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Reproduction of excursive tooth contact in an articulator with computerized

axiography data
Katsushi Tamaki, DDS, PhD, a Ale~, G. C~lar, MD, DDS, b Stephan Beyrer,
MD, c and Hideo Aoki, DDS, PhD d
Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan

P u r p o s e . This study assessed the reproduction of excursive tooth contacts with a SAM2 "P" articulator
set up with the aid of computerized axiography.
M a t e r i a l a n d m e t h o d s . Articulator excursive tooth contacts were compared with intraoral excursive
contacts identified with occlusogram wax. The maxillary casts were mounted with a kinematic face-bow,
and the mandibular cast was oriented to the intercuspal position. The articulator was set using information
obtained from computerized axiography. Protrusion and laterotrusion to the left and right sides were
examined. The first 4 mm of excursive tooth contacts in the occlusogram were compared with the 4 mm of
excursive tooth contacts in the articulator.
Results. The articulator reproduced 82% of the teeth with protrusive tooth contacts and 90% of the teeth
with laterotrusive tooth contacts. The exact locations of excursive tooth contacts were reproduced in 66%
of protrusive contacts and 81% oflaterotrusive contacts. The articulator also created additional eccentric
dental contacts that were not originally present in the occlusogram. Twenty percent of the subjects showed
these additional contacts during protrusion; in lateral movement of the articulator these additional contacts
were present in 27% to the left side and 20% to the right. Clinically, these findings suggest that there are
limits to the ability of the articulator to reproduce excursive tooth contacts. These limitations should be
kept in mind when an articulator is used for diagnostic and restorative dental procedures. (J Prosthet Dent

Diagnostic and restorative procedures often re- the intercuspal position as the m o s t significant in terms
quire articulators to simulate mandibular movements and o f t o o t h contact. 26-29 Within this range o f mandibular
occlusal contacts. Since the i n t r o d u c t i o n o f articulators, m o v e m e n t , the purpose o f this study was to c o m p a r e
their ability to reproduce mandibular m o v e m e n t has been t o o t h contacts identified intraorally with t o o t h contacts
investigated. 1-8 K n o w l e d g e o f the limits o f articulator o n an articulator set with c o m p u t e r i z e d axiography.
s i m u l a t i o n is i m p o r t a n t t o t h e clinician w h o uses Tooth contacts were identified intraorally with
articulators. o c c l u s o g r a m wax and o n an articulator with articulat-
T h e check-bite technique, 9 17 the p a n t o g r a p h , 7,8,18-22 ing paper.
and the axiograph 23 have all been used to set condylar
guidance o n articulators. Recently, c o m p u t e r technol-
o g y has been applied to axiography. 24,25 T h e 45 dentulous subjects o f this study were patients
Study o f masticatory function has identified the ini- o f the Vienna University Dental School, P r o s t h o d o n t i c
tial 2 to 4 m m o f excursive mandibular m o v e m e n t s from D e p a r t m e n t , and consisted o f 10 m e n and 35 w o m e n .
Their ages r a n g e d f r o m 13 to 62 years (average 36.1 _+
13.4 years). I n f o r m e d c o n s e n t was obtained before all
aAssistant Professor, Department of Crown and Bridge Prosthodon- clinical procedures.
bAssistant Professor, Department of Fixed and Removable Prosthodon- Intraoral guidance
tics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
CDental Student, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Recordings o f the intraoral excursive t o o t h contacts
~Professor, Department of Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics. were p e r f o r m e d with o c c l u s o g r a m wax 3° (B6se Dentale



4 mm in length, as observed by the examiner. One ex-

perienced examiner made all occlusogram recordings for
all subjects to avoid interexaminer variation. The
occlusograms were recorded twice. An estimation for
the reliability of the method through comparison of the
length of each tooth contact perforation on the two
occlusogram recordings was performed. The resultant
intraclass correlation coefficient for protrusive and lat-
eral movements was 0.99.
Recording mandibular movements
Mandibular movements were recorded with comput-
erized axiography (Cadiax, version 4.12, Gamma Co.,
Klosterneuburg, Austria). The patient was seated in an
upright position throughout the procedure. A mandibu-
Fig. 1. Axiograph assembled on patient. lar brass clutch was customized with acrylic resin
(Protemp II, ESPE Co., Seefeld, Germany) was ce-
mented with cyanoacrylate to the facial surfaces of the
i. . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . ~. . L_ ~.~-12
mandibular premolar and anterior teeth. This clutch did
not interfere with the occlusion. The clutch carried the
lower face-bow with two telescoping styli on each side
,4 ' I '; ,1,0 ~ ~,1,0 ~ ,~ ": ~ := (Fig. 1). The same operator who made the occlusogram
recording used chin point guidance to identify the hinge

