costs required to complete the drilling of the
and degraded drilling fluid. wells starting from the provision of drilling
2. Lost circulation material to completion of drilling.
Around 10% of total cost of geothermal project Studies on drilling costs in Indonesia have been
is due to loss circulation combating. Loss largely undertaken by geothermal developers but
circulation may cause several effects such as: the results are rarely published. Previous research
a. Cost increase since drilling fluid is was conducted by Lukawski (2012) to determine
expensive. the ratio of geothermal and oil and gas drilling
b. Hydrostatic head reduction that may lead to costs in the world. For geothermal field in
wellbore influx. Indonesia, Sanyal (2014) have studied geothermal
c. Stuck pipe due to poor cutting removal. drilling cost and correlation with well productivity.
3. Wellbore instability Depth is main determinant of the drilling cost of a
This problem is usually cause by mechanically geothermal well, which typically drilling cost in
unstable formation, swelling/ shrinking clays any country increases exponentially with depth
and differential stress that may lead to drilling (Sanyal 2014). Figure 5 shows histogram of depth
obstruction. of 609 wells which indicating that geothermal wells
4. Cementation and casing in Indonesia ranges from about 800-3500 mMD
Lost circulation during cementing often lead to with mean value of drilling depth of 1960 mMD.
poor cementing which can cause trapping water We examine 121 geothermal wells from 213 wells
that can cause casing collapse. drilled in 2011 to 2018. Drilling costs were
Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) had issues normalized using the US Department of Labor
with rig equipment where drilling operation had Bureau's Producer Price Index (PPI) to escalate the
to be postponed for three months because of well cost. Figure 6 describes the well cost-depth
data obtained from 121 well which we analyzed.
Figure 5: Histogram of geothermal well depth in
Indonesia Figure 7: frequency distribution of GDUC

Table 1: Comparison of GDUC in geothermal field

in Sumatera

Type of drilling Number of Average GDUC

contract well analyzed (US$/m)

Discrete 19 2,930
Bundled 18 3,027
Semi IPM 46 3,963
IPM 33 5,411


Sanyal (2014) divides well commerciality based on
Figure 6: geothermal well cost as a function of its capacity, which defines that commercial wells in
measured well depth Indonesia ranges from 3 MW to 40 MW. Well
capacity of less than 2 MW and sometimes 3 MW
Figure 6 explains that drilling costs in Indonesia is considered non commercial well and can be
are typically around US$ 4 million to US$ 9 functioned as injection well. This study uses the
million with an estimated drilling depth ranges same assumptions of commercial well have well
generally from 1,500-3,000 mMD. The diagram output larger than 2 MW, however in some cases
ignores the fact that drilling is using either standard well with output less than 2 MW can be connected
hole or big hole. Studies explain that large hole into production system. Figure 8 describes well
well costs 120% of normal standard hole, whereas output distribution in commercial well in
slim hole costs only 25-35% of standard hole. Indonesia.
Zuhro & Arif 2015 explains that one way to
measure drilling performance is geothermal drilling
unit cost/ GDUC (US$/m). Figure 7 describes
geothermal unit cost as a function of depth. The
result show that GDUC in geothermal area in
Indonesia varies from 1000 up to more than 5,000
US$/m, however statistical analysis suggests that
mean GDUC in Indonesia from 2011 to 2018 is
about 3,960 US$/m as a baseline.
Furthermore, we conducted analysis based on
drilling contracts of geothermal drilling in
Sumatera. The results of the analysis explain that
geothermal companies which using discrete and
bundling drilling contracts have the least unit cost
cost compared to those using contracts semi-IPM Figure 8: distribution of commercial well output in
and full-IPM which compared in table 1. Indonesia
We calculate drilling success ratio based on MEMR. 2018. Doing Bussiness in Geothermal.
commercial well divided by total well in every unpublished.
geothermal field (not included reinjection well and
well which currently being tested and undergone Layman, E.B., Agus, I.,Warsa, S. 2002. The Dieng
heating up process). The result, based on our Geothermal Resource, Central Java, Indonesia.
evaluation, shows drilling success ratio ranges from Geothermal Resources Council Transaction, Vol.
33% to 87%. 26

