_NPTA_ Future Tense - Bài Tập

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Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of will or be going to

1. A: We are thirsty. - B: Wait here. I .......... get some water.

2. A: What’s on your agenda for next week? - B: I .......... volunteer at a local
charitable center.
3. A: Meat or fish? - B: I .......... have some fish, please.
4. A: What do you want the ladder for? - B: I .......... change the lightbulb.
5. A: Why do you want so many bricks? - B: I .......... construct a new house.
6. A: Omg! I’m late. - B: If you don’t take a taxi, you .......... arrive on time.
7. A: We need one more player. - B: .......... you play with us tomorrow?
8. A: Why are you grabbing the cookbook? - B: I .......... try out a new recipe.
9. A: The car is out of gas. - B: Don't worry. I .......... fill it up on my way home.
10. A: I’m really cold. - B: I .......... turn the heating on.
11. A: We don’t have any bread. - B: I know. I .......... get some from the shop.
12. (The phone rings) - A: I .......... get it!
13. A: Why is she learning Spanish? - B: She .......... travel to Spain.
14. A: Oh! I haven’t got enough money to pay! - B: Don’t worry. I .......... lend you
15. A: Are you going to John’s party tonight? - B: Yes. Are you going too? I ..........
give you a lift.
16. A: Why do you need to borrow my suitcase? - B: I .......... visit my mother in
Scotland next month.
17. A: What are your plans after you leave university? - B: I .......... work in a hospital
in Africa. I leave on the 28th.
18. A: Are you ready to order? - B: I can’t decide. Okay, I .......... have the steak,
19. A: Why are you carrying a hammer? - B: I .......... put up some pictures.
20. A: We don’t have any bread. - B: Really? I .......... get some from the shop then.
21. A: I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. - B: Oh, I forgot about that. I ..........
drive you there.
22. A: Are you busy tonight? Would you like to have coffee? - B: Sorry. I .......... go to
the library. I’ve been planning to study all day.
23. A: The plants look thirsty. - B: I see. I .......... water them right away.
24. A: This bag is heavy. - B: Don't strain yourself. I .......... carry it for you.
25. A: We're running out of milk. - B: No problem. I .......... pick some up from the
Exercise 2: Choose the correct answers A, B, C

1. Should you encounter any issues? Don’t worry, I .......... you.

● A. will assist
● B. am going to assist
● C. have assisted
2. I’m going to the grocery store. I think .......... eggs and coconut milk.
● A. I will have bought
● B. I will buy
● C. I am going to buy
3. Which costume .......... you .......... for the Halloween party tonight?
● A. is – wearing
● B. are – going to wear
● C. will – wear
4. I believe she .......... the situation when you explain it to her.
● A. will understand
● B. am going to understand
● C. both
5. The wind is blowing hard. It .......... any minute now.
● A. will rain
● B. is going to rain
● C. is raining
6. I'm sure she .......... you once she understands your reasons.
● A. forgives
● B. will forgive
● C. is going to forgive
7. It’s very late! Hurry up or we .......... the bus.
● A. are missing
● B. will be missing
● C. will miss
8. I signed up for for a group fitness class. I .......... my schedule next week.
● A. will start
● B. will have started
● C. am going to start
9. In five years time, I .......... as a marketer at a renowned company.
● A. will work
● B. have worked
● C. am going to work
10. Where are you going?
● A. I am going to see my grandparents
● B. I will see my grandparents
● C. both
11. Juice or water?
● A. I’m going to have water, please
● B. I will have water, please
● C. both
12. Do you think he .......... a souvenir I got for him?
● A. will like
● B. is going to like
● C. like
13. I have decided. I .......... drinking alcohol.
● A. will stop
● B. stop
● C. am going to stop
14. Look out! She .......... that window.
● A. is going to break
● B. will break
● C. is breaking
15. I think the exam .......... very difficult, so we can study together to prepare.
● A. will be
● B. is going to be
● C. is
16. I feel dreadful, I .......... be sick.
● A. am going to
● B. will
● C. both
17. Tonight, I .......... stay in. I’ve rented a video.
● A. am going to
● B. will
● C. both
18. I completely forgot about it. Give me a moment, I .......... it now.
● A. am going to do
● B. will do
● C. am doing
19. Joy .......... a mother next month.
● A. become
● B. is going to become
● C. will become
20. That’s the phone. - I .......... it.
● A. am going to answer
● B. will answer
● C. answer

Exercise 3: Put the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1. Johnny (be) .......... 25 next Sunday.

