smart contact management

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(An Autonomous Institution, affiliated to VTU, Belgaum, Aided by Government of Karnataka)
Near Jnana Bharathi Campus, Mallathalli, Bangalore – 560056

Project Report





Under the guidance


Research Professor, Dept of AI ML

Dr. AIT, Bengaluru

Department of Information Science & Engineering


Outer Ring Road, Near Jnana Bharathi Campus
Mallathalli, Bengaluru-560056
Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 1
(An Autonomous Institution, affiliated to VTU, Belgaum, Aided by Government of Karnataka)
Near Jnana Bharathi Campus, Mallathalli, Bangalore – 560056

This is to certify that this project report entitled “SMART CONTACT
(1DA21IS062) submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the 6th
semester seminar for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science
& Engineering of Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, during the
academic year 2023-24, is a bonafide record of work carried out under my guidance
and supervision.

Signature of the Guide Signature of HOD Signature of Principal

Dr Ajay Prakash B V Dr. M V Vijayakumar Dr.C Najundaswamy

Professor Head of the Department Principal
Dr. AIT Dept. of ISE, Dr. AIT Dr.AIT

External viva:

Name of the examiners with date Signature

Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 2


We, ADARSH KUMAR [1DA21IS003], NISCHAL H N [1DA21IS062] student

Of 6th semester B.E, Department of Information Science and Engineering,

Dr . AMBEDKAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Bengaluru hereby declare

that the project work entitled “SMART CONTACT MANAGER” has been duly

executed by me under the guidance of Dr . AJAY PRAKASH B V Professor,

Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Dr . Ambedkar

Institute of Technology, Bengaluru and submitted in partialfulfilment of the

requirement for the award of Bachelor of Engineering Degree in DEPARTMENT



Date :08/06/2024 ADARSH KUMAR [1DA21IS003],

Place : Bangalore NISCHAL H N [1DA21IS062]

Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 3


The satisfaction that accompanies to this report would be incomplete without the mention of the people
who made it possible, without whose constant guidance and encouragement would have made our
efforts go in vain.

We consider ourselves privileged to express our gratitude and respect towards all those who guided us
through the project, “SMART CONTACT MANAGER ”.

We would like to express our profuse gratitude to Dr. C. Nanjundaswamy , Principal, Dr. AIT, for
providing us the congenial environment to work in.

We would like to express our profuse gratitude to Dr. M. V. Vijayakumar, HOD, Dept. of Information
Science & Engineering, Dr. AIT, for giving us the support, encouragement and providing us the
required lab facilities that was necessary for the completion of this project.

As a token of gratitude, we would like to acknowledge our sincere gratefulness to the internal guide
Mr Ajay Prakash B V , Research Professor, Dept. of ISE, Dr. AIT for the unlimited support and
encouragement provided throughout the process .

We also express our gratitude and sincere thanks to all the teaching and non-teaching staff of
Information Science & Engineering Department.

Finally, yet importantly, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our beloved Parents
and Friends for their help and wishes for the successful completion of the project.



Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 4


The purpose of Contact Management System is to automate the existing manual system by the help of
computerized equipment’s and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so that
their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing and
manipulation of the same. The required software and hardware are easily available and easy to work

Contact Management System, as described above, can lead to error free, secure, reliable and fast
management system. It can assist the user to concentrate on their other activities rather to concentrate
on the record keeping. Thus it will help organization in better utilization of resources. The
organization can maintain computerized records without redundant entries. That means that one need
not be distracted by information that is not relevant, while being able to reach the information

The aim is to automate its existing manual system by the help of computerized equipment’s and full-
fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so that their valuable data/information can be
stored for a longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same. Basically, the project
describes how to manage for good performance and better services for the clients.

Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 5



1.1 Objective 7

1.2 Overview 7

1.3 Scope of the Project 8

1.4 Modules of Contact Management System 9

1.5 Existing System of Contact Management 9

1.6 Proposed System 10




4.1 : Functional Requirements 13

4.2 : Non Functional Requirements 13

4.3 : Software Requirements 13

4.4 : Hardware Requirements 14


5.1 : Architecture 17

5.2 : Project Implementation 18


6.1 : Screenshot 19


7.1 : References 24


A contact manager is a software program that enables users to easily store and find contact information,
such as names, addresses and phone numbers. A contact manager is software designed to organize and
track contact information. It stores customer and prospect details, including notes, tasks, events, issues,
documents, and communication activities associated with them.

A contact manager is a crucial tool for anyone who deals with a large number of contacts, whether in a
personal or professional capacity. It serves as a centralized database for storing and organizing contact
information, making it easily accessible whenever needed.

