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Vision Mamba: Efficient Visual Representation Learning with Bidirectional

State Space Model

Lianghui Zhu1∗ , Bencheng Liao1∗ , Qian Zhang2 , Xinlong Wang3 , Wenyu Liu1 , Xinggang Wang1
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Horizon Robotics 3 Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence
Code & Models: hustvl/Vim
arXiv:2401.09417v2 [cs.CV] 10 Feb 2024

Top-1 Acc. (%)

77 41 2.6 80
mIoU (%)

DeiT-Ti Vim-Ti
2.54 2.29
75 40

GPU Memory (GB)

-86.8% memory
2.2 60

FPS w/ log scale

2.25 2.07
73 39
2.05 1.91


71 38 40.09
1.8 1.71 40

2.8× faster
Classification Sem. Seg.
46 40

1.4 20
mAP (%)

mAP (%)

45 39 12.48
44 38 DeiT-Ti Vim-Ti
1.26 4.56 11.14
3.32 4.22 5.03 8.13
43 37 1 0
42 36 512 640 738 1024 1248 512 640 738 1024 1248
Detection Ins. Seg. Resolution Resolution

(a) Accuracy Comparison (b) Speed Comparison (c) GPU Memory Comparison

Figure 1. Performance and efficiency comparisons between DeiT [59] and our Vim model. For the accuracy comparison, we first pretrain
DeiT and Vim on IN1K classification dataset [9], then we finetune the generic backbones on different downstream dense prediction tasks,
i.e., semantic segmentation, object detection, instance segmentation. Results show that the proposed Vim outperforms DeiT on both
pretraining and finetuning tasks. Vim is also more computation and memory efficient than DeiT in dealing with high-resolution images.
For example, Vim is 2.8× faster than DeiT and saves 86.8% GPU memory when performing batch inference to extract features on images
with a resolution of 1248×1248, i.e., 6084 tokens per image.

Abstract tion & memory efficiency. For example, Vim is 2.8× faster
than DeiT and saves 86.8% GPU memory when performing
Recently the state space models (SSMs) with efficient batch inference to extract features on images with a res-
hardware-aware designs, i.e., the Mamba deep learning olution of 1248×1248. The results demonstrate that Vim
model, have shown great potential for long sequence model- is capable of overcoming the computation & memory con-
ing. Meanwhile building efficient and generic vision back- straints on performing Transformer-style understanding for
bones purely upon SSMs is an appealing direction. How- high-resolution images and it has great potential to be the
ever, representing visual data is challenging for SSMs due next-generation backbone for vision foundation models.
to the position-sensitivity of visual data and the require-
ment of global context for visual understanding. In this
paper, we show that the reliance on self-attention for vi- 1. Introduction
sual representation learning is not necessary and propose
a new generic vision backbone with bidirectional Mamba Recent research advancements have led to a surge of inter-
blocks (Vim), which marks the image sequences with po- est in the state space model (SSM). Originating from the
sition embeddings and compresses the visual representa- classic Kalman filter model [29], modern SSMs excel at
tion with bidirectional state space models. On ImageNet capturing long-range dependencies and benefit from paral-
classification, COCO object detection, and ADE20k seman- lel training. Some SSM-based methods, such as the linear
tic segmentation tasks, Vim achieves higher performance state-space layers (LSSL) [21], structured state space se-
compared to well-established vision transformers like DeiT, quence model (S4) [20], diagonal state space (DSS) [23],
while also demonstrating significantly improved computa- and S4D [22], are proposed to process sequence data across
a wide range of tasks and modalities, particularly on mod-
∗ Lianghui Zhu and Bencheng Liao contributed equally to this work. eling long-range dependencies. They are efficient in pro-
Corresponding author: Xinggang Wang ( cessing long sequences because of convolutional computa-

