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Research Title

Exploring Best Practices in Collaboration between DFCAMCLP Main Campus and Las
Pinas City Industries for Enhancing Internship Opportunities: A Case Study Analysis"


Background and its Setting:

The city college in focus, the Dr. Filemon C. Aguilar Memorial College of Las Piñas is
located in Las Piñas City, a vibrant and bustling city in south Metro Manila. The college
offers a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program, which includes a
mandatory 600-hour internship program for fourth-year students. The internship
program aims to provide students with practical experience, enhance their skills, and
facilitate their transition into the professional world.

The internship program operates in two main ways. Firstly, Students can choose
companies from the list furnished by the college's internship department. These listings
contain a range of companies that have established partnerships with the college and
are willing to offer internship opportunities to students. The internship coordinator plays
a crucial role in referring students to suitable companies based on their interests and
career goals.

Secondly, students are encouraged to personally seek out companies of their choice
and apply for internships. The internship department stresses the significance of
choosing companies whose business aligns with the program outcomes of the Bachelor
of Science in Business Administration. Furthermore, there is a preference for companies
situated in Las Pinas City, as this foster’s collaboration between the city college and the
local business community.

The main goal of the internship program is to promote the college's curriculum
programs, provide placement opportunities for graduating students, and establish
sustainable collaboration between the city college and the city's business community.
By building strong partnerships with local industries, the college aims to create a
mutually beneficial relationship that supports student learning, industry growth, and
employment outcomes.

Data from the 2023 face-to-face internship program shows positive results. Among 720
interns, 405 received full-time job offers from host industries. This success underscores
the beneficial partnership between the city college and local industries, directly
impacting employment in Las Pinas City.
Research Title:

Exploring Best Practices in Collaboration between DFCAMCLP Main Campus and

Las Pinas City Industries for Enhancing Internship Opportunities: A Case Study

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of the industry partner respondents in terms of:

A. Industry Sector
B. Number of Employees
C. Years of Operation

2. "What are the essential skills and competencies that partner industries require
from their potential employees?"

3. What areas of expertise should the curriculum emphasize to prepare students for
internships and related industries?

4. What areas need improvement in the current collaboration practices between the
city college and city industries?

5. What strategies can be implemented to improve collaboration between the city

college and in-city industries to enhance internship opportunities?
Dear Host Industry Partner

The Dr. Filemon C. Aguilar Memorial College of Las Pinas Alumni, Placement,
and OJT Office (DFCAMCLP A.P.O) is presently conducting research aiming to
explore best practices in collaboration between DFCAMCLP Main Campus and
our Partner host Training establishments for improving internship opportunities
through a case study analysis.

Your engagement in completing the survey questionnaire is crucial for the

success of this study. Through sharing your valuable perspectives and
experiences, you can aid in pinpointing effective collaboration methods that
improve internship prospects for students. Your feedback will assist us in
grasping the present dynamics, obstacles, and prospects in the partnership
between DFCAMCLP Main Campus and our Partner Host Industries.

Your participation in this research is highly appreciated, and we assure you that
your responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer the survey questionnaire.
Your support is invaluable, and we look forward to your participation in this
important research endeavor.

Best regards,

Professor Redentor T. Dumali

OJT Coordinator
Research Topic: Exploring Best Practices in Collaboration between DFCAMCLP
Main Campus and Las Pinas City Industries for Enhancing Internship
Opportunities: A Case Study Analysis"

Lead Researcher
Prof. Redentor T. Dumali (MA. ED EL)

Prof. Lorerose S. Alfonso ( MBM)
Dr. Rosario S. Calamba ( PHD, CPA)

Survey Questionnaire

1. Name of Company_________________________________________

2. Industry Sector (Please put a Check in the box)

Aerospace and Finance and Professional

11.Defense 91.Banking 161.
Agriculture and Government and Research and
21. 101. 171.
Farming Public Development
Automotive Administration Retail
31. 181.
Construction and Healthcare Telecommunicati
41. 111.Hospitality and 191.
Real Estate ons
Education Tourism Transportation
Energy and Information and Logistics
61.Utilities 131.
Entertainment Manufacturing
71.and Media 141.

Environmental Nonprofit and

81. 151.
Services Social Services

No. of Employees

Less than 20 employees 20 to 50 Employees More than 50

221. 211. 201.
2. "What are the top three (3) key skills or competencies that your industry
currently demands from potential interns/employees? Please rank the options
from 1 to 3, with 1 being the highest priority and 3 the lowest priority."

