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The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice

ISSN: 0886-9634 (Print) 2151-0903 (Online) Journal homepage:

Computerized Axiography: Principles and Methods

Eva Piehslinger M.D., D.D.S., Aleš G. Čelar M.D., Robert M. Čelar M.D. &
Rudolph Slavicek M.D., D.D.S.

To cite this article: Eva Piehslinger M.D., D.D.S., Aleš G. Čelar M.D., Robert M. Čelar M.D.
& Rudolph Slavicek M.D., D.D.S. (1991) Computerized Axiography: Principles and Methods,
CRANIO®, 9:4, 344-355, DOI: 10.1080/08869634.1991.11678382

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Computerized Axiography:
Principles and Methods
Eva Piehslinger, M.D., D.D.S., Ales G. Celar, M.D.,
Robert M. Celar, M.D., Rudolph Slavicek, M.D., D.D.S.

Abstract This paper reviews earlier methods for the analysis of

mandibular movement and gives a detailed account of state-of-
the-art procedures. Special emphasis is given to computerized
axiography and the application of this method to the diagnostics
of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The article discusses the
advantages of computerized axiography over the mechanical
device and points out the limitations of the axiographic method.
One major advantage of the computerized system is having the
enlarged diagram of tracings on the computer screen. This
means that small changes such as initial disk displacements can
be diagnosed more readily than with the mechanical device.

Dr. Eva Piehslinger received her M.D. degree from the University of
Vienna in 1986. During her medical studies she worked for seven years
as an assistant at the Anatomical Institute of the University of Vienna.
After medical school she received her D.D.S. degree from the Dental
School, University of Vienna. Since 1989 she has been in practice at the
Dental Clinic in the Department of Removable and Fixed Prosthodontics
at the University of Vienna.

Dr. Ales G. Celar studied medicine at the University of Vienna from

1983 to 1989 and received his M.D. degree in 1989. He has been con-
ducting scientific studies at the Dental Clinic of the University of Vienna,
Department for Prosthodontics since October 1989. In October 1990 he
began in the postgraduate dental education program at the Dental Clinic
of the University of Vienna.