tion and near-linear computation. 2-D SSM [2], SGCon- Vim can be achieved with lower computational cost.
vNeXt [36], and ConvSSM [51] combine SSM with CNN Compared with other SSM-based models for vision
or Transformer architecture to process 2-D data. The recent tasks, Vim is a pure-SSM-based method and models im-
work, Mamba [19], incorporates time-varying parameters ages in a sequence manner, which is more promising for a
into the SSM and proposes a hardware-aware algorithm to generic and efficient backbone. Thanks to the bidirectional
enable very efficient training and inference. The superior compressing modeling with positional awareness, Vim is
scaling performance of Mamba indicates that it is a promis- the first pure-SSM-based model to handle dense prediction
ing alternative to Transformer in language modeling. Nev- tasks. Compared with the most convincing Transformer-
ertheless, a generic pure-SSM-based backbone network has based model, i.e., DeiT [59], Vim achieves superior per-
not been explored for processing visual data, such as images formance on ImageNet classification. Furthermore, Vim
and videos. is more efficient in terms of GPU memory and inference
Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved great suc- time for high-resolution images. The efficiency in terms of
cess in visual representation learning, excelling in large- memory and speed empowers Vim to directly perform se-
scale self-supervised pre-training and high performance on quential visual representation learning without relying on
downstream tasks. Compared with convolutional neural 2D priors (such as the 2D local window in ViTDet [37]) for
networks, the core advantage lies in that ViT can provide high-resolution visual understanding tasks while achieving
each image patch with data/patch-dependent global context higher accuracy than DeiT.
through self-attention. This differs from convolutional net- Our main contributions can be summarized as follows:
works that use the same parameters, i.e., the convolutional • We propose Vision Mamba (Vim), which incorporates
filters, for all positions. Another advantage is the modality- bidirectional SSM for data-dependent global visual con-
agnostic modeling by treating an image as a sequence of text modeling and position embeddings for location-
patches without 2D inductive bias, which makes it the pre- aware visual understanding.
ferred architecture for multimodal applications [3, 35, 39]. • Without the need of attention, the proposed Vim has
At the same time, the self-attention mechanism in Trans- the same modeling power as ViT while it only has
formers poses challenges in terms of speed and memory us- subquadratic-time computation and linear memory com-
age when dealing with long-range visual dependencies, e.g., plexity. Specifically, Vim is 2.8× faster than DeiT and
processing high-resolution images. saves 86.8% GPU memory when performing batch in-
Motivated by the success of Mamba in language mod- ference to extract features on images at the resolution of
eling, it is appealing that we can also transfer this success 1248×1248.
from language to vision, i.e., to design a generic and ef- • We conduct extensive experiments on ImageNet classi-
ficient visual backbone with the advanced SSM method. fication and dense prediction downstream tasks. The re-
However, there are two challenges for Mamba, i.e., unidi- sults demonstrate that Vim achieves superior performance
rectional modeling and lack of positional awareness. To compared to the well-established and highly-optimized
address these challenges, we propose the Vision Mamba plain vision Transformer, i.e., DeiT.
(Vim) model, which incorporates the bidirectional SSMs
for data-dependent global visual context modeling and posi- 2. Related Work
tion embeddings for location-aware visual recognition. We
first split the input image into patches and linearly project Architectures for generic vision backbone. In the early
them as vectors to Vim. Image patches are treated as the eras, ConvNet [33] serves as the de-facto standard network
sequence data in Vim blocks, which efficiently compresses design for computer vision. Many convolutional neural ar-
the visual representation with the proposed bidirectional se- chitectures [24, 25, 32, 49, 50, 55–57, 62, 71] have been
lective state space. Furthermore, the position embedding proposed as the vision backbone for various visual applica-
in Vim block provides the awareness for spatial informa- tions. The pioneering work, Vision Transformer (ViT) [13]
tion, which enables Vim to be more robust in dense predic- changes the landscape. It treats an image as a sequence of
tion tasks. In the current stage, we train the Vim model on flattened 2D patches and directly applies a pure Transformer
the supervised image classification task using the ImageNet architecture. The surprising results of ViT on image classi-
dataset and then use the pretrained Vim as the backbone to fication and its scaling ability encourage a lot of follow-up
perform sequential visual representation learning for down- works [15, 58, 60, 61]. One line of works focuses on hy-
stream dense prediction tasks, i.e., semantic segmentation, brid architecture designs by introducing 2D convolutional
object detection, and instance segmentation. Like Trans- priors into ViT [8, 12, 14, 68]. PVT [65] proposes a pyra-
formers, Vim can be pretrained on large-scale unsupervised mid structure Transformer. Swin Transformer [41] applies
visual data for better visual representation. Thanks to the self-attention within shift windows. Another line of works
better efficiency of Mamba, the large-scale pretraining of focuses on improving traditional 2D ConvNets with more

