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he Pitiping sie sate these nthe PRILIPDITG ica on of profesions! traveled the roky to0d entiody ace owe 8 applicable 0° tea md SOCIAL * : ace are ch yok seeks to explain what profes The fe canis of pee the development ofthe students se oplas to know what be is going £0 Be, ty, Uris aud hls responsiblity to bimec, to ie agency be ropresents, and the Piatt be expected ohm The cleat whom he serves, a ery bieh eanetions Mi ect. wot Mu acend chapter traces te profession’ roots Tei voted ton hte account ofthe evelution of soeia work from hasty ‘Monti cet elpng The third chapter polnt ot the pio, septal tae efendon, emphasizes the importance of ‘Sheeran cen lement of work practice along with roobers knowledge and skills, sehuptn conta th gntric of ial work practic, the rethods, processes, tol, skills, end techniques that are appll file in helpag people of whichever ype of client, problem, oF Setting. In pariculas, Chapters four to six dwell on the com ponents of social work practice, the helping process, and the Kebping relationship, Chapters seven to nine present and discuss social work methods of intervention, the tools and skilisit applies, ‘nd the techniques that underlie the intervention process. Some ofthe emerging concerns which should be interwoven Into social work practice but which are often overlooked ot sssumed as givens are discussed in the last chapter. There a2 stil some remaining knowledge, values and skills which ar Seldom brought. out for consideration, but which someh™ Infgence the practitioner's successor failure in helping people. ome ofthe contents ofthis book were fret publashed in 198? LEONORA SERAFICA-DE_GUZ ke % 4, iv in Fundamentals of Socal Work which 1 authored Snco then, ‘ecause of the growing complestis of today’s social realities 1 {eand saw theneed fore broederbutdeepereomprebensivehese forsuil work rete. Hence this ook. hope hatter writers will take off where I stopped especialy as we move towards speciation, Leonora Serafiea-De Guzman Quezon City October, 1990 conreNts: Preface Actnowledgments ABbreiation. CHAPTER 1 TheSoval Werk Prefesion Soca Work Presi: History ané Brolin Prisophy, Values aed Ethie ‘The Components cf Soi Work Practice ‘Thelllping Proves ‘TheHelpngReletinsip Sic Work Methods of Intervention ‘Toss and Shs ‘These of Techniques in Sova Work 10, Breyng Conseas Notes Bibligrepy Inder Fy a 108 1 1 m wees Ss AgnREVIATION in sation se Bacretsenee inn BSS Batter ofSece 8 Bay Bett ol WO cos Ch tsa EbtAtO® SoS Casa retool awe sir Depart Soil Welfare and Development BSF ar eh Deropen SY Mao pegeesntl Orron Me Nacbisiratog Otis PAGSA. Prats tn Cnaie on Sal Amerson Fac Petaind tepelon Gonion om Sedillo Administration UNCER Used Chey ead nt te Pa 1 THE SOCIAL WoRK PROFESSION SOCIAL WORK bas become a profession because there exist People in poor as well as affluent societies wha for one recess ot another cannot fulfill some basic human neel or aoe a preblew: without outside help. It started centaies agp as chrity Wark or almsgiving but with rapid urbanization and indusrilization the scene has gradually changed, The world according to MeLuban thas become a “global village” so much so tha: even nations affect cach other. The complexity of modern society has given rise to social problems affecting man and bis evirenment. The descen- dants ofthe charity workers, in thei quest for more effective ways ‘of helping people, finaly evolved the profession known as sci work. ‘Social work is concerned net only with the person asa human ‘being but with the person in-stuation or the person in-environ- ment, This perspestve arose from the experiences and observa tions of the pioneers that person and environment affect each other in e cause and effect manner. With this in mind they ha regarded social work universally asthe prafession whieh helps individuals, families, groups and commmnities to develop, improve, maintain or restore their capability for eoping withthe demands of their environment through the use of socal work ‘methods of intervention. SOCIAL WORK DEFINED fession and not mere & fg when the Pail Recognition of ssl work asa peo uae a Work ran Pury ene in 1965 whe, IEP Coats UaTatecwse ont the SOO TT Taw Te defined soil work as» profession that fet Taw I diel ssl oe enact ined eae rere horas ute in te moa aus sod sentinel exronment or te goed el cl oy, ond Uy te st of 5 methods? s came ede hippie Anacition of Sol Workers cn rT te lig ey awe prtesson whi TEES SRE id srnhan bse sl reaionehip fear facies drones tend and scey wee asetftodl werk meio hee fi or oc ered dfnion inches the erm AST deropaat was ablated fr “maa “oper it yor an mute! djstmentboreen the id ieee amo longer meee but hepa al TESUMEs or te idl tnd sty in blvd to be « irl ifa sthe Papacy concerned, Sul Me ed ar fering exmty, not ony eta near eee enerieloped ota devatapaet slddraced and ‘Tepecel ot to yep av avshle have yet fo relic the pots At rest he urge mao ar ignorant rate, footy elt ied by dase and but, leking fa playmt isan relay dependent onthe poerameat ‘5 coy for sural or endtene intel of bog ale: ‘at Thee peopl rnstae the aor of ssl work se rete dot cnn ep bt anita dicatttneye One cer asd he word ost was aed to imply that there bee to bring out ané muti the human beng expt cl eons and eerrage i cata sth ee nteatpontnly hi Eee socal wok hain ibd he maria poplin the Dee Save nt eben aint te he lopment whch ever level i happens tbe sn the country 2g3ay route to sot progress equity an ee ‘The Social Worker ‘According to the Social Work Law the socal worker is @ practitioner who by acepted standards of training and s0 ‘work profesional expriencs, possesses the sil to achieve the Ubjetivesas defined ani setby the sal work profession throvgh the use of the basle methods of casework, group work and community organization, He bas knowledge of techniques of ‘Sola work which are designed to enable individual, groups and ‘commonities to meet thelr needs and solve their problems of ‘djustment ta ehanging patrns of ence. Through coordinated tetlcns he ean help improve ecoomle snd social conditions and he mst be connected with an ongenzed social work agency which Issupportd partially 4nd wholly with gveramentor eommunity. solicited fonds. "Tobe able to practi the socal work graduate after icislog ‘the Bachelor of Sclenc in Social Work (BSSW) degree must pa Workers ofthe Po rment's overall regulating body forthe prof Social Work Practice Social work pratte a8 used fn this book refers to “the acti itis carted out by the social worker in varied institutional ‘setings,communiiesand private practice! The workers address full range of humar problems lnvoling individuals, files find groops:> Theve settings are divided into two categorie: Brimary and secondery To the frst belong those soialagences ‘Whore programs and services are the drect purview or scope of “odal work, eg DSWD, CARITAS, Hospicio de San Jos. Those Delongng tothe semnd enegory are ageneles, institutions and ‘snd youth won Sire syarsboe dele own servi ee eee ama or ot nan organization wh eel wal mtaren Geverle Term wr Siar, bly, and cient iret sss the elientby giving im fed so tht be can A€¥anCe omplsk an endo vernon or group of persons wan engage the “athe worker, the individual, fay, grOUP, oF “e ” coomunty. "Thee tre certain ters which are often oa with socal work These are social welfare, socal services, and Tosil development Social Welfare ‘Socal welfare isthe primary fed of socal work practice, The ‘erm itself has both broad and narzow concepts, Affluent covn- ‘Wis use the term to embrace © wide meaning, In many Thitd ‘World counties, onthe ether hend, the term is wsed to convey & to convey, co ‘There I gone {anittions and agencienenablched by eclty ts provide rasious , Hnds of social support to people whe may need nica ‘ Saris * etabistd other In response to asity’s wish to sore oF In Scletys wish tly individu to survive.” Tn the United States ther la common anderstanding that socal welfare le an “organiod! yatem of socal services and {nattotions designed to aid fodivdsals and groups to «tain ‘tiyiny standards of fe and health and persona and soci feletionsipe which permit hom to develop their Fl expat tnd to promote their well-being in hsmeny with the needs of ‘ee faies and communities Im bie, social welfere dents ‘he wide range ofetvites which aevity undertakes to insure ‘he mutual suppor of ite members |n the iuarest ofthe cohesion and wellbeing of the community* Viewed inthis ight, socal ‘weltareilades the iid of heath, edveation, welts, ossing, ployment, community development and stbor services that Sireciy affect the socal well-being of poole Tn the Philippines and other countries skmiaey situated socil welfare refors to an aggregation of specialized programs institutions and servieys intended to meet certain esfual needs {ike food, shelter and elthing) aot serviced by other types of Sector action, and reeling som Supervision or recopnition from Scars cr both, Thi how the tera is underatod in this ene fey. Ws subsectors ave family welfare, child aad youth wlfee, swomen's welfare, welfare of disabled persons, community wel {are and emergency assistance. “Te Social Weare Act of 1868 whic create the Department ‘of Sorial Welfare (the word Devalopent was edded much lates) {i more apecic, It states thet the function of the DSW is "to Provide a comprehensive program of socal services designed 1 Undone the living conditions of datrssed ipinos part ‘any thote who are handicapped by reason of poverty, 70% Shysleal and mental diablity, nese and old age, victims of aturl disasters including atsstanco to members of cultura Commusitie to facitato thoi intogration int the body polite ‘Tinta wher soil welfare standa today Social Services “social interebange Social Development ‘isi tr that sed withers aston by the eons iu nd fe scl scat Wea vet by eonomis na Frise of roving onal developmen eters toe ae I'he lef ing a oe equi datetin of cae ‘ha waa «her tem of slnenomi cation tara Sd et ei forthe baman serie protesion i wth fae re le te "Stay devepmen, manpower develsment ad pope stn eth Viewed thsi tery saree Bradt taal tare ‘eokotis te homan seyice water, among them sc Ta lca tet oneerraton, ro r sno improve haan begs fg, Rabid AR Supe communes OT cree aelde hein. A neck attra een ancl work's intone na ctr pono oy ot ar elyeed i detined tion nr nituation in which something ‘Tdtpensepabiyofocion tsetse input booms aprsin aprons eod ttn os prope nt of nan eee ad ute a ete ig ed th a iaiowe ty sme! fst jean ‘ies aneds td fay pe ede or ax we bare iu cree prensa tbe pao wot it te anion oral weer het ‘dtd ecnring tothe Puppae experienc) amen None Lei ot Rasoureee Ply Neate ood clothing, owslng) Econo pl endbelth cae Hea cae Fenton formal nei wel, Batey leq nfereement mc deor Preeaton ‘let ogeiatons mater! Needs Fodtog needed and Pareto muca putes, ‘raed y others fend igs, ‘Companionship falter referee rope Seavecrbeongig "eal networks 7 1 pose rice ursurence, aceptanets a neces tet a ee saeount ‘others (parent, Se nn ‘Educational, recreations ion ‘empl it i ‘Botnet antiauctlon oe echegpagin tle man er teflon creme oP socal work practice is thus directed to interface ‘between people and their needs. PURPOSE AND PURVIEW a uatversllyacopted thatthe underlying purpose of soe ot tt i to eleae all human power in individals f= rte fiinent and social good, and in order to create tHe eect, sol Intations and socal policy whieh Wil slérealization possible forall men.” Human power ist ey tno tiv tron, and exer fee wl sons sly, the purpose of social work is to enhance @ Ps SELHGA fehonog ta the improvement oft is seut $e imself and his environment Iti the product ‘a bab tates this surroundings: stances sgemament is the totality of conditions or circum ot erarach fading the individual It consists ofa combinato® ¥ se physical conditions an well as the comple! cf socal and cult conditions that nfuence his growth sd evelopment ss Busan being slaw io bahavion a he elas ° {oethers in day-to-dy living.‘ environmout may ip Me ‘Bio prevent hin ming vocal fencons Pers may be ald to bo scaly function whem be it ble to ope with soll relations td tank cas bse ina ea treewaye The person fective in the performance ct his asks; he ll and good. accomplishes them and algo cares for the weltare of others, 8) Ho derives selfsatltaction from the performance of bie tasks and the fulfilment of his reeponeibilities.