axis with computerized axiography.
The hinge axis movements were traced on vertical
plates mounted on the upper face-bow (Figs. 1 and 2).
Mandibular protrusion and laterotrusions to the left and
to the right were recorded with manual guidance in
. . . . . . . . . . . . IQ upward direction. The same examiner guided each sub-
. . . . . . . . . . . . '*Z
ject during axiography. After axiography, both hinge axis
points and the left orbital point were marked on the
Fig. 2. Axiographic recordings (example). Movement of left patient's skin to establish the axis-orbital plane for the
and right hinge axis points in sagittal (x, z) and horizontal (x, y) face-bow transfer.
Fabrication of casts and m o u n t i n g
Spezialit~ten GmbH, Lfibeck Germany) while the pa- Alginate impressions (Ortho jel, Rocky Mountain,
tients were seated in an upright position. The wax, with Denver, Colo.) of the maxillary and mandibular jaws
a thickness of 0.3 mm, was cut to the size of the maxil- were taken and poured with stone plaster (Die-keen,
lary dental arch. The wax was warmed in the palms of Miles Inc., South Bend, Ind.). The kinematic face-bow
the examiner and put between the maxillary and man- transfer was made with the marked orbital point and
dibular dental arches. The patient was asked to close both hinge axis points. Polyvinyl siloxane (Stat BR, Kerr
into intercuspal position (ICP) and to keep the wax be- Mfg. Co., Romulus, Mich.) was used to record the ICE
tween the teeth for 10 seconds to soften the wax. Then, The maxillary cast was mounted in the articulator (SAM2
the patient protruded the mandible while keeping con- "P", SAM Pr~izisionstechnik, Munich, Germany; Snow
stant contact between maxillary and mandibular teeth. White Plaster No. 2, Kerr, Torino, Italy), using the ld-
During this movement, the examiner stood behind the nematic SAM face-bow. The lower cast was mounted
patient and supported the patient's mandible by push- with the ICP bite.
ing upward. The bimanual extraoral support provided
Calculation o f the horizontal condylar inclination
by the examiner at the left and fight gonial angle and
and Bennett angle
chin ensured maintenance of tooth contact during the
entire mandibular movement. Left and right lateral C o m p u t e r software (Cadiwax, Gamma Co.,
movements were subsequently recorded with new Klosterneuburg, Austria) was used to record hinge axis
occlusogram wax sheets for each movement. Mandibu- movements to calculate the horizontal condylar inclina-
lar support was provided again by the examiner for each tion (HCI) and the Bennett angle (BEN) at 1, 2, 3, and
movement. Each movement was made over a length of 4 mm of protrusive and lateral movements, respectively.
4 ram, which resulted in wax perforations made at least The values were recalculated for the 110 mm intercondy-



0% 25 %

Fig. 3. Occlusogram wax record transferred to cast.

50 % 75 % 100 %

Area of ~ Area of
occlusogram ~---4 contact in
perforation ~ the articulator W
Fig. 5. Schematic illustration of judgment of coincidence be-
tween occlusogram perforation and corresponding area of
excursive tooth contact in articulator. Overlapping area ex-
pressed as percentage of occlusogram perforation.

meter of excursive movcment determined the extent of

tooth contact up to 4 mm cutoff of each excursive move-
Fig. 4. Markings of tooth guidance on cast.

Degree o f coincidence between occlusogram wax

lar distance of the articulator and used to set the condy-
perforation and articulator excursive t o o t h contact
lar adjustments of the articulator.
The area of the transferred occlusogram perforation
Marking occlusogram wax perforation and excur-
(a) was measured in millimeters squared (mm2). The
sive t o o t h contact in the articulator
extent (b) of overlap between transferred occlusogram
The perforations of the occlusograms were transferred perforation and marked articulator tooth guidance up
to the maxillary cast by using an overlay (Fig. 3). The to 4 mm was measured in millimeters squared (mm2).
perforated area was outlined with a pencil, and each The degree of overlap was calculated by the ratio (b/a)
movement had separate marks (Fig. 4). and expressed as a percentage for each guiding tooth
The excursive tooth contact of the articulator was (Fig. 5), and this percentage was determined for pro-
examined separately for each millimeter of movement. trusion and laterotrusions left and right. Furthermore,
Protrusion inserts (SAM Pr~izisionstechnik, Munich, a summation of all single tooth percentages divided by
Germany) were used to aid in the marking of occlusal the number of guiding teeth described the average co-
contacts at 1, 2, 3, and 4 mm of each protrusive and incidence of guidance on the maxillary cast for each
lateral movement. The calculated HCI and BEN angle movement.
values were set for each millimeter. The presence or ab- The perforations of the occlusogram and the marked
sence of contact on each tooth was confirmed with contacts on the cast were observed to determine the type
shimstock foil (8 pm), then the contacting areas of each of articulation, such as canine guidance, group function,
millimeter were marked with articulating paper (22 pro, balanced articulation, or others, during laterotrusion.
Okklusions-Prfif-Folie, G H M Co., N~irtingen, Ger- Teeth involved with eccentric occlusal tooth contact were
many). Connecting the markings at ICP for each milli- registered in all subjects.

