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Kelas : V (LIMA)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Indonesia Nama : ……………….……………………….
Hari/Tanggal : ………………. Nomor Peserta : ……………….……………………….
………………………. UPT SD Negeri : ……………….……………………….
Waktu : ………………. Nilai : ……………….……………………….

Choose the right answer by crossing (X) A, B, or C! Hair – is – her – black
A. Her hair is black
1. “finger” merupakan bahasa dari … B. Her black is hair
A. Tangan C. Hair her is black
B. Jari D. Black hair is her
C. Lutut
D. Kaki 5. Bahas Inggris dari “baru” adalah …
A. Tall
2. This is a … B. Young
C. Big
D. New

A. Nose 6. Arrange this word to be a good sentence!

B. Eye Big – have – I – a – big – doll
C. Ear A. I have a doll big
D. Foot B. I have big a doll
C. I have a big doll
3. Look at the picture and arrange the words D. A have I big doll

7. My grandfather is …
A. Short
B. Old
C. Young
D. Expensive
Uses – his – balap karung – foot – to – play –
Ismail – race 8. Kalimat yang berarti “Yurifa memiliki sebuah
A. Ismail uses his foot to play race balap penggaris panjang” adalah …
karung A. Yurifa have a ruler big
B. Ismail uses foot to play his race balap B. Yurifa has a small ruler
karung C. Yurifa has a long ruler
C. Ismail uses his foot to race play balap D. Yurifa has an expensive ruler
D. Ismail his uses foot to race play balap 9. Bahasa Indonesia dari kata “older than” adalah
karung …
A. Lebih tua daripada
4. Arrange he word to be a good sentence!
B. Lebih muda daripada A. Mr Ogah is the oldest
C. Lebih mahal daripada B. Mr Ohag is old
D. Lebih murah daripada C. Mr Ogah very old
D. Mr Ogah older than
10. The cat is … the turtle
A. Expensive
16. Arranger this word to be a good sentence!
B. Cheap
Is – the – books – red – cheapest – the
C. Slow
A. The red is books the cheapest
D. Slower than
B. Is the red books cheapest the
C. The red books is the cheapest
11. A bowl of noodle is Rp. 5.000.
D. The books red is the cheapest
A bowl of soup is Rp.6.000.
A bowl of noodle is … soup
17. Eight = …
A. Cheap
A. 31st
B. Cheaper
B. 22nd
C. Cheaper than
C. 13th
D. Longer than
D. 8th

12. Kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk

18. 21st = …
menanyakan “Apakah pensil biru lebih besar
A. Twenty first
daripada pensil merah?” adalah …
B. Twentiteen
A. Is red pencil biger than blue pencil?
C. Twentieth
B. Are red pencil biger than blue pencil?
D. Twentyone
C. Is blue pencil biger than rep pencil?
D. Are blue pencil biger than red pencil?
19. After March is …
A. May
13. Kata “bigest” berarti …
B. February
A. Paling besar
C. October
B. Besar
D. April
C. Lebih besar
D. Sangat besar
20. Before December is …
A. January
14. There are giraffe, deer, and rabbit.
B. February
Rabbit is the …
C. October
A. Small
D. November
B. Small than
C. Smallest
D. Very small

15. Kalimat yang berarti “pak Ogah yang paling

tua” adalah …


Kerjakan dengan baik dan benar!

1. Rome uses his … to listening the radio
2. Cheetah can run very …
3. A buffalo is a … a goat
4. Look at the picture!

Sarah : Buffalo is the bigest.

5. This is new year.
6. This mont is …

Multiple Choice
1. B 11. C
2. A 12. C
3. A 13. A
4. A 14. C
5. D 15. A
6. C 16. C
7. B 17. D
8. B 18. C
9. A 19. D
10 D 20. A

1. Ears
2. Quick
3. Biger than
4. Which is the bigest
5. January

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