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TALKS Ue Re oC ANTS - (SN Sete ee * SS Real People » Real Places » Real Language John Hughes, Author Martin Milner, Author NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING Unit Unit Goals 1 People Pase2 = Meat People ew of Sipe Present Be Occupations + Asko Pasoal Wh- Questions wih Be Counties {nformation Bo Adjective (+ Noun) Grammar Vocabulary + Descibe Peopla and + Compare Pe + Write Personal Description uta Typical Day Review of Simple Preset Dally Activites positions of Time Party Words Advts Caltrain Fass = Takabout Your Possessions Tiel Prepon + Ask or and Gite pours | a Sag Travel Document Deseriting Information + Ask for and Give Advice + Plana Vacation * Deseribe a Pace Imperatives and should for Adv + Describe a Recipe Count and No some, and any nt Nouns: a/ an, + Order a Meal ut Diets a Farm or Garden + Follow and Give li mucus Simple Present and P + Compare Everyday and Present ive verbs Time Activities Stave Vers Continuous Team and Individual ut Your Favorite Sports Sports and Activities Questionnaire fs ae a + Deseibe Ask about a Trip ut Your Weeks Travel Activites Emphatic Adj Find and Share Ini Onlin Focused Listening: ‘An Interviow, Personal Introductions Asking For and Giving Personal Information Starting a Cor Contraction: Word st The Best Job inthe World Wiiting Descripti le Using Conjunctions Where | Am a Local from Nati arin, autor Taye Selasi talks about wito she is, the places she comes from, and what i means tobe a local somewhere. ln this vid Geographic Show about an Astrona Daily Life Talking about Daly Schedules and Free Time Showing Is Ves thal end in -s n Your Hobby Your Job Weiting an Emel to Make Plans Patts ofan Email Ruben’s Elevator This fil, from Geographic gives glimpse int the Fluben Pardo, elevator operator in Califoria 5 Angeles, Genera List Conversations During Stages of Trav Identifying Possession of Items Giving Personal Information for Travel Forms Asking fr and Giving Avie Rising and Falling Intonation Writing a De ofa Place Conjunction: because, so cription The UK in 100 Seconds in this fl, National Geographic Raven-Elison gives a look tthe landscapes that make up the UK, and offers suggestions for how the use of land can be improved. General and Foc Listening: Ordering a Meal ina Restaurant Urban Farming Giving Instructions Sequencing A Guerrilla Gardener in South Central LA iormatin nts TED Tk, fon Fin Shout LA Green Grounds an oxgaiton te onda fo show peopl nis reighboriod hwo iva healty and stable that gies bask the comma, Geral and Fon Taking about What People | Sports Go Global |Win and Fre Solaing with Alex Using Po Dring Now Gompeinge onal bout so Giesonnae . tt Discussing Forte Sports nts bad Tay tt Closed and Open | Gena s Taking about Lites ena Closed and Open | Geograph ties Ouestons Gerga lore A Heel ‘les you up Me massa Reduced Form: What are raha you oer Deering and Comparing Wat Jewels Conversa Vacations and Tips Vacations bout Your We Where You Find Sounds of -2d Endings Empire Post Using Time This video from National Geographic gives information the history and background of one of the worlds most beautiful places Vietnams Ha Long Bay Unit Goals Grammar Vocabulary ps + Talk about Personal Vetbs with Direct and Indirect Objects Communicat ye Contact Information Characteristics The Senses od Qualities + Compare Types of Communication * Compare Formal and intr Communication + Tac about Pins Future: Be going to + Plana Project Fate editions Types of Energy Ive a Probl ibe Future Trends Personal Communication and Trends Sensory Verbs Aticles of Clothing thing Shopping Descriptive Adjectives Clothing M jothes| + Compa + Buy Clothes Mos Cuestions wit How Hotits and Lifestyles could, should, must) have to | Healthy and Unhealthy Compound Ad about Happiness the Import + Explain Healthy Activities Chores