advanced settings [40, 66]. ConvNeXt [42] reviews the de- selectivity mechanism to S4, largely improving the perfor-
sign space and proposes pure ConvNets, which can be scal- mance of S4 on long-form video understanding with a much
able as ViT and its variants. RepLKNet [11] proposes to lower memory footprint. [72] supplants attention mecha-
scale up the kernel size of existing ConvNets to bring im- nisms with a more scalable SSM-based backbone to gen-
provements. erate high-resolution images and process fine-grained rep-
Though these dominant follow-up works demonstrate resentation under affordable computation. [44] proposes
superior performance and better efficiency on ImageNet [9] U-Mamba, a hybrid CNN-SSM architecture, to handle the
and various downstream tasks [38, 73] by introducing 2D long-range dependencies in biomedical image segmenta-
priors, with the surge of large-scale visual pretraining [1, 5, tion. The above works either apply SSM to specific visual
16] and multi-modality applications [3, 28, 34, 35, 39, 48], applications or build a hybrid architecture by combining
vanilla Transformer-style model strikes back to the center SSM with convolution or attention. Different from them,
stage of computer vision. The advantages of larger mod- we build a pure-SSM-based model, which can be adopted
eling capacity, unified multi-modality representation, be- as a generic vision backbone.
ing friendly to self-supervised learning etc., make it the
preferred architecture. However, the number of visual to- 3. Method
kens is limited due to the quadratic complexity of Trans-
The goal of Vision Mamba (Vim) is to introduce the ad-
former. There are plenty of works [6, 7, 10, 31, 47, 54, 64]
vanced state space model (SSM), i.e., Mamba [19], to com-
to address this long-standing and prominent challenge,
puter vision. This section begins with a description of the
but few of them focus on visual applications. Recently,
preliminaries of SSM. It is followed by an overview of Vim.
LongViT [67] built an efficient Transformer architecture for
We then detail how the Vim block processes input token se-
computational pathology applications via dilated attention.
quences and proceed to illustrate the architecture details of
The linear computation complexity of LongViT allows it to
Vim. The section concludes with an analysis of the effi-
encode the extremely long visual sequence. In this work,
ciency of the proposed Vim.
we draw inspiration from Mamba [19] and explore build-
ing a pure-SSM-based model as a generic vision backbone 3.1. Preliminaries
without using attention, while preserving the sequential,
modality-agnostic modeling merit of ViT. The SSM-based models, i.e., structured state space se-
quence models (S4) and Mamba are inspired by the con-
State space models for long sequence modeling. [20] tinuous system, which maps a 1-D function or sequence
proposes a Structured State-Space Sequence (S4) model, a x(t) ∈ R 7→ y(t) ∈ R through a hidden state h(t) ∈ RN .
novel alternative to CNNs or Transformers, to model the This system uses A ∈ RN×N as the evolution parameter and
long-range dependency. The promising property of linearly B ∈ RN×1 , C ∈ R1×N as the projection parameters.
scaling in sequence length attracts further explorations. [52]
proposes a new S5 layer by introducing MIMO SSM and h′ (t) = Ah(t) + Bx(t),
efficient parallel scan into S4 layer. [17] designs a new (1)
y(t) = Ch(t).
SSM layer, H3, that nearly fills the performance gap be-
tween SSMs and Transformer attention in language mod- The S4 and Mamba are the discrete versions of the con-
eling. [45] builds the Gated State Space layer on S4 by tinuous system, which include a timescale parameter ∆ to
introducing more gating units to improve the expressivity. transform the continuous parameters A, B to discrete pa-
Recently, [19] proposes a data-dependent SSM layer and rameters A, B. The commonly used method for transfor-
builds a generic language model backbone, Mamba, which mation is zero-order hold (ZOH), which is defined as fol-
outperforms Transformers at various sizes on large-scale lows:
real data and enjoys linear scaling in sequence length. In
this work, we explore transferring the success of Mamba to A = exp (∆A),
vision, i.e., building a generic vision backbone purely upon (2)
SSM without attention. B = (∆A)−1 (exp (∆A) − I) · ∆B.