> ‘Scope of Social Work ‘The scope of socal work, thats, therango, breadth, or oppo tunity within which cam function flows logally from it ‘purpose, Brown listed five concerns of social work ‘First, social work provides material asistanceto persons who are dependent, oF in economie dictross, or simply belong to the ‘bottom level ofthe population. Ths isthe task frm which social ‘work originated and will continue fo perform in te future. This Js true in all societies but the more 40 in undordevsloped oF developing countries where poverty is still a major problem ‘Second, it helps persons whether as indiviuals, families, groups or communities t adjust, to improve, and/or change for the better their economic and social environment. ‘Thiré, itis concerned not only with material or economig problems’ but aleo with the paychosocial ones, whether these Drobleme be the cause or effect of poverty, illness or crime, oF spear independently. "Fourth, it seeks to provide the economically deprived with oppértunities for improving ‘thelr own econoBic’ a sSlttatlon,ieluding those amenities of lite such os recrestio Cultural, rollgious activities which constitute an eosential part f i enriched standard of lving? ity of persons £0 rar pi og, arbi end decor promde the opr ih t seks to 8 siciate in problem sa evs ise affecting nly to ea fur more concer reevant 1 6 Pp ine conan Pins eth, it helps them to translate taege ion aly Seth hl ho arte evvoment of eno “eS EM "reaped communities and of, 8 Meo Tabs eume and merlin ens = ae cisions into action, ror a tottthat the ientele population bas acces ty won erent opportenties, improved health services Tndbettredvation ates ee es there eit conditions of ire esonomie poverty scl Epes vaio of hasan rights and human exploit ‘Saeicedal wo must om hands with others to achieve soi ‘in and gol change That reform must be directed towards ‘Sow equal distibtion af the nation’s wealth, income, and ‘Sonome oportasienandresoureey amore realistic and deat {Ming weg etter conditions of work, protective legislation for tromen, cides tad special groups, medial cae for those who “Stnot‘tord it, houslog forthe homeless, and more com Drehensive socal security program: To achieve theee ends sot ‘work may resort to people power, that ia, socal action of & wor may seo ower, that is, social action of port ofthe population concerned, Funetions of Social Work ‘toning falls into three "na a robabittating cess Siicries te eet ea imalredby phil mental : er temporary breakdown of normal fa ig Retloraton may be curative or rehab ore Sor sp peter ante Senter in when It tempts to rcontrut and/or orgnie the patie [htfacion tase bas broken Sowa, been changes, baat Tstortion implies the presence of pyehosoia suchas tows found inongSubnines abusers a eet Gisturbed, those under stress because of some trenmets oxperienet, and others in similar situations. imate Solin! work iv preventive when It gota through thee discovery control end elimination of shows condine we 2 {nspats poyhosocal functioning. Asa menos of prevention etl tock undertakes programe aid service feted toner ie Prevention of socal dysfunction. Among these tre rerer, {onal ane charate-buleing actives for ebldren ana Fut, Supplementary feeding, norterin aud presents forthe sot) SJoung conslig and ober socal serine for young ess Ss sofavarsnens season forte youth, women snd nen ‘Develpmental soil work i indigenous tothe Pilipinss “he couotryre tural resources underderdoped, ota cu ht hy Tack teu to oppertultes for self advancement snd the reslaation ‘ST netr potential, Developmental social work then efrsto th provision of soci a Zpulmum development end faint ofthe cen {eonaroed with the building of strength fr feietuiiiment a ations and with waye of lee {rip coping with siantions in fe that may be problematic, ‘along, ov stresfl ei applied to persons wove roi iS aore'ot lean poral or if paired thas ‘Probiems causing people much difficulty are not due to exdusively environmental or structural deficiencies. In our Country there are other factors that may impair the ability of Some persons to utilize available and accessible resources, Ths {actor may be in the individual's own personality or character o# when he is withdrawn, reserved or shy and has difficulty ‘etablishing social relationships. Or it may bein certain values, ‘elie or traditions whieh hinder the person from taking van tage of certain opportunities which may be open 2 him. Major Tosa of Sosta Werk or goot of apcial WOM so acmplon is purpose of male F8,.. Pincus ad accompli Fnven mot be aeroplane Serene tesce ted down four maior fesson. Socal Work of the peo a. taps people enkone, improve ter POEM solving ond coping ois? ‘People who can nage by theme who have the ability ain cong wi the ar anomaly seek eB 2 fro are ove" ea a cn gen PED Oe ir thts per es who ave gto ls OPE cae na Er et oi a oil agency. THs 8 4 ep rom sang ea thee reterrebo ake fete Fine sen er rnoares och fol aa {Bs dein hi, Ta scl Worker lps the ent {end ae tag fr hel He els bi prone by casing Me lvng and coping abilities For even ifthe snes HEN argu to the agency Us ial reseed, tee ais tat hel encounter ashe G8 ae ee Shc improvement of Ms problem-solving cae ‘Bienen fete protien at band but lo for use in the fear Te epee, hepefl, wl beam alt fate pro Pe me tuck he eect oak tsvtiog the sea view bis problem fem & Stir sage pine eonierng sever tmeal alters thes on 9 enhasing and eter salfaarenes ite becomes ear of and trou own atengt ed aon wy alin singh robles ow v3 personel siflls, ‘ng problem-solving strategies and inter” 2 Links an ps pope ota reso The law rs ‘performance vet assumes the role of a cas sa ena atte manager nh pends ® the aaivery of 1 say solve Be robe ne cenorers tt he nee races Mont, empecinlly hess whe ar i ace of arenes Me reronrea in nol Know whether ouch cevient serie ahr they ean be fr A young hy, x unaeay Feo eels to the city an Joes wot kaw where tg hom dotnet; sooner of later he jlnn group of sree chilren SGeeesenoor youth ahd is now oiited Into the ways of the eet children, Or a pregnant tecnagee oes not knw tt into for help and soon becomen prey to unseropulovn persis set are inthe Black masket for Babies, They take care cf the Dregnent mother with the assurance that everything will be a Fight then offer the baby forsale, sometimes to foreiga adopt neces he it tha Kn es ent wath Families whose breadwinner is sick or unemployed, families “without any Invome swhatzoever families who wish to increase Their income through lvelibood projects; youth necdiog voca- onal or employment skis, children needing educational aid to be able to go to school; preschoolers in need of supplementary feeding, idle wonten who need todo something in order to belp their husbands increase the family income—all these often donot Know where to go. They can be helped by the socal worker potnting out the rescorees avaiable, linking the lint with the Pfzouree, and seeing toit that the resources obtained ina timely fashion and appropriate manner. 3. Makes the resoure ystems and organizations responsive the ‘people. ‘Resource organizations are usualy founded with lofty ideals and vision, Enormavs zedl is spent in formulating a miss Statement end defining objectives. Sometimes however, the policies that may have been formulated may not be responsive to {he needs ofthe elints or target population so thatthe result nization, For instance, policies that upbold tices, ot policies that stipulate the ‘ge limit when educational ataatence to child may be termi ‘ated even when the need is stil there, policies and procedures ‘hat unwittingly delay the delivery of assistance fore ivelibood fseveral months wil certainly under 1B theffcacy o the se re {Beta ofthe servic. The dehumainng res! oe Femonsiy othe weil worker tse to tba ‘nranzations an yeens ecomplon th prpore "0h hy fave en ep ane or 4-Inflserce and contribute tothe improvement ant dona, fecapay einen Dinect service practitioners eam contribute 19 the in provement and development f sous pliy Urenth eee, find Wy sharing with. thele superiors and ote, tis ‘bsermtions and experiences obtained in the curse of the race, They are witneses to the ssa realities impinge Peoples aly fo attain a atsfuctory life. Th se the ex ‘ironmestal and heath conditions obtaining clients share wi, them ther diseppintments and frustrations reming crix policies such ae reloaton and resettlement, tbe lack of snd Eruilings and free elementary textbooks, the lack of fre ‘medicines for por pespe inthe public heath centers and maay thers Al these eggravate or compound the cons! pero Sroblecs. Most often there i a dearth of laws and policies tt Tay at least ameliorate if not entirely eliminate those exc Tonmental problems, Problems of individuals, families, ose End aeghorboods can be traced to the deploreble conde dons in which they live, Social workers thereore should mt Timi themselves {0 service delivery but shoelé bring the: problens tothe attention of government authorities and palit makes. "Two major tasks of social workers were addnd by Hepwort and Larsen in 1986." Social workers: 5 Pitts interaction between th individual nd other a ‘The quay ole fr people ie determinedn large mess" by the aualiy of thar fateraion with pepe In th Tooment® Ta Mghy urbanised and Industrialized cee re Bavly any contact between neighbors whether ich © fbidls dase Nelgboriness i mlasingandconuct bebe! ‘among neighbors is occasional or impersonal. This is true in “ doraemon create org ‘esnuse they have their own resources, thore is lot Urey cat ao ee oe Ht ty Sates ene ee Seater eee ene see oar ae we ar tee eee ree eam cea eee Sea emer aaa ten aad ageeni tang sae wa a tony ee eens tg ear er a th seme econo tre eg ger Nn ee eres Or oe eae Ipaecat STONE Meri tm See oes ea magus ha lth dare ae a i as ae Rae ete torte aly Ui penn) ea eae Se re Peco are a sepa saree, CBamiing grunt ne weet emmaetek (0 pig eto tn ere gag at meme a oe ad (eae oe ee See raat bts eae 6. Influence interaction between organizations and institutions Tn our country we havea term for ths: networking. I means coordination among people, groups or organizations of various {terest and orientation, working together as in a chain so eto fanetion na specifi manner; for Instance child welare network, ‘organizations eoneermed with the varius axpects of endeavor networking may mean different institutions working at the community Tevel ‘common goal or end, each doing its part of the Digger ends Asa coordinating effort it means seing toi hat there fs no duplication or overlapping of efforts or working at Fe cross ppses.Thisisoftonnecenary when several fence find thomactos working tthe ame apt or aren ees I csr eit danar orem a0 rex, wana powen goversiment (0098 ah rere rescued and extra) ‘emerge assistance, By row it should be quite dear what social work fs at) sbouttint it i not merely the giving of maieesl aid oF die fut whieh fe the common poreeption held by many. The service is merely the meane to an end just ax the doctor would pre teribe s medicine forthe patient. Whether tho patien® finally ecovers oF not would depend to a considerable dagree on his ability recover, to bovinee beck, a0 t0 speak. In the case of but an ald to enable the client o co bout ie diffiulty; his personal capability and how Bo uses ft to help himgclf determine his success or falure, suming thatthe other factors or conditions are in place. How Ie is able to do this would also be partly determined by the belper's application ofthe professional knowledge, skills end the ettes ht he posses. That shy soil works ald tobe SOCIAL WORK AS A PROPESSION ‘There are 90 many workers is 1 workers performing tasks and activities {inlet thove performed by profesional social workers tht as ‘ras thegeneral puis concerned these too are social works. ‘Azpehloga doing couneling in a acil work agency and th enter suaetem anther dsline are etnies cae s = ough belonging to other profesions, Even com nity development workers from other diseplines ean ely ‘GEEain he ditference between what they are doing and that of sdulworkera who are doing community work or comme 16 ivory mala worker In tng gh fram he ery tse Hat the mont unique or ditiagiiny ehaenctoristie WSroena on sora tclattonsiip a th iteracti tind hig environsiont Man isnot alone hy Mins te aay {Content the person in-tuntion. Skidmore made detaied Hing ‘Sftheve characteritiea 4” They are aa fllaws: 1, The focus of social work is on the wholeness or totality of ‘the person: imal, hia Uehavor, his environment. Ts 2, Social work places Importance on the family aa mejor ‘actor in molding and lauencing behavior Hence the use ‘of euch approaches ar "Zamly Based,” “amlly entered fsnd/or “total family” when intorvening in a problem. ‘8, The soci worker wilizes community Fources in helping ‘Deople. Where these are aovexistent he creates, aps na/or mobilizes resources 4. The aim in providing assistance i to onable the person to help himeelf to the degree that itis posible. Ass general Fale sosiel workers do Rot do things for the cheat; they ‘work with the cient. 65, The social worker intervenes betweon the client and Bis ‘rte three primary methods of social work inter. Fention are casework, group work and community Work/ Community organization. The helping process fs generic il three methods 6. The novel" in ciel work emphasizes stressor socal inter faction and the resultant social functioning or dysfunc Soning Fal work procese ie based on a ellont-worker helping Ing people and therefore. Is oriented to relevant of pertinent payehlatrle concepts, ‘0. Supervision i extensively usod in order to guide and direct ‘he work of inexperioncod direct service workers and the tontinulng growth of tho experienced. dal work has a unique professional educations! 