Gnathology Copyright© 1991 by Williams & Wilkins

Historical Review to locate the hinge axis. He employed an adjustable

facebow attached to the mandible with a writing stylus.
In 1744 Ferrain 1 first described the principles of When the writing stylus did not move during small
rotation and translation of the mandibular condyles. opening and closing movements, he concluded that he
His research established that the condyles rotated within was on the axis. Lehne 12 (1920) followed up the work
the glenoid fossae of the temporal bone with rotational of Andresen with a modified impression tray designed
and translational capabilities. He described these not to interfere with occlusion while locating the hinge
movements in all three degrees of freedom as protru- axis. He determined that he was on the hinge axis
sion-retrusion, mediotrusion-medioretrusion, and when no arc was observed during opening and all
opening -closing. tracings were on a dot. Andresen and Lehne are cred-
Langer2 applied moveable needles to the condyles ited with the introduction of the kinematic technique
of corpses in 1860. He relocated these needles until for locating the hinge axis.
they exercised a purely rotational movement on open- In 1928 the anatomist Sicher 13 demonstrated that
ing and closing. He found that the axis of rotation pure-hinge movement was possible for the living sub-
passed bilaterally through the heads of both condyles. ject by holding back the lower jaw. He further stated
Langer hypothesized that the lower jaw rotates around that while a full pure-hinge opening of the mouth was
a momentary axis traveling in space. possible in postmortem subjects, living subjects could
In 1889 Luce3 tracked mandibular movement pho- only achieve two thirds as much opening.
tographically by taking still pictures of the travel of In 1934 McCollum 14 introduced the gnathograph as
extraoral reference points placed on a mandibular bow. a means of using hinge axis tracings to program an
Condylar movement was first recorded in 1896 by articulator. It is interesting that McCollum, apparently
Ulrich and Walker, 4 who generated graphic curves unaware of the European literature, came to the same
from a marking stylus fixed to a mandibular face-bow conclusions as Eitner in his investigation of the ex-
onto plates attached to a cranial bow. istence of a hinge axis of the condyles.
Campion5 ( 1902) determined the position of the From 1935 to 1939 Fischer 15 •16 studied the move-
condyles by palpation and marked its path with dots ment of a point at the midincisal edge of the mandi-
indicating various condylar positions on the patient's bular centrals and determined that mandibular movement
skin. The tracing was transferred to paper and related occurred in three dimensions. He further stated that
to an imaginary line from the external auditory meatus this movement was restricted in space to particular
to the lower end of the nose. patterns.
Bennett6 stated in 1908 that whenever the mandible McCollum 14 stated that the hinge axis of the con-
moves during opening, the hinge axis common to both dyles was stable in space for at least six years in 1938.
condyles moves as a collinear axis, establishing a true He showed the influence of Bennett movement on the
hinge axis. Eitner, in 19097 , 1911, 8 and 1912, 9 dis- cusps by mesiodistal movement of the rotating con-
cussed the notion of a "hinge axis" from which a pure dyle. McCollum used a reference plane (hinge axis to
rotational movement occurred in the lower joint com- orbital point) to record the sagittal hinge axis tracings
partment. Eitner assumed that this movement can be on wax-covered glass plates as angles from the ref-
carried out by any individual, but that it was different erence plane.
from a normal mouth opening movement. He con- Posselt 17 showed in 1957 that the mandible is ca-
cluded that raising the bite was a matter of pure hinge pable of complex movements composed of translation
movement in the lower part of the joint with the axis and rotation but that pure rotation around a transverse
passing through both condyles. axis is also possible. He referred to this rotation at the
From 1910 onward Gysi 10 elaborated on the rota- posterior border position as ''terminal hinge move-
tional and translatory capabilities of the condyles. He ment.'' Page contended that two independent axes oc-
defined the lower compartment of the temporoman- curred in his transographics approach to functional
dibular joint as being the rotational unit and the upper closure of the mandible. This hypothesis was dis-
compartment as the translatory component. Gysi used missed by the Hinge Axis Committee of the Greater
the method employed by Ulrich and Walker4 to pro- New York Academy of Prosthodontists in 1959. They
gram an articulator. showed that four hinge axis points, two next to each
In 1912 Andresen 11 used the same method as Eitner condyle and two located 12 inches away from each