A contact manager is a software application or tool designed to efficiently store, organize, and manage
contact information. It typically includes details such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email
addresses, and any other relevant information about individuals or organizations you interact with.

Contact Management System, as described above, can lead to error free, secure, reliable and fast
management system. It can assist the user to concentrate on their other activities rather to
concentrate on the record keeping. Thus, it will help organization in better utilization of resources.

Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 6

1.1 Objective
The main objective of the Project on Contact Management System is to manage the details of Contact,
Credential, Telephone, Profile, Emails. It manages all the information about Contact , Mobile, Emails,
Contact. The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only The administrator is guaranteed
the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for
managing the Contact, Credential, Mobile, Telephone .It tracks all the details about the Telephone,
Profile, Emails

Every organization, whether big or small, has challenges to overcome and managing the information of
Credential, Contact, Profile, Mobile, Emails. Every Contact Management System has different Contact
needs therefore we design exclusive employee management systems that are adapted to your
managerial requirements. This is designed to assist in strategic planning, and will help you ensure that
your organization is equipped with the right level of information and details for your future goals. Also,
for those busy executives who are always on the go, our systems come with remote access features,
which will allow you to manage your workforce anytime, at all times. These systems will ultimately
allow you to better manage resources.

1.2 Overview

Regardless of your business size, you may maintain an extensive list of contacts database. This list
will include important information regarding your customers, leads, suppliers, vendors, and channel
partners. As your business expands, your list will keepon growing.

However, maintaining such a long list in a spreadsheet or on your phone is challenging.In addition, it
will be difficult to extract the requisite information about leads and determine selling patterns.

In today’s age, it will be an intelligent move to adopt efficient software to help manageall the contacts
and their data. A robust system will create a proper workflow for your team members and provide
them with the right direction to close deals and sell more.
Also, when a new employee takes over the sales position in your company, they willhave the
information at hand from day one.

It takes months to find a customer.but seconds to lose one.

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1.3 Scope of the Project

Contact Management

A Smart Contact Manager allows users to easily create, edit, and organize their contacts in one place.
Ability to categorize contacts into groups or lists (e.g., friends, family, clients) for better organization
and segmentation. Users can add basic information such as name, email address, phone number, and
other relevant details about the contact.

Security and Privacy

Smart Contact Managers ensure that user data is secure and private. They may provide features such as
encryption, password protection and multi-factor authentication to protect users' data from
unauthorized access Contact management is the process of recording contacts' details and tracking their
interactions with a business. Such systems have gradually evolved into an aspect of customer
relationship management (CRM) systems, which allow businesses to improve sales and service levels
leveraging a wider range of data.

Communication Integration

Seamless integration with communication channels like email, phone, and messaging platforms to
initiate and track interactions directly from the contact manager. This integration helps users manage
their contacts more efficiently and effectively. A Smart Contact Manager allows users to customize the
interface to suit their preferences. Users may be able to choose between different themes, layouts and
settings to make the application more usable for them.

Access contacts from any device

All your contact records are online and optimized for mobile. Away from the office, but need to
retrieve a prospect's cell number that's on your desktop computer? Just access the online contact
manager from your iOS or Android device through the native app.

Maintain distinct classifications

Often misdialling your contacts? Enter our contact manager. The contact input section permits separate
entries for a person's professional and personal contact info, so you'll never be confused about which
number to call.

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Importing and Exporting Contacts

Smart Contact Managers often allow users to import contact data from various sources such as CSV
files, social media platforms or other applications. They may also have options to export contact data
into various file formats such as PDF, Excel or CSV.


A Smart Contact Manager allows users to customize the interface to suit their preferences. Users may
be able to choose between different themes, layouts and settings to make the application more usable
for them.

1.4 Modules of Contact Management System

 Profile Module : Used for managing the Profile information

 Contact Management Module: Used for managing the Contact details.

 Emails Module : Used for managing the details of Emails

 Mobile Module : Used for managing the details of Mobile

1.5 Existing System of Contact Management System

In the existing system the exams are done only manually but in proposed system we have to
computerize the exams using this application.

 Lack of security of data .

 More man power.

 Time consuming.

 Consumes large volume of pare work.

 Needs manual calculations

 No direct role for the higher officials

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1.6 Proposed System
The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The proposed system can
overcome all the limitations of the existing system. The system provides proper security and reduces
the manual work.

 Security of data

 Ensure data accuracies

 Proper control of the higher officials

 Minimize manual data entry.

 Minimum time needed for the various processing.

 Greater efficiency

 Better service

 User friendliness and interactive

 Minimum time required.

Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 10



A literature review is an overview of the previously published works on a specific topic.