and ili sonal Achievements + Write a Resume sonal Fnance a e loney Tips bout Money Real toUse Real Conditionals: The First Condit Mor cisions about Mi + Plan How to Raise Mo * Compare and Contrast Options Focused Listening: Asking for Contact Do You Speak “Elephant”? | Writing Emails New View of the Moon Exchanging Con Information Asking fo inthis video trom Nation Information via Describing Sights, Sounds, Information and | Geographics Short Film Voicemail Rac Callin | ang Other Sensations Making Pan ilmmaker Wie 0 Show, and a Conversation scope to the city asks people to look up and see the ‘maon ina new way. Giving Your Opinion Formal and Informal ai Wiiting Clatication General and Focus ‘Analyzing Graphs to | A Virtual Choir 2,000 Voices Listening: An Describe Tends | Strong with National Geograph ing Prediction scribing Tends | inthis impose Ei i Maal Gecaaphic | Making Predicio Describing Tends | In this TED Talk, composer Eric ave ash fev Dienst togaer one ome mu Sere t sote Reduced eta breec | hing Opos icand im of ng to Focused Listening: A ‘Taking about Clothes Pride through Fashion| Writing an Adthat_| How Your T-Shirt Can Make Conversation between 2 | Roe ay Diterent Descibes Coles a Difference Shoppe and Asian ina | Shopping Exe Describing Objects | inthis vi ones’ ‘Stressed and Weak ‘Adjective Order graphic, Syllables Punctuation F shirt are shown, and a question How can your shopping ce? Genera Listening: Personal | Discussing Healthy and Wing a Paragraph Living Past 100 Descriptions of Lifestyles | Unhealthy Habits ‘about a Healthy in this video from Natio and Habits Asking and Telling about Hobby or Actty ion of Bama, Litestiles Paragraph Structure | Chinas profiled Is one ofthe Approximation healthiest and most beatiful parts uri. Hove to Listening for General Interviewing fora Job | Being the Firstin Less | Writing aResume | Wasfia’s Journey Understanding ard Specitc | catching Up with aFiiend | tha Two Hours video tom National Die ot | esata Sarephic's Short Film Showcase, an Sas Ps i mountain climber acts, and Simple Pas in Conversations | ara angi ee Reduced Forms of have tallest mountain on each of he seven continents, and what her jou means to the people of istening for Specific Discuss How to Save Write an Email about | How to Buy Happiness Lis De Money Talking about Choives Conditional intonation about a Trip that Didn Wasle Plastic l-boing and that of Got art) SO a es eee a cs — aos ~ ae i aoe cat Aa 3 tr LS a geo) Cee acy Da Ley Der ay PEs We say What does she J he do? to ask about a person's ‘occupation or job. 4 Unitt lary G) Fill in the blanks. Use the map and the words in the box. chef dancer journalist ‘musician photographer pilot police officer student teacher travel agent 4. This is Norma. She's from lexico_and she's a__4 2. This is Gabriela. She's from____ and she's a 3. This is Frank. He's from_____and he's a 4. This is Marie. She's from ______ and she’s a 5. This is Yaseen. He's from_____ and he's a. 6. This is Luis. He's from____and he's a 7. This is Kaya. She's from ________and she’s a 8, This is Cho. He's from______ and he's a 9. This is Nanako. She's from _____and she’s a 10. This is Nicolas. He's from _______ and he's a D impairs, talk about the people in the photos. Grammar: Be ' am/'m | astudent. ' am not /‘m not a student, You/We/They | are/‘re | fromMexico, You/We/ They | are not /aren't from Mexico. He / She /t is/’s adanoer He/She /t is not /isn't a dancer @ Match the question to the answer. 4. Ate you a doctor?. Are | you /they Yes, lam. /No, 'm not 2. Is she from China? Mexican? | Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. 3. Is Ben from London?. Is | he/she /it Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. 4. Are Mario and Teresa students?. a. Yes, he is. . Yes, they are. b. No, she isn't 4. No, 'm not. 