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A Thesis

Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Business Administration

Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management at Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College

Clemente, Princess Sheila Mae

Malana, Charmaine Jayce

Lladoc, Louie Levant

Polliente, John Rodel

Manuel, Rona Mae

Morales, Reymark

April 2024


Introduction 1-2

Background of the Study 2-3

Statement of the Problem 3-4

Hypothesis 5

Theoretical Framework 5-9

Conceptual Framework 9 - 10

Scope and Limitation of the Study 11 - 12

Significance of the Study 12 - 13

Definition of Terms 13 - 14


Review of Related Literature and Studies 15 - 19


Research Design 20
Respondents 20 - 21
Instrumentation 21 - 22
Procedure 22 - 23
Data Analysis 23 - 24
Statistical Tools 24 - 25
Validity and Reliability 25
Limitation 26 - 27
List of Figures

Figure Title Page

1 Brand equity model by David Aaker and Keller Aaker

2 Top of Mind Awareness model by Suparna G.
3 Schematic Diagram of the Influencer Effectiveness
Toward Brand Awareness
List of Table

Table Title Page

1 Likert Scale Range and Interpretation for the Level of Effectivity

2 Likert Scale Range and Interpretation for the Level of Awareness.

3 Scale Reliability Statistics
4 Item Reliability Analysis
Chapter 1



In the contemporary digital era, social media has fundamentally altered interpersonal

interactions, communication patterns, and information consumption (Smith & Johnson, 2024).

One significant consequence of this transformation is the rise of social media influencers,

individuals commanding sizable followings and exerting substantial influence over their

audience's thoughts and actions. Particularly within the beauty and cosmetics domain, these

influencers wield significant power, shaping consumer preferences and enhancing brand

recognition (Bazaarvoice, 2021). Platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok serve as

essential avenues for beauty influencers to exhibit products, deliver tutorials, and endorse brands

(Smith & Johnson, 2024).

A report from Bazaarvoice (2021) highlights that a remarkable 61% of beauty shoppers

are swayed by influencer recommendations, emphasizing their pivotal role in consumer

behavior. In regions like the Asia-Pacific, beauty influencers wield profound influence over

consumer brand awareness, exemplified by the significant impact of beauty gurus in South Korea

(Lee, 2020). Similarly, in countries such as India and Indonesia, beauty influencers mold

consumer perceptions and bolster brand awareness through compelling content and reviews

(Kaur & Singh, 2021). Even at the local level, influencers in urban centers like New York and

Los Angeles are recognized as trendsetters, influencing the preferences of their respective

communities (Hill, 2019). Micro-influencers in smaller locales also play a crucial role in

amplifying brand recognition and guiding purchase decisions (Cruz et al., 2020). This study aims
to bridge the existing research gap by scrutinizing the specific impact of social media influencers

on consumer brand awareness of makeup products, offering insights to shape targeted

promotional strategies (Smith & Johnson, 2024).

Social media influencers have emerged as prominent endorsers within promotional

frameworks. These individuals, renowned for endorsing various beauty products across

platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, have cultivated fame by positioning

themselves as authorities in the realm of social media (Krywalski, 2020). The cosmetics and

personal care industry continually evolves to furnish consumers with access to safe, sustainable,

and innovative products. Evidence suggests that social media influencers exert a positive

influence on online audiences' beauty and lifestyle choices, often viewed as role models whose

tastes, ideas, and attitudes are esteemed and emulated (Krywalski, 2020).

Background of the study

The rise of social media has significantly altered customer-brand interactions and

purchasing behaviors in recent years. TikTok, in particular, has emerged as a prominent

platform, especially within the beauty and makeup sector. Its format, characterized by short

videos with high engagement rates, provides beauty influencers with effective tools to showcase

makeup techniques and products to a vast audience. These influencers have amassed large

followings on TikTok, wielding considerable influence over consumer behavior. Research

indicates that consumers place greater trust in recommendations from influencers they follow on

social media than in traditional advertisements. Social media platforms have evolved into

powerful marketing and brand promotion tools, with influencers playing a pivotal role in shaping

consumer behavior and brand perceptions. TikTok, in particular, has emerged as a significant
player in the cosmetics and beauty market, with beauty influencers leveraging their substantial

followings and engaging content to influence how consumers perceive makeup products and

make purchasing decisions (Walker, 2021).