Lukawski, M. Z., Anderson, B. J., Augustine, C.,

8. CONCLUSION Capuano Jr, L. E., Beckers, K. F., Livesay, B., &
Tester, J. W. (2014). Cost analysis of oil, gas, and
1. Number of well in Indonesia are up to 711
geothermal well drilling. Journal of Petroleum
Science and Engineering, 118, 1-14.
2. Geothermal area in Indonesia varies from
1000 up to more than 5,000 US$/m with
Quinlivan, P. (2017). Geothermal Project
GDUC in Indonesia from 2011 to 2018 is Management. unpublished.
about 3,960 US$/m as a baseline.
3. Based on our evaluation, shows drilling
Rahman, K., Subroto, W. (2017). Challenge in
success ratio ranges from 33% to 87%
Green Field Geothermal Exploration. (unpublished)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sanyal, S. K., Morrow, J. W., Jayawardena, M. S.,
We would like to appreciate Directorate of Berrah, N., & Li, S. F. (2011). Geothermal
Geothermal who supports this publication. Resource Risk in Indonesia–A Statistical Inquiry.
In International Conference on Renewable Energy
REFERENCES and Energy Efficiency, World Renewable Energy
ARUP (2017). Geothermal Resources in Indonesia Sasongko, B.P. (2017). Exploration Project PT
– Recommendations for Geothermal Tariff System. Sejahtera Alam Energy. (unpublished)
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and The
United Kingdom’s Foreign and Commonwealth US Departemen of Labor (2018). PPI industry data
office (unpublished) for Oil and gas. Retrieved from
Finger, J., & Blankenship, D. (2010). Handbook of
best practices for geothermal drilling. Sandia Zuhro, A.A., Arif, G.R., (2015). Pertamina
National Laboratories, Albuquerque. Geothermal Energy Drilling Campaign. World
Geothermal Congress 2015
Gehringer, M., & Loksha, V. (2012). Geothermal
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(2017). A non IPM Contract for Exploration
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MEMR. (2017). Laporan Evaluasi Pengeboran

Panas Bumi. (unpublished)
Appendix A: Geothermal well and subsurface information

shallow Maximum Maximum Reservoir Maximum total average
Total deep well unsuccessfull successfull ratio Maximum
well drilled drilled zone reservoir well well
GWA/ Field number (>1000 well (< 2 well (> 2 (successful well output
(<1000 depth depth depths temperature output output
of wells mMD) MWe) MWe) well/ total (MWe)
mMD) (mMD) (mTVD) (mTVD) (o C) (MWe) (MWe)
Kamojang 92 14 78 43 49 53% 3009 2582 680-2000 245 11.0 271 5.5
Lahendong 51 0 51 31 20 39% 3003 2683 920-2500 358 22.0 152 7.6
Ulubelu 50 1 49 27 22 45% 2537 2394 1000-2275 282 16.0 225 10.2
Sibayak 10 0 10 3 7 70% 2302 2116 1575-2100 284 4.0 21.6 3.1
Karaha 32 18 14 6 8 57% 3076 N/A 1400-2000 296 8.7 40.5 5.1
Lumut Balai 27 0 27 4 23 85% 3003 2639 800-2850 251 13.9 127 5.5
Hululais &
Bukit Daun 18 1 17 3 6 67% 3280 N/A 1600-2900 300 14.0 69 11.5
Sungai Penuh/
Kerinci 5 0 5 1 1 50% 3300 2798 1800-2400 281 3.8 4 2.0
Kotamobagu 5 3 2 2 0 0% 2510 N/A - 160 0.0 0 0.0
Salak 110 5 105 11 72 87% 3200 3200 950-1700 327 36.4 512 7.1
Darajat 49 2 47 9 34 79% 2890 2474 650-1200 248 38.0 281 8.3
Windu 55 1 54 12 32 73% 2496 2314 900-1600 270 39.0 231 7.2
Sarulla 48 0 48 14 14 50% 2590 N/A 1200-2000 311 55.0 471 33.6
Bedugul 9 6 3 1 2 67% 2979 2678 500-1200 326 4.0 7 3.5
Dieng 52 5 47 18 20 53% 3214 2980 1400-2300 369 22.0 269 13.5
Patuha 31 19 12 3 9 75% 2701 2273 670-850 239 9.5 57 6.3
Ulumbu 3 2 1 2 1 33% 1890 N/A 600-800 263 15.0 15 5.0
Mataloko 7 7 0 3 2 40% 756 756 >700 205 2.0 N/A N/A
Tulehu 5 0 5 4 1 20% 1900 1719 N/A 205 4.0 4 1.0
Cibuni 3 1 2 2 1 33% 1550 1550 700-1500 243 4.4 4 1.0
shallow Maximum Maximum Reservoir Maximum total average
Total deep well unsuccessfull successfull ratio Maximum
well drilled drilled zone reservoir well well
GWA/ Field number (>1000 well (< 2 well (> 2 (successful well output
(<1000 depth depth depths temperature output output
of wells mMD) MWe) MWe) well/ total (MWe)
mMD) (mMD) (mTVD) (mTVD) (o C) (MWe) (MWe)
Muaralaboh 16 1 15 3 8 73% 3103 2860 1100-2500 310 31.5 151 18.6
Rantau Dedap 6 0 6 1 5 83% 2723 2180 1400-2110 288 20.1 39.4 7.9
Sorik Marapi 16 0 16 5 6 55% 2593 2382 800-1700 280 15.7 62 10.3
Sokoria 4 0 4 N/A N/A testing 2072 2062 N/A 255 0.0 0 0.0
Jaboi 2 0 2 1 1 50% 1300 1300 1100-1300 260 4.8 4.8 4.8
Baturaden 2 0 2 2 0 0% 3447 3447 N/A 238 0.0 0 0.0
Blawan Ijen 2 1 1 2 0 0% 2000 2000 >1970 291 0.0 0 0.0
Perahu 1 1 0 1 0 0% 612 N/A N/A 0 0.0 0 0.0

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