10. " program besod on liberal ay eqatae. Fleltvork 5 Enders im fete cil gene wre are sper teh hye tadeliver ‘The Professional Image Many people sil ook with askance when old that social work 4s now considered profession helping ones that. Some ever ‘fonder why one has to havea cllegeedweation when all one Coes is extend « helping hand to needy people for that sal that they 00 of the social worker. The knowledge he applies thesis he ‘ses, the values he upholds are nt quite evident tothe layman, into a profession ‘during the early pert of the twentieth century. In 1015, Dr. ‘Abraham Flemner attempted to answer the question Is Socal ‘Work « Profession?” during 1 National Con‘erence of Charities ‘and Corrections. He listed down some characteristies which be {eit a true profession should possess. He explained that & profession: 1) most involve essential intellectual aspirations accompanied ‘by large individual responsibilty, D 2) ig learned In nature and its members are constantly resorting tothe laboratory and seminars for afresh supply offacts, 12) is not merely academic and theoretical but is definitely 4) potsesses a technique capable of communication theovg ‘highly speclalized educational dseipin ©) is self-organized with activities, duties and responsibilities ‘hich completly engage Ite members and develop grou? consciousness, and {fe Mealy to be more responsive to pubic fnterest thes ar 18 amoral nsdn enbrateng [Atthat time American social workers thought they were well Eriteria to some extent. Fifty yenra later, in 1965, when the Fhisppine Socint Work Lave was peseed loal sora workors fe ‘esured that they ware indeed « profession beeause they already ponseased the five general atibutes ofa profesion given below A Systematic Body of Knowledge ‘Al profesions drew on a body of knowledge that serves asthe basic foundation of tr practice Seclal work knowledge is based rgely on the liberal arte where general kaowledge has been ‘work theory on the other hand is & ioral aclences and Knowledge gained through the years from pi ‘Thus, the slensifie bas of socal work consists of three typex fested ‘inowledge, hypothetical bnowledge snd cssumptive Jnowledge, ‘Tested Knowledge inthe social and behavioral local condi West under conditions different from those of « developing Country, There a nee to tet thom in our own setting. In so doing {be local ociel worker develope what is known as assumptive Enowledge (practir knowledge) which isthe result of (tzpertencee in working with or baiping clients. The worker mist bersensitive to and Knowledgeable about himself—bis values Delite, and intentions. The result of tested knowledge combined ‘With assumptive keowiodge ie knowledge-gulded practice wich Takes for effective practice, Thereisa growing body of knowledge being accumalsted by Filipino socal workers which can be onaiptuclized into practice-guided knowledge but this stil Femaine tobe accomplished. eral werk ieowledge Se transformed into thanry which server as the base on which the professional rationalizes is poration in concrete ituations, and which underlies his pro- {ovional skis, Sorlal work education embraces four curricolar ftrear human bebavior and social environment, social welfare Fry ame nd service ine pradie (ieliwork) ate who ba escent pase te itt gan he ee Sot Waar ene ren epson Gomloon in couderel pee be Fett nano ty of reer tl work analy comers ta lent Having pened the xenon, Ieerrton on ina orice andi ow onl Selene Ee oqning Pace ofthe profrion. He's tobe mon rece 20 cele puree continu Nod etal rade sedi or nnfcal hs saeco uh iequredta renew hs estan sonny are ges oe he condone fr whch See hes tte has Bad some form of Cosas so acon rng he pro jot Pare Ceti satan othe ssid worker's exerci efyratonl etry ee pronbtl from dng 2 oft falowing 5s ie where bis _— preseribing gues for facets of the cli -~ Gompetencs does not apply; : ing his poston of autbortyto exploit the client fr bis ‘own personal gratifiation; “ising the profesional relationship forthe satisfaction of the profestional’s sexual need, the need to manipulie others, or toliveviariously. {Sanction ofthe Community’? ‘The peesage ofthe Socal Work Law In 1965 marked to formal eeceptance of social work a8 & profession by the com unity. This acceptance In manifested in the growing demand fo" social workers bythe traditional agonces and institutions and Host of other settings auch os honptal and mosical lines, cout settings, community development agencies, housing and rest” ement agencies, industrial settings (to take caro of explo relations and social service), nbor and oversees workers, off! ~ foncerned with manpower development and employment, «3 even in the Philipine Congress where they gorve as techaica ‘stance on sola services. ‘Th ‘community earrlos with it at leat three professional privileges, The firt is confidentiality, secon, im ronity, and thir, epectalized education ‘Firs the community considers as privileged or confidential the information communicated by the elont to the worker which may be released to others only for official reasons “second, the soul worker ie relatively immune from commo- nity judgment on professional, tachalcal matters, Only bis peers ‘may evaluete him. "Third, the community recognizes that b 8 specialized ‘education in order to acquire competence asa social worker. Regulative Code of Bthics ‘Bvery professica must havea regulative code of ethics to guide ‘the professional conduct ofa members and insure for itself the continued confidence of the community. The code must be ‘Spdated regularly to meet new challenges and emerging social ‘Situations for which there are no provisions. "Among others the code requires the professional member to provide setvice to whoever requests It, irospective of the client's Ege income, kinship, race, religion, sex, political affiliation and eG status Taleo specifies that the worker's relationship with colleagues should be cooperative, egulitaria ‘The 1960 U.S. Code of Ethics provided among other things ‘that the social worker should give precedence to professional responsiblity over personal interest, respect the privacy of ‘lcuce, give apprepriote professional service in public emergen- ‘en and contribute knowledge, skills and support to programs of yuma welfare" a 1079 the Cade wos enriched further with some principles juch as thatthe sceiel worker should act to prevent practices that fre inbumane oF discriminatory against any person or group of Dersons, be shoull not divide accept oF give anything of aloe for receiving or making a referral, and should under no ‘lreumatances engage in sexual actvitios with clionts.*® ‘Charges against social workers brought before the Board for Socal Workers, Professional Regulation Commission are based ‘on the Philippine Code of Ethic for Social Workers. "The Code of Bthice will be found in the next chapter. a petona extre Prt etonk hats own profesional culture. lis refected ia saci where it sorvn in olallonalandresearchcesten iE preeedonaleoition. Social workers se profession ‘Migr and aistaln more or loss the same protle and prot ‘inal imag, Soci wot hav a nystem of eles and valves aod {Neccepted form of Interaction and slationships ‘Sic work Is performed in agentes where competence setiee the gel oF parpote of the agncy i neces, Sos ‘ortars are ow begining t be employed not only as helping erons but for thelr rofesional Knowledge and know how tag aly thers a erabers of techatel stats inthe execaive sal Raa offen : ‘There are no human research centers Zor social work ia the ipines ae However, sme school of toll work aed Individual are able t undertake research with apes grants from some funding institutions. ° ® Its latest innovative approach is community outreach where- by an agency, = rataltion olson target or reaches ot Ses omni 0 aniterood in the ble tat ince ood ese servi or eoaren avian the agen {protesonalctareis bolstered by the Pelippin Ast la os rsa gctit! Workers, Incorporated (PASWI), which artict- area at th profession's concerns and works forthe ‘wor itrdas nal standards and the promotion of 2 ‘SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE: HISTORY AND EVOLUTION SOCIAL WORK asa profession evaled from charity work. ts sanction by the community and socety a2 such Is barely & ‘Rundved years ld twas introduced as «pressions activity in the Philipines during the 1820s, Its fll development as ‘protein is atibuted to the Americans who pioneered in socal ‘work practice ad education, Ts conceptualizon began withthe ‘arity organizations in England and the United States. [RELIGIOUS FOUNDATION OF SOCIAL WORK ‘hat if obligtory for tele followers to have comps ‘oneern for tho needy and thoee in trouble; religious charity ‘ecamse an intitutionalized approach to the amulloration af secll problesssin many societies. For example, the zakaat or the power tax was the practical expression of charity In stam. “Abyone wh has been to Thllend or ead its travel Brochures ‘must be familar with the sight of Buddhist monks tn setron ‘aber with ther ubigotoua begzing bowls as an expression of ‘help religion, According to Gore, in [nda the religious approech ‘o social problome is exemplified largely hy indiiduel act of ‘haity puch as iving on 04, grain, or clothing Ia Hinduism, a otehary a though 0a er. i a eathly rewards are fenting Tul Sasegone si are fon sy ot charity, a belief often s ple ee pce wher eof MOP at of eta, stow mere ‘other religions. Mover, standing i the community seta le etait -eoo oe cele 88 7 ah charee ah 8 or ty both the Camaro aad hope Uo she giver ands Tore Sew ¢ meaty Stee andthe comovnty, The teaciep id he drt ato th ane f te Roman Sie preps of mee cipene of the alms digaty est Catal Gaieh eve 8, Cifatnne helped ove another vies emer Tea stat te medieval Church eo an Feo ena chy tothe Dithop, the hd ie ute Senco Feet sene ofthe Chareh andthe acpi sn other reli in Eorepe se ‘Geancy flourished. The emphosis war on the giver's sat SE NNGe het wat evento the relpent ems he ‘ert interet in the eausce of ritferings te falled to deal wi {he cence of octal prota, In hose tne ‘Saropetn countries wan lrgaly based oot aetionnoe Posse gente votntay barlalisng counties soon beset? tndsaaieaton# eaten waren ne owt. Many othe Nace = tna since the conditions of the poor barely improved de sesh by the shurchee aa well ua the state, somo edit FRY Siete more. eftecive wayn of allovating he sects of the poor, One of there was a Protestant parish rae Chalmers (17801847) of Scotland whe orga 1s shanty beeed on neighborly ‘need hia findings. He reported that) ractice of pubile and church rlle wes wasteful, lermoralized the pat ies, 5rike practice silminated the wil of hia rolativen fonds and ‘igibors to help, and () failed o use tho teadiners of pil etopinis to al the poor Ae creoult of fe findings Chalmers recommended, that co duch case af dstrene should be careful investigated, (2) the GRase'cr destitution determined, sad (3) the possible of sete SEaRS Shae ofthe pauper be developed Hy enunclating the phi- Sophy spss aroha eet eczompanid fy home at Maiiworts Casework. tie stressed. a. personel taterect thos TORU Lu the Glentworker relationship ax an essential com Breer poor relied As suegertes by Chalmers the volunteers iendly. vistors who would Aowards He profeerionaiization of charity Work, more speci tally, socal worky RVOLUTION OF SOCIAL WORKPRACTICR = Brleand seacen tho story of octal work, sretgh ace tag 3 ‘Ppantsaphin to rma mii Pe atoiadet MRE e intan tewark 2 5) speciation Sumgeuoraltt beced oeentcay PIONBERING From Apprentteorhip to Format Methods Casework "Some fifty yoars after Chalmet ploneoring work, the Landiq. cae eine etteatcranzed a program a rele! tat va eee Oren ean the ely wae divided Ito dncg Bia iticattaerswersrecralted oaks t00g peony eae eee ante unignd to them. However, the mais opbusr ofthe work asso cert ffannce onthe Sy eta cninge chiens, At that tine the prevalig ite SA Mat sorte was the poors own fl, that they Ted id, ikl, mon ve bene they could nt provide for ote. or themaier® To thi concept my be traced the broad pur hser st Bogard ta Noth Ame ‘evelunteenrwaronittedeplapents or weckereriady sting became sine Jo for whith there were not emngs ‘tuners, Mare id workers were emplayed andthe vleees adel itr only to ake op ther ater effecting mi $y turned hr senon to and conceited mare o8 0 ‘idogendcommanty Basal p Tose COSwetes tone the rrunerot men chhevort Thue sxeeconiardfenty walnges st {Ste lorsime-rng wing investigation repatraton coon find coordination inthe ‘ud oordingien i the determination of what shoud const nd ofthe sietenth sete instrumental in the development of 023) HM method of modera social work 1 te tacitate he nat {e heptem to work ont le ova programa Socal Group Work the COS were the frerinnars of atework the setement imorement alas ad to have introduced ecl group work but ‘witha difference, The movement derived ta pa from the fac ‘hd staff eed in spect areas where the abe found. Thre fey ved in setdemeat ‘racivtien Tae eemeat Dowsee thus Deeme the protatpe of tady's commonly centers Fight trom the rar the secon house did sot provice {har Tortand they sought to elptnmigrats a «geome ‘ree ith all the problets they tes, St as abe to he Ccmmynity becuse they eed the ill Heue, te very Gat Sod est known. of te setomeat houses In the Uy was i Bllen Gator Stare in 1889 patel tn sel na beat tlaing wee proved to at len ‘token cogaedInool vfs, working with plans nprovemest of covronmentl eatin he peovatann st iesent sevemeniy ek nthe Eunedon Ara aod gouthccrng agence sepbasue char er blag that ie mide chance traced nae ace Coyle povided Jade Un the devlgsiet tf ‘oly wont ant tol work tod st intenanions Siadiodo poop moet paced elon encore eer hem on drt lerdeai 4 ‘amiles e ‘During the 1960s the National Association of Socel Verba ‘QAM came op with nnetament of PUFPOS 12 inn and impeoves th personal ing smeabers within a range of Socal graup work ms and goal fanetionog of £7087 ‘he potential danger of men growth, particularly at rial tof te person: and fr the ericption-AgroUD any ‘Group work Socal worker method. ‘commanity Organisation : SESE tery cna SPEER eteimmes geen SSPE ESA etecmrte genes ; reg upland scl eg toa" tion ‘alstnasee amo to bo regarded 221% Theses of the voluntary wotfre syetam. 