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January Summary Report

H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School

8125 167 St. NW, Edmonton, AB T5R 2T7
Phone: 780-489-5490
School Website:
Division Website:
Principal: Leon Vandendooren

Assessment of Learning
Mina, Sophia Isabel Candelaria
Grade: 7
ECSD Number: 2708077 Alberta Student Number: 307125682
Semester 1, Sep 05, 2023 to Jan 31, 2024

Message from the Chair of the Board of Trustees and Chief Superintendent
Edmonton Catholic Schools offers the gift of an excellent, publicly funded Catholic education to our families. Each day, our students have the opportunity
to engage in a variety of learning experiences that help them to discover their fullest potential as children of God and to grow in relationship with Jesus.
This progress report offers a snapshot of your child’s growth and achievement to this point in the year. It is an important document that can help to
support conversations about learning between caregivers, teachers, and students. On behalf of the Board of Trustees and Administration, thank you for
choosing our division to serve your family.

Sandra Palazzo, Chair, Board of Trustees Lynnette Anderson, Chief Superintendent

Printed On: Jan 31, 2024 Page 1

Grades 1 - 12 Levels of Achievement
Level of
Achievement Criteria

The student...
• Demonstrates an in-depth and/or insightful understanding of the learning outcomes from the program of studies
Standard of • Applies concepts in learning situations deliberately and/or independently; the student reliably transfers
Excellence • understanding to new contexts
• Demonstrates precision and/or creativity in applying skills and strategies between concepts to approach new learning situations

The student...
• Demonstrates a comprehensive and/or thoughtful understanding of the learning outcomes from the program of studies
Proficient • Applies concepts in learning situations intentionally and/or logically and can routinely transfer understanding to new contexts
Standard • Demonstrates flexibility and/or purpose in applying skills and strategies to approach new learning situations

The student...
• Demonstrates a rudimentary and/or satisfactory understanding of the learning outcomes from the program of studies
Acceptable • Applies concepts in learning situations with scaffolded guidance and support; the student is inconsistent in transferring
Standard understanding to new contexts
• Demonstrates functional and/or straightforward skills and strategies to approach new learning situations; application of skills
and strategies may be inconsistent and/or predictable.

The student...
• Demonstrates a simplistic and/or minimal understanding of the learning outcomes from the program of studies
Beginning • Applies concepts in learning situations with repeated guidance and support; the student is not yet able to transfer
Standard understanding to new contexts
• Lacks skills and strategies to approach new learning situations; demonstrates uncertainty and/or difficulty in acquiring skills
and strategies

Accommodations are a change or alteration in the regular way a student is expected to learn, complete assignments, or participate in classroom activities. If your child
is using specific accommodations, it will be noted within the summary report, on specific assignments that accommodations are being used, and where applicable
within the Individualized Program Plan (IPP).

The Adapted Programming (ADP)/ English Language Learner (ELL) special codes are used for individual programming that retains the learning outcomes of the
K-12 Program of Studies where adjustments to the instructional process are provided to address the special education and/or language needs of the student and differ
from the expectations of the Program of Studies for the student’s enrolled grade. Within the Summary Report you may see the special codes ADP/ELL instead of a
level of achievement beside a grade level reporting standard and final grade.

The Insufficient Evidence to Assess (IEA) special code is used when the teacher was unable to determine student learning on part or all of the reporting
standard/leaning outcome. IEA may be used instead of a level of achievement beside a reporting standard and a final grade. Sign into PowerSchool for further details.

In the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP), subject group objectives correspond to assessment criteria. Each criterion has eight
possible achievement levels (1-8), divided into four bands that represent limited (1-2); adequate (3-4); substantial (5-6); and excellent (7-8) performance. Each band
has its own unique descriptor, as shared by your school, that informs teachers' professional judgment regarding students’ progress and achievement. The MYP
achievement levels are not factored into the student's final grade.