State space models for visual applications. [26] uses After the discretization of A, B, the discretized version
1D S4 to handle the long-range temporal dependencies for of Eq. (1) using a step size ∆ can be rewritten as:
video classification. [46] further extends 1D S4 to han-
dle multi-dimensional data including 2D images and 3D ht = Aht−1 + Bxt ,
videos. [27] combines the strengths of S4 and self-attention yt = Cht .
to build TranS4mer model, achieving state-of-the-art per-
formance for movie scene detection. [63] introduces a novel At last, the models compute output through a global con-

volution. Algorithm 1 Vim Block Process
M−1 Require: token sequence Tl−1 : (B, M, D)
K = (CB, CAB, . . . , CA B), Ensure: token sequence Tl : (B, M, D)
y = x ∗ K, 1: /* normalize the input sequence T′l−1 */
2: T′l−1 : (B, M, D) ← Norm(Tl−1 )
where M is the length of the input sequence x, and K ∈ RM 3: x : (B, M, E) ← Linearx (T′l−1 )
4: z : (B, M, E) ← Linearz (T′l−1 )
is a structured convolutional kernel.
5: /* process with different direction */
3.2. Vision Mamba 6: for o in {forward, backward} do
7: x′o : (B, M, E) ← SiLU(Conv1do (x))

An overview of the proposed Vim is shown in Fig. 2. The 8: Bo : (B, M, N) ← LinearB o (xo )
standard Mamba is designed for the 1-D sequence. To 9: Co : (B, M, N) ← Linearo (x′o )

process the vision tasks, we first transform the 2-D image 10: /* softplus ensures positive ∆o */

t ∈ RH×W×C into the flattened 2-D patches xp ∈ RJ×(P ·C) , 11: ∆o : (B, M, E) ← log(1 + exp(Linear∆ o (xo ) +

where (H, W) is the size of input image, C is the number of Parameter∆ o ))

12: /* shape of ParameterN o is (E, N) */
channels, P is the size of image patches. Next, we linearly
13: Ao : (B, M, E, N) ← ∆o N ParameterA o
project the xp to the vector with size D and add position 14: Bo : (B, M, E, N) ← ∆o Bo
embeddings Epos ∈ R(J+1)×D , as follows: 15: yo : (B, M, E) ← SSM(Ao , Bo , Co )(x′o )
16: end for
17: /* get gated yo */
T0 = [tcls ; t1p W; t2p W; · · · ; tJp W] + Epos , (5) 18: yf′ orward : (B, M, E) ← yf orward
′ J
19: ybackward : (B, M, E) ← ybackward SiLU(z)
where tjp is the j-th patch of t, W ∈ R(P ·C)×D is the 20: /* residual connection */
learnable projection matrix. Inspired by ViT [13] and

21: Tl : (B, M, D) ← LinearT (yf′ orward + ybackward ) + Tl−1
BERT [30], we also use class token to represent the whole Return: Tl
patch sequence, which is denoted as tcls . We then send
the token sequence (Tl−1 ) to the l-th layer of the Vim en-
coder, and get the output Tl . Finally, we normalize the out- yf orward and ybackward through the SSM. The yf orward
put class token T0L and feed it to the multi-layer perceptron and ybackward are then gated by the z and added together to
(MLP) head to get the final prediction p̂, as follows: get the output token sequence Tl .
3.4. Architecture Details
Tl = Vim(Tl−1 ) + Tl−1 ,
f = Norm(T0L ), (6) In summary, the hyper-parameters of our architecture are
listed as follows:
p̂ = MLP(f ),
L: the number of blocks,
where Vim is the proposed vision mamba block, L is the
number of layers, and Norm is the normalization layer. D: the hidden state dimension,
E: expanded state dimension,
3.3. Vim Block
N: SSM dimension.
The original Mamba block is designed for the 1-D se-
quence, which is not suitable for vision tasks requiring Following ViT [13] and DeiT [60], we first employ 16×16
spatial-aware understanding. In this section, we introduce kernel size projection layer to get a 1-D sequence of non-
the Vim block, which incorporates the bidirectional se- overlapping patch embeddings. Subsequently, we directly
quence modeling for the vision tasks. The Vim block is stack L Vim blocks. By default, we set the number of blocks
shown in Fig. 2. L to 24, SSM dimension N to 16. To align with the model
Specifically, we present the operations of Vim block in sizes of DeiT series, we set the hidden state dimension D to
Algo. 21. The input token sequence Tl−1 is first normal- 192 and expanded state dimension E to 384 for the tiny-size
ized by the normalization layer. Next, we linearly project variant. For the small-size variant, we set D to 384 and E to
the normalized sequence to the x and z with dimension size 768.
E. Then, we process the x from the forward and backward
3.5. Efficiency Analysis
directions. For each direction, we first apply the 1-D convo-
lution to the x and get the x′o . We then linearly project the Traditional SSM-based methods leverage the fast Fourier
x′o to the Bo , Co , ∆o , respectively. The ∆o is then used to transform to boost the convolution operation as shown in
transform the Ao , Bo , respectively. Finally, we compute the Eq. (4). For data-dependent methods, such as Mamba, the