72? nana ie at eer epee cepts remain tt emer de oe Po cetacean raed fee ace mei ea Se a Ce an halter SS ee er Fealalay pty beomrfee ert ipa sos te te ay png in te va inom amen Pao 0 opti cea cmmuiy eet ees See ee ae at es mle Top cote ate peg at eon ee etre aan te banner Se ee pee Eta ere re eet ae en ee ecemoeanas St apen eae conmniy cece ate ana Topline Se ee cn Sate deanna ete en Dey iat ae es ss Towards @ Common Framework According to Belsland th second stp in the development of social work pce wis the srving towards a common £45 ‘work This was nperetive because before 1905 thar were Teast seven coil work organisations In the U.S. Among thm ‘ware the Amedcam,Atrocation ef Medial Socal Werkrt = frkers 99, jusosnton of Senet Social Workers 2910), ont Alam of Social Wornere, BE members ck naa once fig ne ein Arent Segecee eae at eae fee, Soot 0S hg Oe oe es Pe matically memperecign agreement or conseasst On WRAL Son cer tS rhnplnannaed foremy boeue E d Sennen, neitfenNionerenat pany er URES nS ennployed tem och of hg Wonk Seg i et a eer ef Soa Werk Haceaton CSW. NSITE oaaated ty Cawe ander to dete of Bo Cee ca Seas having anne fel tbe ot ‘cafancdotne Sen enti SITE te cha Manitete mont erry ov ‘pulse loun oles ce member of sua 06s is pee ent Sed Se ing at fo eet idem be known sola worker ScpETuRAStae"adivten «competing plee for wnt she isp schoo or sped pientrophy tthe rons etree Chutce and Corrections The next yur Metin eelseg achat the’ New York Schoo of Applied Colembie‘Uaiversity Senos! of Socal God oie spose oe prota etn a's ovcek tome Progra by iid tare were 17 ethens of tos work te GEES e819 of ewe were ated with he sen Toy, eel work edcaion In the USS ts eeeable {See vate tderrednte graduate nd poo seeders casi, the a Carreulum Potcy and Practice In 199 . . nal” #82 the COWE lnsued « curriculum policy which stated shart Fete sg on rand Paton eect einige oe ‘mn onvetdae afore that, in 1908, « Working Definition of Soiat Wo Pranic asiefued by the NASW Comutssion ou Pract “The social work method i the responsible, conscious ant Aiocpttned uae of ve in relationships with an individual Sr group, Through the relationship the practitioner foci. {heee interaction between the ineivi ‘nvironment with continuing swareness ofthe reciprocal ‘effects of ono upor the other. I fecllcates change: 1) within the individual in relation to his social envirosinent 2) of {be wocial euviroument in ite effects upon the individoal, land 9) of both theindivideal end the sei {their interaction. folding am MSW were considered. qual ‘ticude da not lest lng. ring the porod predicted the need for many ing onder ‘Eradactes, and tuition foes were golng up. A {End CWE were constrained to sanction «professional bachelor ‘torial work (BSW) degree. ‘The Social Work Process Despite the inaves contending in the search for « sommon! ‘eamework for social work practice six atepe in the social work Procenmes ould be ated from the vast ammount of socal Work Rtcratare amassed through the gears. Theve stops are considered ‘'tpplcable tol methods, approaches, and falda, They #6, intake and ublahing contact o 2 carousment, dlagnonny and problem Identification dat Idontication,aetvice Panning and bans fr Sein trentment and intervention #21 San Sawkead & 1p and single systemy 5. evaluation of outcome through o¥ techniques; and ve practi 6. feedbuck and application of nuts in future Practice ‘Specialization ona Generalist Base nthe U8, the current approaeh to socal work Dractce is otegia US. ha ren reek edenion now scot pai itn pote sal Workers ig alin rriningbeceus they have more ustbe Skills and exp, ‘lnce than if they hed buon esi as generalists, Consequeny ‘he COWE's 1083 Coordinating Polley Statement and CSVIEy 43584 accrediting standards entablshed a professional foundation ‘het begins with iberal arta base Ut puts particular emphess ‘onthe rol sciences. The BSW oF the frst year of the NSW program provides general preperation; the BSW graduates are fence wth concentration, Ley specaliai coud yea nudes «substantial Seldwork componeaty fel tog euch pce o cordial arin ot iret or tock plaaments for thls students, with mor ay ena progr anv attention wt Setods bata toadgeay aod vests ‘wa practice However out ot Se tthe ety of teer sit 1Svertey ane of respond ilda of Practice oct serie wat a prnspalscily uf the COSs and the nn ren teday soll workers are ound worling Seatcencin ow FopaariyKaown as ocondary een pul worters ail wor na faly ar cides a tclguborhond center or « mental heath lite, Secon Seer nen on the other hand, provide a variety of jobs tn $03 sas in cecuptional settings in achoo Bee tend say Feguice more of the socal worker andy Ghercbis ancons Into other azean Such esate wil equi esr toe tor nity a be ide fevers oto De purpose J eto of aval work bo that dors ot lve ts pote Sonadeney. "The Spanish Period, ‘Tae development of soral work practice inthe Philippines = relavely recent, compared to that of the United States. One Sight ney that the practice was transplanted when twas elready {a ull bloom In that country, development that was a2 of- ‘hoot of the Philippine stoical experience. We became aa ‘American colony at tue turn ofthe twentieth century, «situation hat lasted almont ity years to be broken briefiy by three ‘beginnings of democracy fitutions for the publle good they thought wuld be good for ul {tod the ertabishieat of roca! In biches neath vation, and wells came vy mvc eas than “adolry in Y901 be elon stn te comiaged Lae itade wan Cheney td tne oP Ciaanty. Tae COM sf the coum that et ietperieiooariewe te ned yo ‘vas vo involved inthe colo Tmotimey sla thatthe priosts end the Colonizers. They built roads and bridges, brought 18 new altural product like sugar and tobacce taught tad helped ps, le and corn, and ofcourse, they baplsed the satis oop ‘techiam, and built churches ex paces or worship. Ore of tr teachings which has endured to this day fs ove f0F€€ P00" ag the wnfortanate an exprened ta charitable ats. Well ody Filipinos engaged in charitable scm, in all#Siviog #50 gue Aonations for and to charitable natitetions. Th ‘ued up to the coming of Ameria century. Dating the Spubich days the {o more aystemeti ways of coring for the poor as th Ibed done with the sncourayement of the churches. The Pui ‘ppinen avn Spanish colony, wes n'a manner of speaking, ct forthe rest of the worl Caco contacts with those couse Which were countenaneed by Spain ke Mexico, for exampl, Tecsuas afte aleon trade, Moreover, Spain was the seats Counter reformation while Germany started and nurtured the fetormation. Coonequeatly wo new ideas about helping th poor ‘wore introduced into the county, Moreover, unlike the Europes Councrioe which wore induntalising the Philppines semused ‘sercaltral on, foe fom the socal problema and ia ceied 7 Indontraization, urbanization and the infux of peessts sl Inigrant workers into the cen So the traditional wayy of iy {or the peor, the orphans the sek and the aged remained Ut ‘Sunged, The coming of the Americans opened up now flit ‘Sree ot helping peopl ‘The Amertean Influence Organized Charity sett ceca hen eat cis artes ‘Sen Lazaro Hospital and the Hi San Jose. “ “Welfare As may be Inferred from this development many of the Workers sesigned to the Tren of Publle Welfare were morse URotenase me leadership ofthe Secratary of Heath and Poble Weitere, Dr Jose FaboTa, performed social work functions Dr Favela vas sent abroad 1 sbeorve and train ia the fields of Jnedicineand welfare and he became very much Interested in aad (ethunintie about the latter! Tn the meantline, «group of American residents with the help ‘ot rome Hipinos organized the Assoclated Charities of Mania ix $017, R was patterned after the Charity Organization Societion in the United States, Manila var not only orbunising, Ie was In- Alustriliting, Factories were being ast up and workers eam the provinces were coming tothe iy for better Job opportunities and Thee ite. "The Asvocited Chavtis devised’ more sytematie way of hhetping the poor. It employed "home visitors” who performed broad. They visited tbe iefcate studies. The ‘Cherities was Josole Jara Matiner who ta 1021 recived @ erteate Tesora work fram the Now York School sf Socal ‘Work The second executive aouretary was Asuncion A. Peron Lee Yelildad Aleres ha, Siva) whl ‘maser dogras with a cetieate 1o osal services from the ‘Gathoht Untreralty tu Weshlagton, D.C, In 1025, 4 fow others jowel sult smong them Minerve Guyeayte Lande, Olympia {hide aur, lye Ray Poona, armen Honan tnd its Marila. Upon ber trial the Poiliptnes ‘Wks wore evirack Guyeapbo itredueed few social work Gente Rosia Univers bat not ‘S€ucation in soelal work and event oa immediately after the war ig ew who managed to quality for study man aie ‘to go abroad for graduste stuliesn gia no Introduction of Sx Work Methods Casework ‘The emergency brought oa bythe war Ie tothe empleyns fof relief workers in the government service whose main fone ton was to provide material reliet By this time the Astocatet ‘Charities had been taken over by the government, reorgenioat into « Division itance of the Bureau of Pue ‘Welfare, Later o Then Administration, and beeame the forerunnes Siwr inowa as the Department of Social Welfare and Deve ent, After World Werll, the term "home visitor: was dropped SEE the ne fda worker* was introduced. Att Divi ce the gencral term trod seas “oe Division Ae the War Relief tice also under the SWA hey wer Serta ‘lato two typer Jusior tecal worker or senior soc cee depending on the iowel of the Civil Service Fxamisaan SEiEsTchey pasted, At the cotsct, the mature of the work wee cacy. Feliet becease af the post war conditions Dut ero ‘Bin the direct eervice workors were required to make bore Vix he prepare cane atudicn towards rehabilitation ofthe recital alee Of eppie trend was partaly reinforced hy the United Nation ‘pechalcal Ausiatance. Program which sont two. social "ot ‘Consultants to the Philippine In 1948, Their mala fonction Goconductehort-torm trlaleg for aociel worker calle insti ‘for Social Canework, After the training the participants ¥% feqolred to take the Clll Service examisation for social work {i order to quality for social work positions a the government ae than the biggeat employe of eal workers. One did ot b#™ tobe a college graduate to gully ane vocal worker Community Work ‘SaSvomch, The main function was to evecuat ERle"arese government troopa versus the peasants turned Communists), provide materiel aid end when possible reretle ‘Shem Into newarees, mostly in Mindanao where they couldstart Iife anew as farmer owners, no longer as tenants. The foci ‘Workers were {o help them sottle in the new settlements, ye rural areas fell under the category of rural evelopment end fora brief period there was a Division of Rural ‘Weifare in the SWA but thie did not last. By 1954 "commanity evelopment” became a rhore popular term Whose avowed pur- Doce was to help communities become self-reliant 20 that they Bela be "integrated into the body polities Social workers Ghought that ikis would be a new interesting Geld of practice ‘specially when the Presidential Asastant on Community Level- ‘Spmeat (PACD) wee established andor the Office of the President ‘of the Philippines. Unfortunately It was not eo, uot in the begin -be community development workers would i ‘bat to qualify for that training "a government examination, That was allright as\lar as the social workers, about 05% of whom were women, were concerned. Unexpectedly, women were barred from tking the examination Decatae according to t the Job and some of whom were aleady working inthe rural or somirural areas The Philippine Association of Social Workers, organised. in 1 officially proteted withthe Civil Service Commission in 1956." Boon after that fire: examination the ban was lifted and women \ Were allowed to take the qualifying teats and tran an communily elopmnest workers, fi Despite the iting of the ban against women, however re” {ow (ventured Into’ the fled, Mele community devslopnent "othe services offered: physical improvement like building of fences, feder Foeds and iprigation atcha nnd the ¢etablishrnent of Nvelnegy rejects such aw poultsy and plesery. ase interest Goring Unis period was that the knowledg, concepta, and proceett belng taught the would-be comments ‘Seveldprsont workers vere belng taken mainiy from the books SEGRE Bonham ane Sturray Hoes, social work writer on ce monity orgasieation2" Today soclal workers mo longer ee Slsunet discipline from social work School, most inthe rate institutions. An example of ths atee Gottoe ot Sotil Work and’ Community Development at the ‘Gaiversty ofthe Philippines in Gueron City. ‘Delors the community development thrast was Introdect formally by the PACD socal workers ofthe goveroment agency, SES Wellare Admminiowetion wore already. involved ‘SShumunity wort in wfban aves, in housing ad esecemeat $teatamm for urban sousstrs. The ft me such a program mas Eaiched wer tnerevadenan’otsqaterin what innow ere WER hanaay in Queson Gly Thiawas in 1051/8 second war SEO Mas Llunehed in 194 when Manila authorities ordered TEEPE de ofthe arveterain lncramuron, the old Walled Coy ‘hs is tat had been reiced fo rubble in the iteration af the ieatare were trenafgred to Sapang Palay tm te ‘nce then social workers st bt 108 with working dlcecy with tho people Screlop seltrelance rather then with the coordinatulon, mst ‘Sioruine of existing organisations in the community. The wae ea semeamemureht aing conn wh Risser any Dang the years immediately following World War IT, group woot wes mainly eesoiated with recrenton and character. [Sidiseproseams most dealing withthe Youth Grogp work ua iy eos workers was started by the DSW ta the 1960s fe provrame forhdcen niasUtetlonsand out-of-achool youth. The Eotuorerumental organisations (NGOs) soon followed. It was SSurng this period that group work as form of therapy waa labled persons, such ‘the physically disabled the substance ‘Boasera the mentally retarded, et "Tolty, socil grog work lt used extensively with community sroupranch asstrect children, theyouth, women and other adults Schon for purposes of rehabilitation or restoration of sbeal evelopment of a aeitreliant and ‘where itremalned atl after the war presumably due toa lack of Teles identity There achoola ware the Centro Hacalar Universigy ‘Sod University of the Pulipiner, SURE, of the United States which in 1944 att, town see RISE ourses hie school oered he falling feb ane Soro ont omminly"sgentao, hab, alan Paychiateie information, However the eurse ted, 0017 10 ¢ lal work Ya Jane 3 panded rou roy ronse Adin he maser of oil wa agony noo ‘opened «similar program wove the Cone Bacolar Univer Shae Uninerdy atte Pipsines The program Owrer, Sud ‘ alordrawhnetthere ware novengugh student rolling. The ‘This was the situation when R.A, 4373 otherwise known at he Sohal fork tea was paened in 1968. ewan mponsored by a sipntor Marie Ralaw Katighak, who had taken up vocal cite. graduate level at the University of the 1s Acpgnited socal ork en proetaion fot few who enrolled were sendy working in solal agencies o were Sptrant rust pascens the bachelor of eaence im noi dmantecr work tn socal werk degree and mst asare oxamionion fentsimeechachod ~~ Detten the candidate a each, dare tm Mf achcs soos sebowledged that there would not be the Tens ‘rahe mort fave compltad cao cheat nkactee te ctecualy then anda unimnm peviod of ome Mowat ts oe ect superaon acu radiate ete 6 at cme oem gine pat crablinned social work agen wndey She set supervision Ter cites seheel tarectgoung poopie ta become socal workers, Of 8 PAL ea nee a re aa Heswor an-atracive prospect a2 the public Image projected ty “A vaoclal work agency” le defined in the low os & PS, store am cine prec a the ube mare mrheted AZ corporton Granites preentatintcoenpnem a SRE ecthSeah Sis ene tbc tneel tha a ace eaay want nd some rere per ie rar alert tem ey reread soul or Sr se gecament ales om rentattreteekcatiesoes imal ty ator ns pls nets ang hee Se se pan cue