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1. The ----- image/ on this month's magazine 8. Most models/ of the Remagine laptop
cover/ is credited to/ Marlot Images. computer/ now come with/ a ----- keyboard.
(A) creative adj Hình ảnh sáng tạo trên bìa tạp chí (A) removability N
tháng này được ghi nhận bởi Marlot Images.
(B) creatively adv (B) remove N/V
(C) creating V-ing (C) removable adj Hầu hết các mẫu máy tính xách tay Remagine
hiện nay đều có bàn phím rời
(D) creativity N (D) remover N
2. You/ will find/ the manual/ very -----/ in solving 9. ----- employees/ should attend/ the safety
any problems/ you encounter/ when you first training meeting/ this afternoon.
use/ the software. (A) Part N/V/adv
(A) help V Bạn sẽ thấy hướng dẫn này rất hữu ích (B) All Mọi nhân viên nên tham dự cuộc họp huấn luyện
trong việc giải quyết mọi vấn đề bạn gặp phải
(B) helpful adj khi lần đầu sử dụng phần mềm. (C) Total an toàn vào chiều nay.
(C) helped V-ed helpful : hữu ích (D) Every
(D) helps Vs
3. Coffee packs/ are available/ in a -----/ of 10. These train schedules/ are ----- to/ change/
flavors/ from Pure Brew Coffee. without notice/, so please/ check times/ before
(A) varying adj chủ động your journey.
flavor ( flavour ): hương vị
(B) variety (N): đa dạng (A) subject chủ đề
(C) varies (Ves): thay đổi (B) obliged bắt buộc
(D) varied adj bị động (C) capable có khả năng
(D) probable có thể xảy ra
4. ----- employee/ is required to complete/ the 11. Paychecks/ are now -----/ for pickup/ at the
safety program/ before/ beginning work/ on the front desk.
assembly line. Mỗi nhân viên được yêu cầu hoàn thành (A) ready adj
(A) Every chương trình an toàn trước khi (B) readily adv
bắt đầu làm việc trên dây chuyền lắp ráp
(B) All (C) readiness N
(C) Few Đạt được thành công đáng kể ở châu Á, (D) readies
(D) Other Celena Tea Merchants rất mong muốn thâm nhập thị trường châu Âu.
5. Having/ achieved considerable success/ in Asia, 12. Please be ----- / to other museum visitors/ by
Celena Tea Merchants/ is ----- to enter /European not speaking loudly/ in the galleries.
markets. (A) courteous
(A) eager (adj): háo hức, ham muốn (B) courtesy
(B) active (adj): hoạt động, tích cực (C) courteously
(C) busy (adj): bận rộn (D) courteousness
(D) firm (adj): chắc chắn, kiên cố
6. Takeda Electronics/ has been/ the area's most - 13. According to/ company guidelines/, new
---- energy supplier/ for more than twenty years. employees/ are ----- to receive/ vacation benefits/
(A) relying V-ing after/ three months of full-time employment.
(B) reliable adj (A) capable
Takeda Electronics là nhà cung cấp năng lượng
(C) rely V đáng tin cậy nhất khu vực trong hơn 20 năm (B) variable
(D) reliably adv (C) flexible
(D) eligible
7. Applications/ for scholarships/ should be 14. Due to/ the recent rainy weather/, it is ----- /
submitted/ to the selection committee/ in a ----- to keep/ the road construction project/ on
manner. Đơn xin học bổng phải được nộp cho
(A) time N / V hội đồng tuyển chọn một cách kịp thời (A) difficulty
(B) timer N (B) difficult
(C) timely adj (C) more difficulty
(D) timing N (D) difficultly
selection committee: hội đồng tuyển chọn
Questions 21-24 refer to the following letter.

21. 22.
(A) extend (A) promote
(B) extends (B) monitor
(C) extensively (C) construct
(D) extensive (D) negotiate
23. 24.
(A) markets (A) We hope you decide to join us this year.
(B) details (B) We have placed your ad in the brochure.
(C) labels (C) Your participation in the event will be at no cost.
(D) receipts (D) Your presentation is scheduled for the first day.

Questions 25-28 refer to the following instructions.

25. 27.
(A) freedom (A) Keep all vents clear during cooking.
(B) freer (B) Follow all directions when preparing packaged meals.
(C) freely (C) Do not use the oven to boil any liquids.
(D) freeing (D) Do not microwave more than two lates at a time.
26. 28.
(A) remove (A) from
(B) install (B) next
(C) choose (C) like
(D) purchase (D) after

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