Projection Layer MLP & Prediction L×
Forward Forward
Patch Tokens 𝑥
Conv1d SSM

Embedded Patches
0 1 Position Embed. Vision Mamba Encoder
Backward Backward
* Class Token Norm
0 1 2 3 4 5*6 7 8 9 Conv1d SSM

Input Image
Flatten & Linear Projection 𝑧 Activation

Vision Mamba (Vim) Vision Mamba Encoder

Figure 2. The overview of the proposed Vim model. We first split the input image into patches, and then project them into patch tokens.
Last, we send the sequence of tokens to the proposed Vim encoder. To perform ImageNet classification, we concatenate an extra learnable
classification token to the patch token sequence. Different from Mamba for text sequence modeling, Vim encoder processes the token
sequence with both forward and backward directions.

SSM operation in Line 11 of Algo. 21 is no longer equiv- Ω(self-attention) = 4MD2 + 2M2 D, (7)
alent to convolution. To address this problem, Mamba and Ω(SSM) = 3M(2D)N + M(2D)N, (8)
the proposed Vim choose a modern-hardware-friendly way
to ensure efficiency. The key idea of this optimization is where self-attention is quadratic to sequence length M, and
to avoid the IO-bound and memory-bound of modern hard- SSM is linear to sequence length M (N is a fixed parameter,
ware accelerators (GPUs). set to 16 by default). The computational efficiency makes
Vim scalable for gigapixel applications with large sequence
IO-Efficiency. The high bandwidth memory (HBM) and lengths.
SRAM are two important components for GPUs. Among
them, SRAM has a larger bandwidth and HBM has a bigger 4. Experiment
memory size. The standard implementation of Vim’s SSM 4.1. Image Classification
operation with HBM requires the number of memory IO on
the order of O(BMEN). Inspired by Mamba, Vim first reads Settings. We benchmark Vim on the ImageNet-1K
in O(BME + EN) bytes of memory (∆o , Ao , Bo , Co ) from dataset [9], which contains 1.28M training images and 50K
slow HBM to fast SRAM. Then, Vim gets the discrete Ao , validation images from 1,000 categories. All models are
Bo of a size of (B, M, E, N) in SRAM. Last, Vim performs trained on the training set, and top-1 accuracy on the vali-
SSM operations in SRAM and writes the output of a size of dation set is reported. For fair comparisons, our training set-
(B, M, E) back to HBM. This method can help to reduce IOs tings mainly follow DeiT [60]. Specifically, we apply ran-
from O(BMEN) to O(BME + EN). dom cropping, random horizontal flipping, label-smoothing
regularization, mixup, and random erasing as data augmen-
Memory-Efficiency. To avoid out-of-memory problems tations. When training on 2242 input images, we employ
and achieve lower memory usage when dealing with long AdamW [43] with a momentum of 0.9, a total batch size of
sequences, Vim chooses the same recomputation method as 1024, and a weight decay of 0.05 to optimize models. We
Mamba. For the intermediate states of size (B, M, E, N) to train the Vim models for 300 epochs using a cosine sched-
calculate the gradient, Vim recomputes them at the network ule, 1×10−3 initial learning rate, and EMA. During testing,
backward pass. For intermediate activations such as the out- we apply a center crop on the validation set to crop out 2242
put of activation functions and convolution, Vim also re- images. Experiments are performed on 8 A800 GPUs.
computes them to optimize the GPU memory requirement,
as the activation values take a lot of memory but are fast for Long Sequence Fine-tuning To make full use of the effi-
recomputation. cient long sequence modeling power of Vim, we continue
to fine-tune Vim with a long sequence setting for 30 epochs
after ImageNet pretraining. Specifically, we set a patch ex-
Computation-Efficiency. SSM in Vim block (Line 11 in
traction stride of 8 while keeping the patch size unchanged,
Algo.21) and self-attention in Transformer both play a key
a constant learning rate of 10−5 , and a weight decay of
role in providing global context adaptively. Given a visual
10−8 .
sequence T ∈ R1×M×D and the default setting E = 2D, the
computation complexity of a global self-attention and SSM Results. Tab. 1 compares Vim with ConvNet-based,
are: Transformer-based and SSM-based backbone networks.