condyle, were all aligned to the same axis, thus ruling path traveled by the nonworking side condyle during
out the existence of two axes. a lateral border movement and the path along which
Hielscher imaged condylar movement using x-ray it travels when a symmetrical protrusion is made.
kinematography in 1961. This technique provides in- Slavicek25 •26 attributes this angle to the fact that in
formation about dynamic aspects and their changing pantographing the recording flag is attached to the
positional relation. mandible many millimeters from the condyle, thereby
Hickey (1963) 18 placed pins in the condyles of two introducing an uncontrollable artifact. Rosner27 de-
subjects and then photographed the movement exer- scribes this geometric problem as skew and tilt values
cised by these pins in three dimensions. arising from not being at the proper intercondylar dis-
Puff and Krause 19 ( 1965) quantified the spatial phe- tance.
nomena of functional loading of the joints using se- Lundeen and Wirth, 28 testing the reproducibility of
quentially related radiographs of the mandible. Lee's method in 1973, found that variations in un-
Messerman ( 1967) developed the first electronic guided recordings occurred on the same patient with
measuring instrument consisting of six transducers different operators. When the operators guided the
mounted between two external face-bows. It measured patient through border movements, they were repro-
six degrees of freedom of jaw motion. Their outputs ducible.
were fed into a multichannel tape recorder. The play- Heners 29 used an amplifying oscilloscope in 1973
back or duplicating device was named Case Gnathic to view sagittal border movements, but not lateral mo-
Replicator, a jaw motion reproducer mechanism. tion, in real time.
Electrognathography was introduced in 1967 by Lauritzen30 illustrated and explained his extensive
Bewersdorff2° as a method for recording jaw move- usage of the hinge axis position in the mountings of
ments in three dimensions by using three sensors for casts and fabrication of prostheses in his Atlas of Oc-
magnetic induction, each attached to both mandibular clusal Analysis (1974).
and cranial bows. This system offers the advantage of In 1976 McCoy et al. 31 used the plastic block en-
being able to record intraoral functions. graving technique of Lee and their own research to
Lee first published his studies in 1969. 21 •22 He used track mandibular movements and then photographed
dental air turbines located on the hinge axis to engrave these engravings for transferring these data to a com-
condylar movements in plastic blocks. puter. They concluded that the collection and evalu-
In 1970 Knap et al. created a measuring system ation of such data could clarify questions concerning
using six potentiometers as sensors providing electrical occlusion, tooth stability, effect on peridontal health
signals from the mandibular incision for computer and permit correlations with the success of orthodontic
analysis. This apparatus was located in front of the measures.
face. Lundeen et al. 32 evaluated mandibular border move-
Korber (1971) recorded mandibular kinetics by ap- ments in 1978, assessing the effect of border and Ben-
plying a face-bow system with measuring plates and nett movements on tooth cusp form. They reasoned
sensors. Data were recorded by means of an oscillo- that the determination of a patient's Bennett movement
scope and plotter. Gibbs and Messerman (1971) used and the inclination of the nonworking condylar path-
a double face-bow system and the Case Gnathic Rep- way would provide useful diagnostic and treatment
licator. It recorded kinetic information of the mandible information.
for playback and computer analysis. In England, Winstanley (1977) 33 reported on the
In 1975 Jankelson et al. described the mandibular use of pantographic hinge axis tracings to program an
kinesiograph, a far-off joint technique. A permanent articulator. He concluded that reasonable accuracy and
magnet was mounted on the mandibular incisors, sens- reproducibility were obtainable by experienced clini-
ing elements responded to the strength of the magnetic cians.
field. Data were stored on tape for later replay or Shields et at.34 concluded in 1978 that hinge axis
computer analysis. tracings can be an aid in the detection of temporo-
Guichet23 elaborated extensively on pantographing, mandibular dysfunction and muscular incoordination
the programming of an articulator, and waxing tech- as well as in the assessment of severity.
niques in the 1971, Occlusion Manual of the Denar In 1979 Stuart35 obtained optimal occlusion with his
Corporation. articulator frictionless condylar recording so that full
Text In 1972 Preiskel, 24 doing hinge axis tracings, de- mandibular movements could be copied.
scribed the "Fischer angle" as the angle between the Simonet36 used the Pantographic Reproducibility In-



dex in 1981 to categorize a baseline of dysfunction recording hinge axis translation within all mandibular
within subjects for studying Bennett movement. kinetics in two dimensions.
In 1982 Klett37 used a light beam emitter with pho- In the case of asymmetrical movement, there is tele-
tosensor to measure and record three-dimensional scoping deviation of the recording styli. This corre-
mandibular movements where artifacts could be elim- sponds to a combination of the geometrical effect of
inated. the sagittal flags and the individual lateral shift of the
Burckhardt described an optoelectronic infrared sys- mandible, the so-called Bennett movement. The use
tem to determine hinge axis and centric relation in of this axiographic method permits the correlation of
1985 (C.R.J .M.-Stereognathograph). It included com- Bennett movement and translation.
puterized evaluation and permitted articulator pro-
gramming. Seebald used this system for simultaneous
and undistorted recordings of condylar movements in Procedure
space in 1986.
Recordings made by three simplified condylar
movement recorders were assessed by Mauderli and Instructing the Patient
Lundeen 38 to record internal derangements at the hinge
axis. Their 1986 report concludes by stating that this The patient should be informed about the various
diagnostic information could be preserved as a per- steps of the procedure and asked to relax. The patient
manent record in the patient's chart. cannot do anything wrong, though individual steps
Alsawaf and Missert39 •40 used the computerized ax- may have to be repeated. The commands have to be
iograph to study the three-dimensional real-time range practiced before mounting the face-bows.
of motion of the geometrically calculated hinge axis
in condylar resected patients. In another study, using Preparing the Instrument
healthy subjects with a located hinge axis, they re-
ported the effect of incisal guidance on hinge axis The face-bows are prepared, and flags and styli must
movement. Missert41 .42 showed how computerized be connected to the interface.
axiographic data can be incorporated into the construc-
tion of phase one, two, and three treatment devices in Making a Paraocclusal Clutch
conjunction with computerized occlusal schemes, all
referenced to the same diagnostic and therapeutic plane. The use of a paraocclusal clutch enlarges the di-
He also reported on the verification of desired hinge agnostic spectrum (Slavicek 1981). Temporomandib-
axis repositioning accomplished by these devices. ular joint (TMJ) diagnostics is enhanced by the
Curtise43 •44 in 1989 compared interocclusal records functional and parafunctional dynamics of the masti-
to pantographic tracings. catory organ.
The Vienna Research Group is reporting on using The paraocclusal clutch permits the evaluation of
both methods of axiography to standardize the clinical free or guided border movements without the influence
methodology. Asymptomatic supernormals are stud- of occlusion and the observation hinge axis movement
ied to investigate the various methods used during the during function (mastication) and parafunction (brux-
instrumental phase of the dental physical and differ- ism). Furthermore, MPI can be done on the patient,
ential diagnosis. avoiding all inaccuracies of making and mounting casts.
The yoke of a brass clutch is hand-bent to within 1 to
2 mm of the buccal and labial surfaces of the man-
Method dibular teeth in ICP, free from the maxillary antago-
nists. An autopolymerizing acrylic is placed on the
A conventional double face-bow system is attached yoke, and an impression is made of these surfaces.
to the patient. The mandibular bow is used for trans- Since the material releases considerable heat, it should
mitting hinge axis movements of the mandible to the be taken out of the mouth repeatedly until the initial
upper face-bow. The mandibular bow can be adjusted set is reached. A horizontal wax wafer can be placed
in two dimensions so as to localize the hinge axis in intraorally to keep the acrylic off the maxillary teeth.
the usual manner. The upper face-bow carries sagit- The patient is instructed to bite to ICP with the wax
tally mounted flags that are used in the electronic reg- wafer in place. The clutch, loaded with acrylic, is then
istration of hinge axis movement. This permits the inserted repeatedly (Figure 1).



