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Chapter III


Our methodological approach for this research study is qualitative. In this study, aims to

gain a comprehensive understanding of students’ perspectives on Social Emotional Learning

(SEL) and its importance. We will be using qualitative methods such as interviews and focus

groups to collect data directly from the students. These methods will enable us to capture the

nuances, emotions, and personal experiences related to SEL. By using a qualitative approach,

we can gather in-depth and detailed information that goes beyond mere numbers and statistics.

This will help us gain a holistic understanding of how students perceive and value SEL, allowing

us to tailor interventions and approaches that align with their needs and enhance their overall

well-being and academic success.

As for the relevance of the chosen qualitative approach to the research design, it directly

aligns with our research question, which seeks to understand students’ perspectives on SEL.

Qualitative research is designed to capture people’s experiences and feelings, making it the

perfect approach for this kind of study. It allows for an in-depth exploration of students’ personal

experiences with SEL, their feelings about it, and the impact it has on their lives. This approach

will enable us to gather rich, descriptive data that can provide a comprehensive understanding

of the students’ perspectives.

Qualitative research allows for a deep exploration of individuals’ experiences,

perceptions, and interpretations. It provides rich, detailed, and nuanced data that quantitative

methods, which focus on numerical data and statistical analysis, may not capture. This method

enables us to understand the context in which students interact with SEL. It provides insights

into how students perceive and value SEL in their specific educational and social environments.

Qualitative research is flexible and adaptive. It allows us to modify our research approach as we

gather more data and develop a better understanding of the students’ perspectives. This
approach gives voice to the students, allowing them to share their stories, experiences, and

feelings in their own words. This can lead to powerful insights that can inform and enhance SEL

programs. While other methods like quantitative or mixed methods have their strengths and can

provide valuable data, the qualitative method is most appropriate for this study due to its ability

to capture the depth and complexity of students’ perspectives on SEL. This approach aligns with

our research objectives and can provide the rich, detailed data we need to enhance the overall

well-being and academic success of the students.

It is important to note that our study may have limitations, such as a limited sample size,

which may affect the generalizability of the findings. The perspectives and experiences of the

selected participants may not fully represent the entire student population. However, through our

qualitative approach, we aim to capture the depth and complexity of students’ perspectives on

SEL, providing valuable insights for educational practices.

These methods and approaches may be unfamiliar to readers who are not familiar with

qualitative research. However, they offer a valuable means of understanding students’

perspectives on SEL, providing rich and detailed insights that can enhance our understanding of

this important topic.

For our study on Social Emotional Learning (SEL), we will be using surveys as one of

the tools for data collection. Surveys are a common and effective method for gathering

information from a large number of participants in a relatively efficient manner.

For analyzing the results of this study on Social Emotional Learning (SEL), a suitable

method would be thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is the best method to analyze the

results of this study on SEL. It involves coding and identifying meaningful units of information,

generating themes, refining and defining those themes, analyzing the content within each

theme, and interpreting the findings. Thematic analysis allows for a systematic exploration of

the data, providing a comprehensive understanding of participants’ perspectives on SEL and

contributing to the existing knowledge in the field.

The study may have a limited sample size, which could impact the generalizability of

the findings. The perspectives and experiences of the selected participants may not fully

represent the entire student population.

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