The term can refer to a full scholarly paper or a section of a article. Either way, a
literature review is supposed to provide the author and the audiences with a general
image of the existing knowledge under the question .

Human memory is an everlasting research topic. In the late nineteenth century, Herman
Ebbinghaus conducted a series of long-term memory experiments quantifying the rate at
a which people forget [5], which proved the unreliable nature of human memory. Due to
this reason, researchers have taken much effort on human memory aids. Aiming at
reducing the impact of forgetfulness on social occasions, the bulk of computer-based
memory aid tools have been developed. The most popular method is to create lifelogs
via several different approaches. For instance, the ―Forget-me-not‖ project used
physique sensors [6]; the ―Remembrance agent‖ lever aged text-based methods [7];
Vemuri et al. developed an audio-based personal memory aid tool [8]; the ―Wear
Cam‖[9] and ―Sense Cam‖ [10] achieved via video-based approaches. These research
projects could solve the general memory problem in people’s lives, e., forgetting what I
did or what I was going to do. items in a data archive for future retrieval. One principle
to be followed here is that we should lighten the burden of users on memory cue
collection (i. Manual effort should be minimized) [5]. However, auto collection of
memory cues is nontrivial. It largely depends on the behaviour of the target user group
and the availability of data sources. In other words, for different user groups, the
information that can be collected is different. For example, for those who are active in
social network sites (e., Twitter, Facebook), we can extract more information (e., friend
lists, favourites) about them from the Web. In what follows, we choose the contact name
memory problem, and use the academic community to illustrate the above issues. To
enhance memory recall using memory cues. We explore the feature-specific nature of
memory recall and propose a generic methodology to extract memory cues from
heterogeneous, multi modal, physical/virtual data sources. Specifically, we intend to do
the following .

Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 11



In simple terms contact manager will help you to manage contacts better. when I was a
kid I have seen my father scribbling diaries with phone numbers and notes. That was the
contact manager for him .
Time has changed and now the diaries have transformed into mobile phones and tablets .
But he wasn’t a salesman he had limited contacts. For the salesman the competition has
turned to cool into a real thriving technology .

A Contact Manager helps your team members coordinate and handle all the customer
information and their interactions through the software in a structured manner.

With detailed information, the sales team can monitor the effectiveness of their sales and
analyze future planning.

A contact manager is not only about handling contacts but it also about:

Managing tasks and events , Scheduling meetings and appointments ,Managing

organizational documents ,Campaigning for prospects ,Addressing customer
issues ,Follow-ups with leads, Sharing documents and reports with your
customers .

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4.1 Functional requirements:

The functions which are required for a system to run.

 Login

 Employ management

 Employ report

 Logout.

4.2 Non-functional requirements:

These are the conditions under which the system works to get the desired functionality such as the
efficiency, reliability, usability requirements. System analysis is a process of gathering and interpreting
facts, diagnosing problems and the information about the Contact Management System to recommend
improvements on the system. It is a problem-solving activity that requires intensive communication
between the system users and system developers. System analysis or study is an important phase of any
system development process. The system is studied to the minutest detail and analysed. The system
analyst plays the role of the interrogator and dwells deep into the working of the present system.

4.3 Software Requirements

 Project Type: Web-Based Application

 Front-end Tech: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

 Back end Tech : Java

 Database Tool: MySQL

 Frame Work : Spring Framework

 OS: Windows 8 and above, Linux and Mac compatible.

 Browser: Internet explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari

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4.4 Hardware Requirements

 Processor: x86 compatible processor with 1.7 GHz Clock Speed

 RAM: 512 MB or greater

 Hard Disk: 20 GB or grater

 Monitor: VGA/SVGA

 Keyboard: 104 keys standard

 Mouse: 2/3 button. Optical/Mechanical.

MySQL Database
In a Smart Contact Manager project, a MySQL database can be used to store all the contact information
for each user. The application can use the Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) to interact with
the database and perform CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations on the data.

To create a new contact, the application would first validate the input data to ensure that all required
fields have been filled out correctly. Once the input has been validated, the application would create a
new row in the Contact table and insert the contact information into the appropriate fields.

To retrieve a list of contacts for a given user, the application would query the Contact table using the
user's unique identifier, such as their user ID or email address. The result set would include all the
contacts that belong to that user, which can then be displayed on the contact page in the application.

If a user wants to update a contact's information, they would need to first retrieve the contact from the
Contact table using its unique identifier, such as its ID or email address. They can then modify the
relevant fields and update the row in the table with the new information.
Similarly, if a user wants to delete a contact from their list, the application would simply delete the
corresponding row from the Contact table. If the contact is associated with any tags or categories, the
application would also remove the appropriate entries from the Tag or Category table.