OCTOBER 1997 375


80 Table I. Types of laterotrusive articulation as seen in

70 occlusogram and articulator (frequency and percentage: n =
90, i.e., 45 left + 45 right)

Occlusogram Articulation Occlusogram Articulator

40 Articulator Group function 52 (58%) 52 (58%)

Canine guidance 16 (18%) 16 (18%)
~ 30 ACT Balanced 19 (21%) 21 (23%)
20 Premolar guidance 1 (1%) 0 (0%)
10 Molar guidance 1 (1%) 0 (0%)
Hyperbalance 1 (1%) 1 (1%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total 90 (100%) 90 (100%)

Fig. 6. Frequencies of teeth involved with protrusive tooth
contact in occlusogram and articulator. ACT, Additional con- ing teeth were located on the laterotrusive side and
tacting tooth, namely, tooth with cuspal guidance in articula- ranged from the central incisor to the sccond prcmolar.
tor but without perforation in occlusogram. Oflaterotrusive ACT, 19% were found in the nonwork-
ing side (Fig. 7). The articulator reproduced 82% of the
teeth involved with protrusive guidance and 90% of the
teeth involved with laterotrusive guidance.
I k~ Oc¢lusogram
L o c a t i o n o f duplicated eccentric occlusal contacts
[ ] Articulator
UACT Comparison of the location of occlusogram perfo-
3O ration and excursive tooth contact on the mounted
cast revealed that the exact location of the intraoral
contact area was correctly reproduced at an average
frequency for protrusive (66%) and lateral movements
0 --
8 r 6 s 4 a 2 1 1 z a 4 s 6 r a (81%). The remaining percentage of excursive con-
Working side N o n w o r k i n g side tacts up to 4 mm did not coincide with the recorded
intraoral guidance and was found on different tooth
Fig. 7. Frequencies of teeth involved with laterotrusive tooth
structures on the casts.
contact in occlusogram and articulator. Additional contact-
ing tooth (ACT), namely, tooth with cuspal guidance in articu- Articulation
lator but without perforation in occlusogram.
Six types of lateral articulation were seen in the
RESULTS occlusogram and articulator. In the occlusograms, group
function was present in 58% of the laterotrusions, fol-
Teeth involved with eccentric occlusal tooth
lowed by canine guidance (18 %), and balanced articula-
tion with mediotrusive contacts of premolars a n d / o r
Figures 6 and 7 show the frequency of the teeth in- molars (21%, no fully balanced articulation). The remain-
volved with protrusive and lateral movement. The max- ing 3% included articulation that was premolar only or
illary first incisor exhibited the highest frequency of pro- molar only guidance (2%) and immediate disclusion of
trusive guidance (58% in the occlusogram, 69% in the the working side by a nonworking side interference
articulator) (Fig. 6). The canines showed the highest (hyperbalance) (1%) (Table I).
frequency in laterotrusion (working side: occlusogram In the articulator, group function was observed 58%,
36%, articulator 39%) (Fig. 7). The distribution of guid- canine guidance 18%, and balanced articulation 23%. For
ance on single teeth showed no significant differences the other types of articulation, hyperbalance was found
between occlusogram and articulator contacts (Fisher's (1%) but premolar only or molar only guidance was not
exact probability test). found (0%) (Table I).
However, the articulator identified additional contact- Of the different groups of accepted articulations,
ing teeth (ACT) not identified with the occlusogram namely, group function or canine guidance, it was not
wax. Twenty percent of the subjects exhibited ACT dur- possible to reproduce 10% of them in the articulator:
ing protrusive and lateral movement on the right side, Among four lateral excursions of intraoral group func-
and 27% during lateral movement on the left. tion, three became intraoral canine guidance in the ar-
The distribution of protrusive ACT clustered exclu- ticulator and one became balanced articulation. Intraoral
sively at the lateral incisor, canine, and first premolar canine guidance changed to group function in three in-
(81% of lateral movement) (Fig. 6). Additional contact- stances; one balanced articulation turned into group