2. I pre-order the album 2 days ago. I (get) .......... it tomorrow.
3. I want to give my mother a big surprise. I hope she (like) .......... this present.
4. My aunt (have) .......... a baby.
5. A: “I can't find my wallet.” - B: “I (help) .......... you look for it. Do you remember
where you put it?”
6. Stay right here. I (pick) .......... you up in 10 minutes.
7. She (visit) .......... her grandparents next weekend.
8. They promise they (cheer) .......... for their varsity football team at the next home
9. I .......... (be) the convenient store now. Do you need anything?
10. The concert (begin) .......... at 7:30 p.m. Don't be late!
11. Next year, I (graduate) .......... from university.
12. If it rains tomorrow, we (stay) .......... indoors and watch movies.
13. They have made a decision. They (lose) .......... weight next year.
14. We (not/ go) .......... to the beach if the weather is bad.
15. In 2025 people (buy) .......... more hybrid cars. will buy
16. Look at the clouds! It (rain) .......... soon.
17. If you eat too much before bedtime, you (have) .......... nightmares.
18. We (fly) .......... to Thailand in June.
19. If he studies hard, he (pass) .......... the exam.
20. The train (arrive) .......... at the station in about 10 minutes.

Exercise 4: Complete the following sentences using the suggested

words and conjugate the verbs correctly

1. you/ believe/ they/ win/ the champion?

=> ..............................................................................
2. We/ probably/ visit/ grandparents/ next weekend.
=> ..............................................................................
3. Jenny/ angry/ if/ he/ tell/ secret/ everyone.
=> ..............................................................................
4. You/ know/ what/ Sarah/ want/ do/ after/ she/ complete her internship/ ?/ she/
pursue/ official employee/ within company?
=> ..............................................................................
5. The kids/ not/ be/ hungry/ just/ eat/ lunch.
=> ..............................................................................
6. Susan/ learn/ drive/ car/ she/ buy/ next month.
=> ..............................................................................
7. The restaurant/ prepare/ special/ dish/ celebrate/ anniversary.
=> ..............................................................................
8. The film/ start/ 7 PM/ don't/ be/ late.
=> ..............................................................................
9. The team/ perform/ well/ in the upcoming match?
=> ..............................................................................
10. We/ go/ to/ beach/ weekend/ whether/ be/ good.
=> ..............................................................................
11. I/ expect/ that/ they/ arrive/ around 7 PM.
=> ..............................................................................
12. If/ you/ not/ start/ now/ you/ not/ finish/ on time.
=> ..............................................................................
13. She/ think/ that/ they/ have/ a good chance/ to win.
=> ..............................................................................
14. We/ already/ plan/ what/ we/ do/ for the weekend.
=> ..............................................................................
15. The weather/ forecast/ say/ it/ rain/ tomorrow.
=> ..............................................................................
16. She/ not/ want/ eat/ sweet cakes/. / I/ think/ consume/ vegetables.
=> ..............................................................................
17. You/ bring/ coat/ weather/ be/ cold.
=> ..............................................................................
18. father/ know/ my bike/ break/, / so/ he/ fix/ this afternoon.
=> ..............................................................................
19. friends/ stay/ here/ until/ finish/ project.
=> ..............................................................................
20. I/ hope/ finish/ assignment/ soon/ I/ have/ plans/ weekend.
=> ..............................................................................

Exercise 5: Choose the correct word to complete the sentence

1. My friend will have/ is going to have a date with his lover tonight.
2. I doubt that he will pass/ is going to pass the MOS test.
3. I will participate/ am going to participate in a badminton tournament next week. I've
been practicing rigorously to improve my skills.
4. ‘I haven’t got my wallet.’ ‘That’s OK. I will pay/ am going to pay it for you.’
5. Will you lend me $50? I promise I will transfer/ am going to transfer it to your bank
account soon.
6. Ring! Ring! I will check/ am going to check who rang the doorbell.
7. You won’t like/ aren’t going to like that boring film. Let’s switch the channel.
8. Sit up straight or you will regret/ are going to regret it when you are older.
9. Hurry up! we will miss/ are going to miss the bus!
10. If we miss the bus, we will take/ are going to take a taxi.
11. The fried eggs are burnt. I will try/ am going to try to omelete the eggs again.
12. I think our team will win/ is giong to win the match.
13. In 2055, robots will be/ are going to be the teachers.
14. We will have/ are going to have a barbecue tomorrow. It’s all planned, so I hope it
won’t rain.
15. ‘Jun’s starting university tomorrow.’ - ‘What will he study/ is he going to study?’
16. Tonight, we will have/ are going to have a birthday party for my brother.
17. Sponge Bob will work/ is going to work at the Crabby Party tonight.
18. You dropped your coat – I will pick/ am going to pick it up for you.
19. Gemma can’t carry that heavy bag – Will you help/ Are you going to help her,
20. It’s Julia’s birthday next week, so we will buy/ are going to buy her some flowers.