T™ERehy an caves bn ee Qiy oe on degree varies ve given at the master’s level. T! ‘workers (this was later reduced to three) who wor epee ered ant AB otal Weltare AB ia used Work tonto thelioen . Enos Tina hege et A nt Eames Seer at a - + A Common Frame of Reference for Social ‘Work Education ‘s yrty In the sar pgm ine re echtcsmentt tao re ey ee arene 5 sion Deena dually meant the application tne ey ae oy erty ere ie sdwlthothecdegreeprograms (750 tothe three bane methods of wciel work ‘work, and community organization ipl Tmajor methods of eoelal work for which ‘worker must at least have some competent “ivect socal work pactlon, Field work unde {rained sei worker became an igor fants for Heansing as vocal workers Det rmination, the endfor by Sool et Sh Rane earae of rofrenen became urgent, Tn this {her were Seen ee NICHE anuletea SWA Social Services Pricey od bythe UN crash on Soeat Work Bawcatlon was he th iron sol priaretng he fnsitata, Centro Haelar University, PB eae ne opine Women's University, University ofthe Seen eee Gainers of Sante Toran, Central Philipines Us TORIEY Sisaite Conteal University, Philippine Christen Caer MeaM/sct’ College, Phiippine Women's, University in Dol, iste University, Stella Maris College, and Universi ‘ot Southers Palpyines eee ast all three workshops on social work edveation were Gpoesared by the UNICER-SWA Project: 1067, 1968 and 196 Ree ees workshop fornoed on a formolation of the goals ofsoet “RUN Shocation inthe Puilippiner; the second and third, > the ‘Sore enntent of the bachelors and the master’s programs. AnOSE ‘ho contaslons reached wore the fllawing” 1, Social work goals should be tied up with national deel seen ee estate Phe endergainae aden shoud be prepared fret ing pratice with competence in problem-sclvag, © ‘ringing needs and resources together end i - tetanneeda and reoures together andin documexb touching. reas tn the BSSW ex, vironment 52 tS (One of the major results of the orsation of an Ad-hoc Committee former amrmended the organization of an amociation for socal "The Schools of Social Work Amsociation ofthe Cotlege preparation forthe professions or disciplines exept forstew lke elicine wnt aw taualy consist of just fur gears STvermal education, Only «few students bother to go om fo the {radunte lve for further taining. Yt iti admitted thatthe Fractidover iat strive to Improve his competence through the Zevon of hie Knowledge, strngtheaioy of profesional ‘lus and Improving profesional sills fa the mi-1990s a & Jurtel elution tothe problem of the profesional tas qu, the ‘rotestonal Reptaiion Commision, Un Hensing goveroment gency adopted the policy thet every replated profesional ‘Mating fo romew his Liconte to pracuce every three years must how evidence that he bun bad some Mad of continuing 9, fevsosal edaeation during the period. very profeaonel ‘bolton ie required ta oversee the continuing eaveation of Froferionala, Ta the eave of social work it ie the Palpning ‘esocation of Social Workers, Incorporated (PASWD) 88a lt verssing the tmplomeatation af such a program for sx wore real woke he doraonment tt MES oy hao lanicaed Youre ag in terme of tomianh ea {Redeutes all chr foe of ase else an8 evelopment, Format gradunte traning wosld Be des bot fy ofr tla, Study rena ‘sdmitedty ta st becoming.» Bee. Oy ‘proliferation of teeing Promrane 1 chee ‘mostly on the Job, Just barely started, the implementation ofthe ‘equirement for continving professional edveation wOUd gives ‘resh Impetus t9 the social workers’ outlok and ral seltentecta ana remit of inerenned nlt-confaence he {ee related elds be ‘degree in social wore. Appointing wuthorties expect no les 3 PHILOSOPHY, VALUES AND ETHICS PHILOSOPHICAL BASE OF SOCIAL WORK ‘THE PHILOSOPHICAL BASE of social work isan expression fits concern with the ultimate nature of the world and men. the object of socal work end itis man inrelationship with hig environment, how he interact with it. The social worker, in reaching out a helping hand to someone in reed or distressed ‘mus take into account the rest ofthat man's world Social work philosophy rests on the belief that man was crested after the image of his creator, imbued with inherent ‘worth and dignity and endowed with the capacity to reason and ‘he freedom to exercise his will Religious roots - Pioneer socal workers inthe West contend tat social work Dhilosophy ta derived from religion, and for many it, is Footed in Judoo-Christian tenchings. This is quite significant Wiipino social workers since for the last our hundred years OF 29 ‘large majority ofthe people, about eighty-five percont Pratt he Christan faith, The tore anclont Aslan Ts ‘indulem, Buadhlem, and llam also encouraged ald pe tre oF me coi0H18. Wests noes. nina 7) eter and renee se etn oat or the i atom Sain, ede FOAIDE out Shere com ven vei in man’s inher itosophy empbMtin’ Judeo-Christian. teachin ined from Jecjemocratie and hs . snc moan was al80 given ty was being crenteirry on the work of Coa ia Wester, phcon? sweth and agniy as derive © eign si ane ena To wie ror den ant wie all vee sacrgrdenttes Tam puting you tn chargo ofthe is, ‘SHED oh Chere wasinlaFbave provided al kinds Stain ands iady frat for you to et. But forall he icine and al the Urde have provided grass and Tey nt for od (Geneve 1&2), Schl watery ipinterte ners aera tenet Ine at cent itorend yan 8 contnlty win ipino values. The Filip Met freedom eran nase aloo rota As a inividoal SMR conscious of his dignity lar Chia ‘tin tlbino common man opulat Christa rd agrnmen man Go 'rned with practical solu? 3 trom iis ms Smuigtaet rcugeneiecaeaty nek World countries It s not enough to simply strive for economic development when the citizen does not ha the resources and the capability to achieve it. Considering the deplorable conditions in this country at the present time, soclal ‘work is focusing more and more oa the development of man ase Human being ao that he himseif may exercise his Wights as soch, ‘achieve social justice and attain self-fulfiiment.. tization, Donor and worthy of being saved when he cannat bimeelf unaided, Itis not just enough for a person tobe conscious Of his olf, bis personhood; he must strive to meet his funda. ‘ental needs: physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. And last but not least he must treat others as hues _ Beings and not reserve the treatment for himeelf or only for those ‘hot he lites Tn shore an implied goal of spi work i the real stings fo enhbce soil functioning toe wndesver Stwe the clent seo himself axa homan beog. athe one, and ‘eat otters ike hima bomen being, He mort be « cog peo : eae eas ‘yaLwes oot abot wha cami a ioe oan goal faith coer ye olds he sing” Spertas n ag pint aloe go while the lat, val dopa of ona’ personel Valen oie gn tanh 8 meer icea emote aan ering cha vale ATS Ter it BOE Spent et work Vas saci work pacce inary fe valversal ead Sanne comey ot embnt ‘Secret te protsion a oe yas premises of social work ae drt on Saal ase. Brey deve are the belies that max ‘Diese ecrded de respect because of his inherent work to diy 2 iea‘asigue create depending on other men fort feftimeno bs niqueness; and ‘bas the capacity fr change, growth and betterment. Because of thets proes ‘sing commited to anol bis potent ional values social work eannot bt belief that “itis good and desirable f# a, Wo realize himself, and to balance Thi Sibson ‘ue contin oe thetH do the sar ‘called eens ce ati a n WhishourtoiawarketsceretTt Other primary valet # rersare committed, These are: humad Hi” a naman weitere, Sci Junie, Infidel dignity, and Spportanig. Some Relevant Filipine Tralte It in end that culture shapes the percoption of ie member, Ccultore moens the ayttem of eymbols andre Sryanive ther ideas, Interpret the experiencen, make dcinons (End ultimately guide their actions” The alm of sola work to ‘ip the cient achieve functionality through his own efforts, Th Sieatworker relationship ln the Bridge through which lp in ‘ended tothe person in need. Thi eationshlp would be easier Enachiove and maintain ifthe worker has koowledge and under Standing of the client's behavior. According to the behavior ‘entists three main traits highlight Filipino behavior and {ecision-maLing. These are personaliem, familism, and particu- larism (or popularism).* Personalism Personalism has to do with the degre of empbasis Flizinag ‘Bre to interpersonal relations, to face to face encounters? ‘Fersovalized techniques must be utilized in doing things Clients ‘are better motivated to accomplish a desired goal ifthe social ‘worker involved or other buman service workers give the case & jbip must have a tings of personal ‘working with groupe and commanity touch, Social worker leaders know fora fact that problem-solving is more effectively ‘chieved if good personal relations are applied rather than vag only given deliberation, debate, and collegial reasoning, Flipines ‘void controversy and conflit or open confrontation a8 much as Dosable, They retort to other ways uch asperinig (ast) instead of directly expressing an opinion especialy when itis contrary oF ‘opposite to anothers Idee or positon. Bren communication oe be followed through of personally attonded to by the pers ‘oncerned for it to reach the intended receiver o sent ong senate 0 wy cal wrk tt pon al dl sina Meters os oie igh Dd. Py she of naryat husb8O5, Se also the fash sisi esr ner oman oe Si pola endnste mit SC apecly relatives, ee ways Bete ions. ‘ eet ven tote wale eu net iy ne ince oe ‘anil early 7007 ales eompel® see ygecbuered serie power of busines ‘o fers. Sometimes we sree a et sal worhr in lso wall advised to remember that ty tunity isto bai of qrovp ation. Helping an Individual mone of the family in often undertaken with the help of the othr members In prov work consotatlons are often held with te ‘yy the Idol ember of the group before be au Partiipste ina groap activity of take a atand on an isave, Te ‘ult of « dacusion is often a consensus rather then th ‘reement because formal votes are geldom taken, a the neighborhood itis the family, not the individ comping Insts ty. ere beightened emphasis interaction ise © slept peut, eet tee earn ininet eng » Inger community intorere ‘To be popes i een complement « Pilipino ten teeive Troma ye Seighbors and acquaint ty to cadens reper conduc ie ewarded ith eoperno fines and noncoatormity iy punished with wittdowsel support eames Particularism (or Popularism) ‘The Filipino is suid to be patiularatlc in that he tenda to Delong, to associate with only une person, group. th eategory. He doos not bother with t mayne « pc Teta fhe Jeepney tat hips er the ee with candy rape On ihe sth ha he He tte ide tel parece by fon, pur an enact ee The Westerner tends to be inulin obs astast canta he tau be sles and me ond for tele Toe Fliping oo the sthe-hand rales {general or wniversal from 4 personal perspective. He Is vey subjective rather than objective. Hla behavior, the decisons he if at all are ecloured by his feolings and cultural traits. He fe hesitant to be Deld responsible for decisions or to be iduously identified in the decision-making process" Thus the ‘lent may expect the worker to decid for him no matter that be fa repeatedly told that vltimately he must make the decision, not the hea worker hse par ectve bene re or dvs ot cies 7 islons and Is afraid oF asians empharied a ‘rg ‘This penchant for perticlars by some well known Filipino values ch a0 pakiRiramay, ‘ont of one's way to asst oven without being asked a pend roy savannas a OE SA cea ennatin, poate Say oF wre ‘re alder, 1 8 tof Being sy that er er wma seh rans Sada Fog reiprocal oo Tg akon entity rate coc and poner TP erane? ah maa cinetn nee hemes a ie tel Sly to encounter ech the ocl OrA e ane aeeare thet DUBE ein eorks Aa fd ene ean sc cen ran the hey do nats se ested, menuonss ee nenation bere Hy manifocted by the elieat fn the cour SL Taaped These ave the emotional imperatives such ashy Shovfore an example ofwhichiepananagutan, and relations, ‘cemplied by patina, ‘Fay ares wellknown Srplsnction bere, Howerer, ETHICS Ethie ia the science of moral duty; it is concerned with te signee of eal human character and deals with moral princi ion has its own code of eta In this ection we are Preseating in brief first, the Americas Co oe lowed by Workers” “UOW By the Code of Ethics for Paicine sod ot oF eres oF Ta warn Nat pssoctaTio or soc Summary of Major'Arietey 1-The Social Worker's Condee "2d Comportment # Social Worker's Conduct ‘ nd Comportment 2 A. Propriety. The socish worker should Seta erent cont 2, Sonptace and Profesional Dectapment. Tn va professional practice and the performance et patency 2. Serer "The social worker should regard as primary the service obligation ofthe socal work profession, D. Integrity. The rocal worker should set In accordance with the highest standards of profesional nti E. Scholarship and Research. The socal worker fa study and research should be guded by the conventions ef scholar inautry 2, The Social Worker's Ethical Responsibility to Cents B, Primacy of Client’ Interest The socal worker's primary ‘Teaponaibilty is to clients ©. -Righte and’ Prerogatives of Client. The social worker ‘thould ema respect the privacy of cients and hold in confidence ll Information obtained inthe course of professional service. Fees; When setting fees, the social worker shuld that they are fair; reesonable, considerate, and commen : ‘with due regerd for ‘8. The Social Worker's Ethical Respo to Colleagues ‘Respect, Foirness ond Courtery; The socal worker shold trent eileagues with respect, courtesy, fairness ad good K Dealing with Colfengues” Clients The social worker base ‘Teaponsiility torelate to the clon or colleagues with ol profesional consideration, 4. The Social Worker's Ethical Responsibility to Employees and : Begun ae tne ent Oe tmenta. te i Sorat ate The foi Workers PH Pitre te i Mointsining, (Tat ing sn RE Sree Tea ices valle ere renin he soll worker shoud, often tne rel woke hea Fair fe ratty mega O78 Profession. The iy of ice the vane gis ‘e-Toe Sova Workers Bbicl Responsibility to Soctety Promoting the General Weare. The social worker say fromete the