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For thousand of years Peoples had struggles for pain and suffering

Many suffer because of war, murder, theft , disease hunger, abuse , corruption , greed , pollution,poverty
, broken marriage and broken family ,

Everyone wants these problems to go away yet after thousand of years of scientific and technological
advancement , we are facing these problems on a scale radar that we have ever seen

What then is the answer ?

Jesus gave the answer in 5 simple words

Love your neighbor as yourselves

Jesus called this the 2nd Great Commandment

He said “read matthew 22:37-40

This is the first and great command

And the second is like it

you shall love your neighbor as yourself, on these two commandments hang all the law and the

in this important passage Jesus explained that much of the bible is summarize of thse two
commandment ( encircle the verse)

both are extremely important but we will focus 2nd

The bible said that God is love ( 1 jhon 4:8 Pin below)
Love is central to God’s Character and who He is

The Bible also explains that if we follow His instruction and try to develop His character the result will be
Prosperity , good health and peace .

It so simple and so many people know of the principle but why has it mankind unable to implement it

It because people have largely rejected the teaching of the Bible

Which explains to us what love even is and how to love our neighbors

This time we will explore four simple Principle to better understand how to love your neighbor as your

The first is

#1 God’s commandments teach us how to love our neighbor .

In fact the bible directly defines love as keeping god’s commandment

Where 1 john 5:3 read it

Jhon repated this principle in elsewhere ( 2john 1:6)

The 10 commandments tells us hot wo love God and how to love people

The 1st 4 show us how to love God while the last 6 teaches the proper way, God’s way to love our
This 6 can be summarize : Honor your father and mother, do not murder, Do not commit adultery ,Do
not steal , Do not Lie and do not covet

If mankind followed this 6 simple commandments we would solve most of the world problem.

With this commandment as a foundation the 2nd aspect of loving your neighbor as yourself

#2 We should give ourselves to serve others

Jesus explains this with a famous parable of the good Samaritan

In the parable a Samaritan had a compassion on a man who was robbed, badly beat and ,left to die in
side of the road

The Samaritan noticed him and then went out of his way to provide him with lodging ,food, money and
treated his wound .

In this parable Jesus taught the important of recognizing and fulfilling people’s need specifically showing
that we must give selflessly of our own time energy and resources

Performing these action is the delivirate choice

Read James says james 2:15-16

This means helping other people actively, diligently and sacrificially, especially those who had significant
need or can’t provide for themselves in fact the bible says that the primary part of the pure religion is to
help widows and orphans who had great needs.

But the commandments and the action by themselves are not enough

3rd aspect of loving your neighbor as your self

Our attitude must be sincere

Sometimes we can do good things for people in a rude or unloving way or the wrong motivation

For example

someone could do good deed to be notice by someone they want to oppress

rather than sencirity of heart

Jesus said read Mathew 6:1-4

Of course it is good to help others but God wants good deed done with Godly loving motivation not
selfish motivation

In read 1 Cor 13:3

In Verses 4:7

We learn how real love does not parade itself but is patient, kind, unselfish and it is not jealous, rude or

In other words, real love does no just involved the actions of helping others it includes having a right and
sincere attitude behind those actions

Finally the fourth aspect of loving your neighbor as yourselves it t view every human being from God’s

Fundamentally God wants us to see other human being as He sees them , He wants us to learn to
recognize their work and value

God teaches the foundational principle that every human being is made the image of God the father and
Jesus Christ

When he created mankind He said read Gen 1:226

In Jh 3:16 Explains how God gave his son to Human being out of a love for God so love the world that he
gave is only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life .

But this verse also shows that Jesus Christ was willing to give his life for every human being out of love
for them
Love was not just the feeling God and Jesus Chirst had ,their love med taking to serve mankind

And in addition to john 3:16

Many others scriptures explains that God wants all people to save from death and receive eternal life

1 timothy 2:3-4

Every human being is extremely special and has the potential to obtain eternal life in God’s Family a as
his Child

The fact that every person form every nation of every race throughout his trees made the image of God
is the primary reason why we must love them as our selves

the simple statement sums up match of the bible and with literally solve of the most of the worlds

If thses principle were follow the crimes of murder and thef would cease to exist , marriage and families
and all human relationsships would be restore and streghthen

Wide spread hunger would go away because everyable person would work hard and give and hel those
in need

Curruption in Government and politics would disapper because oeioke would tell the truth and sincerely
look out for the internest of others

Profit and gree would not take priority over consumer’s health and people would not behave in ways
that lead to illness

These are just a few examples of the problems that would be solved if the world follows Jesus simple
teaching in the Bible . Love your neigbor as yourself

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