Despite the increasing trend of utilizing social media influencers for marketing purposes,

there remains a gap in understanding the specific impact these influencers have on consumer

brand awareness, particularly in the realm of makeup products on TikTok. This study aims to

address this gap by investigating the demographic profile of TikTok users interested in makeup,

evaluating the perceived effectiveness of social media influencers in terms of brand awareness,

knowledge, and equity, and assessing the level of brand awareness regarding makeup products

on TikTok. Additionally, the study seeks to determine the significance of the influence of social

media influencers on makeup brand awareness and propose effective influencer models tailored

for makeup products based on research findings.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to understand the effectiveness of social media influencers on TikTok

and their impact on consumer brand awareness of makeup products on the platform. Specifically,

it seeks to address the following research questions:

1. What are the demographic characteristics of TikTok users who consume makeup

products in terms of the following:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 No. of hours spend on TikTok

2. What is the perceived effectiveness of the TikTok social media influencer in terms of the

following factors:

2.1 Brand Awareness

2.2 Brand Knowledge

2.3 Brand Image

3. What is the level of brand awareness regarding makeup products on TikTok, considering:

3.1 Brand Recognition

3.2 Brand Experience

3.3 Brand Recall

4. Does the presence of social media influencers significantly influence brand awareness of

makeup products on TikTok?

5. What model of social media influencer strategy can be proposed for promoting makeup

products based on the study's findings?


At 0.5 Level of Significance, the following hypotheses will be tested.

H₀₁There is no significant effect of social media influencer toward their brand

awareness of makeup products.

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1

Brand Equity Model by Aaker and Keller (1992)

Brand awareness, as defined by Aaker (1992), refers to a potential consumer's ability to

recall that a brand belongs to a specific product category. In making purchasing decisions,

consumers typically prefer the brand that comes to mind first, indicating a high level of brand

awareness. Brands that are more familiar and prominent among consumers tend to enjoy higher

levels of brand awareness (MacDonald & Sharp, 2000). Brand familiarity is closely associated

with brand recognition, as enhancing recognition can bolster the foundational level of brand
awareness (Farjam & Hongyi, 2015). Additionally, brand image serves as a symbolic

representation of the connection between consumers and the brand. Consumers tend to purchase

branded products that align with their self-image (Iversen & Hem, 2007; BİLGİN, 2018),

reflecting their opinions and ideas about the brand's attributes. Brand image encompasses

consumers' associations and perceptions of the brand, shaped by past experiences (Newman,

1957). While individual consumers may have varying perspectives on a brand based on personal

backgrounds and experiences, there are often shared perceptions across consumers. Brand image

is intertwined with consumers' individual representations and is influenced by the brand's

positioning and evaluations (Iversen & Hem, 2008).

The utilization of the brand equity model developed by David Aaker and Keller Aaker

(1992) is integral to addressing the research question for several reasons. This model offers a

comprehensive framework for understanding various dimensions of brand equity, including

brand awareness and brand image, which are central to the investigation. By employing this

model, researchers can systematically analyze factors influencing consumers' perceptions and

attitudes toward different brands within the research context. Furthermore, the model facilitates

conceptualization of how brand awareness and brand image interact, influencing consumer

behavior. It enables exploration of the relationship between consumers' familiarity with a brand

and their perceptions of its image, thereby illuminating how these factors shape purchasing

Figure 2

Top of Mind Awareness Model of Suparna

According to Suparna (2022), TOMA stands for Top-of-Mind Awareness. While this is a

marketing/branding tool, multiple departments within a company contribute to achieving a good

TOMA. For instance, customer service, product quality, and timely delivery of high-involvement

products all play roles. A good TOMA occurs when a customer associates a particular product or

service with a brand name. It directly impacts sales, market share, pricing, customer loyalty, and

various other key performance indicators. Brand Recognition, although seeming like a marketing

or branding metric, primarily stems from product quality and customer satisfaction SOPs. A

significant portion of this originates from identifying the desired customer experience at every
touchpoint with the brand or product. In fact, a major chunk of these efforts occurs even before

brand awareness. Brand Recall refers to the likelihood of someone remembering a brand, its

products, and its services either independently or with a prompt. It encompasses more than just

recognizing a logo; it involves being top of mind when thinking about a related topic and being

the first brand mentioned when asked about a specific product, service, or business type. Brand

Experience encompasses the delivery of a superior customer experience in addition to a quality

product or service. Brands that are remembered and recalled are those that consistently provide

exceptional customer experiences. Reasons why customers might immediately think of a brand

in a given situation include an easy purchasing decision or simplified buying process. Satisfied

customers foster loyalty and can become valuable referral sources.

Top-of-Mind awareness (TOMA) stands as a significant metric in market analysis,

indicating how prominently brands feature in consumer consciousness. The initial brand recalled

when consumers contemplate a specific niche or sector represents achieving top of mind

awareness. While different consumers may recall different brands, the outcomes provide insights

into the industry's most favored companies. It's important to acknowledge that occasionally, the

first brand remembered might be one disliked or associated with recent scandals, potentially

lending negative connotations to TOMA. Nevertheless, being at the forefront of consumers'

minds typically represents a considerable advantage for brands.