Measuring Flag Distance

The distance between the lateral edges of the face-

bow branches is measured in millimeters.

Mounting the Flags

Flags are mounted and fixed with screws.

Mounting the Registering Face-Bow

On the lower bow the branches are loose. Zero is

Figure I
The paraocclusal clutch fixed to the labial and buccal surfaces of established by approaching the zero marks on the face-
the mandibular teeth. bow. Cyanoacrylate gel is used to glue the functional
occlusion clutch to the teeth, and the mandibular bow
is clamped to the rod of the clutch. The lateral bows are
Mounting the Face-Bow aligned parallel to the cranial bow. The holes for the
styli are placed in a position approximate to each con-
The operator stands behind the patient, holding the dyle. The branches of the two face-bows have to be
face-bow with loose clamps in both hands. Silicone parallelized. For this purpose, the branches of the lower
putty is placed on the glabella adapter for patient com- face-bow are held tightly against the branches of the
fort, conformed to this area while keeping the anterior upper bow while rotating the bar of the lower bow. The
bow perpendicular to the sagittal plane, and set aside bolt for the clutch clamp is tightened, securing the an-
awaiting final set (Figure 2). terior bar of the mandibular bow (Figure 3).
The cranial bow is attached to the patient by placing
the side branches tightly to the head in a parallel sagittal
position. The screws are fastened. The red ribbon is Introducing the Styli
placed over the parietal area, the branches of the face-
bow rest 2 em above the patient's ears. Then a rubber The recording styli are placed in their respective
band is attached to the face-bow and fixed to the occiput holes, and moved to an area on the recording plate
with enough tension to tighten it. arbitrarily corresponding to the position of the con-
dyles. The clamping portions of the lateral bows are
secured (Figure 4).

Figure 2
The frontal aspect of the patient during computerized axiography. Figure 3
The putty material is placed on the glabella and the paraocclusal Branches of the two bows are parallelized by holding the branches
clutch is fixed buccally on the teeth of the lower jaw. of the lower bow against those of the upper one.



Adjusting the Orbital Marker

The orbital point is located by light fingertip pal-

pation of the area below the left eye. The rounded end
of the supplied ruler is placed at this site and kept
parallel to the cranial bow. The adjustable orbital
marking pin is lowered to the ruler, slid medially until
the tip touches the side of the nose, and secured. The
point on the skin directly under the marker is dotted
with a pen. A lead pellet will later be placed on the
dot to transfer the orbital point to the head film(s).