function, and one premolar only and one molar only ments. 38-4°"Adequate reproduction of jaw movements ''41
guidance became balanced articulation. was stated that is not in agreement with the results of this
The excursive guidance scheme, namely, canine guid-
The distribution of protrusive additional contacts of ance or group function, of 10% of the subjects was in-
teeth (ACTs) was concentrated around the canine. This correctly reproduced on the articulator. Several factors
indicates the steep structures of the canine, which qualify may contribute to the difference between occlusogram
for additional protrusive guidance in a slightly changed and articulator findings, despite considering the even-
system, namely, the articulator. Also, the lateral incisor tual limitations of materials,42-4~for example, in bite reg-
and the first prcmolar show cusp inclinations steep istration and mounting procedures. First, tooth mobil-
enough for protrusive guidance that occurred as ACT. ity that is caused by the periodontal membrane 46-5°can-
The ACTs in lateral movements emphasize the same not be duplicated by the articulator. Although the
potential of incisors, canines, and premolars on the work- condylar position is stable in the joint, the condyle may
ing side, whereas the nonworking side showed few ACT exhibit lateral, upward-posterior and upward physiologic
only. displacement in the TMJ. sl Laxity of the TMJ capsule
In the imitation of the concepts of articulation, it was allows variable condylar paths, whereas the articulator
noteworthy that 10% of lateral movements were not re- offers one type of movement. In laterotrusion, the work-
produced in original form. Differences of the type of ing side condyle may move in the lateral and upward or
articulation between occlusogram and articulator were backward and downward direction. Such movements
due to ACT in the casts, which were not present in the cannot be carried out in the condylar housing of the
occlusogram, as well as contacts not reproduced by the articulator, which restricts the condylar sphere in mov-
articulator. ing upward and backward. Tracings of the working
The percentage for the correctly reproduced area of condyle during Bennett movement emphasize the im-
guidance illustrated that details of intraoral cuspal ar- portance of having an adjustable posterior wall on the
ticulation were not absolutely reproducible in the ar- articulator. 5~Whenever a subject does not perform a cor-
ticulator. A similar study ofHara 3~showed a coincidence rect lateral border movement of the mandible, a protru-
o f 65% between intraoral and articulator contacts in sive component will cause occlusogram perforations that
intercuspal position and laterotrusive positions at 1, 3, differ from pure laterotrusion contacts. Such movements
and 5 mm in the Hanau H2 articulator. Hara adjusted in between laterotrusion and protrusion result in dis-
the articulator according to check-bite technique and crepancies between occhisogram and articulator occlusal
Hanau formula. contacts.
The higher incidence oflaterotrusion contacts in this The complexity of these factors illustrates the limits
study can be explained by the instrumentation of, for of duplicating excursive occlusal contacts on the articu-
example, kinematic face-bow transfer instead of an arbi- lator. Considering the exact location of guidance, cvcn
trary face-bow, recorded hinge axis movements from the use of kinematic face-bow and hinge axis tracings
computerized axiography, along with curved articula- did not exceed an average reproduction of approximately
tor structures versus check-bite and linear simulation of 80% on the articulator. Accurate assessment of excursive
the condylar path by the Hanau H 2 articulator. To im- occlusal contacts requires careful intraoral examination
prove articulator setting, this study incorporated values with methods such as the use of occlusogram wax.
from hinge axis movements calculated for each millime-
ter. The accuracy o f computerized axiography has been
evaluated from a mechanical viewpoint, but even so, it During protrusion and laterotrusion the intraoral ex-
showed sufficient analytical capability. 32 cursive tooth contact was recorded by occlusogram wax
The observed limitations of articulator duplication of in 45 persons and compared with the excursive tooth
excursive tooth contacts has received insufficient atten- contact found in mounted casts of the same subjects.
tion. Several researchers have analyzed occlusal and ar- The articulator was adjusted based on values of com-
ticular parameters on mounted casts seeking correlation puterized axiography recordings. The area of excursive
of these parameters, e.g., with signs and symptoms oftem- tooth contact was reproduced to the extent of average
poromandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction.33,34Whenever 66% in protrusion and 81% in latcrotrusion by the ar-
conclusions were drawn from analyses of casts, the repro- ticulator. Differences between stomatognathic system
duction of occlusion and articulation was taken for granted and articulator reveal the limits of diagnostic and re-
despite limitations indicated by other authors? s 370cclusal constructive procedures carried out in articulators dur-
errors, which refer to such limitations, were not quanti- ing oral rehabilitation. Diagnosis of functional occlusal
fied at the level of teeth in an articulator, but were as- interferences cannot be accomplished by visual inspec-
sessed by mathematical approaches or geometrical meth- tion and articulator simulation alone, but must also be
ods that tested the reproduction of mandibular move- based on intraoral examination procedures such as

OCTOBER 1997 377


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