general welfare of socety. ‘The American) Code of Rehics spells out in detail many tty rior of conde already observed by Fillpino social works ‘idoogh act specified in ts Code of Ethics, Continuing professional edocs Professional Regulation Cae aris far ew “omamniy ox tion of the general welfare of society has Ettened Work on try ceReTS NS poor and the deprived ave tobe aplag aut nce, E fFom being finished; de? toncrnepegetot eondt incuded. Thee ad MBNA lente Peo ae oes a : aad thene ae ‘he ster service profeedoage S°*TAlly prescribed in relato™ eB a abut tar Ee Paine soci, 0 moat probe Re Aoeal workes cause of the emerfite & 1, We elieve in the inherent worth and dignity of man.44 2 We believe that every mani has. natural and societ rights, eupacities and responsibilities fa develop Me full potentiate at ‘The social worker should make available to the dient the resources end opportunities that will help him and conerbats oo his development and self fulilment, 8. We believe that the government and, the people have a joint Pesponsibility to promote social justice, and to enure the onomie and social wellbeing of the people: Secial workers must help people realize that while govern: mane society, Including the eatabls ‘and provisions to eare for and protect the cuzaa when he cannot oso without outside aseetance, 4. We Believe in free men i in soclety "plane terre eee tbe changed) et free Compre Fat structure ‘economic, #24 eaation Fatier thy “ova be FoR rm tn thi cont re gaara of highly Pulftled humgy, Miuity ond ‘econo ‘aia Code was adopted by su see Ca ea ihe ccenom oe the people's living coaditcg, Cie = amano ail ceeitrve to struggle for social Sei tithes or for soe ce Spon rome rr enderng cas Sree erin ete cnet serra nbs Samane veces 6 Wearecommlted to see ohigh qual of life for our people Sodal workers are committed to help the poor to rise abot thar feel of poverty without bringing down the vich. Thee ould be a sarng of opportunites aad wealth but it must ie ‘arsed honey not a dale-ot bt the benefit of hard work tt Protacion, july earaed. The poor sheuld be enabled toe! rman beings shoul, in peace and tranquility not havisg ® worry about the next tea nora rot over thei hon, £04 all those who cond, meTstanding clients, colleago®s ‘me within bis sphere of profess 6 wo Ret Mtndjoe avail of opronee eosin ert otet eines beara toa ©) all times conduct imac in accorda Standards ofthe socal work proecsion ate? With the ‘TUE ouiDINe Panictra OF s0CIAL Wom ‘The guiding principles of socal work were initia introduced in 1961 by Be Biostek as attributor or charectaines ot te client-worker relationship in eapework. Later day writes seated to call them instrumental values as they logically orm the valoe assumptions of social work. They found them to be eppiable ‘whether one is working with individuals familia, gesupe oF ‘Communities, Others refer to them asthe “generic principles of fclal work aa they more or lesa govern the manoet with whlch Socal workers deal with their ellont; they guide the practi id promote the profession with unitary methodology.” ven gulding principles have been ie are: acceptance, Individualizatlon, noajudg B ression of fclings, controlled emotload involvement, Confidentiality, and self deteraainatios Acceptance ; “The very firt of the genérie prineples of aeialwork is accep: tance, I i the starting point ofthe client worker relationship, of te ‘rocess. tis based on the belief that every busan Being is born with ioberent worth and dignity! thet be is Inuialaly good and natraly virtuous and herfre soni be (reated as such, Cllents are accepted for what they are iere- of what they have done or failed to do. Neverthelet ‘lente are held accountable for thelr actions and must behave, ‘responsibly towards othe = «ike principle of acceptance requires thatthe soil woke ‘extends unconditional love to those seeking his help. 1 eer i cement “inn pnceegtn a ccc oa se et at fem ee a eee ee ee eaten Tee lee Sosenh e sie ors Se paom se It yee let ow Sioition a8 be pat Individuatzasion Iedvdusiztion ee base tenet of aodel work practice ait springs tom the profersion's philosopbical belief that each ms ‘Pimbued with iaberent worth and digaly, the same as every biter individual ye with u difference. No two persons are slike ‘eaause each persooali"is the product of genetics and the suvreement fan is thus the preduet of nature and artore ‘Bach indvidal bas the eight to be ls own person, sp: ‘tinct rom others, and to be treated anc regarded as such uation oblem muy fall under «get y abandoned chil, physically dsitt ites invoived andor toe ete® Aiicaly may be astingi! cae wi bea essen wha he sheet of nel frisoctd ty tne ays or the ean es eyes Se sxecute their tasks. Group work may be concerney mmelve3 ot itis bu ils etineteporpor in teoy Sein tap rofession and as presently practiced in che Fn ie Oth SGjstment and” development of the mere PRIne: the ‘through voluntary group associations, In this couse age oup work is done with the marginalized popuincge: cn ct ‘school youth, street children, disadvantaged women dene persons, ote. The ultimate aim i the growth any deveonmenneey ach and every individual memaber of the group. The same may i ot ecmmnity work where teal werbers eae een coordinate community resarees tbl for ak inprovemeat ofthe community by ensling ad enpontar tig ‘onl tothe masinons pussie rece ee ogee The priocple of ndindeclieaton imple thet We, sca worker ast be ied in differential diagnosis so that tae Sind yader to each and every client meots the particular fr situation, using as much ee pocaible Te Bis capacities and eapablies, Nenjudgmental Attitude ‘The principle of cceptauce implies « nonjudgmental tance on the part of the social worker which may be expressed fn ia stttude of neutrality. The worker does not use derogatory labels ‘to identiy his clients Ike prostitats sctions, even bis lifestyle. He may not assign guilt o i shite cient Thos not hab; there arothers aed todo fe may not even say outright thatthe client caused or created hie ‘robot; his shlls and the techniques he uses sbould bring the lieat to the point of self-discovery, of self-awareness, of el ‘escgnition of his own failings oF Purposeful expression of feelings o controled emotional ineet sonore ue the Sat metyreeiag OFton, nF oF erm to equi bets ut enable rumtion. The dag toe Pend feelings fect tg fealings shoule t isowedae ein eontrtedeonotionalinvsiveres, axes prea anime afar to he ch sonra way of racing to the cents parpovafal expression: EEG! Kiplin pretonl detacameats It cane tt ‘kooh th wetter oat boa ‘ndersts sites he wae aust be sympathetic and undertandiog nt Beemingenodoaly slatean a ees leat exprel Tiei8e SHLD fo presi or reapond tot Felton te haa Detain ofthese fel 7 lest and his prom yfCehnes and behavior # PFpratewaye ts tee robles. He shold loo sepod Terponse on Of amt MPEEAGtpeyeholopieal ese ‘ temponse of atutade a in'the worker's petuing a vicarioes set Su-determination Sa-deermination ex derivative ofthe iheret wrth ity of an, ofthe blcr that hes cadowed whe race Sod peor expectte Tocel government for them. Ths ie ‘been passed down by generations where the landlords and tribal chiefs slmply made decisions for helt ‘ulordinates oF members to follow er implement. in such cases when the client i Unable to meke or cometo a decision the worker hat to take him through the proces of decision-making. He sees to It thet the client knows what the options open to him are, helps him see the disadvantages or ‘ivantages of each alternative course of action thus develcping is bility to make a wise and sound decision as to what course to take, and to be sure to Know what the possible consequences of theaction he wants to take are, and to be responsible for bls Fo canouma a pet tt ; ct cad hye trie nemo Sarangi aientin eine Cy fin ican nonce ner partner ergt tne or eat ar ners te oe eal. OF ting, ey nl wees ty end eghe cuit verted nate ta aime Sota es ine alent usta seeding on gun 919 404 sed © ° ‘Peri te fs to snt-atermination 0% 2 crson's ight to seem pers. Tbe Pe oie Be ah of tbe for positive and contig nes eamework of evil and Tor ly aoe D Sry Byte tontlon et the ager ‘confidentiality gt to ep their past behavior ‘Present troubles private. ieee ae Greaves tthe pronation of secret In sm cme Cant whe Ie dined ae proteins Feteloahi, : te : crt ahaa egnatve Oa the was once a od would bea vite BP herehild for, en ur mg mal iS tern tPtls fe persone life whet meter reba of make NS re aided Interviwed ket gg ttt Piipn RS lat white wang pens ere comman la uber Ger. tn ty res tasting en ena gan ae et ia eofieniy swiss at eto red es by pretest pierre neem n tia receding principles are universally applied and se other valver wha are upheld by tind relovant to thelt for of the prevailing. yeopelitea! and fons: To the United. States fr Instant {he beginning of the 20th century, tocal pert by the methods of the charity workers fvidence of flawed communi rena {Cod tofucie onthe got meh wat seis opight protect ven The cleats Soc teeter tow on i petra sted eae enue the walbelog of he once of ie Puan who aeede be se ve ercceed ad certain changes ok ps workers beam ginal a Sena 'ctors shape ado ig actors 20s the sntlement hone movement nd Be Fhe Freres tte abe for xan bled tre tee ether atention ta socal anf economic 2 THESE anbstaialy tote misery entre a aed abst real ate ineared sea eee tote chen personel moral waned il change aod te ‘tunities increased. LUsuously stressed the need to attend Pc) ine eae ron eg ratte inte we he? Sa SES ie iauon fay sweeney dca Seed ye ot cn Mpa cat ee TOAST, Thun. There had boen socal varest ven before the mene Cena ser ca whee erin ganry ofthe country. Whe icin gatas the government 6 foverniments weltare agony had thelr Fol ‘Shem They became involved In the Srben aquitiers, They were provider of resowrees and it ‘Seubert Itanyone among them at thet time saw or undersond ‘Seinplinioas ofthe aca erises gradually unfolding. ‘Their wal awakening may have. actually started at the beginning ef the 1970s when the concept of effective community (greaniaton as involving controversy and conflict was tntrode By some foreign worke > Pr] ol ote. The threo major values th nts up to this time most probal! ugh mow prominently vienna ee et end people's paricpation nee t i i b Soctat J inply stated, social juice mean the ‘rntdona eu and income toate f, social justice involves the principle of equality of nportunitios, equality before the law, and the equitable its ution of the froite of production. Srepancton species slices aieed cece “epaaet ca Gntat ehopmcst de i Tr as ornate aT Wins nt a uiprge people's Pere 32 peer the SPanlants mee vapene ss ee ee acl Serra gear eed be entaisen ee in tt reson tb na are depentet ‘ie lal work, typleal newer jourly and make their own decision. a the drive towards people's to te ig dedgactene mesa as a strategy fj aetna teat hes level af parteption: 1 cet ‘gqasking and program development usvally# | 4 ‘THE COMPONENTS OF SOCIAL WoRK PRACTICE TRAINED OR PROFESSIONAL social workers often find it simeatt 19 explain to the public or even to thelr fends and ies whet they do and what social work precio is all about. ‘S505 ining at all thatthe public image ofa social worker is hat of PBurig worker handing dole-outs. So in this chepter the ‘Stovoncats of social work practice will be discussed \n order to froie a clonrer understanding of social work asa profession for hich one must posesses basie scientific knowledge, appropriate Taisen, end the skills necessary for helping peop's in distress, “Tebopin with, there ate four major componerts of social work. practices the client, the problem, the agency; ind the helping? Frocess. Helen Harvis Periman, an American cuthor, refers 19 hess as the °4 Poyr meaning the person, the problem, the plass, and the process. In the folowing sections reference will always be made tothe dient es on individual. Howrever, these social concepts, theorl lind principles. are applicable to, the, client whether # 42 Individual, a feraily, a amall group, oF @ commualty. rma tut eros scal lt anal tony oe command cag af Be Che madar ow edo hl setae dens efor vom pofetiony : ent on the Peony a eata'toe cient is MOF necescan ver Klowship. Tein «kind vce a ty te provide ep ‘Bertini hands, the former providing the external ride aira erent he otto ina Sacer ead ten Soto eee wrefrredtoana“ene* Whe thisterm tame nti pron of persone ive ade the nt ats onthe station in which they re ‘principal characters, ean eh pris boppehonoal being: sof the lent. Ee rin ing ort, enable of mental rovers tt Sats tac i rin ware under epee scomtanet is ad inti sosaly with cet perans ooo Ifa well as Bs | nt experiences conspire’ Sew ATER anc et ene oo utara atte seri nt Mt eo ana ttm net meted. soviet Toscdoning "based, co epennee, ih, Peron tng nee cre may oa te eae aa ce erdae tcc at meat ec a oben ent oh Sueno scl wok enacted a hanes at peepee beter ioc kaponement See area och sol ware cients bleg'e ea eo eene of ayaa Sean oe etd neon and eet ete sone cca lr tlurevocopewth ht Naan tere ree te acuncd growin aad doopment Sean pyatain oneal, ec Inletaiyeen even Se ener sepeed ei rx fey Ritu beans hey we cevalble or nner Tear secede fhee a ae cinorar tobe more eu ware aaa ee nee ter abreue tacit net oly oe the Eanes, ert a fncisin boc mee ne ‘Sieaton of mret tring end ote evlgmentte ebgprrenton tata cam hve mee en oman being should. sea nowadays ie “est ca emerging term frequently es na Te aera coal ents, person, fly, FOU oo any nuneenacroati tg oma es ge tare coe nce ae ant i oe Soren cee ti oun eee I Shan are ee aac catia fy te canta ann eo wallace aay jcades areaed conflets Nore ang tee tec peoplevrho became Physical ally traumatized ve sma, Thee ‘rt ig the last 0 shrendbave eft in tbeiewake many ely dered eee it epanaent of thet coping mecha ier has slid socal work's target population. ‘A pribem isa question oF situation that presents uncer | ww? “ tion that presents bout ie re emotional, c the person expeticncing it ould Be mane psa AY not be the rote Listed below are the prob A ited below ang tte Problems most often presented to