image ImageNet Backbone APbox APbox box
50 AP75 APbox
s APbox
m APbox
Method #param.
size top-1 acc.
DeiT-Ti 44.4 63.0 47.8 26.1 47.4 61.8
Convnets Vim-Ti 45.7 63.9 49.6 26.1 49.0 63.2
ResNet-18 2242 12M 69.8 Backbone APmask APmask mask
50 AP75 APmask
s APmask
m APmask
ResNet-50 2242 25M 76.2
DeiT-Ti 38.1 59.9 40.5 18.1 40.5 58.4
ResNet-101 2242 45M 77.4
Vim-Ti 39.2 60.9 41.7 18.2 41.8 60.2
ResNet-152 2242 60M 78.3
ResNeXt50-32×4d 2242 25M 77.6 Table 3. Results of object detection and instance segmentation on
2 the COCO val set using Cascade Mask R-CNN [4] framework.
RegNetY-4GF 224 21M 80.0
ViT-B/16 3842 86M 77.9 comparable parameter numbers: 3.9 points higher for Vim-
ViT-L/16 3842 307M 76.5 Tiny over DeiT-Tiny, and 0.7 points higher for Vim-Small
over DeiT-Small. Compared with SSM-based S4ND-ViT-
DeiT-Ti 2242 6M 72.2 B [46], Vim achieves higher top-1 accuracy with 3× fewer
DeiT-S 2242 22M 79.8 parameters. After long sequence fine-tuning, Vim-Tiny†
DeiT-B 2242 86M 81.8 and Vim-S† all achieve higher results. Among them, Vim-
SSMs S† even achieves similar results with DeiT-B. The results
demonstrate that Vim can be adapted to longer sequence
S4ND-ViT-B 2242 89M 80.4
modeling easily and extract stronger visual representation.
Vim-Ti 224 7M 76.1 Fig. 1 (b) and (c) compare the FPS and GPU mem-
Vim-Ti† 2242 7M 78.3 +2.2 ory of tiny-size Vim and DeiT. Vim demonstrates bet-
Vim-S 2242 26M 80.5 ter efficiency in speed and memory as image resolution
Vim-S† 2242 26M 81.6 +1.1 grows. Specifically, when the image size is 512×512, Vim
achieves similar FPS and memory as DeiT. As the image
Table 1. Comparison with different backbones on ImageNet-1K size grows to 1248×1248, Vim is 2.8× faster than DeiT and
validation set. † represents the model is fine-tuned with our long saves 86.8% GPU memory. The pronounced superiority of
sequence setting. Vim’s linear scaling in sequence length makes it ready for
high-resolution downstream vision applications and long-
image val sequence multi-modality applications.
Method Backbone #param.
size mIoU
4.2. Semantic Segmentation
DeepLab v3+ ResNet-101 5122 63M 44.1
UperNet ResNet-50 5122 67M 41.2
Settings. We conduct experiments for semantic segmen-
UperNet ResNet-101 5122 86M 44.9
tation on the ADE20K [73] and use UperNet [70] as the
UperNet DeiT-Ti 5122 11M 39.2 segmentation framework. We provide detailed settings in
UperNet DeiT-S 5122 43M 44.0 Sec. B.
UperNet Vim-Ti 5122 13M 41.0
UperNet Vim-S 5122 46M 44.9
Results. As shown in Tab. 2, Vim consistently outperforms
DeiT across different scales: 1.8 mIoU higher for Vim-Ti
Table 2. Results of semantic segmentation on the ADE20K val over DeiT-Ti, and 0.9 mIoU higher for Vim-S over DeiT-S.
set. Compared to the ResNet-101 backbone, our Vim-S achieves
the same segmentation performance with nearly 2× fewer
Compared to ConvNet-based ResNet [24], Vim demon- To further evaluate the efficiency for downstream tasks,
strates superior performance. For example, when the pa- i.e., segmentation, detection, and instance segmentation, we
rameters are roughly similar, the top-1 accuracy of Vim- combine the backbones with a commonly used feature pyra-
Small reaches 80.5, which is 4.3 points higher than that of mid network (FPN) module and benchmark their FPS and
ResNet50. Compared with the conventional self-attention- GPU memory. As shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 3, the efficiency
based ViT [13], Vim outperforms it by considerable margins curves demonstrate similar comparison results of the pure
in terms of both parameter numbers and classification accu- backbone (Fig. 1), though we append a heavy FPN on the
racy. When compared to the highly-optimized ViT-variant, backbones. The exceptional linear scaling performance is
i.e., DeiT [60], Vim surpasses it at different scales with attributed to our proposed efficient backbone Vim, which