This model is being utilized to address the research question because it offers a

comprehensive framework for understanding the concept of Top-of-Mind Awareness (TOMA)

and its implications in consumer behavior and brand perception. TOMA is a key metric in

market analysis, indicating the prominence of brands in consumer consciousness. By employing

this model, the researchers can systematically analyze how TOMA influences consumer

perceptions, attitudes, and purchasing decisions, which aligns with the objectives of our research.

Conceptual Framework

In today's digital age, social media personalities, known as influencers, significantly

impact consumer behavior, particularly within the beauty industry. These influencers wield

considerable power in shaping brand awareness and consumer preferences. To comprehend the

dynamics of this influence, a conceptual framework is indispensable. Figure 3 depicts this

framework, illustrating the effectiveness of influencers in enhancing brand awareness.

Figure 3

Schematic Diagram of Social Media Influencer's Effect Towards Brand Awareness

Figure 3 depicts the schematic diagram illustrating the effectiveness of influencers on

brand awareness. The primary focus is on TikTok beauty influencers, serving as the independent

variable. These influencers, boasting substantial followings, share tutorials, trends, and makeup-

related content, shaping the opinions and preferences of their audience regarding various makeup

lines and products.

Conversely, the dependent variable revolves around the extent of consumer awareness

concerning makeup products. This encompasses the level of recognition, association, and recall

that customers have regarding different makeup brands due to the influence of beauty influencers

on TikTok. The research aims to explore the influence of TikTok beauty influencers on

consumer awareness of makeup products by examining the correlation between these variables.

The outcomes could provide valuable insights for marketers and brands seeking to employ

influencer marketing strategies.

Influencers are likely to be perceived as credible, likable, and similar to their audience,

attributes that research shows facilitate persuasion. Credibility leads to internalization of source

attributes; likability can produce a halo effect; and similarity elicits social comparisons, such as

the inference that if a communicator similar to the receiver likes a product, it is reasonable to

assume the product will be good for the receiver him or herself (O’Keefe, 2016; Perloff, 2020).

Scope and Limitations

The researchers will concentrate on TikTok, a popular social media platform known for

its short-form video content. The aim is to understand how exposure to content created by beauty

influencers affects consumers' perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge about selected makeup

brands. The study will explore this phenomenon through the lens of the Aaker Model by David
Aaker, which focuses on brand equity elements such as brand awareness, loyalty, associations,

and perceived quality. The target respondents for this research include 100 individuals who

actively engage with makeup products, particularly those who consume beauty-related content

on TikTok. These individuals may range from teenagers to young adults interested in cosmetics,

beauty trends, and makeup application techniques.

The researchers will primarily utilize quantitative methods to gather and analyze data.

Surveys will be the main tool for data collection, allowing for a structured approach to measuring

the impact of influencer-generated content on brand awareness among TikTok users. The

surveys will gather specific information about consumers' familiarity with makeup brands

promoted by influencers, their perceptions of these brands, and their likelihood of purchasing

them. By focusing on quantitative surveys, the research can efficiently measure brand awareness

levels and identify trends and patterns in consumer behavior related to influencer marketing on

TikTok. Understanding the specific variables that influencers utilize, the study aims to provide

insights into the most effective strategies for enhancing brand awareness among customers.

However, it is essential to consider the time limitation of this study. Social media trends

and customer preferences are continually evolving, potentially affecting the effectiveness of

influencers over time. The study will focus on a specific period, from the second semester of the

academic year 2024 to 2025 to the first semester of 2025 to 2026. Furthermore, the study will

involve respondents from Marikina City. While this allows for a focused examination of the

local market, it is important to recognize that the findings may not be generalizable to other

locations or demographics. The unique characteristics and preferences of Marikina City's

makeup consumers may influence the results, and caution should be exercised when applying the

proposed promotion strategy to other contexts.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to assess the impact of social media influencers on customers' brand

awareness of selected makeup products, providing valuable insights for developing a promotion

strategy. The findings of this study will benefit the following:

For the Business Owners. Understanding how influencers influence brand awareness

and devising promotional tactics can assist owners of beauty brands or companies interested in

social media influence.

For the Marketers. Implementing the results can enable professionals in digital

marketing, social media management, and brand promotion to design more focused and

successful campaigns.