'm anurse. ‘Complete the conversation with the correct form of be. Listen and check. Sean: Hi, my name's Sean. Claudia: Nice to meet you, Sean. | (1) ™ _ Claudia, from Chile. Sean: (2) you from Santiago? Say ee tome Claudia: Yes, | (3) ‘And you? Where are you from? vcore ta tte I'm from Toronto, in Canada, but | (4) a student here. ‘first time. a student at NYU. I'm in New York for two weeks. My brother (5) © he here? No, he (7) Are you here with friends? Yes, | am. We (8) at that table. Come and meet them! This is Claudia. She (9) from Chile. This is Maria and Nico. They (10) also students at NYU. G Practice the conversation in pairs. Switch roles and practice it again. Pronunciation: Contractions of Be (GADED Listen. Circle the full form or the contraction. Listen again and repeat. 4. Jam /([i)Claudia, 4. They are | They're students. 2. He is / He's from New York. 5. We are not / We aren't trom the US. 8. She is not | She isn'ta teacher. 6. You are / You're from Santiago. GOAL CHECK Meet People 4. Choose a new name, country, and occupation for yourself. Then introduce yourseff to another student. 2. Introduce your partner to another pair. People 5 GOAL Ask for Personal Information Listening ©) Look at the photos. Guess the missing information with a partner. CAEDEA Listen to four interviews. Complete the profiles. 4, Name: Kyoko Hashimoto 3. Name: Jim Waters, Nationalit Nationality: q ~~ City: Tokyo City: Stratford ~ » Country: Japan Country: Se Siectipation Occupation: Farmer 2. Name: Luis Gomez 4, Name: Bianca da Silva Nationality: Nationality: City: Lima City: Rio de Janeiro Country: Country: Occupation: ‘Occupation: Musician Cons Vocabulary Soreness a G Write the countries and nationalities to complete the chart. ines vost Countries Nationalities journal > journalist 4, Cartadian music > musician sciance > scientist Chinese teach > teacher Australian Australia > Autralion Chile > Chilean Mexico 4. China > Chinese 5 England > English b. Japanese Ireland Irish Ireland 6. Japan > Japanese Mexico > Mexican Pronunciation: Word Stress ED Listen to the countries and nationalities in the chart. Underline the stressed syllables. Then listen again and repeat. G In pairs, look back at the people in the map on page 4. Say new sentences about each person's nationality. (BMY WoRLD How many nationalities are in your family? Is everyone from the same country, or from different countries? 6 Unitt Grammar What your name? / his nationality? / their occupation? Where is | you from? / she from? / they from? Who are | your teacher? / your friends? How old you? / she? / they? © Make Wh- questions for these answers. 1. Im trom South Korea, Where are you from? 2. My English teachers are Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Gomez. 3. Her name is Karina Lopez. 4, She's 32 years old. 5. They'te Canadian © inpairs, ask for personal information. Ask and answer five Wh- questions. What's your name? (Work in pairs. Student A chooses a card below. Student B asks Yes / No and Wh- questions to find out which card Student A has. ad ere youl, iN B: How old are you? A: 28 years old. B: Are you a pilot? A: No, I'm not B: What's your nationality? A: Argentinian. B: Is your name Pablo? A: Yes, itis! Name: Andrew Name: Name: Kwan Nationality: American Nationality: Korean Nationality: Korean Age: 28 ‘Age: 23 ‘Age: 30 Job: Pilot Job: Architect Job: Architect Name: Pablo ‘Name: Helen, ‘Name: Ana Nationality: Argentinian Nationality: American Nationality: Argentinian ‘Age: 28 Age: 30 Age: 23 ‘Job: Doctor Job: Doctor Job: Teacher GOAL CHECK . ‘Are you a man? Ask for Personal Information Play “Who am |?” in small groups. One student chooses a famous person. The others ask for personal information. You Ars a muieciace can ask 10 Yes/No or Wh- questions. Try to guess the person without asking for the name! People 7 GOAL Describe People and Occupations Language Expansion: Describing People and Occupations ES a boring rich Wy = happy interesting poor (D) Wiite the adjectives in the correct column. Altirmative | Negative sal | apy DB which adjectives normally describe: * people? happy, * occupations? casy, *# both? tnteresting G Read the sentences. Circle the adjective that you agree with. Compare your answers with a partner. Discuss any differences. 