Overall, using a MySQL database in a Smart Contact Manager project can help ensure that contact
information is stored securely and efficiently, while also providing a flexible and scalable platform for
managing large amounts of data.

Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 14

Spring Freamework

The Spring framework (which is commonly known as Spring) This framework uses various new
techniques such as Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), Plain Old Java Object (POJO), and
dependency injection (DI), to develop enterprise applications, thereby removing the complexities
involved while developing enterprise applications using EJB, Spring is an open source lightweight
framework that allows Java EE 7 developers to build simple, reliable, and scalable enterprise
applications. This framework mainly focuses on providing various ways to help you manage your
business objects. It made the development of Web applications much easier as compared to classic
Java frameworks and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), such as Java database connectivity
(JDBC), Java Server Pages(JSP), and Java Servlet.

The Spring framework can be considered as a collection of sub-frameworks, also called layers, such
as Spring AOP. Spring Object-Relational Mapping (Spring ORM). Spring Web Flow, and Spring
Web MVC. It is a lightweight application framework used for developing enterprise applications.
You can use any of these modules separately while constructing a Web application. The modules
may also be grouped together to provide better functionalities in a Web application. Spring
framework is loosely coupled because of dependency Injection.

IoC container:

Refers to the core container that uses the DI or IoC pattern to implicitly provide an object
reference in a class during runtime. This pattern acts as an alternative to the service locator
pattern. The IoC container contains assembler code that handles the configuration
management of application objects.
The Spring framework provides two packages, namely org springframework beans and org
springframework context which helps in providing the functionality of the IoC container.

Data access framework:

Allows the developers to use persistence APIs, such as JDBC and Hibernate, for storing
persistence data in database. It helps in solving various problems of the developer, such as
how to interact with a database connection, how to make sure that the connection is closed,
how to deal with exceptions, and how to implement transaction management It also enables
the developers to easily write code to access the persistence data throughout the application.

Spring MVC framework:

Allows you to build Web applications based on MVC architecture. All the requests made by a
user first go through the controller and are then dispatched to different views, that is, to
different JSP pages or Servlets. The form handling and form validating features of the Spring
MVC framework can be easily integrated with all popular view technologies such as ISP,
Jasper Report, FreeMarker, and Velocity.

Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 15

Spring Web

Spring makes it easy to create Java enterprise applications. It provides everything you need to embrace
the Java language in an enterprise environment, with support for Groovy and Kotlin as alternative
languages on the JVM, and with the flexibility to create many kinds of architectures depending on an
application’s needs.

Spring supports a wide range of application scenarios. In a large enterprise, applications often exist for
a long time and have to run on a JDK and application server whose upgrade cycle is beyond developer
control. Others may run as a single jar with the server embedded, possibly in a cloud environment. Yet
others may be standalone applications that do not need a server.
Spring is open source. It has a large and active community that provides continuous feedback based on
a diverse range of real-world use cases. This has helped Spring to successfully evolve over a very long

Provide choice at every level. Spring lets you defer design decisions as late as possible. For example,
you can switch persistence providers through configuration without changing your code. The same is
true for many other infrastructure concerns and integration with third-party APIs.

 Accommodate diverse perspectives. Spring embraces flexibility and is not opinionated about how
things should be done. It supports a wide range of application needs with different perspectives.

 Maintain strong backward compatibility. Spring’s evolution has been carefully managed to force few
breaking changes between versions. Spring supports a carefully chosen range of JDK versions and
third-party libraries to facilitate maintenance of applications and libraries that depend on Spring.

 Care about API design. The Spring team puts a lot of thought and time into making APIs that are
intuitive and that hold up across many versions and many years.

 Set high standards for code quality. The Spring Framework puts a strong emphasis on meaningful,
current, and accurate javadoc. It is one of very few projects that can claim clean code structure with no
circular dependencies between packages

If you are just getting started with Spring , you may want to begin using the Spring Framework by
creating a Spring Boot-based application. Spring Boot provides a quick (and opinionated) way to create
a production-ready Spring-based application. It is based on the Spring Framework, favours convention
over configuration, and is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 16


Representation State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used
for creating web services .REST API is a way of accessing web services in a simple and flexible way
without having any processing

REST :Technology is generally preferred to the more robust Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
technology because REST uses less bandwidth, simple and flexible making it more suitable for
internet usage. It’s used to fetch or give some information from a web service. All communication
done via REST API uses only HTTP request.