For the Social Media Influencers. Enhancing their understanding of their role in

engaging with consumers and promoting brands may lead to more effective collaborations with


For the TikTok Platform. Recognizing the influence of social media influencers on

customers' awareness of specific makeup brands on TikTok is crucial for businesses seeking to

leverage the platform's increasing prominence.

For the TikTok Users. Insight into the preferences and habits of TikTok users regarding

makeup products can help businesses tailor their marketing strategies to effectively target this

audience, thus enhancing brand relevance and appeal.

For the Customers. A better understanding of how social media influencers influence

their opinions and purchasing habits will empower customers to make more informed choices.

For the Future Researchers. This study may contribute to the existing body of

knowledge in consumer behavior, social media, and marketing, shedding light on how social

media influencers impact brand recognition and serving as a blueprint for creating marketing

Definition of Terms

For clarity and comprehension, the study provides definitions for key terms used

throughout the research:

Beauty Influencer - Someone with a significant following on social media platforms like

Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok, who shares content related to beauty, makeup, skincare,

and fashion. These influencers often provide product recommendations, tutorials, reviews,

and inspiration to their audience.

Brand Experience - Encompasses all interactions and touchpoints that consumers have

with a brand throughout their journey, including pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase

stages. It includes both tangible aspects (such as product quality, design, and customer

service) and intangible aspects (such as emotions, perceptions, and sensory stimuli).

Brand Knowledge - Refers to the extent of information or understanding someone has

about a particular brand. It includes knowledge about the brand's products, values,

reputation, and overall identity.

Brand Image - The perception and reputation of a brand in the minds of consumers. It

encompasses how people see and feel about a brand based on their experiences,

advertising, word-of-mouth, and other interactions.

Brand Recognition - The ability of individuals to easily identify a brand when they see its

packaging or other visual elements.

Brand Recall - The ability of consumers to remember and identify a particular brand when

prompted with a related product category or situation. It measures the effectiveness of

brand awareness efforts.

Consumer Brand Awareness - The level of familiarity and recognition that consumers

have with a particular brand. It indicates how well consumers know about a brand, its

products, and its presence in the market. Higher brand awareness often leads to increased

consumer trust, consideration, and purchase intent.

Makeup Products - Cosmetic items used to enhance or alter the appearance of the face or

body. These products include items such as foundation, lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara,

blush, and skincare products specifically designed for makeup purposes.

Social Media - Online platforms and websites that allow users to create, share, and interact

with content and connect with others virtually. Examples include Facebook, Instagram,

Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and TikTok.

Top-of-Mind Awareness - The speed and ease with which a brand or product comes to

people's minds when they think about a certain category or need.

TikTok - A popular social media platform known for its short-form video content. Users

can create and share videos ranging from 15 seconds to one minute, often featuring music,

dances, challenges, comedy, beauty tutorials, and other creative content. TikTok has a
large and diverse user base, making it a valuable platform for content creators and brands

to reach new audiences.

Chapter 2


Demographic Profile of Respondents: Age

Howarth (2024) highlighted TikTok's appeal to a young audience, surpassing Instagram

in popularity among Generation Z users. The percentage of TikTok users declines as age cohorts

progress, with individuals under 30 constituting the largest demographic at 47.4%, while those

aged 50 and above comprise the smallest proportion at 11% (Howarth, 2024). Linh (2023)

projected that the 18-34 age group would maintain its predominance on TikTok, representing an

estimated 65-70% of users in 2024. This sustained dominance reflects the fundamental dynamics

of the platform.

West (2024) observed that while children of all ages spend time on TikTok, younger kids

tend to use YouTube more frequently. However, TikTok usage increases with age, with 3–4-

year-olds constituting 19% of users, 5–7-year-olds at 25%, 8–11-year-olds at 52%, 12–15-year-

olds at 78%, and 16–17-year-olds at 80% (West, 2024). According to Ceci (2024), as of January
2024, TikTok's global audience consisted of 18% women aged 18-24 years and approximately

18.6% male users in the same age group. Additionally, 15% of the platform's female users were

aged between 25 and 34 years, while 17.6% of male users fell into the same age category.

Demographic Profile of Respondents: Sex

Lokithasan et al. (2019) highlight the increasing interest among marketing researchers in

exploring the effects of social media influencers on consumers' awareness of beauty products.

They emphasize the significant influence of gender on consumer behavior and product

perception, particularly in the context of beauty items. The authors note that the relationship

between gender, beauty product awareness, and the role of social media influencers has been a

focal point of numerous research studies.

Hudders and De Jans (2021) investigated how male and female influencers differently

affected customers' opinions about beauty products. They found that while female influencers

were more frequently associated with makeup promotion, male influencers also had a significant

impact, especially on male customers. This implies that influencers' portrayal of gender can

influence how customers perceive and engage with beauty items.