80 OOM 2.6
DeiT Vim 2.52

-73.2% memory
GPU Memory (GB)


FPS w/ log scale

2.24 2.06
50 1.90

40.03 1.8 1.70


2.8× faster
1.4 1.56
20 22.59
12.48 1.25
8.09 15.86 DeiT Vim
5.52 5.04 6.88 8.54
5 1
512 640 738 1024 1248 512 640 738 1024 1248
Resolution Resolution

Figure 3. GPU memory efficiency comparison between DeiT- Figure 4. FPS comparison between DeiT-Ti [59] and our Vim-
Ti [59] and our Vim-Ti on the commonly used downstream frame- Ti on the commonly used downstream framework. We perform
work. We perform batch inference and benchmark the GPU mem- batch inference and benchmark the log-scaled FPS on the archi-
ory on the architecture with the backbone and FPN. Vim requires tecture with the backbone and FPN. Vim achieves comparable per-
comparable GPU memory to DeiT with a small resolution, i.e., formance to DeiT with a small resolution, i.e., 512×512. As the
512×512. As the input image resolution increases, Vim will use input image resolution increases, Vim has a higher FPS.
significantly less GPU memory.
ImageNet ADE20K
Bidirectional strategy
builds the foundation for learning gigapixel-level visual rep- top-1 acc. mIoU
resentation in an end-to-end manner without the need for None 73.2 32.3
multi-stage encoding (e.g., aerial image, medical image,
and computational pathology). Bidirectional Layer 70.9 33.6
Bidirectional SSM 72.8 33.2
4.3. Object Detection and Instance Segmentation Bidirectional SSM + Conv1d 73.9 35.9

Settings. We conduct experiments for object detection and Table 4. Ablation study on the bidirectional design. To ensure a
instance segmentation on the COCO 2017 dataset [38] and fair comparison, we do not use the class token for each experiment.
use ViTDet [70] as the basic framework. We provide de- The default setting for Vim is marked in blue .
tailed settings in Sec. B. Segmenter [53] semantic segmentation framework on
ADE20K. To fully evaluate the power of learned represen-
Results. Tab. 3 compares Vim-Ti with DeiT-Ti using Cas-
tation on ImageNet, we use a simple Segmenter head with
cade Mask R-CNN framework [4]. Vim-Ti surpasses DeiT-
only 2 layers to perform transfer learning on semantic seg-
Ti by 1.3 box AP and 1.1 mask AP. For the middle-size
mentation. We study these bidirectional strategies:
and large-size objects, Vim-Ti outperforms DeiT-Ti by 1.6
• None. We directly adopt the Mamba block to process vi-
m /1.3 APm
and 1.4 APbox
l /1.8 APl
, demonstrating
sual sequence with only the forward direction.
better long-range context learning than DeiT (Fig. 5).
• Bidirectional Sequence. During training, we randomly
We highlight that the accuracy superiority is non-trivial
flip the visual sequence. This works like data augmenta-
since DeiT is equipped with window attention while Vim
works in a pure sequence modeling manner. Specifically,
• Bidirectional Block. We pair the stacked blocks. The
to perform representation learning on high-resolution im-
first block of each pair processes visual sequence in the
ages (i.e., 1024×1024), we follow ViTDet [37] and modify
forward direction and the second block of each pair pro-
the DeiT backbone with the use of 2D window attention,
cesses in the backward direction.
which injects 2D prior and breaks the sequential modeling
• Bidirectional SSM. We add an extra SSM for each block
nature of Transformer. Thanks to the efficiency illustrated
to process the visual sequence in the backward direction.
in Sec. 3.5, Fig. 1 and Fig. 3, we can directly apply Vim on
• Bidirectional SSM + Conv1d. Based on Bidirectional
1024×1024 input images and learn sequential visual rep-
SSM, we further add a backward Conv1d before the back-
resentation for object detection and instance segmentation
ward SSM (Fig. 2).
without need for 2D priors in the backbone.
As shown in Tab. 4, directly adopting the Mamba block
4.4. Ablation Study achieves good performance in classification. However, the
unnatural unidirectional manner poses challenges in down-
Bidirectional SSM. We ablate the key bidirectional de- stream dense prediction. Specifically, the preliminary bidi-
sign of Vim, using ImageNet-1K classification and the rectional strategy of using Bidirectional Block achieves 7

