Holiday Homework Xth 2024 (Information Technology)

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Communication Skills
Public Speaking Exercise: Prepare and deliver a 3-minute speech on a topic of your choice.
Focus on using clear, concise language, maintaining eye contact, and incorporating effective
gestures to engage your audience. Practice your speech multiple times to enhance fluency and

Interpersonal Communication Scenario: Create a role-play scenario involving a

communication challenge (e.g., resolving a conflict, giving constructive feedback, or negotiating
a solution). Record a video of yourself acting out the scenario, demonstrating effective
communication strategies such as active listening, empathy, and assertiveness.

Written Communication Task: Write a formal email to a hypothetical employer expressing

your interest in a job or internship opportunity. Pay attention to proper email etiquette, including
a clear subject line, professional tone, and concise yet informative content.

Digital Documentation
Document Formatting Practice: Use word processing software like Microsoft Word/ Libre
office Writer to create and format various types of documents, such as memos, reports, and
letters. Experiment with different fonts, styles, and formatting options to enhance the visual
appeal and readability of your documents.

Template Design Project: Design a custom document template using LibreOffice Writer for
a specific purpose, such as a letterhead, resume, or meeting agenda. Incorporate branding
elements, formatting styles, and placeholder text to create a professional and visually appealing
template that can be reused for future documents.

Document Design Project: Design a visually appealing infographic or poster using graphic
design software such as Canva or Adobe Spark. Choose a topic related to a subject of interest
or current events, and creatively present key information using a combination of text, images,
and graphics.

Submission Guidelines: Submit your completed assignments in hardcopy and

electronically on 1 July 2024. Ensure that your assignments are well-organized, creatively
presented, and adhere to the given instructions.

Enjoy your holiday assignments and have a productive break!

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