Demographic Profile of Respondents: Civil Status

Nemes (2022) highlights the recent surge in the popularity of the social media app

TikTok, which has provided more opportunities for users in committed relationships to express

their love to their partners through features such as video sharing, tagging, or creating content

together. The purpose of this study is to investigate how romantic partners utilize TikTok to
support relationship maintenance. Additionally, this study draws on research related to the five

love languages to assess how romantic partners express their love for each other using TikTok.

Demographic Profile of Respondents: No. of hours on Tiktok

According to a report from App Annie, as of 2021, TikTok users spent an average of

about 24.5 hours per month on the app globally. This figure varies by region, with some

countries seeing even higher average usage times. Additionally, a study by Sensor Tower (2021)

found that the average TikTok user spends approximately 52 minutes per day on the app.

Chan (2024) highlights TikTok's continued rise in popularity worldwide, with a

significant impact on the social media landscape of the Philippines. Understanding user trends

and statistics within the Filipino context provides valuable insights into the platform's influence

and potential. In the self-proclaimed "social media capital of the world," TikTok has firmly

entrenched itself, swiftly gaining momentum and captivating the imagination of Filipino users.

As of 2024, an impressive 49.09 million active TikTok users in the Philippines signify that 41%

of the population visits the platform at least once a month. This substantial user base highlights

the platform's widespread appeal and engagement among Filipinos. Additionally, as of January

2023, TikTok in the Philippines experienced a growth rate of 1.26%, indicating sustained

expansion despite its already significant user base. Remarkably, despite its relatively recent

introduction, TikTok has nearly caught up to Facebook and Instagram, overtaking X (formerly

Twitter) as the most-used social media platform by the majority (67.9%) of Filipinos aged 16 to

Brand Awareness

According to Kim and Chao (2019) and Rijal (2023), brand awareness reflects

consumers' ability to recognize, recall, and identify a particular brand when encountering it. It

serves as a crucial initial step in the consumer decision-making process. There are two primary

components of brand awareness: aided awareness and unaided awareness. Brand awareness

holds significant importance in marketing for several reasons, facilitating decision-making,

enhancing customer loyalty, streamlining marketing efforts, and maintaining a competitive edge.

Dutta and Bhattacharya (2023) highlight that social networks have emerged as powerful

communication platforms, allowing individuals to create personal pages or profiles where they

can share product/service reviews. This phenomenon has given rise to Social Media Influencers

(SMIs), who are perceived as influential figures capable of informing, motivating, and

persuading their audience. Influencer marketing has become an integral part of contemporary

life, often regarded as a creative and glamorous domain with a profound impact on Generation Z

and society as a whole.

Brand Image

According to Hadiwidjojo and Thoyib (2022), marketing has created potential

opportunities in the fisheries sector, extending into digital marketing, among other areas.

Currently, social media is utilized for advertising fishery products online, known as social media

marketing. This study aims to ascertain how social media marketing initiatives affect brand

image, consumer trust, and purchasing intention.

Matin et al. (2022) aim to investigate the impact of social media influencers on brand

awareness, brand image, and trust in their sponsored content. To achieve this goal, the study

categorizes influencers' traits into intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics to provide a more

accurate assessment of their influence. Hypotheses are formulated based on these traits, and a

close-ended questionnaire is distributed to quantitatively analyze the effect of social media


Brand Recognition

According to Kenton et al. (2022), brand recognition refers to consumers' ability to

identify a specific brand based on its distinctive attributes compared to other brands. This

concept is integral to advertising and marketing strategies. Successful brand recognition occurs

when individuals can identify a brand through visual or auditory cues like logos, slogans,

packaging, colors, or jingles, rather than explicitly seeing or hearing the company's name.

Companies frequently engage in market research to assess the effectiveness of their brand

recognition strategies.

Gekati and Verplancke (2022) note that utilizing social media and social media

influencers has become a powerful tool for brands to promote products and reach large

audiences. In today's digital age, teenagers and young adults are deeply immersed in social

networks, making them a primary target demographic for companies employing this strategy.

The aim of this study is to investigate how companies in the beauty and fashion industry leverage

influencers and social media to influence consumers, particularly adolescents and young adults.

Additionally, the study aims to assess the impact of this influence on consumer behavior,

specifically purchasing behavior.

Brand Recall

According to Job (2024), being top-of-mind when consumers consider a product in your

category represents the ultimate achievement for a brand. Enjoying undisputed 'mind-share' is a

remarkable feat that sets a brand apart. A brand with strong recall value can effectively

distinguish itself from competitors, foster trust with consumers, and seize marketing

opportunities. This pivotal role significantly contributes to sustained growth and success, directly

impacting key business metrics such as customer loyalty, revenue growth, market share, and

brand equity.