Fixing the Hinge Axis

Figure 4
Flags and styli from lateral. Once located, the hinge axis has to be registered in
the recording system. The examinator takes the patient
to reference position using unforced chin point guid-
Real-Time Display ance. The foot pedal for registration is pressed, and a
double beep indicates that the position has been stored.
The real-time option from the main menu is used
to check the range of motion of the patient on the Recording the Tracings
recording area of the plates in X and Z directions. The
Y coordinate can be displayed linearly to check the The classical movements for the orthopedic and
range of lateral movements. standard functional analyses are available from a menu
with numbered options. Entering the number auto-
Locating the Hinge Axis matically transfers the corresponding text from the list
to the record of the next recording to be made.
A rotational opening movement of at least 10 mm
1. Open/Close
is necessary to locate the hinge axis. The stylus, when
2. Protrusion/Retrusion
not on the hinge axis position, makes an arc that the
3. Mediotrusion, Right-unguided
computer uses to calculate the center of a circle. This
4. Mediotrusion, Left-unguided
center is the hinge axis. When pathological conditions
5. Mediotrusion, Right-guided
(diskopathies, bony alterations) preclude such move-
6. Mediotrusion, Left-guided
ment, i.e., when only translational movement is pos-
7. Electronic mandibular position
sible, the computer calculates a geometric hinge axis
indicator (EMPI)
position. It also determines the direction and distance
to the calculated position. On the screen the hinge axis The recordings listed above are standard options that
appears as a circle, the stylus position as a cross. By are always available. They can be augmented with
turning the screws of the lower face-bow, the cross subsequent unlimited recordings typed into the record.
can be moved precisely to the hinge axis position. The Usually speech, mastication, swallowing, and bruxing
distance is indicated to an accuracy of one hundredth recordings are made with a duration of either four and
of a millimeter. When both styli are close to the hinge one-half or nine seconds. These recordings may dem-
axis, the screen changes to a close-up view (zooming onstrate functional patterns. The rotational or trans-
option). In living systems it is not possible to set the latory character of movement in speaking, as well as
hinge axis to an accuracy of 0.01 mm; it should lie asymmetries and avoidance patterns, can be observed.
within 0.2 mm. The patient initiates the movement after the operator
Having found the hinge axis, one should perform presses the foot switch. The beginning of the recording
another check to ensure reproducibility. This may be is signalled by a beep; the end is indicated by a second
done by slight opening/closing in rotation and watch- beep. The recording is immediately displayed on the
ing the axis point, which should not move during pure screen for assessment and can be either saved or de-
hinging movement. leted. HCI from the protrusive-retrusive movement



and the Bennett angle of mediotrusion can be used for computerized system can thus be used to document
articulator programming. the progress of physical therapy.
The electronic device allows the superimposition of Color-coded time curves offer additional help. The
several curves in different colors. This display is much uppermost line indicates the distance in millimeters
more detailed and accurate than in mechanical axiog- covered by the X, Y, and Z coordinates during four
raphy because the lines are much thinner and tracings and one-half seconds. The distance "s," the linear
are magnified on the screen. pathway from reference position, is also projected.
Superimposing different curves permits the exact The middle diagram shows the Bennett angle and HCI
verification of the reproducibility of joint movements. as functions of time. The lowest row represents the
The superimposition of border movements and func- velocities of the X, Y, and Z coordinates and the
tional movements like mastication or speech can be distance "s" in millimeters per second. These curves
of great value in the differential diagnosis of avoidance show the true distance traveled in space and the ac-
mechanisms (Figure 5). celerations in the X, Y, Z, and "s" directions. A
One major advantage of computerized axiography vertical line can be moved in intervals of one-tenth
is that it permits the plotting of Bennett movement. seconds, and the coordinates of each point on the curve
The dial gauge of the mechanical device is not easy can be determined. Bringing the curves in relation with
to work with, especially when the TMJ is unstable the fourth dimension, time, offers important diagnostic
(Figure 6). information and is more in accordance with a living
The graph of the axis movement consists of lines system (Figure 8).
recorded in 0.5-second steps during incursive and ex- A cursor can be moved on the axiographic tracings
cursive movement. The tips of both styli are at the displayed on the screen. By using the arrow keys on
end of these lines, and the distance between the lines the keyboard, the cursor can be moved continuously
represents left to right movement coordination. The or in one-tenth to nine-tenths second intervals. Hinge
curve at the top represents the view from above onto axis movement in time and in space can thus be ob-
the hinge axis in excursion; second curve from the top, served, which makes it possible to recognize asym-
shows incursion. The two lower graphs represent the metries and evaluate the continuity of movement. In
anterior view of the excursive and incursive movement combination with the time curves, this provides valu-
(Figure 7). able diagnostic clues.
Joints with early stages of discopathies usually move The advantages of the computerized system will be
more slowly than healthy joints or they may be stopped demonstrated on one special case. The analysis of the
by obstacles. Muscular imbalance can be detected when axiographic tracings on the screen permitted the de-
there are no reproducible superimposed tracings and tection of pathologies that had never been observed in
when speed changes show an undulating pattern. The mechanical axiography.
Figure 9 shows an opening-closing movement of
protrusion/retrusion average quantity and characteristics. There is a click-
+Y ing phenomenon that has never been observed using