social Economic, Intellectual, 1d Physical Problems, 4. Lach of economic and eocial resources ‘This fs the major problem often found in many Third Works countries. Specifically, it refers to the total lack sf income ort ‘ory inadequate one. It means lack ofthe basic nesessities ot ite {eod, shelter, and clothing because the person has no means ef lvelinoed, work or a job which would assure him of an adequate snd stable income, Beyond the family unit there are other problems in the environment which compound the luck of income th, ede tation, welfare and recreational services. Also, the lac of potable striety, good roads and transportation. Housing’ ‘big gap between the rich and th | Wincome inequalities, and the lack of job or work opportunities, These yneies in tangible means and resources restrict ‘the ambitions of people aad mit thelr als ‘hey are unable to achieve satisfactory human rele Poverty may eventually lead to an impairment of Be Individuals peychonocal fanedoniog. n experience Mpgareeo fe Me fpigh school gradvat saand write 20 that g ‘or obey Instructeey workers How ta Tnoynent hen they td rato Pr petieney n knowledge and experiences also influence tt stare andqoally of tetlonship, Socal workers are all iemllarwis the sory oftow an ndivigval comes tothe bg Ishepes of baer opportunities tiaking that he will be met the road orbs ation oat the pie by a relative or fi! qo sl det act show ap at al. Or he was given the addr ta doesnot now whut ride to take or where or bas lost 3 * 2 of ihe individual the service that 8. Lack of love, care, and protection 5 Adulte also encounter these problems and mney tienated from their families and significant thers bo Mena ‘with children and teenagers who face these problem Philippines more then one half of th ge range 0-17 yours danger and harm, their well-being is impe ‘Today the problem of street children and migrant youth has ‘assumed such big proportions that they have become te ‘et only of social workers but also of society and the government, + Mliness and disability ¢ Vato sci, cmon, an economies acme a i Stns aad hadjape wih rn ed < threaten interpersonal relationships. 1 They also B tetra tay | Th og and ts ke rnpacty eee gal eal DNP Fragrant eset because they he poten er Fic bi ar ote Seen sheen lt pigment Bree be rrorinan inatitase, otal and need ‘Lect of portunities or acest '9 resources Joog the ile men and employable youth bt ‘the disadvantaged women of whom thers ive ‘are sugected to severe economic tal f fo the complete well-being of the tadividoal, a biopaychosecial socal disaivastagen. They are dopied accese to services tht ‘ould improve thelr Hivos because of certain values, beliefs wi | P&I: ator. Paychoroelal Problems ship in recent fed id depen ead agen ap negualitie are wre Sina Fearon ke ate Witerate, overvusdencd Xe tec | Emotional reaction to stress ate ety come. Mee oct 1 deals with two Kinds of stress: ortega tha net Micon, often decent aad stanton creas ALY Mth the mer the party fully participstit| “As individuals grow and develop the benefits of economic posits age uomnade end new opporconities ‘ial progress, As remit + Sher hardly benent trom 0 : 6 ftom ee teenth haa, oF a sa ahee come = . eat a, a iinet rs, Sta ‘ {amy o eroup, often of 8 ROT con oF 103 of & loved ong, et pene ey "chook natural diester =a riches | ice dn nga ue ent Sten rane Stee ene ey ony SEs Seances urn TSS Scien 2,Lou of elationship! ioe eet ntti ee epee race dtior aru ste Eee aera young children whee another fas pecially in orb IM pec Tain muy be one reason why migrant £7 ‘3. Interpersonat confet Protiems of intorp tround rorme of dress, school performance, money, 9 {nd choke of friends or berkada. Betwees) mother law eed yevween the two individuals, the personality. characteristic, rpectations, and. needs of ‘Tndiriduela concerned must be understood by the socal 4. Culture conflict “In Philippine society there is often conflict among persons and” } ‘groupe based on cultural differences, prejudice, dls- iminatian of even language, For example, each region has its lengaege, eg, Tagalog, locano, Bicol, Pangasinan, Cebu Tonggo, ete. Bach is eo attached to its own indigenous langusge that theres extreme difficulty im imposing or adapting a nations] Innguage based on one of the regional languages. This is only one Gvely to their Taking choices and adapting effectively t0 then 7 revues a prefer t0188 1 ay anor arat POC Fn Ste es ar ecome fais ese ath iibeences i valve, erie posterducg reas eOUrSEI Dy te Sent ee : 9 Teader Sfnaigenous Teaders ang Tewas only after they JS comamunity that they rine casa coms Weg etl elected Tolbents bee Stoustated wot Streneett "pe moroapecie, me cst ein ciety rayersat least bree fv tine, ee antral method oF artifice), divers scombor af wives (one culre aleve ch fey, ia wankers tay be confronted with retreat et ne Grea ce ec Berto nts Group workers {hisproblem, When te 10 more towa ‘ Soximunity wo ‘hs happens Gr OHkers are often faced with risa objective or goa, ett ETOUD may be uneble Mle minds andthe eldera monopolize the procenas ye nenereat sitemely dificult stoation to handle, ‘Phe roles in the group may contribute to inadequate groo functioning. In a formed group certain mombers ay tot be fenteat with or happy about the roles, tasks tnd actives feigned them so that they may neglect or totally reet them. OF ‘Se individual eesignmonta may have flled 0 take lato ox fideretion the capability ofthe person to accomplish Hino rice may be regarded a of bight the family ten years after the youngest girl, Tho boy tended to sodol himself after the behavior of the gis to the consternation ‘tthe parents, It vored the father ao much he became stern and smaniding when trying to get the litle boy to imitate him. [a 99 doing be antagonized the littl boy instead. a traditional families authoritarianiam (est practiced and ldren from childhood to adulthood just keep jut in o tokeep the peace in the household. Children are given litte chot ‘or none at all to be themselves, a pattern which may be carried ‘on even into their adult lives. They have not learned to express themselves, to communicate verbally, even at work or in small ‘cial groups. la the extreme it may be carried to the level of the family, when they finally have their own. Dissent snot expressed, ‘much more appreciation for another person. Problem-solving and Atcsion-making can be one-sided and this may lead to confusion ‘nd confiet between husband and wife. a Many factors enter into maladaptive group functioning #55 the social worker should be alert for the signs #0 #F ” ox it Bee es tt be sot ed ‘3 ac are trees he dete sy cattle tien Minato oat Mea Peter rit gre needed Ty is ere te comienrory pe eal worker sented here ar 09% rally rave LACE) o sirvetared framework wig i wear edge eared vt. Is the isi sa thyporh government oF Yolustany ltt aerording to Drucker w sing, ants ito bring when several Pela sr meet that eed, got commu ty per ‘agency is « human service lastromentality which has ‘p to help human beings who are experiencing some {Rticly the management of their own alfalce either at r0aps or communities. Iti the provider ‘tie spprach to beg sie dpc MBE Decl it aan ven woshas ea Hesslons to provide support services ‘het were ‘yi the TENG I the operational trnslaton of # met te 2p by the founders anil tell 1 may bean of ve Policy usug the Plc ‘usualy ates ea sel py craton retin eran nahn el, Paton ta or eatogory of penny td its target teanled welre whieh serve asthe agency's gldstnes in ow to ascom, Agencies wit bave ts asture thee mete Senter sector must be incorporated un Cae free Ercrieyand'Bschunge Commision,» goreratcar see Mt sccredited aud repstered to operate ty the wovaenen te sary wellae gency, the Department of Seal aerees Be Beveopment here Types of Agencies incipelly i theie princi sources of support, source of professional authority and faction and tren of concern ‘a port as ove! semigovernmental. An agency like the DSWD ie funded malay. by the government, hence Ht is considered « public agency, K ‘agency derives ite support primarily trom private fenteibutions and. donations lan Chil. lopment Agency (ERDAY. ng the institutions isthe Hosplelo de San Jose {or children which was founded in 1810, It aill exists today, operated by the Daughters of Charity. Of late because of the Aistressing economic and social conditions, more and more Private agenc thee ae sheers and street schoas for stret chee a itty homes for migrant youth end the handieapped, to mame A few. An example of s sotiprivate agency isthe Pilippibe National Red Gros. Ie derive ‘rough fond campaigns bot ‘heats funds are insuficent to operate mess pernons. a ‘A public agency derives its prfeasional ahoriy By in fhe case‘et the DSWD which was crated by Rapedll a Be Programe and es Wage earner, sey agent I rae eines and dinate a cai, tales, eO3p, Na ane eaiessny ot oat family wells, Sry agencd smic and socal conditions inthe Timit themselves tp sistance program te 4 achome which ead of elped and job place luntee oot rae 10 See "o ealian incon ancl nt provide vocations (cing tobep seedy individuals to become self-employed of find ‘own centers and nurser] rorker and an ase {an assistant. Support slike the children's ow? res that, cca ve to do with ebild \ font ehaeachmnaeaenrraroes iene a san ns {Bias the ed fo knw Bow to cout mene. bow a Seo arate ec ‘warning him of the dangers lurki ot trad drog puste ent and rocllleation are provided through various inedia. The 4Rte—reading, ‘iting, 'rithmetic, end reasoning are io taught to prepare them for integration into the formal ‘Booting eystens, These programe are part of tho seca services {hat the cllent may avail of. They are ectoally operated and plemented by nonsocial workers but the socal worker ret fe oF application im any’ of the socy apes and acts for some ants the sithough he may he must not forget that he is firs tf his profession embodying the knowledge, values, {fhe profession. Regerdless of what the agency's purpore and polices are, it jo in itself an instrument of the social work - profession. ; ‘rime HELPING PROCESS ° “gooial, work ich a eh “th : at of “mw last'and most Important, component, of t05 practice ia the helping process I Je the meant Oe ‘Agency's purpose in achieved; it the pba | 5 THE HELPING PROCESS CONTRARY to the general impression, there is much to social work than the dang out ot relict goste aioes one although this is part ofits broader fouction Socal seks oak, {nncern is people and how they are interacting with hes eowoe ent. Iti the objective of the profession end the siete heliog Dprocees that It uses thet give i significence and meating, HELPING oMJECTIVES he main objective of scl work ito hp pete improve ane read ete ite ae acne them toe ee Be a aa rasleme sig seta hey sive soars Nee era ere preening cantata aree cae eae aasdeals Epi, tae, Pos oem cor ane oe papancd ts eeure tial work tree femur, rican in iriver her tems om fe Sn ee ced parce of sel weet Pace ateal as wel as ateraal Swaps that cece TERRISOS Grass ad achieve mastery ofthe problem. 7 Phase t= Tormination sna 8 Ia ogee make was Seepetenclen: and 4. Identification ofthe presenting nota be a ey 2 Dategethering preston i emg chat he map 5: Diagnos soe be Nes 4: Planing the Intervention 5. mplementation/interveation cial work ReIHBR PEOCESS ing E.Evataation event seater tat ney et 7. Continuation or termination Joes trough te Identifien of the Presenting Problem The presenting problem is elicited at the vory start because Diterentwstera se diferent tarme to describe the steps is | this iswhere data-gathering begins. The worker uses the problem crs, notatly Macy | asthe starting point of his search for vital infermetion to guide ihe aubsequent stepa be will uke, Sometimes the preventing problem may just be an immediate or precipitiing ove caus the present dimculty and « deeper or underying protem may ge later but at Teast itis something tangble fo stat with, Knowing the presenting problem enablee the worker tosart with the present aud the relevant, working backwards if and when tecenary. Tntake, Ths is where the helping process tarts, Whether th clcat is awatk-in, hes been referred, or reached out toasoneWhe ‘eeds or could use social services, the process beeing with th | fake Tete the frst contact of the client with a socal agency ‘rough ts representative, the social worker. The malor PUD, ithe intake are to: _ 1, record identifying data about the client rach as name, 26655 1 seh a pes whch Ang hg ian we pad, seen of Poh do ett inpreoes ee Sem lowe es onto what tet Data Gathering ring ie extn process because it entails the mova afcoupehense nforoation about all the dines the interaction of {ts components to understand and deter: 1d what resources will be Dit id intrmatn ney be secured primacy from he ‘he deniant people is ie ike tit cy, oberon aa reso so cal vara hinds. eo ce de through the interven +See tins, erupina : ine neeeh ee nage and, erations = aire eatin ie can Sng eee expertise cer meant the tach Se bi xs the exporaing toe “at. Gradually the prac treme oan yes band explore ‘St Spear calieats Dasiog Ot ler seers, aes aby aft ‘strengths i (Caso Dtastention consists of Me his wite Carmela (Aliog Beh, Sanior Jua-Jam), J Ricardo Peres (Mang Rick), Mob, end Give civen Rieres © (Joey), Tsabel (hath), Reveal x rs ide sistance for medicines and st and (o supplement the meager I client: Mang Rick, 38 years old, works as a t the North Harbor. He has not been working, regularly for the past two months because he ir rullesieg, from weak lungs. At present the family is depending on tee ‘earnings of thrve of the children, They make barely snosee to most their daily needs, there ia no money at el to bey medicine for the father. A ‘eompadre’ advised hit to request for aid from a welfare agency. ‘Mang Rick finished Grade 8 and came to the city. He has not g has lost contact with bis mother. The family liv hhut in a squa:ter area peopled by his provineemates, ssquattors and Ieborers ‘Aling Mel, bit wife, is 94 years old. She finished Grado 5 but stopped schooling when her father died. Her mother sent her to