Shan et al. (2019) emphasize the significance of a high level of congruence between a

social media influencer's image and the consumer's ideal self-image in driving effective

endorsement outcomes. Moreover, the study reveals that parasocial identification plays a pivotal

role in mediating the relationship between self-influencer congruence and endorsement

outcomes. Additionally, perceived endorser motives are identified as a moderator, shaping the

effects of self-influencer congruence on endorsement outcomes through their influence on

parasocial identification.

Brand Experience

According to Gulbrandsen (2023), brand experience encapsulates every interaction a

consumer has with a brand, extending beyond mere transactions to encompass sensory,

emotional, and cognitive responses. From online engagements to in-store encounters, it

encompasses the narrative crafted by the brand, fostering connection and loyalty. Consistency is

a pivotal element of brand experience. Maintaining consistency in messaging, visual identity,

and brand persona fosters a cohesive and recognizable brand image. When consumers encounter
a brand that upholds a consistent identity across diverse platforms and interactions, it instills a

sense of reliability and trust.

Sadiq et al. (2023) emphasize the significant role social media influencers play in shaping

the makeup sector by increasing its visibility and diversity, promoting societal acceptance, and

sharing their lives publicly on social media platforms. Often referred to as "beauty gurus," these

influencers utilize their makeup skills to collaborate with cosmetics businesses, earning

substantial compensation while enhancing brand awareness among their social media followers.

This research examines how influencers impact millennials' use of social media platforms to

discover brand products and explores the factors that influence credibility in their content.

Through data analysis focusing on female millennials, the study reveals that trustworthiness is a

crucial factor influencing followers' decision-making processes.

Chapter 3


This chapter outlines the research design, respondents, instruments, procedure, data

analysis, statistical tools, validity, reliability, and limitations that will be utilized in this study. It

also addresses ethical considerations taken into account to safeguard participant welfare and data

integrity throughout the research process.

Research Design

This study will utilize a quantitative research design, descriptive research methods, and a

non-experimental research approach to investigate the effects of social media influencers on

customers' brand awareness of selected makeup products. Quantitative research design is

employed to measure and analyze data collected through structured, systematic, and controlled

procedures, involving the collection of numerical data. This data is then analyzed using statistical

techniques to understand underlying patterns and relationships (Gliner et al., 2019).

Descriptive research methods, a type of quantitative research, aim to describe the

characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied, focusing on answering questions

about the "what, when, where, and how" of a particular topic, thus providing a detailed

description of the current situation (Neuman, 2019).

The non-experimental research approach is a methodological approach used in research

that does not involve the manipulation of variables or control over the environment. It aims to

observe and describe naturally occurring phenomena without interference, often used in studies

where experimental manipulation is not feasible or ethical (Babbie, 2019).


This study will employ a non-random sampling method, specifically the purposive

sampling technique. Non-random sampling, also known as non-probability sampling, involves

selecting participants for a research study or survey where not every member of the population

has an equal chance of being included (Nikolopoulou, 2022). Non-probability sampling is

utilized when population parameters are either unknown or not individually identifiable. For

instance, visitors to a website that does not require users to create an account could constitute a

non-probability sample. According to Fox, S (2024), Many statisticians concur that a sample size

of 100 is the minimum you need for meaningful results. If your population is smaller than that,

you should aim to survey all of the members. This sampling technique was chosen to target 100
individuals who actively engage with makeup-related content on TikTok and follow beauty


Purposive sampling enables the deliberate selection of participants who are most relevant

to the research objectives, ensuring a sample representative of the population of interest. The

selection criteria for participants were defined based on their demonstrated interest and

involvement in makeup-related content consumption and engagement with beauty influencers on

TikTok. Prior to participation, all selected respondents were provided with informed consent

forms outlining the purpose of the study, the voluntary nature of participation, and the

confidentiality of their responses. Participants were assured that their personal information would

be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes.


The research instrument for this study comprises three sections. The first part will gather

personal details from respondents, including demographic factors such as age (categorized as 18

- 22 years old, 23 - 27 years old, 28 - 32 years old, and 32 years old and above), sex (female or

male), and civil status (single or married). Additionally, respondents will specify their usage of

TikTok by indicating the number of hours spent on the platform, with options ranging from less

than 1 hour to more than 8 hours. Each question will offer multiple-choice response options.