~E t~
the mechanical device because of the thickness of the
X I 1....-+--+1
;: : : : : :
lead of the recording pencil. The protrusive movement
I I I I )o
does not reveal the clicking phenomenon, but it ap-
pears again in the chopping movement of mastication.
*** phenomenon that appears in the rotational, but not
in the translatory, movement (protrusion) indicates
changes in the lower joint space (in this case on the
head of the condyle). The magnetic resonance imaging
of the temporomandibular joints showed cystic changes
on the right condyle.

Electronic Mandibular Position Indicator (EMPI)

The EMPI offers the same data as the mechanical

Figure 5
The superimposition of two protrusive movements shows the good position indicator. The EMPI mode contains a num-
reproducibility in this case. bered listing of standard recordings.





-Y +Y


10 ~ !I I 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
I > X


recht• linka
1 62.52 9.47 .86 19.94 53.30 -49.73
2 70.35 6.31 72.15 10.20 60.11 26.31
3 71.1!15.38 75.33 5.75
4 71.25 4.13 75.86 5.50
5 72.84 3.83 71.90 5.02
6 70~U 3.31 72.73 5.66
7 68.86 2.98 70.77 5.15
8 69.83 3.47 68.90 5.14
9 67.42 3.99 68.-49 4.87
10 66.30 4.09 67.14 4.82

Figure 6
Mediotrusion right of a healthy joint with a continuous increase of the Bennett-angle values.

I. RCP-ICP sition on the incisal table), delta L (anterior-posterior

2. Resilience distance of incisal pin position on the incisal table),
3. Estimated therapeutic position delta W (left-right distance of incisal pin position on
4. Power bite the incisal table), GAMMA (rotational angle of hinge
5. Ideal vertical position axis). The delta data are immediately displayed after
6. ICP-ICP after opening the EMPI record is made and can be saved or deleted
(Figure 10).
An unlimited number of additional recordings can RCP-ICP data can be transferred directly from CA-
be made. These recordings can also be done at four DIAX to CADIAS. HCI and Bennett movement are
and one-half or nine-second intervals. The EMPI mea- transferred. All tracings including EMPI evaluation
sures the difference between any two hinge axis co- can be seen on the screen or can be plotted. Further-
ordinate positions. Data are collected only at the initial more, data for articulator programming and the waxing
and final positions of the recording. technique may be printed on a laboratory sheet. The
The values are indicated as delta x (the deviation computer calculates HCI from protrusion-retrusion and
in the frontal plane), delta y (the deviation in the trans- the Bennett angle from mediotrusion. When the cusp
verse plane), and delta z (the deviation in the vertical coordinates are fed into the system, the inclination
plane). Each value is given for the right and left side: angles of the cusps can be printed on the laboratory
delta H (computer-calculated height of incisal pin po- sheet.




+Y -.40 ~ 20 .co -Y
-Y +Y

_:f 4 I I> X El
f:. -Y
I 2 3 4 5 & 7 B 9 10 10 +Y -.40 -a
I I I > X <I

----- -·····.
4, 4

7 +Y -a .co -Y
-.40 20

~ L
+Z +Z

z It
tY ... -a 20 .co -Y


Figure 7
Opening and closing movement of a healthy joint. The right graph represents the axis movement.