Working : A request is sent from client to server in the form of a web URL as HTTP GET or POST
or PUT or DELETE request. After that, a response comes back from the server in the form of a
resource which can be anything like HTML, XML, Image, or JSON. But now JSON is the most
popular format being used in Web Services.

 GET : The HTTP GET method is used to read(or retrieve) a representation of a resource. In the
safe path, GET returns a representation in XML or JSON and an HTTP response code of 200
(OK). In an error case, it most often returns a 404 (NOT FOUND) or 400 (BAD REQUEST).

 POST : The POST verb is most often utilized to create new resources. In particular, it’s used to
create subordinate resources. That is, subordinate to some other (e.g. parent) resource. On
successful creation, return HTTP status 201, returning a Location header with a link to the newly-
created resource with the 201 HTTP status.

 PUT : It is used for updating he capabilities. However, PUT can also be used to create a resource
in the case where the resource ID is chosen by the client instead of by the server. In other words,
if the PUT is to a URI that contains the value of a non-existent resource ID. On successful update,
return 200 (or 204 if not returning any content in the body) from a PUT. If using PUT for create,
return HTTP status 201 on successful creation. PUT is not safe operation but it’s idempotent.

 PATCH :It is used to modify capabilities. The PATCH request only needs to contain the changes
to the resource, not the complete resource. This resembles PUT, but the body contains a set of
instructions describing how a resource currently residing on the server should be modified to
produce a new version. This means that the PATCH body should not just be a modified part of
the resource, but in some kind of patch language like JSON Patch or XML Patch. PATCH is
neither safe nor idempotent.

 DELETE :It is used to delete a resource identified by a URI. On successful deletion, return
HTTP status 200 (OK) along with a response body.

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In this phase a logical system is built which fulfils the requirements . Design phase of software
development deals with the transforming the clients requirement into a logically working system
Normally design is performed in the following steps

The system contains the wire and edit modules which is used to maintain create the contact’s .
The delete contact module and the read and search module to show the contact’s .
The figure explains how the flow goes based on the creating and displaying the information .

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5.2 Project Implementation

A smart contact manager application would typically display a list of all the contacts that have been
added to the user's account. Each contact would be displayed as a separate card or entry containing
basic information about the contact, such as their name, email address, phone number, and any other
relevant details.

In addition to displaying the contact information, the contact page might also include various options
for interacting with the contacts. For example, there might be buttons or links to edit or delete
individual contacts, as well as options to filter or search the contact list based on specific criteria.
This is a learning Project, the main Objective of this project to create an application which stores
contacts in very efficient way and provides a smarter way of handling contacts with fully
Authentication and Authorization. We created this project using Spring Boot Thymeleaf with MVC
Architecture and for Authentication and Authorization we have used Spring Security.

 Spring Boot is used to develop back-end and Spring Data JPA is used for performing Database
CRUD operations.
 HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and Thymeleaf as template Engine is used to develop the front end.
 MySQL for Database.

For someone who wants to run this application in their IDE's (system or Machine) can simply
download and run this without any changes in configuration..

To add a new contact

To add a new contact in a smart contact manager project, the user would typically navigate to the
contact page and click on a button or link to create a new contact. This would open a form where the
user can enter the relevant details about the new contact, such as their name, email address, phone
number, and any other relevant information.

Once the user has entered all the necessary information, they would typically click on a "save" or
"submit" button to save the new contact to their contact list. The application would then validate the
input data and add the new contact to the database.

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In conclusion, effective contact management is indispensable in today's interconnected world, both for
personal and professional endeavors. The ability to organize, update, and leverage a comprehensive
database of contacts not only enhances efficiency but also fosters stronger relationships and maximizes

Firstly, organized contact management ensures that all essential information about contacts is readily
accessible. This includes not just basic details like names and phone numbers, but also preferences, past
interactions, and important notes that can personalize future engagements. Such thorough organization
facilitates smoother communication and more meaningful interactions, ultimately strengthening
professional networks and personal relationships.

Secondly, modern contact management tools offer advanced features that go beyond simple data
storage. Integration with email and calendars allows for seamless scheduling and follow-up, ensuring
that important tasks and meetings are never overlooked. Automated updates and reminders further
enhance productivity by keeping contact information current and relevant.

Moreover, effective contact management is a proactive strategy for success. By maintaining organized
databases, individuals and businesses can anticipate needs, spot trends, and capitalize on opportunities
more effectively. Whether it's identifying potential clients, nurturing existing partnerships, or
expanding networks, a well-managed contact list serves as a valuable asset

 Database Programming with JDBC and Java by O'Reilly
 Java and Software Design Concepts by Apress

Dept of ISE, Dr. AIT 2023-2024 24

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