Part II of the questionnaire will explore the perceived effectiveness of TikTok social

media influencers regarding brand awareness, brand knowledge, and brand image. This section

will utilize structured close-ended questions, enabling respondents to provide quantitative

assessments. Respondents will be presented with Likert scale response options, allowing for a

structured format to gauge opinions. They will rate the effectiveness of TikTok influencers
across various dimensions, including brand awareness, brand knowledge, and brand image, using

a scale ranging from highly effective to ineffective. This format enables participants to express

their perceptions clearly and facilitates data analysis.

Table 1

Likert Scale Range and Interpretation for the Level of Effectivity

Scale Range Descriptive Rating

4 3.25 - 4.00 Highly Effective
3 2.50 - 3.24 Effective
2 1.74 - 2.49 Slightly Effective
1 1.00 - 1.74 Ineffective

Part III of the instrument will assess brand awareness toward makeup products on

TikTok, focusing specifically on brand recognition, brand experience, and brand recall.

Respondents' perceptions will be measured on a spectrum from "Highly Aware" to "Unaware."

Structured close-ended questions will gather quantitative data, allowing participants to provide

clear and concise responses. The questionnaire aims to capture respondents' awareness depth

regarding makeup products showcased on TikTok, covering their ability to recognize brands,

experience with these brands, and ability to recall them. This approach ensures a systematic

evaluation of brand awareness levels among TikTok users.

Table 2
Likert Scale Range and Interpretation for the Level of Awareness

Scale Range Descriptive Rating

4 3.25 - 4.00 Highly Aware

3 2.50 - 3.24 Aware

2 1.75 - 2.49 Slightly Aware

1 1.00 - 1.74 Unaware

Data Gathering Procedure

The data collection process will commence with obtaining permission from the

respondents to participate in the study. Upon receiving permission, the questionnaire will

be administered to gather the necessary data. Google Forms will be utilized as the online

survey platform for distributing the survey instrument, facilitating easy access to

respondents via the internet. The researcher will provide careful observation and

assistance through online communication channels to promptly address any questions or

concerns raised by participants.

After retrieving the completed questionnaires, the researcher will organize and

prepare the data for analysis. Data treatment and analysis will be conducted with the

assistance of a professional statistician or consultant to ensure the accuracy and reliability

of the findings. This collaborative approach will help ensure that the collected data is

effectively utilized to draw meaningful conclusions and insights from the study.

Data Analysis

The data collected from the respondents will undergo analysis utilizing specific

For Research Problem 1, the tools of Frequency Count (f) and Percentage Distribution (P)

These techniques serve to elucidate and articulate the demographic characteristics of the

participants. Additionally, the assessment of the perceived effectiveness of TikTok influencers

will involve gathering data on variables such as age, sex, civil status, and time spent on TikTok.

Subsequently, this information will be summarized using frequency and percentage calculations

(Agresti, 2018).

Formula: Percentage = f/ N x 100%


f – frequency

N – population

For Research Problem 2 and 3 - Mean (M) and Standard Deviation (SD).

According to Sergent (2022), standard deviation measures the dispersion or

variability of a set of data points, indicating how individual data points deviate from the

mean (average) of the dataset. These data analysis tools will be utilized to analyze and depict

the overall perceptions of participants regarding the level of brand awareness towards

makeup products on TikTok, measuring the perceived effectiveness in terms of brand

awareness, knowledge, and brand equity.

Formula for Mean

Mean = sum of the data points / number of data points

Formula for standard deviation σ = √(∑(x−¯x) ( x − x ¯ ) 2 /n-1)


X = The value in the data distribution

X̄ = The sample mean

N = Total number of observations

For Research Problem 4 - Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is commonly employed for modeling or examining data. Survey

analysts frequently utilize it to comprehend the connections among variables, which can then be

utilized to accurately predict specific outcomes, considering personal cognitive factors,

environmental factors, and behavioral factors. Summarizing the responses related to brand

awareness and the factors influencing it involves finding formulas that best fit the data and allow

for predicting or understanding the effects of social media influencers.

Formula: Y = a + bX + E


Y is the dependent variable

X is the independent variable

a is the intercept

b is the slope

E is the residual.