~ f\ ~1 fl
I I •••> time <sec> in t
•••> time <s
I 2 4


5I 5I
1!1 ~ 1!1
time <sec) in mm/sec
I. I 4

Figure 8
Time curves of healthy joints during opening and closing movement.




+Y -41 -a liD 40 -Y


~·if~ I I I I I I I > X .ZI I I I I I I I I I

t X
I 10 10 I I 7 I I l 40 -Y
1 I 3 4 5 I 7 I
-~ X c!l I I I I • I>
7 +Y .... -10 ~ ID 40 -Y
'" I k1i~~ I>
R L --·-·-----
- -·---::=·:.:.::-===:
- ·------
- - ·-- "*§d
+Z +Z

Figure 9
Clicking phenomenon during the opening and closing movement.

The computerized axiograph should be considered screen. Small changes like initial disk displacements
an integral part of the differential diagnostic and treat- cannot be diagnosed with the mechanical device be-
ment system. The medical approach to computerized cause of the thickness of the recording pencil.
axiography is that of an orthopedic examination of the By means of different analytical options, various
temporomandibular joints. parameters, such as axis movement in space, accel-
eration, deceleration, HCI, Bennett angle, and rotation
of the hinge axis, can be displayed for simultaneous
Conclusion assessment. This can be instrumental in the differential
diagnosis of muscular or ligament problems. Repro-
Computerized axiography permits the recording of ducibility can be checked by means of standardized
mandibular movement and offers analytical systems examination or superimposition options. This system
for evaluation. Data of both temporomandibular joints permits the measurement and qualification of tracings
can be compared simultaneously in relation to changes of the hinge axis and helps determine the character-
in space and time. istics of paths. The records can be used directly for
A major advantage of the computerized system lies articulator programming. The system facilitates or-
in the enlarged diagram of the tracings on the computer thopedic quantifying diagnostics at a high level of



hU· lU' ni.::SIUENCE

dXR-= 0.26
dXR• o.o8 dZR-= o. i2
dZR- o. i6
dXL• o. i6
dZL• 0.22
dY• 0.03
dH- -LA7
dlf• -o. i&
dL• i.i9
.,z +w+z tt•ill1m
dZL-= o.5A
dH= -i.67
dW.. -o. i6
dla i.Ai
Ga11ma-= -o •73
I +z
---1--- If
+z tt-tln:tl


SaMa• -o.65
dXR.. -o. i2

+~+ I
dXR- 0.00 dZR• o. i3
dZA- dXLa o.i6

+z + +z
dXLa O.OA ~---X X
dZLc 0.22
dZL• O.iB dY• -o.o5
dY• -O.Oi dH• LOO +z x 1 +z

dH- 2.82 dWa -O.Ai tt•tmm
dlfa -0.02 tt-t 111m dl• -0.7i it•tmm

dl• -2.06
If tt•3mm Ga11111a• o•.w

dXR- 0.20 ICP -> pcwerbite

dZR- 0.32 dXR= o.os
dXL• o.!A dZRa o.o8
dZL• o.26 dXL= -o. i7
dY= o.oo dZL• -0.06
dH= -3.27
dill• -0.07
sa•· -i.AA
+z ++•z tt•tmm
dY• o.oo
dH= -3.25
dlf• 0.47
dL• 2.29
J +z
- - If
+z tt-1111111

Gaua• -L A3


ICP - ICP aTter- opening

dXRa -o.Ao
dZR• -o. i3
dXL• o.o6
dZL• o.oo
dY• -0.06
dH-= 0.83
dlf• -0.62 +z x I +z tt·••

dL• -o.7a
Gallmaa o. 36

Figure 10
Plotting of the electronic mandibular position indicator (EMPI).

accuracy and is helpful in treatment planning and in and speech, for instance, can reveal avoidance mech-
the evaluation of therapy. anisms and functional asymmetries.
The double stylus system ensures the accurate de-
Reprint requests to:
termination of the hinge axis position and also allows Eva Piehslinger, M.D., D.D.S.
an exact evaluation of rotational capacities. Not only University of Vienna-School of Medicine
Universitiitsldinikfor Zahn-Mund und Kieferheilkunde Wien
border movements but also functional movements can I 090 Wien, Wlihringerstrasse 25a
be of diagnostic value. The recordings of mastication Vienna, Austria



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