Exercise 6: Complete the letter/ text below using the simple future or
the near future form of the verbs in brackets

Hi Mark,
I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share some news about my plans for the near
Firstly, I (1) .......... (change) my apartment. The current one is too small for my needs,
and I've found a more spacious place in the city center. I've already signed the lease,
and the moving process (2) .......... (happen) next week.
Along with the change of residence, I (3) .......... (start) a new job in a couple of
I recently had a successful interview, and I've accepted an offer from a company that
aligns better with my career goals. I'm excited about the opportunities that this change
(4) ........... (bring).
To prepare for the move and the new job, I (5) .......... (tidy up) my current place and
declutter unnecessary belongings. It's essential for me to have a fresh start in my new
I (6) .......... (travel) much in the next few weeks due to these changes, but once
everything settles down, I (7) .......... (more time) and would love to catch up. Perhaps
we can plan a get-together after I've settled into my new place.
Looking forward to hearing your updates as well.

Tomorrow is my friend Jenny’s birthday, and we are planning a surprise party for her.
I have already bought a beautiful necklace as a gift for her. At the party, we (1) ..........
(sing) “Happy Birthday” and give her the present.
In the morning, we (2) .......... (decorate) the house with colorful balloons and
streamers. Jenny’s favorite color is blue, so we (3) .......... (make sure) to have a lot of
blue decorations. I (4) .......... (bake) her favorite cake, a chocolate fudge cake, which
I’m sure she (5) .......... (love).
Some of our friends are traveling from out of town to attend the party. They (6) ..........
(arrive) in the afternoon. Once everyone is here, we (7) .......... (play) some fun party
games and take lots of photos to capture the special moments.
Jenny has no idea about the surprise, and I’m certain she will be thrilled when she
walks into the decorated house. I hope everything goes smoothly, and we all have a
fantastic time celebrating her birthday.
It (8) .......... (be) a memorable day, and I can’t wait for tomorrow to come!

Exercise 7: Complete these sentences.