Classification strategy ImageNet top-1 acc. modeling power as Transformer, while having lower com-
putation complexity. Benefiting from the hardware-aware
Mean pool 73.9 designs of Mamba, the inference speed and memory us-
Max pool 73.4 age of Vim are significantly better than ViTs when pro-
Head class token 75.2 cessing high-resolution images. Experiment results on stan-
Double class token 74.3 dard computer vision benchmarks have verified the model-
Middle class token 76.1 ing power and high efficiency of Vim, showing that Vim has
great potential to be the next-generation vision backbone.
Table 5. Ablation study on the classification design. The default
In future works, Vim with the bidirectional SSM model-
setting for Vim is marked in blue .
ing with position embeddings is suitable for unsupervised
tasks such as mask image modeling pretraining and the
points lower top-1 accuracy on classification. Yet, it outper- similar architecture with Mamba enables multimodal tasks
forms the vanilla unidirectional Mamba block by 1.3 mIoU such as CLIP-style pretraining. Based on the pretrained
on semantic segmentation. By adding extra backward SSM Vim weights, exploring the usefulness of Vim for analyz-
and Conv1d, we achieve superior classification accuracy ing high-resolution medical images, remote sensing images,
(73.9 top-1 acc vs. 73.2 top-1 acc) and exceptional segmen- and long videos, which can be regarded as downstream
tation superiority (35.9 mIoU vs. 32.3 mIoU). We use the tasks, is very straightforward.
strategy of Bidirectional SSM + Conv1d as the default set-
ting in our Vim block.
Classification Design. We ablate the classification design
We would like to acknowledge Tianheng Cheng, Yuxin
of Vim, benchmarking on ImageNet-1K classification. We
Fang, Shusheng Yang, Bo Jiang, and Jingfeng Yao for their
study the following classification strategies:
helpful feedback on the draft.
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A. Visualization

GT DeiT-Ti Vim-Ti
Figure 5. Visualization comparison of DeiT-Ti [60] and our Vim-Ti on the Cascade Mask R-CNN [4] framework. Thanks to the long-range
context learning of SSM, we can capture the very large object in the image, which the DeiT-Ti counterpart fails to perceive.

B. Additional Setting

Settings for Semantic Segmentation. We conduct experiments for semantic segmentation on the ADE20K [73] dataset.
ADE20K contains 150 fine-grained semantic categories, with 20K, 2K, and 3K images for training, validation, and testing,
respectively. We choose UperNet [69] as our base framework. In training, we employ AdamW with a weight decay of
0.01, and a total batch size of 16 to optimize models. The employed training schedule uses an initial learning rate of 6×10−5 ,
linear learning rate decay, a linear warmup of 1, 500 iterations, and a total training of 160K iterations. The data augmentations
follow common settings, including random horizontal flipping, random re-scaling within the ratio range [0.5, 2.0], and random
photometric distortion. During evaluation, we rescale the image to have a shorter side of 512.
Settings for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation. We conduct experiments for object detection and instance
segmentation on the COCO 2017 dataset [38]. The COCO 2017 dataset contains 118K images for training, 5K images for
validating, and 20K images for testing. We use the canonical Cascade Mask R-CNN [4] as the base framework. For ViT-based
backbones, we apply extra configurations (e.g., interleaved window & global attention) to handle the high-resolution images
following ViTDet [37]. For SSM-based Vim, we directly use it without any modifications. Other training and evaluation
settings are just the same. During training, we employ AdamW with a weight decay of 0.1, and a total batch size of 64 to
optimize models. The employed training schedule uses an initial learning rate of 1×10−4 , linear learning rate decay, and a
total training of 380K iterations. The data augmentations use large-scale jitter data augmentation [18] to 1024×1024 input
images. During evaluation, we rescale the image to have a shorter side of 1024.


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