4. Dan is a travel agent. His job is interesting / boring. CE] 4 2. Gabriela is a police officer. Her job is safe / dangerous. salary money eae pe . Mario's job does not pay a high salary. He is happy / unhappy. 3. 4, Ismael is a doctor. He is rich/ poor. 5. . Yuki is a teacher. Her job is easy’ difficult D impairs, use adjectives to describe the people on page 4. Grammar Subject | Be| Adjective Subject | Be Adjective | Noun | You are | happy. You area | happy person. | | My job is | interesting.) | It is | an | interesting | job. | 8 Unitt GB Unscramble the words to make sentences. 1. job / friend's / is / My / dangerous. 2. is/ person. / interesting / Kim's / friend / an. 3. your / happy? / brother / Is 4. rich /is [not /a/ My / father / man. G Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Share your answers with a partner. 4. My best friend ig 2. Myjobis__-— 3 is a interesting person. 4. is boring Conversation GADD Two people meet for the first time. Listen and fill in the table. [ What are their jobs? | What adjectives describe the jobs? [Elsa engineer | ‘Graham | CUED Listen again and read the conversation. Then practice the ‘conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again. Graham: Hi, my name's Graham. Nice to meet you. Elsa: Nice to meet you, too. Im Elsa, Graham: What do you do, Elsa? Elsa: [man engineer. oon Graham: An engineer. That's an interesting job! Ce Elsa: Yes, itis, but it’s difficult sometimes. What do you do? [iSaveelial Graham: I'm a forest ranger Elsa: Really? What's that ike? Is it exciting? Graham: Yes, most of the time, but sometimes it's boring, Just me and the trees! Oi GOAL CHECK Describe People and Occupations Think of a new name and occupation for yourself. Then work with a partner and start a new conversation. © Introduce yourselt. vee * Ask about your partner's occupation. * Describe your occupation. Starting a Conversation Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, to. Where are you from? 11m from (the US), What do you do? I'm (an enginesr). What's your job ike? Its (interesting) Isit (exciting)? ‘Somatimes its (boring), GOAL Compare People’s Jobs © Look at the photos. What do you think the people in the article do? © Read the article. Circle T for true and F for false. 1. Ajob interes ays salary is aba ith a goo ng. Animals are not easy to photograph Jeff says his job is boring, Aaaa naa 4 Maritza is from Mes re tables and chairs in oom, 4 Ross and Marty rk in one place. ii 7. They like Patagoni every day is differ because at TF G Answer the questions. 1. What does Jeff do? 2. Do you think Jeff is happy? 3. Where is Maritza’s classro: her lessons about? do Ross and Marty do? 6. Where is ‘agonia? © Complete the chart. Write one job in each box. Good salary Bad salary Interesting Boring Difficult Easy OAL CH In pairs, compare your job on your lists is the best. V K iswers in D. Then Nhy? 40 Unit1 ‘What is a good job? Is ita job with a good salary? Not always. For some people, their salary is good, but their job is boring. And for other people, their salary isn't good, but the job is easy. And some people are happy because their jobs are interesting. Let's meet some people with great jobs. Maritza Morales Casanova is Mexican and she's from Merida. She's a teacher, but there are no tables or chairs in her classroom because it's a park. The children Jearn about nature in the park. She says, “Empower children with information... and they will change the world” My er) Deon ad Re euss Jeff Kerby is a