1. This time next year I (live)______ in Paris.
2. At 10PM tonight I (eat)_________ dinner with my friend.
3. They (run)________ for about five hours. Marathons are incredibly difficult!
4. Unfortunately, I (work)______ on my essay so I won’t be able to watch the match.
5. She (study)_________ at the home tonight.
6. (you/wait)______ at the station when he arrives?
7. I (drink)_________ at the pub while you are taking your exam!
8. (she/visit)________ her Grandfather again this week?
9. At 10PM I (watch)__________ that movie on channel four.
10. (they/attend)____________ your concert next Monday? It would be lovely to see
11. They are staying at a hotel in Paris. At this time tomorrow, they (travel) ________
to London.
12. When they (come) _______ tomorrow, we (swim) _________ in the sea.
13. My parents (visit) __________ Da Nang at this time next month
14. Burnig (sit) __________ on the plane at 10 pm tomorrow.
15. At 10 o’clock this morning my friends and I (watch) _________ a famous film at
the cinema.
16. She (play) __________ with her son at 10 o’clock tonight.
17. She (work) __________ at this moment tomorrow.
18. We (make) __________ our presentation at this time tomorrow morning.
19. The pilot __________ an aeroplane 20000 ft above the surface level. (fly)
20. Why ____ he________ driven his bike at the speed of 135mph? (not)
21. She will __________ to Paris to meet her parents. (go)
22. I ____ have _____ to cut my hairs into this kind of hairstyle. (decide)
23. They ___________ an award for the best dance performance. (receive)
24. The teacher ____ not ________ in their college premises. (look)
25. He ___________ all the messages before his girlfriend’s arrival. (delete)
26. Before he enters the bedroom, the thief ___________ from there. (escape)
27. ____they ___________ from the goa tour? (return)
28. I will have ________ him his pending amount by the date. (give)
29. She will have _______ her dinner on time. (eat)
30._____ the principal ________ his application for organizing a sports event?
31. Both of them ___________ this month. (marry)
32. Players ___________ their game in the hot climate. (play)
33. I ___________ three shirts from this shop. (purchase)
34. He ___________ in front of local people. (beat)
35. They ___________ a cricket kit for their team. (buy)
36. ____ they ___________ outside an office? (stand)
37. She _______________ in the shrubs in a forest. (hide)
38. I _____ have ____ all the bills of this month. (pay)
39. ____ she ____________ with her husband in the bedroom? (sleep)
40. He ____________ his car for over 800 kms. (drive)
41. Raghav _______________ his article for the newspaper. (write)
42. Poor children _____________ food by our foundation. (give)
43. We both __________ at the college premises for a little misunderstanding. (fight)
44. I _____________ anything to you about my plan. (not/say)
45. She ___________ a lot on the global warming issue. (speak)
46. We ____________ our most of the time in this restaurant. (spend)
47. She ____________ her favourite parrot in the cage to save her from cats. (keep)
48. You _________ have _____ anything about me from now. (not/hear)
49. How many posts _________ you _________ by 5 o’clock? (to write)
50. What _________ he _________ by tomorrow? (to finish)
51. Where _________ they _________ by Monday? (to be)
52. How many cups of tea _________ she _________ by the end of the day? (to
53. What _________ you _________ when I come home? (to cook)
54. How many books _________ they _________ by the end of the year? (to read)
55. How _________ she _________ to pack all her stuff by 2 o’clock? (to manage)
56. What _________ the children _________ by the evening? (to eat)
57. Who _________ I _________ by midday? (to meet)
58. How many mushrooms _________ we _________ before it gets dark? (to gather)
59. By the end of the week I ______ (work) here for four months.
60. By the end of this month we _______ (live) together for six years.
61. By the end of the term she _______ (study) for nine years.
62. By midnight we _______ (play) this computer game for 48 hours.
63. She _______ (take) on the phone for the last couple of hours.
64. They _______ (look for) me all night long.
65. He _______ (play) soccer all day long.
66. You ________ (watch) TV all the time.
67. He _______ (not sleep) all morning.
68. Will they _____ (wait) for 2 hours?
69. By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we _____ (drive) more than four
hundred miles. We are going to be exhausted.
70. When Sarah goes on vacation next month, she _______ (study) German for over
two years. She should be able to communicate fairly well while she is in Austria.
71. I have not traveled much yet; however, I _________ (visit) the Grand Canyon and
San Francisco by the time I leave the United States.
72. By the time you finish studying the verb tense tutorial, you ________ (master) all
twelve tenses including their passive forms.
73. Drive faster! If you don’t hurry up, she ______ (have) the baby by the time we get
to the hospital.
74. In twenty years’ time most people _____ (use) the Internet.
75. By this time next year we ______ (move) into our new house.
76. When he retires, he ______ (work) for fifty years.
77. By 2050 holidaymakers _____ (travel) to the Moon.
78. As soon as we reach the coast, we _____ (sail) for a week.
79. They ______ (build) the station by November.
80. I ______ (look) for a new job while you are in Madrid.
81. He will come back in the summer. By then he ______ (stay) in Cork for two years.
82. At midnight the speakers ______ (present) their projects for ten hours.
83. When we go to see our kids, they ______ (be) at the camp for a fortnight.
84. In fifty years’ time thousands of species ______ (disappear) from this planet.
85. In a few hours’ time we _____ (sit) on the plane.
86. I’ll meet you at four o’clock. – At four? I’m afraid I _____ (teach) English.
87. We _____ (replace) the wheels before you come back from the shop.
88. I’m sorry, we can’t come tonight. We _____ (watch) the new documentary on TV.
Exercise 8: Complete the text below using the simple future or
the near future form of the verbs in brackets

Simona: Margaret is really going to speak Spanish well when she gets back from that
school in Mexico.
Isabelle: Hopefully! She (take) _____ classes for more than six months.
Simona: She is going to be able to speak Spanish with some of our Latin American
Isabelle: Good. Two clients from Peru (visit) ______ us next month when Margaret
returns. We
need someone to entertain them while they are here.

Jason: I am leaving!
Nurse: If you would please wait, the doctor will be with you in ten minutes. The
doctor is
having some problems with a patient.
Jason: The doctor was having problems with that patient an hour ago. If I wait another
minutes, I am sure he (have, still) _____ problems with her. By the time he’s finally
ready to see
me, I (wait) _____ for more than two hours.

Frank: What are you going to be doing tomorrow at five?
Debbie: I (paint) _____ my living room walls.
Frank: Still? How long have you been working in your living room?
Debbie: Forever. By the time I finish, I (redecorate) ______the living room for over a
Frank: Too bad. I was going to ask if you wanted to see a movie. What about the day
Debbie: Sorry, I (move) _____ furniture and (put) _____up drapes.

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