Skills/ Competencies Description Rank

Technical Skills: Proficiency in specific technical skills related to the
industry, such as accounting software and digital
Communication Skills Strong verbal and written communication skills, active
listening, and the ability to articulate ideas.
Problem-Solving Abilities can analyze complex problems, think critically, and come
up with innovative solutions. Demonstrate problem-
solving skills and a proactive approach to challenges.
Adaptability and Flexibility the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, learn new
technologies or processes quickly, and work well in
dynamic environments.
Collaboration and Teamwork able to work effectively in a team setting, collaborate
with colleagues, and contribute to a positive work
environment. Can build strong working relationships and
contribute to team success.
Leadership Skills taking initiative, motivating others, and being able to
influence and inspire colleagues.
Analytical and Data Skills Proficiency in data analysis, interpretation, and the
ability to derive insights from data sets.
Emotional Intelligence demonstrate emotional intelligence, which includes self-
awareness, empathy, and the ability to manage
emotions effectively.
Continuous Learning Showing willingness to learn and adapt to new
technologies and industry trends.
Industry Knowledge good understanding of the industry trends, and
challenges is important. Staying updated with industry
news and demonstrating a genuine interest in the field.

3. What are the top three (3) skills or areas of expertise that you believe should
be emphasized or included in the Business curriculum to better prepare
students for internships and employment in your industry? Please rank the
options from 1 to 3, with 1 being the highest priority and 3 the lowest priority."

Skills/ Competencies Description Rank

Technical Proficiency Students must have a strong foundation in technical
skills relevant to the industry. This may include
knowledge of accounting software, Digital marketing,
data analysis, and database management.
Practical Experience Providing opportunities for students to gain hands-on
experience through internships, projects, or industry
collaborations is essential. This allows students to apply
their theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios and
develop practical skills.
Problem-solving and Critical Emphasizing problem-solving skills and critical thinking
Thinking abilities. Students should be encouraged to analyze
complex problems, think creatively, and develop
innovative solutions.
Communication and Effective communication and collaboration skills are vital
Collaboration in any industry. Students should be trained in verbal and
written communication, active listening, and teamwork to
ensure they can effectively work with colleagues and
Industry-Relevant Projects Incorporating industry-relevant projects into the
curriculum can provide students with a deeper
understanding of the industry and its challenges. This
can include case studies, simulations, or real-world
projects in collaboration with industry partners
Leadership Skills Providing students with a basic understanding of
business concepts, entrepreneurship, and project
management, which equips them with the skills needed
to navigate the business aspects of the industry
Ethical and Professional Students should be educated on ethical
Standards considerations specific to the industry and the
importance of maintaining professional conduct.
Continuous Learning and Students should be taught to embrace new
Adaptability technologies, stay updated with industry trends,
and be open to acquiring new skills throughout
their careers.
Continuous Learning Showing willingness to learn and adapt to new
technologies and industry trends.
Industry Networking and Providing opportunities for students to network with
Career Development professionals in the industry, attend industry
events, and receive career guidance can greatly
benefit their job prospects.
Emotional Intelligence and Developing emotional intelligence and leadership
Leadership Skills skills. This includes self-awareness, empathy,
effective communication, and the ability to lead and
inspire others
4. What are the top three (3) challenges or areas that need improvement in the
current collaboration practices between the city college and city industries? Please rank
the options from 1 to 3, with 1 being the highest priority and 3 the lowest priority."

Skills/ Competencies Description Rank

Communication barriers Lack of effective communication channels or

miscommunication between colleges and industries

Mismatched expectations Different expectations and goals between colleges and

industries can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties
in finding common ground for collaboration
Limited resources Resource constraints, such as funding, facilities, or
equipment, which can impact the ability to collaborate
Bureaucratic hurdles Complex administrative processes and bureaucratic red
tape can slow down or impede collaboration efforts
between colleges and industries.
Skills gap Misalignment between the skills taught in colleges and
the skills required by industries
Lack of industry relevance in Outdated or insufficiently relevant curricula in colleges
the curriculum may not adequately prepare students for the demands
and advancements of the industry.
Resistance to change Resistance to change or traditional mindsets within both
colleges and industries can hinder the adoption of
innovative collaboration practices.
Limited industry involvement Insufficient involvement of industry professionals in the
in curriculum development development of college curricula can result in a mismatch
between the skills taught and the skills needed in the
Cultural differences Differences in organizational culture and values between
colleges and industries can create challenges in
establishing effective collaboration and understanding
each other's perspectives.
Lack of awareness and Limited opportunities for colleges and industries to
networking opportunities connect and network can hinder the development of
collaborative initiatives.

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