Table 3. Scale Reliability Statistics

Reliability Analysis
Mean SD Cronbach’s a

Scale 3.36 0.461 0.943

Note: item “BRAND AWARENESS 1” correlates negatively with the total scale and probably

should be reversed

Table 4. Item Reliability Analysis

Mean SD Item-test If item drop

correlatio cronbach’s a

BRAND AWARENESS 1 1.72 0.79 0.139 0.958

BRAND AWARENESS 2 3.28 0.67 0.590 0.948

BRAND AWARENESS 3 3.28 0.67 0.448 0.951

BRAND KNOWLEDGE 1 3.56 0.50 0.892 0.944

BRAND KNOWLEDGE 2 3.52 0.51 0.757 0.945

BRAND KNOWLEDGE 3 3.52 0.58 0.733 0.945

BRAND IMAGE 1 3.32 0.69 0.865 0.943

BRAND IMAGE 2 3.56 0.50 0.722 0.946

BRAND IMAGE 3 3.40 0.64 0.835 0.944

BRAND RECOGNITION 1 3.32 0.55 0.754 0.945

BRAND RECOGNITION 2 3.20 0.86 0.745 0.946

BRAND RECOGNITION 3 3.52 0.58 0.568 0.948

BRAND EXPERIENCE 1 3.28 0.61 0.749 0.945

BRAND EXPERIENCE 2 3.32 0.69 0.792 0.944

BRAND EXPERIENCE 3 3.28 0.67 0.892 0.942


BRAND RECALL 1 3.20 0.70 0.886 0.942

BRAND RECALL 2 3.24 0.66 0.762 0.945

BRAND RECALL 3 3.36 0.56 0.679 0.946

The Cronbach's alpha results for the research measures indicate high internal

consistency among the items, with all Cronbach's α values ranging from 0.942 to 0.958. This

suggests that the items within each construct are highly reliable in measuring the intended

concepts. Ensuring the validity of the study's findings, reliable measures contribute to more

accurate and trustworthy results. Therefore, based on these results, the researcher concludes

that the research measures demonstrate strong reliability and are suitable for assessing brand

awareness, knowledge, image, recognition, experience, and recall.


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Dear Ma’am/Sir,

The undersigned researcher is conducting a study entitled: “EFFECTS OF SOCIAL

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
major in Marketing Management at Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College.

In view of the above-mentioned noble intention, the researcher would like to ask for your
full support and cooperation by completing this Research Survey Forms based on your sincerest
and most honest perspectives and/or experiences. Thank you very much and God bless.

Very truly yours,

Part I: Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Instruction: Please fill in the necessary information and put a check mark (√) on the space
provided whenever needed.

Name (Optional):
___ 18 - 22 years old
___ 23 - 27 years old
___ 28 - 32 years old
___ 32 years old and above

___ Female
___ Male

Civil Status:
___ Single
___ Married

No. of hours spend on Tiktok

___ less than 1 hr
___ 1 hr - 4 hrs and 59 minutes
___ 5 hrs - 8 hrs
___ more than 8 hours
Part II: Perceived Effectiveness of the Tiktok Social Media Influencer.

This survey endeavors to assess individual perspectives regarding the influence of TikTok
influencers. Please carefully consider each statement and indicate the option that most accurately
reflects your viewpoint.
Highly Effective Slightly Ineffective
Effective Effective

Brand Awareness
Participants are more aware of the brand
due to the TikTok influencer's content.
TikTok influencers have helped
participants become familiar with makeup

Participants follow social media

influencers specifically to stay updated on
the latest makeup trends and products.

Brand Knowledge
Participants feel knowledgeable about
makeup brands that are frequently
promoted by social media influencers.
Social media influencers provide useful
information that helps participants
understand the features and benefits of
different makeup products.
Participants trust recommendations and
reviews provided by social media
influencers when it comes to makeup
brands and products.
Brand Image
The TikTok influencer effectively reflects
the values and identity of the brand.
The TikTok influencer effectively increase
the brand's visibility and exposure among
the target audience.
The TikTok influencer creates an effective
impression of the brand among viewers.

Part III: Level of Brand Awareness toward Makeup Products on Tiktok.

Select the option that corresponds most closely to your knowledge or awareness of the makeup
brands mentioned in the survey
Strongly Aware Slightly Unaware
Aware Aware

Brand Recognition

Tiktok users are aware of makeup

products featured on TikTok.

Tiktok users actively seek out

makeup-related content while
browsing TikTok.

Tiktok users find themselves easily

recognizing makeup brands
showcased on TikTok.

Brand Experience

Tiktok users value the brand

experience provided by makeup
brands featured on TikTok.

Tiktok users encountered mixed

experiences with makeup brands
featured on TikTok.

Tiktok users feel emotionally

connected to the brand stories and
narratives shared by makeup
brands on TikTok.

Brand Recall

Tiktok users have a good recall of

makeup brands showcased on

Tiktok users have a strong ability

to recall brand logos and visual
identities of makeup brands
showcased on TikTok.

Tiktok users can easily recall the

user-generated content created by
other TikTok users featuring
Strongly Aware Slightly Unaware
Aware Aware

makeup brands.


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