National Geographic photographer. Animals are difficult to photograph, 50 the job isn't easy. Sometimes, the job is very difficult, but when you have a bad day, you look at the beautiful views and, Jeff says, “life isn't so bad, in fact, i's really interesting.” Ross Donihue and Marty Schnure are mapmakers. For their job, they travel and they make digital maps of different parts of the world. One of their favorite places. is Patagonia, in Argentina. Ross says, “I love Patagonia because no two days are the same. Every day is different” ‘empower give control to ital olectronic aN oa GOAL Write a Personal Description Communication G) Read the ad for college jobs. Answer the questions. 1. When are the jobs for? (2. Who is the ad for? 3. What are the three jobs? ARE YOU A STUDENT? who helps (he There are jobs for you in July and August! manager) Summer school assistants: Play sports and games with children —Waiters at a pizza restaurant: At lunchtime and in the evening = Cashier in a supermarket: The pay is good! Email: (D Work with a partner. Which adjectives describe the three jobs? Use words from the unit or others you know. G Which summer job is good for you? Why? Tell your partner. Tis bali. aaa © Read about three students in Toronto, Canada. Complete the notes in this table. Tanya 20 Mateo Colombia Aya Tourism Tanya Hello. My Mateo Hi. I'm Mateo Gomez ‘Aya My name's Aya, name's Tanya and and I'm 23 years old. I'm from Most of my family is 'm 20 years old, Colombia. In Bogota, I'm a Japanese, but I'm I'm from Australia, teacher, but this year lim a from Singapore. tm but I'm in Toronto. student in Toronto, | study 20 years old and I'm now. Imabusiness | English because | wanttoteach | a tourism student. student, it back home, GB Which job in A is good for each of the students in D? Talk about the students with your partner. ‘Summer school assistant is {900d for. .because he / she, 42. Unitt Writing WRITING SKILL: Using Conjunctions ia. Im 20 years old), nd, but) that cor When you use short sentences all the time (e.g., ’m from Austr your writing isn't interesting. Writing is better with conjunctions ( short sentences to make longer ones, anect Compare the sentences. Then complete the rules with and and but. ‘My name's Tanya, I'm 20 years old. __'m from Australia. !m in Toronto now. My Tanya and I'm 20 years old. I'm from Australia, but Im in Toronto now. 1. F extra information 2. is for different information Underline and and but in the personal information in D. Complete the sentences with and or but. 4. Angeline is from Brazil____ she’s 18 years old 2 a student in Engl he's from Jordan. 3. years old ____ I'm a photographer. 4, My mother is Spanish, ___ my father isn't. He's Chinese. 5. She's 21 Im 21, too, GOAL CHECK Write a Personal Description sonal description with and and but. rte about your: © name, * country. oa ation ide other interesting information. Then share your descriptions in small OUpS. (ti, tm Andrés Ruzo. Im from Peru, but lve inthe US. ) {tim a scientist and a National Geographic Explorer. / VIDEO JOURNAL Va toy. 1 Lge 1. Where are you rom? i Py PR Sed | LR ns Ee ——— en! RC aE {@ Where do the people feel at home? Complete the Cree es Pease Eas Leet meee) 5 ey ets Se i ees ra @ watch the rest of the video. Circle T for true or F flay Peer mar you from?” is a difficult question. Ga 2. Taiye’s parents live in Ghana. Une ea tue PeeeO Le a es Ney Pela eel teen Mean oom a MRE EL nec a 2 ten ionempoe toate 7 Ca te Wane ke ary @ \\¥ WorLe Think about the question Cenc ae oe eS Cue abd | Tee Oe ee Tce curt ete fen eae aces Nea ee eet enh Se mone ng notes from A and some of these phrases: Ce Eee a) BN ta For me, it’s an easy / difficult question. I'm... years old and I'm a... Iwas bom in. Cee Ns ee So the question “Where are you a local?” Sa cae ge ae we)

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