For more information about assessment, grading, and levels of achievement, visit

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Unless otherwise stated, the student is assumed to be working at the enrolled grade level.
School: H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School Term: Semester 1, Sep 05, 2023 to Jan 31, 2024
Student: Mina, Sophia Isabel Candelaria ECSD #: 2708077 Grade: 7 Homeroom: 07E

Religious Education 7 (H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School ) (09/06/23 - 01/31/24)
Abs: 4.00 Lt: 1.00 H. Carlson
Mark: 98
Understands that the church venerates Mary the Mother of God and promotes devotion to the saints Standard of Excellence
throughout the Liturgical Year.
Demonstrates an understanding that when faced with a moral choice in our lives, the judgement of our Standard of Excellence
conscience can be right or wrong.
Explains why the Church believes the “Our Father” is a “summary of the whole Gospel”. Standard of Excellence

English Language Arts EAP 7 (H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School ) (09/06/23 - 01/31/24)
Abs: 6.00 Lt: 1.00 A. Stevens-Miller
Mark: 94
Explores thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences Standard of Excellence
Comprehends and responds personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts Standard of Excellence
Manages ideas and information Standard of Excellence
Respects, supports and collaborates with others Standard of Excellence

Mathematics EAP 7 (H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School ) (09/06/23 - 01/31/24)
Abs: 5.00 Lt: 0.00 A. Contessa
Mark: 98
Demonstrates number sense by using divisibility rules, percents, fractions and operations Standard of Excellence
Collects, displays and analyzes data to solve problems Standard of Excellence

Science EAP 7 (H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School ) (09/06/23 - 01/31/24)
Abs: 5.00 Lt: 0.00 G. Chin
Mark: 83
Unit 7A: Investigates and describes ecosystems, methods for observing ecosystems, and how human activities Proficient Standard
affect ecosystems
Unit 7B: Investigates and describes plants and their role in the environment, and how humans have learned to Proficient Standard
use plants sustainably
Unit 7D: Investigates structures by examining the properties of materials used, and examines structural Proficient Standard
strength and stability in various conditions
Communication and Teamwork: Works collaboratively on problems; and uses appropriate language and Standard of Excellence
formats to communicate ideas
Initiating and Planning: Asks questions and plans investigations about the relationships between and among Standard of Excellence
observable variables

Social Studies EAP 7 (H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School ) (09/06/23 - 01/31/24)
Abs: 5.00 Lt: 0.00 J. Bates, D. Irwin
Mark: 86
Demonstrates an understanding of the roles and relationships among the Aboriginal, French and British Proficient Standard
peoples in forging the foundations of Canadian Confederation.

Construction 7-CTF (H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School ) (09/08/23 - 01/31/24)
Abs: 3.00 Lt: 0.00 M. Klopoushak
Mark: SE
Explores interests, passions and skills while making personal connections to career possibilities Proficient Standard
Plans, creates, appraises and communicates in response to challenges Standard of Excellence

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Unless otherwise stated, the student is assumed to be working at the enrolled grade level.
School: H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School Term: Semester 1, Sep 05, 2023 to Jan 31, 2024
Student: Mina, Sophia Isabel Candelaria ECSD #: 2708077 Grade: 7 Homeroom: 07E

Construction 7-CTF (H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School ) (09/08/23 - 01/31/24)
Abs: 3.00 Lt: 0.00 M. Klopoushak
Mark: SE
Works independently and with others while exploring careers and technology Standard of Excellence
Comment: Good work Sophia. I appreciate the effort you have put forward in completing this course.

Health and Life Skills 7 (H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School ) (09/06/23 - 01/31/24)
Abs: 4.00 Lt: 0.00 H. Carlson
Mark: SE
Relationship Choices: develops effective interpersonal skills that demonstrate responsibility, respect and Standard of Excellence
caring in order to establish and maintain healthy interactions
Wellness Choices: makes responsible and informated choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self Standard of Excellence
and others

Music Instrumental 7 (H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School ) (09/06/23 - 01/31/24)
Abs: 3.00 Lt: 1.00 K. Smith
Mark: SE
Performing: Performs music Standard of Excellence
Listening: Applies listening skills to respond to, evaluate and analyse music, and enhance performance Standard of Excellence
Reading: Reads music as appropriate to grade level Standard of Excellence
Affective Skills: Demonstrates knowledge of the instrument and/or voice, to develop musical skills, use Standard of Excellence
appropriate techniques, and care

Physical Education 7 (H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School ) (09/06/23 - 01/31/24)
Abs: 4.00 Lt: 0.00 A. Contessa, K. Deciembre
Mark: PF
Acquires basic locomotor, stability and manipulative skills Proficient Standard
Interacts positively with others Proficient Standard
Safety: follows rules for safe movement experiences Standard of Excellence

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