the city to live with an aunt so that she would ‘ett heen Mcboces siecle hi ooo peters iene circeriterdotha sense SSIES Bat deeper bs ce ec eamocn SUG esiigihcasete sa 0 a so nous sree $08 ait Sooners nl aetna sont Natt sa sted ce a mre ea schol in eter ea° N85 0 het to school in the the market In PIOPIG «day and ‘Atiionl information Ms fo mma minimam of PEO «day, some: tint ore obey Gare iba works on Bundy He Income rusher Pit0nseath They own the house where theyarestytag ut pay Pia month fr the water and P00, fbriheone tre Went tht thay have. The remainder ef is araigs gto bay baa ‘most ‘Massrler ets buy bale neces, moet of I for food ‘The decir atthe health canter 0 a bloga sede reat cicada te ston fing eta pt eaute she a housewife these many years Sorat te pete many yar oy soos Cie ater ore erage a hl Wen and can hardy rng her ree cap tTaYats his Mineee to stop SY eile mare nem PR dat nag Nae spe a yer po Seda ite ce ida tet urerge suaiety over th two bape nest hen He ‘Procedures or activites to apply (amerement. At the start of the balping process underntandicg of the problem may be tentative but becomes firmer around the iddle phase a more data come ta light. Sometimes when the sneed for prompt action aa in the cane ofan emergency atuation, Intervention may be applied right there and th is not enough data to go venwhen there Here the worker In expected t9 und judgment recognizing that his assessment Is this point. The collection, testing and assessment of pertinent dats ‘wually occur simultaneously. Diagnostic Assessment cw, anes eh wer fn na a a doe ent Maen a tt The purpose of assessment, on the other. hand, sila ao unc tend b ae tees te tionship to his family and its environment oF ‘ Hdl e Sy opener small groupe in iste ones 1 Mipate yi ilte3 toot g irroetect cat canting PME ae the wornere wesheoun proces Feerentiony a YS the A eat eae ape ‘treagt t case tatraion seccrsueremanaeu senate Me Rik ee ot for te net sou ae ut wal cca do rome eet a en mt rk ak ¢ much lighter Jo after he gets weet sh emilee Pe a cing mead eaten 9h Sihistanseysesi ese theprebiem, Thee iettatent ovata tented oye Bi itt ot The pany of caraing tl ot mal banat tarar'et br ay Sh ieee ” Se Mvseradhidaateptiens uate ere teeny Tomek en im alto wok provided they vaders Bid tnd Ray eons ata ening. from some funding organi im schooling with assistance tion like those for street immediate problem o€ Mang Bick isthe need fingers ands able to work Delmmediate, near future, oF long races. val Setting _ Te lat step Ino planning of he prbls setup the end goal. A goal is aceded to provide direction tothe ‘Mforts of both the worker and the client. "Tho goal muse be related to Uae problem and cated clearly and precisely, not broadly. Thos when dealing with poverty it wold ‘ebotter to say that the goal Isto enable the family or family bend efi ME hat rather than sat Sa ree of progressive ox}, es th oer 0 tod dueaton ite sisiary gals i $0 8D eee etping process. These subg, Eagar mt Be accomplied ic Eiri ecte esTS ac specie sete Tecan Ae oom ola STsa eee . re gohan cam alto be sed as indicat, eee etch he gant For taste the flare SESE Ge some means of ily income may affect the ‘tian inne yt he freed to work despite his per ‘ck nln, ora the medial treatment andthe oppor fang ola some ighter employment skills * Case Mlastration 1s Mang Re’ case the tone eSREREL ste the gis to enable the family to Fria SL Helbood atthe end of the treatment Era aati do tat the clients ineos ee renter mgt Reillb able tog back to work oso longer tne “lboed one appropriate to his capri ob eit teers. the menting in some form of ael- hada, erga, “kakanin® (oative : : nce along this ine atrot day ent Youngest bile wll D6 where he could also 4.90 lar fe Kd of work erlang "8 40 that they can be Goat setting also Works In ahort.term treatment Case Hhustration'* This ta the case of a peychistric referred to social worker becuse Se parents, wore finding Md the situation: The ptiens, tat of hospitals which, Betlent which was and more aitneae ‘up her husband: wh w ‘and the later would rush bome to intervene cr mediate, Only when tho father came home wosld the Joung gil finally quiet dowa. The sete worker diagnosed Ene problem aa tho inebiliy of the pareves to bundle the stmation; thelr coping capacities were inadequate at thin Point However, she found strengths in the father and other who were both rollege educated and. open to farther exploration of the problem, So the worker and the parents set up a gosl: to change the couple's ways of Banding the daughter's tartrama. The mother would cope vith the situation all by herself and the father would not Push home anymore. ‘A weekly series of family seesions were held first to snable the parenta to Tecopoive the weaknessce of thelr Present efforts, Le, Dring out some solf-recogaltion oF cwarenese, and to explore ind ethreatoing Ways of handling the problem, Confrontation was also eed Uy the worker to the point of bringing in the patient 12 caley with 7 were held after whlch f 96 they a rocoret20d hati coje, Tho OUR TD auaravetal Sein the SM ay 90 uch cof hacer Wat in office oy oor Seach se se korea Sie “rahe refused to coope! TASTY ‘sul uve her eoufoed fn the ospital run oe ta wale agvored that they could avail Again of the wes S Saves should they fel it necessary to do so, ‘Setetion of Strategies and Approcches 0 ofthe problem haa been defined and uncer side gustan the resources avaliable or accessible he en asceriainod, the next step in to explore the various Wis, statepes and epproaches is ‘iwtapes and epproaches for accomplishing the goel, ial Frigton should be based as the following eriteria according to Once the involved are the Philip#™ and eon Set, the re the Puli a.afafenndtuon or ein €0Vaments welfare «504 Fea rr eae Mane Rand hie it {expected of them, the tanks and responsi fishin. these parameters the worker ned eee defined. Sometimes, it may be necessary to disc ‘of action Inatead af only « sing carried out in collaboration wit! be necessary to reach the goal, For instance Marg Ri’ ease Ue medical treatment may tate longer thea initielly eeimeted. Since he enunot work bot hele well enough todo #0, some other ‘Beans mustbe sought toaugment the wife's daly iacomecr other tource for bsintanea explored Plan Implementation, xe needed to reach the goal will 1 kind of action that may be sey ind of action ove wage of accomplishing tho foes and bedetermined by the specifie ways eros tke that neoe bens defined, Tae empbact 9 2 wore with aE at Hae hen dened Po mE tear 8 ran 2eePe AN rer and the cet tm o ec se si she mea nce d including yet seeetive expan poo ae the therepee viet oi ee Fact merely the proving get om other wr rakes one nt oie eset Seed ite eit) Tes0u intrapertonal one period besides helping the cliente Sprint, ari thie eof ar probleme the worker oops nee tn eed srder provi ‘he client. Wit Se aepeale a 1 engage ih cet inthe process of reflective thinking ‘nd maker contribstions to the client's understand) Is current sitsain, the patterns and dynami behavior, and aspects of the past experiences {i releant fo the present 2 assis the client to make, Implement and evaluate family or group decisions that be sats {acioy to ble, to them and to other people who will slfoted by the decision; seo activities that de rnc fotze o ana geeentes 3, OF he acte in behalf of cleats’ 5 chug ‘ewvironmenta situations ‘The worker monitars progr 8 °F interventions.14 by: the atc Fam Change statepes w rs tvard got ataiament bret of clients r ehacing hon sosiaton end eoutdencein be eigng di thn ae cove Management Implementation also requires the worker's skill in eae men Lethe delivery af sce seve ao sae Tol! thai what needy fobedone Co ths ria inectually earied cut a the United Staten social workers are aasste by so-ated can managers who are the onet whe lik te eont tein iret service providers. However, the ase mesures Salandortate rect trestnent ren foment, planning of the treatment end eveloaton sa the pperorutives of the social worker, Inthe Philippines however, [alot ofthe shortage ot sci weltare manpower cst ‘ooplod with other tasks inherent in aocial treatment and heavy ‘aseloads imposes a heavy burden on the social worker Effective case management requites knowledge of the avail ‘le resources, ll in using these resources, i the modifies lion of existing ones or the establishment or creation of new snes, It also necessitates the structuring or systematic use of the jer a high quality of service, eg 3 health clinics, schools, community cencers, arangay councils, ete, Social treatment or plan implementation Bay also invclve collaborative work with other professions both 's tapping their knowledge and skills for the benefit of the ‘leatele and in contributing social work knowledge and skill to thes understanding of and work with their clientele, a aro aleencste mice sae material oF ‘Goancid tcrance, Socal ageoces are notin position, for instance, roi ob or employment opportunities or a decent mest hl ort ets quate housing oer the dislocated and displaced, arta stent Speed en snr, nor atord eoatinsous edcation! ing @ time liz wetness, nate Ute Wi othe service within which the dsl swbee toe sete posable largely in secontarys82 si Teac atl werk tren ia ated to comple oe services sch ax In medial or peed! 100 singe court stings hd te of Doane tends ponatsat the jude ion. Tmpact refers to the difference eteea ree \/or behavior, and the post Intervention jinor one the conch oi thatthe inte nor one the conclusion may be reached iat the inte ‘change or nose at al. The weaised henge may be formulated in bebacioeay Jaron ‘the child now arms e regular ends school regularly the family head Sos some these may be used se the indicators ot ‘Songe or progress. Evaluation should Ye based on the sbjectics {abeachieved which have been set up jainty by the worker and ection Evaluation encompasses these ests of activities: 4. the identification and specification of objectives for the interventive actions in terms of desired effects; 2, obtaining information as to what effects or changes were ved an 8, comparing the achleved with the desired effects a0 as to Getermine how far or sufficiently the objectives were achieved.) valuation vaually takes place after every maor step in she teeimeat or Intervention phase Tt enables the worker to deter: Une peace nnd readiness ofthe client he quay ofthe nes eee eh tenen view of i. The result may require & Sellfeatien ‘oe Guinn of plans of a change of RAUEEY oF area, oe ‘Toe ask involves « capacity to mak wound judgments 301 newt thane ea | te ete ate ean to ogre etel say i wettest een done soar inter upat Peives and the Ug case stration family ace participating ation of the Dl * lanow snoing ana {Dieting opt barberoe and at the corner of tl ick up ponsengers loyed by w cooperative 0a for export. They mother who in turn give, {arn over thelr earning vo th ‘hem thle well lowance, grit 9 children attending schoo! have received goo! ‘Thewife and thee ithe older children now participate in family dca. problems eae " ‘eleing Mang ick oft a eison-making thet Termination or Continuation The cade ma #0 may be terminat ted when: ‘ 1g completed and ewe ing forthe ets be gute a eferral has been made to enother source f 5: the thange han boon stabilized ana wrgeter be ‘here on the client can manage by himecif ‘The care may be contin jndicate hat some progress or moversent has bas caough to stinty either the worker or thecleeeen Ge BOE BOL Mhustration In the case of Mang Rick the changes achioved tobe atsuilized before the can Nee be continued until he le very helped to Took for the kind of work sultabie to he eae condition, ax he wante very much to eure e living when terete employment or ivstbood opportune in aves nance ie Smitten pending ot open-ended andthe Stent waycone snot fed thon for advice ort ad omit here are ‘tier teource that he cam aval owever tin esl to tariaita eames acon dary anting stare the Curation of the soa sense depends om the pi Mirren urna ace ap ebe tne eprony Ot sroteosert ding the sabe A vaca patient tay be oxpete sayin San att Stet uth; eure fender wil oon Paton for sir months sd to The soil worker see the png proves within ts period IBomstmes a lent doesnot come back fr amelie only fo ‘arface again after six months ‘so that the worker reopens Tre, $eaia. after ced, The realty however is that meny woke as ear the eases whieh are held as "pen er Then iardly any contact beoreen the worker an ihe 1 eapeiaty i the later does not show #7 21 108 i A ta sent BOVE MOLE, odie be nd toe cent the fact that as rjehed problems oF tasks tye 3» untinitesp a0 thatthe Gains ned cree tat Se seta etperireaicired ‘aol rticashns #0 th ‘ura new experiences 1a rtativly long relationship os in there ‘. ‘ecording to Hamilton The peifal eapecte of tarslnating relationship ary nonae of strength st because of the fund enlarged ‘cial acivides and Interevta with the fenlization of the ‘worker's contiouing good will and the fact that he cas turn fo the agency if mecenaary => 104 6 ‘THE HELPING RELATIONSHIP satping process. It is the bridge, the chanrel threagh ohiekine panaearry te bit te cnet eat Caan weer is place The dcecesonatneey chwet oe Na fsework, group work, and community work or community, a erga neceny avior of the client. fationships Ineract with 1 NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP Perlman defines a relationship as a condition in which two persons with some common interer Betwsen them long etm or temporary, interact with feeling.” It is not made up, as sometimes assumed, of merely being together in time and place, trot pleasant and comfortable intercommunication or x long, term prosimity or acquaintance between two pertons. A rela onabip exists when there is an emotionally charged interaction Vetweon two people, the feeling is that ofbeing at one of at odds with ancther’ person; some ritual or concern is temporarily or ‘atinuously chured between the two of them, or for both oF for ‘2 of them, it is emotionally charged ‘A daily commuter to work for instance, may take the same bus

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